The World Online

Chapter 25: basic benefits


On the twenty-fourth day of the first month of the first year of Gaia, it was sunny.

Ouyang Shuo galloped through the wilderness riding the Black Whirlwind. Since he got this steed, he has to ride it to let the wind in the territory every morning. Compared with the narrow stables, Black Whirlwind obviously prefers the vast wilderness. Spread your hooves, and run to your heart's content in the morning sun.

By the Friendship River, 2,000 mu of farmland has been reclaimed. It is neat and square, and the edge cannot be seen at a glance. The water in the Friendship River is led to the farmland through ditches to form a simple and practical irrigation system. Farmers are burying potato seedlings one by one in the ground in anticipation of a bountiful harvest.

Ouyang Shuo rode his horse and walked past the farmland, looking at the continuous farmland and the farmers who were busy working in the farmland. He seemed to see hope, the hope of harvest. The territory's food in the first half of this year can be solved entirely by these potatoes. He took a general look at it. According to the current progress, it is estimated that all the potatoes will be planted tomorrow.

He is very satisfied with the efficiency of the Agricultural Reclamation Department. Zhao Dexian is indeed a talent, whether it is the previous construction team or the current agricultural reclamation department. He manages everything in an orderly manner, and has never disappointed Ouyang Shuo, the lord. Ouyang Shuo believed that after such experience, Zhao Dexian would be qualified for more important positions and become his important assistant.

Riding the horse back from the farmland, he returned to the village in less than half an hour. Two archery towers had been erected on both sides of the village entrance, and two crossbow cavalrymen took turns stationing on each arrow tower, firmly guarding the gate of the village.

Passing through the gate of the village entrance, you can see the commercial street that has already taken shape. Elementary grocery stores, intermediate blacksmith shops, intermediate carpentry workshops, advanced tailor shops, and advanced martial arts halls stand on both sides of the street, bringing vitality to the territory.

That's right, it's a high-level tailor shop and a high-level martial arts gym, not a junior tailor shop and a junior martial arts gym. This is related to the setting of building levels in the game. In the game, all buildings can be divided into five categories.

The first category is buildings that purely provide living space, such as simple fences, residential courtyards, arrow towers, ferries, and stables. There is no hierarchy for this type of building, and it is what it is after it is built, and it cannot be upgraded again. If you want to replace it, you can only dismantle and rebuild. For example, the simple fence can be removed and a stronger masonry wall can be built.

The second category is productive buildings such as blacksmith shops, tailor shops, carpentry workshops, martial arts halls, and medical halls. To realize its function, this kind of building mainly depends on the skill level of skilled personnel. For example, for a blacksmith shop, it is not the level of the shop itself that determines whether it can only make farm tools or weapons, but the skill level of the blacksmith in the shop.

The level of this type of building is directly linked to the level of skilled personnel. For example, after Li Tiezhu, a junior blacksmith, was promoted to an intermediate blacksmith, the junior blacksmith shop was also promoted to an intermediate blacksmith shop.

The third category is buildings like shipyards. To realize its functions, this kind of building depends not only on the level of skilled personnel, but also very much on the facilities of the building itself.

Still take the shipyard as an example, even if there is a senior shipbuilder, but because the facilities such as the shipyard itself are still rudimentary, the level of the shipyard is still rudimentary. The promotion of this type of building needs to meet the dual requirements of the skill level of skilled personnel and the level of the building itself.

The fourth category is buildings like village temples, ancestral halls, primary markets, and primary military camps. To realize its function, this kind of building does not need skilled personnel at all, but relies on the building itself to realize its function. Therefore, the upgrade of this type of building can only be achieved by relying on higher-level architectural blueprints.

The fifth category is resource-gathering buildings like rudimentary logging camps, rudimentary quarries, and rudimentary mining sites. The level of this type of building is related to the amount of resources stored and the number of people mining it. If the reserves of resources are abundant enough, then as long as the number of people mining increases, they can be promoted directly.

According to the setting of the game, those with less than 100 people are beginners, those with more than 100 and less than 500 are intermediate, those with more than 500 and less than 1,000 are advanced, and those with more than 1,000 are special.

After crossing the commercial street, Ouyang Shuo returned to the office. On the desk, there was a document, which was Shi Wansui's plan for the defense of the beast's siege territory.

He was in no hurry to read the document. When I passed by the commercial street just now, I saw the old clothes on the villagers. He suddenly realized that something should be done for them. The villagers work hard every day, and what I provide them is nothing more than a full meal.

He still remembered the promise he had made when Zhao Dexian and his party came to Shanhai Village: Let the villagers have clothes to wear, food to eat, houses to live in, and fields to cultivate.

The villagers are still wearing the tattered clothes they wandered here, and even a daughter like Cui Yingyou doesn't have decent clothes. Now, there is Mu Qingsi, a senior tailor. It just so happens that the capital of the territory is still relatively abundant, it's time to improve everyone's clothing conditions.

"Er Wazi!" Ouyang Shuo called out the door.

"Hey!" Erwazi was playing in the courtyard, when he heard Ouyang Shuo calling him, he quickly responded and ran into the office in a hurry.

"Go and invite your sisters Cui and Mu to my office and tell me that I have something to discuss."

"Okay!" Erwazi responded readily, and trotted out of the office.

Taking advantage of this time, Ouyang Shuo began to look through the defense plan prepared by Shi Wansui for the siege of the city. In this plan, Shi Wansui explained in detail the defense strategy of the territory. Its core content can be summed up in eight words: active defense and active offense.

Active defense is to expand the scope of defense to the entire territory of the territory. Specifically, it is necessary to arrange multiple trap defense chains outside the village on the basis of doing a good job in village defense.

Beasts are still beasts after all, unlike human armies that possess advanced intelligence. When wild beasts attack a city, they must be in a state of rage and loss of reason. Taking advantage of this, randomly arrange dark pits in the territory, insert sharpened wooden thorns in the pits, and keep them so that the crazy beasts can't eat them and walk around.

To take the initiative to attack is to give full play to the advantages of the crossbow cavalry. You can't hide in the village and kill monsters passively, but take advantage of the flexible and fast characteristics of the cavalry to take the initiative to attack and fight guerrilla warfare.

After reading the plan, Ouyang Shuo nodded secretly, approving Shi Wansui's strategy.

Ten minutes later, Cui Yingyou and Mu Qingsi came hand in hand. After these few days of getting along, the two became sisters who talked about everything. The depth of affection is even closer than that of big brother Ouyang Shuo.

"Brother, you asked my sister and me to come over, what important matter do you have to discuss?" Mu Qingsi joked with Ouyang Shuo as soon as she entered the door. After getting along with each other for the past few days, I feel that the elder brother of the lord is approachable. She is no longer as shy as before, and has become generous.

"Of course there is something important to do, otherwise, I wouldn't dare disturb our Miss Qing'er." Ouyang Shuo was not to be outdone, and teased her. This little girl has become more and more lawless since she found out her own nature. Although there is a reason for her deliberate connivance, she can't be allowed to be too naughty.

"Ah!" After being teased by Ouyang Shuo in reverse, the girl was finally a little embarrassed. After all, his nature is like this, he muttered to himself: "Hmph, bad brother, he will make fun of Qing'er, you are bad!"

Seeing Mu Qingsi's temper as a child, Ouyang Shuo couldn't help but think of his own sister Ouyang Bing. Although there is a gap in age between the two, they are equally innocent, charming and cute. Thinking about it, after Bing'er also entered the game, the two of them would definitely be able to play.

Ouyang Shuo ignored her muttering, and turned to look at Cui Yingyou, "Your, you two are here this time to do something important for the territory. This matter requires the cooperation of you and Qing'er."

Cui Yingyou looked at Ouyang Shuo suspiciously, and asked, "I don't know what big brother is planning?"

"That's right. Didn't we get 32 gold coins from the Rogue Camp last time? Excluding the 10 gold coins used to buy the architectural drawings, there are still more than 20 gold coins left. In addition, Qing'er's tailor shop has also officially opened. I will I was wondering if I could buy a batch of linen from the primary market and buy a new set of clothes for every villager in the territory. It can also be regarded as a special reward from the territory for everyone's hard work during this time."

Cui Yingyou raised her eyebrows and smiled, and said sincerely: "Brother, this is a great move. Does every villager that Big Brother refers to refer to the existing villagers, or include the villagers who will join in the future?"

"This treatment, I am going to include it in the basic welfare of the territory, so it is a long-term policy. I made a promise to the villagers when the village was built. As a lord, it is natural to do what you say. There were no conditions before. , now that you have the conditions, naturally you can’t break your promise.”

When Mu Qingsi heard this, she stared at Ouyang Shuo with a pair of big eyes, her face full of admiration, "Wow, brother, Qing'er found that she admired you more and more, what should I do?"

Ouyang Shuo coughed, and said lightly, "Don't worship brother, brother is just a legend!"

"Tch, big brother is so narcissistic, shame~~" This girl is really getting more and more unscrupulous.

Ouyang Shuo didn't care about her, and asked directly: "Qing'er, you, a senior tailor, naturally have the most say when it comes to making clothes. Please tell my brother how much cloth and time it takes to realize this benefit."

Mu Qingsi pondered for a moment, "According to Qing'er's knowledge, a piece of cloth is usually 30 meters long, and if an average set of clothes uses two and a half meters of cloth, it can make 12 sets of clothes. If the population of a second-level village is 500 people, about It needs 42 bolts of cloth. Qing'er now leads four apprentices and can sew twenty sets of clothes every day."

Ouyang Shuo nodded and looked at the two of them, "It seems that this will be a long-term project. In this way, I will do a division of labor here. I will be responsible for purchasing the cloth. Naturally, Qinger will be responsible for tailoring the clothes for the villagers. Yu’er is responsible for the distribution of clothes and the batch arrangement of sewing clothes. In principle, the batches are divided according to the principle of first come, first served. In addition, I plan to buy an extra bolt of brocade to sew for my two younger sisters New clothes. Just treat it as a meeting gift from the eldest brother, and the two younger sisters must not refuse."

The daughter's family is still very concerned about their own image, the two declined a little, and then readily accepted.