The World Online

Chapter 21: Rogue Camp (Part 1)


On the 20th day of the first month of the first year of Gaia, a militia team of fifty members had assembled in the barracks. Standing on the temporary high platform, Ouyang Shuo began to mobilize before the battle.

"Soldiers, it is I, the lord of Shanhai Village, who is speaking to you. Five days ago, a battalion of bandits appeared in the sphere of influence of our territory. They are large in number and well-equipped. We have few soldiers and no weapons. There are Those who are afraid can stand up now and don’t have to go.”

"Soldiers, you have to remember! From the moment you step into the barracks, you are no longer the farmers who planed in the field, and you will be forever cut off from the life of the past with your face turned to the loess and your back to the sky. What are you? ?You are soldiers carefully selected by the territory, and the mission of the soldiers is to defend the country! Now, the villagers are watching you, watching their soldiers. Whether it is a worm or a dragon, it depends on this battle! Are you afraid? Not afraid?"

"Don't be afraid!" All the militiamen responded loudly, and there was no coward.

"Do you have confidence?"


"Very good, let's go!"

Under the leadership of Shi Wansui, the militia left the barracks in an orderly manner. In four days, the militia team was not only fully staffed, but all levels were raised to the full level of level 10. Ouyang Shuo has been leveling with them for the past few days, and his level has also been raised to level 14.

Just this morning, news came from the soldiers in charge of monitoring the bandit camp. Early this morning, the second leader of the rogue camp took twelve elite rogues and twenty ordinary rogues out to plunder. All of a sudden, nearly half of the forces of the Rogue Camp were gone. Faced with such a good opportunity, Ouyang Shuo certainly would not let it go. Immediately summon the militia team and go straight to the base camp of the rogue camp.

Of course, even if so many people go out, the strength of the remaining personnel in the rogue camp is comparable to that of the militia. In order to reduce unnecessary casualties, Ouyang Shuo adopted some strategies. He planned to let San Gouzi lead a fire militia, with soft food, Qiao Zhuang became a refugee, and deliberately passed outside the camp of the rogues. The rest of the people were all in ambush behind the hillside three miles away from the bandit camp.

Half an hour later, the team rushed to the back of the predetermined hill and began to rest on the spot. Ouyang Shuo called San Gouzi to him, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "San Gouzi, be smart later, don't be caught up by their cavalry. Remember, don't go too far Close to the camp. Their camp has guard towers, and anyone who appears within a kilometer will be detected by them."

San Gouzi is the smartest of these militiamen, and he runs fast. At this time, not only was there no fear, but very excited. "My lord, don't worry. I can't do anything else, I'm definitely good at running, hehe!"

Ouyang Shuo kicked him, said with a smile: "Stinky boy, see if you can, get out of here!"

San Gouzi smiled and set off with the other nine people who had already disguised themselves. They have to make a big circle from the side first, and then pretend to be refugees trekking from the opposite direction. Otherwise, it is easy to reveal the stuffing. These rogues can survive in the wilderness, but they are not easy people, all of them are like human beings. A commander who treats the enemy as a fool is a real fool.

Twenty minutes later, Sangouzi and the others were less than a kilometer away from the Rogue Camp, and appeared in the sight of the Rogue Camp sentry. The sentinel looked at the group of refugees without thinking much about it. Hurry down and report that there is a group of ten people who have thrown themselves into the trap, not far from the camp.

The leader of the bandit camp was busy exchanging feelings with the girl he snatched last time, and when he heard that there were only ten people, he said impatiently: "Damn it, come to me just for this shit, don't you want to?" Alive?! Tell Zhao Liu to take a few people to deal with it."

Then Zhao Liu was an elite rogue, and he looked very excited after receiving the order. He directly ordered the other four rogues, mounted their horses, and rushed out of the camp.

San Gouzi is also clever, as soon as he reached a thousand meters away from the Liukou camp, he stopped. Pretending to recognize the rogue camp, with a look of panic on his face, he turned around and ran away with the rest of the people.

Zhao Liu laughed out loud when he saw the flustered look of the refugees in front of him. Instead of chasing quickly, he slowed down and fell behind San Gouzi and the others in a leisurely manner. Get ready to play a game of cat and mouse and tease these homeless bastards.

After a while, this group of people appeared in Ouyang Shuo's field of vision one after the other. Seeing the playful expression on Zhao Liu's face from a distance, Ouyang Shuo let out a hey in his heart: You bastards who don't know how to live or die, I'll make you all pay for your arrogance later.

When Zhao Liu and the others were only a hundred meters away from the hillside, the ambushing militiamen suddenly rushed out from behind the hillside. Under the unified password, everyone gathered the spears in their hands and threw them at the bandits.

Shi Wansui stood aside, bent his bow and set up an arrow, and shot the leader Zhao Liu off his horse with a whoosh. Forty spears formed a dense formation, and before the rogues could react, they shot them into hedgehogs.

Victory in the first battle naturally boosted morale. Ouyang Shuo arranged for Lin Yi to lead people to pack up the loot, and at the same time completely deal with the rogues who were still alive.

Because everyone's spears were aimed at the bandits on horseback, the five horses, except for one wounded, the rest were intact. Besides the horses, the five bows are the most useful trophies. Ouyang Shuo checked the attributes of these spoils.

[Name]: Ordinary war horse (black iron level)

[Load]: 50 kg

[Speed]: 30km/day

[Consumption]: 3 units of grain/day

[Evaluation]: This is a war horse that can barely go to the battlefield.

[Name]: Ordinary single wooden bow (black iron level)

[Length]: 1.2 meters

[Range]: 150 meters

[Evaluation]: As a raw material, ash wood is bent and shaped, and a string made of deer tendon is tied, and a single wooden bow is made. So, don't expect too much from its power.

Ouyang Shuo arranged for two militiamen to bring the five horses back to the village. Five bows are just allocated to five fire chiefs, one for each. It's a pity that, except for Lin Yi and Zhang Daniu, who have basic archery skills, it's the first time for everyone else to touch the bow.

After quickly cleaning the battlefield, the team went straight to the base camp of the Rogue camp without stopping. Ouyang Shuo wanted to take the lead in attacking before the bandits could react. This time, the balance of strength has tilted. Among the twenty elite rogues, twelve went out, and five died in battle. There are at most three elite rogues staying in the camp, so there is nothing to worry about.

Before leaving, Ouyang Shuo secretly ordered Shi Wansui to hand over the big boss to Lin Yi to deal with the battle later. His main duty is to take advantage of the range of the birch bow to kill the elite rogues on the opposite side. Then cover the militia team to avoid major casualties.

When he was 300 meters away from the bandit camp, Shi Wansui drew his bow and arrow on his horse, and directly killed the two sentries. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ouyang Shuo ordered the large army to advance quickly and directly charged into the bandit camp. Entering the camp, the rogues have not yet assembled, and the camp is in a panic.

Shi Wansui rushed to the front, he was like a humanoid killing machine, unrivaled. Stimulated by Shi Wansui, the morale of the militia suddenly reached its peak. The soldiers no longer had any fear, and followed Shi Wansui closely, fighting with those ordinary rogues. On the other hand, on the side of the rogues, the camp was suddenly attacked, and was intimidated by Shi Wansui's supernatural power, and morale was immediately low.

At this moment, the leader of the Rogue Camp finally put on his equipment, and rushed out of the room with a big ax in hand. Lin Yi saw that there was no need for Ouyang Shuo's order, so he rushed up and fought with the big boss.

The strength of the two is equal, but one uses an axe and the other uses a long spear. As the saying goes, an inch is long and an inch is strong, and the two of them fight together, and the judgment will be judged. In less than 20 rounds, Lin Yi seized a flaw in the big boss, pierced the big boss's chest like lightning, and killed him.

Seeing their leader stabbed to death by Lin Yi, the rogues had no intention of fighting any more, and fled in all directions. It's a pity that the camp was not big at all, so they escaped, and they were killed one by one by five fire chiefs and their men soon after. As for the three elite rogues, they were shot to death by the vigilant Shi Wansui.

The battle came quickly and ended quickly. After the war, an inventory was made, and the militia team seriously injured two people and slightly injured twelve people. Fortunately, no one died. Even if the two players who were seriously injured were cured, they probably would not be able to go on the battlefield again. Ouyang Shuo could only reluctantly arrange for them to retire. The twelve people who were slightly injured should be fine after applying golden sore medicine and bandaging them up for a few days.

Through the extermination of the Rogue Camp this time, Ouyang Shuo's level was directly raised to level 18 like a rocket. He took the opportunity to check his personal attributes.

[Name]: Qiyue Wuyi

[Title]: Celebrity (increase the favorability of historical figures by 10%)

[Territory]: Shanhai Village

[Merit]: 1300/1600 [Title]: Third Viscount

[Occupation]: Military general (part-time)

[Level]: Level 18 (652100/723860) [Reputation]: Famous (1200/10000)

[Root bone]: 18 [Intellect]: 20 [Fortune]: 5 [Charm]: 8

[Commander]: 26 [Force]: 8 [Intelligence]: 8 [Politics]: 26

[Talent]: not activated

[Cultivation method]: none

[Skills]: Intermediate collection, elementary shipbuilding, elementary diplomacy, elementary scouting, elementary weapon proficiency, basic riding, basic marksmanship, basic archery

[Mount]: Inferior war horse (bronze level)

[Equipment]: Inferior Iron Spear (Bronze Grade), Ring of Courage (Black Iron Grade)

When Ouyang Shuo checked the properties, Shi Wansui had already led people to clean up the battlefield. In the game, NPCs cannot be resurrected after death, and their corpses will not be kept for a long time.

Normally, after an NPC dies, the corpse remains for an hour. During this period, if someone collects his body for him, he can be taken to the cemetery for burial. Otherwise, they will all turn into white light and disappear, just like the corpses of these rogues now. This also reflects the humanized design of the game, otherwise, at the end of the game, after a battle, tens of thousands of corpses will seep into people.

This time, in the extermination of the rogue camp, countless supplies of various materials were seized, and it was not easy to count for a while. In addition, Ouyang Shuo also planned to take all the women and children from the bandit camp back to the territory. After a rough count, there were thirty-two women and three children, a total of thirty-five.

These women and children are basically those who stayed after the rogues robbed the village to serve them. These people can not only quickly replenish the population of the territory, but also improve the population structure of the territory to a certain extent.

More than 80% of the refugees detected by the system in the early stage were adult males. According to the logic of the system, since he is a refugee, it is natural that stronger adult males are more likely to survive. As for the old and weak, women and children, most of them cannot survive in the wilderness.

As for whether these women will find someone to marry and have children after they return to the territory. Then Ouyang Shuo was not prepared to intervene, everything was decided by the villagers themselves. As the lord, all he can do is to ensure that they will not be discriminated against in the territory, and at the same time guarantee their personal safety and personal freedom.