The World Online

Chapter 26: Prepare for war


Ouyang Shuo came to the primary market and clicked on the material trading platform. He checked the price first, a piece of linen was priced at 10 silver coins, and a piece of brocade was priced at 50 silver coins.

In this case, 42 bolts of linen and one bolt of brocade amounted to 470 silver coins, which is less than 5 gold coins. This also reflects from the side how powerful the purchasing power of gold coins is.

When she came out of the wooden house, Yingyou had already brought people from the Material Reserve Department to carry the cloth.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ouyang Shuo cleaned up the beast furs in the storage bag. The most precious ones are of course the four quality 8 wild boar king skins and the two quality 6 mutant wild boar skins.

In addition, there are 30 broken beast furs with quality 1, 40 ordinary beast furs with 2 quality, and 10 perfect beast furs with 4 quality. He took all these furs out of the storage bag, and handed them to Qing'er together with the cloth.

After dealing with the cloth, he planned to go to the blacksmith shop to check the progress of the arrow making. The consumption of arrows is very fast. The 1,000 arrows seized from the bandit camp before were apportioned to each soldier of the crossbow cavalry team, and there were only 20 arrows. These arrows are only enough for daily training.

In order to deal with the coming monster attack, Ouyang Shuo had ordered blacksmith Li Tiezhu to make arrows with all his strength a few days ago. When I walked into the blacksmith shop, it was in full swing.

Coincidentally, Zhang Daniu, the first fire chief of the cavalry, was bringing four soldiers to the blacksmith shop to carry the made arrows. Seeing Ouyang Shuo, Zhang Daniu quickly saluted, "My lord!"

"Well, how's it going? After changing jobs, are you still used to it?" Ouyang Shuo asked.

"Hey, after changing jobs, everyone is very happy. The shotgun was replaced by a cannon. General Shi has set strict training tasks for the cavalry, and everyone is holding back their energy."

"That's good." Ouyang Shuo turned his head and looked at Li Tiezhu who was beside him, "Master Li, you've worked hard these days. How many arrows have you made?"

"Return to your lord. Since receiving the task arranged by your lord, the blacksmith shop has already made 1,500 arrows. According to this progress, before the monsters attack the city, another 1,600 arrows can be made."

"That's right, the efficiency is quite high." Ouyang Shuo nodded in satisfaction. With these 3,000 arrows, it was enough to deal with the monster's siege this time. "Daniu, after you return to the barracks, give me a word for General Shi, and say that I have read his defense plan and it is very good. Let him start preparing according to the content of the defense plan."


"Okay, I'm relieved to see that the arrow is only made smoothly. You guys are busy!"

When they returned to the Lord's Mansion, Gu Sanniang was already preparing lunch. Since this senior chef entered the small courtyard, the food level of the small courtyard has directly improved by two or three levels. Therefore, as long as they are not obsessed with something important, everyone living in the small courtyard will come back for dinner on time.

The only exception is Shi Wansui. Since the establishment of the crossbow cavalry team, the general's enthusiasm for training has been thoroughly stimulated. From then on, living in the barracks with the soldiers, eating together, and returning to the small courtyard became less and less time.

Here in Ouyang Shuo, there is no rule of not talking when eating or sleeping. Taking the opportunity of eating, everyone sat together, but it was convenient to chat with each other about the work they were responsible for. Some cross-departmental communication and coordination are often resolved at the dinner table.

Just after eating two mouthfuls of rice, the little girl Qing'er became restless, and said to him with a smile: "Brother, you are too bad!"

Ouyang Shuo was baffled by what she said, and looked puzzled, "What do you mean? I didn't bully you." The others also looked at Qingsi curiously, to see what earth-shattering and astonishing words this girl was about to say.

"Hmph, big brother. Among the beast furs you took out in the morning, there are actually high-grade furs with a quality of 8. Brother, you didn't even tell Qing'er, just mixed with those furs with only one or two qualities. If not Qing'er was careful, so he threw them to the apprentices to practice. If that's the case, it's really a waste of money! Brother, tell yourself, you are not bad, hum!" Qing'er was obviously very proud, and said cracklingly a lot.

Ouyang Shuo was a little embarrassed, it was indeed his own mistake, "I really forgot to tell you at the time, but fortunately our Qing'er has a keen eye and is as careful as a hair, so he didn't make an irreversible mistake. I should give it a credit! "Of course he knew what this little girl liked to hear, but he praised her vigorously.

Sure enough, Qing'er was squinted by Ouyang Shuo's praise, "Hehe, with such high-quality fur, Qing'er can sew high-grade leather armor for big brother!"

"Excellent, then brother, thank Qing'er in advance!"

A lunch ended with such laughter. In the afternoon, Ouyang Shuo didn't go anywhere, and concentrated on reading in the office. In the game, although there is no such thing as reading skills, when reading to a certain level, it will increase the innate attribute perception value.

Therefore, since the office has a bookshelf, Ouyang Shuo likes to stay in the office and read books when he is free. While passing the time, I also look forward to when I can increase my understanding. Because of the high degree of simulation in the game, reading in the game is really the same as reading in reality. You should read it word by word and sentence by heart, instead of flipping through page after page casually and pretending.

On the twenty-fifth day of the first month of the first year of Gaia, it will be sunny, suitable for traveling and planting, avoiding migration and opening of the market.

In the meeting hall of the lord's mansion, all the heads of departments have arrived. Ouyang Shuo began to preside over the week's discussion, "Everyone, there is only one topic for today's discussion, and that is how to deal with the monster attack in five days. First, General Shi Tell everyone about the defense plan of the territory."

After Shi Wansui finished his introduction, he began to focus on matters that required the cooperation of various departments. "First, the Household Registration Office needs to cooperate with the excavation of hunters. In the whole plan, setting up traps and defense chains is a very important part. Therefore, hunters are needed to cooperate, especially hunters who are good at setting traps."

Gu Xiuwen stood up, and said with a smile: "General Shi, there is no need to worry. I am about to report to the adults that there are two special talents among the refugees that were spawned today. One of them is a mid-level hunter."

Shi Wansui laughed loudly, "This is really timely, where is he now?"

Ouyang Shuo waved his hand, "Why is General Shi in such a hurry. Xiuwen's work is naturally reassuring. Xiuwen, why don't you take this opportunity to introduce these two special talents to us?"

"Okay. The hunter's name is Yang Zhui. He is a young man, only twenty-five years old. The other man is an old man named Fan Jin, who is a scholar." Gu Xiuwen said succinctly.

"Oh?! This is double happiness." Ouyang Shuo didn't want to talk deeply, after all, the theme this time was monster attacking the city. He looked at Shi Wansui again, "General Shi, go ahead."

Shi Wansui continued: "Since there are hunters, we hope that the construction department will cooperate with the digging of the traps. In addition, we will mark the edges of the traps, and we need to explain clearly to the villagers. When going out, pay attention to your feet. Don't fall into the trap."

"Well, this really needs attention. Xiuwen, please draw up a notice that clearly explains the trap, and post it at the entrance of the village." Ouyang Shuo said to Gu Xiuwen.

"Yes!" Gu Xiuwen would naturally not refuse this kind of thing. "In addition, my subordinate has another proposal. We can mobilize the strength of all the villagers to participate in the defense of the territory. I suggest that a batch of wooden javelins be produced from the lumberyard. General Shi, arrange cavalry Organize javelin throwing training for villagers."

Unexpectedly, Gu Xiuwen, a scholar, has such a military mind. Ouyang Shuo nodded approvingly, "Yes, Xiuwen's idea is very good, I agree very much."

Shi Wansui also looked at Gu Xiuwen unexpectedly, "I agree too."

"There is no problem with the Material Reserve Department. I estimate that within five days, about 10,000 simple javelins can be produced." Cui Yingyou responded.

"As for the construction department, except for the private school, all other buildings have been constructed, which is just right for the hunter named Yang Zhui to dig traps." Ouyang Shuo turned to Zhao Dewang and said.

Zhao Dewang also responded readily.

At this time, Zhao Dexian, director of the Agricultural Reclamation Department, stood up and said solemnly: "My lord, I have something to say."

"Oh?! Director Zhao, please tell me."

"My lord, I'm worried that when the monsters attack the city, will those wild beasts step over the farmland and trample the potatoes that have been planted?" Those potatoes are the hope of the territory, so he couldn't help but pay attention to them.

"This is a problem. Do you have any good solutions?"

Shi Wansui said carelessly: "My lord, don't worry. The farmland is located beside the Friendship River, which belongs to the edge of the territory. General Yimo speculates that those beasts should go straight to the village and not wander around. Dig a trench on the edge and sprinkle some animal feces. The general believes that those wild beasts will avoid the farmland. Even if there are occasional fools who stray into the farmland, the damage will not be too great. Completely can be remedied."

After hearing this, Zhao Dexian laughed, "General, this method is excellent, and the trench dug will not be wasted, and it just fits into the current irrigation system. Excellent, excellent!"

Shi Wansui chuckled, he didn't think about it that much, he just thought about it purely from the perspective of military defense.

Seeing that everyone's discussions were almost over, Ouyang Shuo took advantage of the situation to end the discussion, "As for the defense of the territory, everyone has thought of a lot of good countermeasures. After we come down, I hope everyone will perform their duties and actively prepare for the battle. In addition, to revise the article, It just so happens that Dr. Song has moved to live in the hospital, so you can temporarily arrange Mr. Fan to live in a courtyard."
