The World Online

Chapter 32: Recruitment Hall


The recruitment hall is located in the cultural and educational district, next to the private school.

[Name]: Recruitment Hall

[Type]: Hidden buildings

[Function]: Randomly recruit a special talent every month, and randomly recruit a historical talent every year

[Features]: The rate of attracting special talents is increased by 20%, and the reputation of the territory is increased by 5%.

[Description]: This is a pavilion specially set up for recruiting talents. The recruitment fee for special talents is 10 gold coins, and the recruitment fee for historical talents is 100 gold coins. Recruitment quotas cannot be accumulated and expired.

It is worthy of being called a hidden building comparable to an artifact, and the attributes of the recruitment hall can be described as very against the sky. It is like a magnet dedicated to attracting talents, which can continuously provide talents for the territory.

Increase the rate of attracting special talents by 20%: This is a feature comparable to the gold-level village building order. After adding the two together, the rate of attracting special talents in Shanhai Village will increase by 40%.

Territory popularity increased by 5%: This is a rarer feature. So far, only the Mazu Temple, which is also a hidden building, has it. Even gold-level village building orders do not have this feature.

The most intuitive feature of the recruitment hall is the recruitment function. This feature makes people love and hate it. What they love is the ability to easily recruit special and historical talents, and what they hate is the high cost of recruitment.

The preciousness of the gold coins in the early stage, every lord mentioned it, it was a tear of bitterness. Even a lucky person like Ouyang Shuo, or a local tyrant like Handan Liuba, have never been easy on their hands.

If it wasn't for the 600 gold coins rewarded by this world quest, Ouyang Shuo would not even have thought about entering the recruiting hall. He would rather waste recruitment opportunities than spend precious gold coins on recruitment.

From the outside, the recruitment hall is just an ordinary small wooden building. There are no carved railings and painted buildings, and no good wood is used. At most, it is in terms of workmanship, which is a little more refined than other buildings in the village.

He pushed open the door of the recruiting hall, and on the walls around the hall, there were twelve portraits of ancient sages. There are sages like Confucius and idlers like the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove.

A teleportation array is arranged in the hall, and a wooden sign stands beside it. On the sign, there is a sunken handprint. Ouyang Shuo's heart came to his heart, and he pressed his palm on the depression, and a system prompt sounded.

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player Qiyue Wuyi for opening the recruiting hall. Opening the recruiting hall for the first time, you will automatically get a chance to recruit special talents and a chance to recruit historical talents. Do you want to recruit?"

"Recruit special talents!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to player Qiyue Wuyi for successfully recruiting a special talent—a senior brewer. 10 gold coins will be deducted automatically."

A white light flashed, and a middle-aged man came out from the teleportation formation, bowed to Ouyang Shuo, and said respectfully: "My lord, Du Chun, greet you!"

"Master Du, please get up!" Ouyang Shuo asked Du Chun to wait beside him, and pressed his palm on the depression again.

"System prompt: Recruitment Center currently has one remaining opportunity to recruit historical talents, do you want to recruit?"


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player Qiyue Wuyi for successfully recruiting a king-level historical figure—Fan Zhongyan. 100 gold coins will be deducted automatically."

Another flash of white light flashed, and a middle-aged scholar came out from the teleportation array, "Xiwen greets the lord!"

Ouyang Shuo hurriedly took a step forward, put his hands up, and said sincerely: "Sir, please get up quickly. With your help, it's like a treasure!"

He took the two of them out of the recruiting hall, and checked Fan Zhongyan's attributes by the way.

[Name]: Fan Zhongyan (Wang class)

[Title]: Wen Zhenggong

[Dynasty]: Northern Song Dynasty

[Identity]: Villager of Shanhai Village

[Occupation]: civil servant

[Loyalty]: 75 points

[Commander]: 45 [Force]: 30 [Intelligence]: 75 [Politics]: 80

[Specialty]: Awe-inspiring righteousness (increase the integrity of the territory by 40%), concern for the country and the people (increase the efficiency of the territory's affairs by 20%), brilliant writing (increase the humanities level of the territory by 15%)

[Evaluation]: A famous thinker, statesman, military strategist, and writer in the Northern Song Dynasty, with both cultural relics and great resourcefulness. To be a famous figure, to be a famous virtuous person; to be happy after others, to worry first. According to the world, the posthumous posthumous title of Que is appropriate, and the posthumous title of Xianzai is unprecedented.

Back at the lord's mansion, Ouyang Shuo called Erwazi and told him to invite the heads of various departments to the meeting hall, saying that there was something important to discuss. He personally led Fan Zhongyan to the chamber for chatting.

A civil official like Fan Zhongyan has a high level of literary attainments, he is knowledgeable about the past and the present, and his level of speaking and chatting is almost ten blocks away from a military general like Shi Wansui. Ouyang Shuo felt extremely stressed, the ink in his stomach was completely insufficient. We can only uphold the principle of saying less and making less mistakes, and try our best to be a qualified listener.

In less than 20 minutes, the chief officials of each division had arrived. Mu Qingsi also came to join in the fun with Cui Yingyou. Ouyang Shuo took advantage of the situation to end the chat, and said, "The territorial defense battle has just ended, and I know that you are all busy now. In order not to waste everyone's time, I will make a long story short."

He gestured towards Fan Zhongyan, "The one sitting next to me is Mr. Fan Zhongyan, Fan Xiwen. Mr. Xiwen is extraordinary in both literary and martial arts. Let's get to know each other well."

Naturally, it was another exchange of pleasantries. The chief officials of each department still respected a scribe like Mr. Xiwen. You know, except for Gu Xiuwen and Cui Yingyou, everyone present here is basically from a mud-legged background. At most, they are like Zhao Dexian, who can only recognize a few words.

"The main purpose of calling everyone here is to announce the adjustment of the territorial structure. I decided to set up an administrative office to be responsible for all daily government affairs in the territory. Except for the material reserve department which still operates independently, the construction department, agricultural reclamation department, Yantian department and the household registration office all Incorporated into the jurisdiction of the Administrative Office."

"Appoint Mr. Xiwen as the director of the Administration Department, who will be responsible for the daily government affairs of the territory. He will be the head of all the civil officials. At the same time, I will officially step down as the director of the Yantian Department, and Mr. Xiwen will take charge of it."

When Fan Zhongyan was an official, he was responsible for supervising the storage, transportation and resale of Huai salt. Therefore, Ouyang Shuo felt more at ease in handing over Yantian Division to him. After all, he couldn't leave the territory. And the Beimu Salt Field has been outside the territory for a long time. He is really powerless to manage Yantian Division.

Fan Zhongyan got up immediately, "Xiwen, thank you for your trust, my lord, and I will definitely live up to my trust!"

Ouyang Shuo received half of the experience, and then said: "Gu Xiuwen, the clerk and head of the household registration office, is diligent and effective in his work. He has been promoted to be the assistant to the director of the administrative department. His main duty is to assist the director of the administrative department in handling daily government affairs, and he is still in charge of the household registration. manage."

With such an arrangement, he naturally hopes that Gu Xiuwen can learn more skills and experience in handling government affairs from Fan Zhongyan.

"Deputy Director of the Construction Department, Zhao Dewang, performed well in this territorial defense battle and was able to fight effectively. He was officially promoted to Director of the Construction Department."

Zhao Dewang excitedly stepped forward and bowed to express his gratitude. He, the deputy director, finally made it through. Under the title of deputy director general, presiding over the work of the construction department, after all, there is something wrong with the name.

"That's the end of the personnel adjustment in the territory. I hope you will help Mr. Xiwen and work diligently. I can see your performance. I will never hesitate to reward those who make meritorious deeds."

Sitting behind Cui Yingyou, Mu Qingsi watched Ouyang Shuo give orders, leaned over to her, and said quietly, "Brother looks so handsome when he handles government affairs."

Cui Yingyou was startled, and glanced at Ouyang Shuo inadvertently. For some reason, her heart suddenly became flustered, and a blush crept up her cheeks. In order to hide her panic, she turned around and knocked Qing'er on the head, and said with a forced smile: "Damn girl, my sister brought you here to let you familiarize yourself with government affairs. It's good for you, you can put all your attention on elder brother, and see if you are naughty." of."

She saw that although Qing'er was young, he was extremely intelligent and serious in his work. I just want to train Qing'er on the way to become a civil servant, and hope that I can come to the Material Reserve Department to help her in the future. Who would have thought that this girl's thoughts were not here at all.

"Government affairs are so boring. Qing'er doesn't like it. I just want to be a little tailor, hehe!"

Cui Yingyou was silent after hearing this, her civil servant training plan was aborted.

Ouyang Shuo noticed the small movements of the two sisters, and glanced at Xiao Nizi with his eyes. After being swept away by him like this, Qing'er instantly turned into a good baby. He sat obediently in the back, motionless, and exaggeratedly covered his mouth with his small hand. A pair of big eyes, smashing and smashing, looking at him innocently.

He smiled helplessly, ignored her, and turned his head to look at everyone, "The discussion is over here. After you leave, do the post-war clean-up and recovery work as soon as possible."

"Tomorrow morning. The population of the territory will reach full capacity. In other words, Shanhai Village can be officially promoted to a third-level village tomorrow. After upgrading to a third-level village, there will be more things to do. Deal with the matter as soon as possible, and don't leave a tail."

Everyone bowed in response, got up and left one after another.

Ouyang Shuo called Gu Xiuwen to stop, and told him to take Mr. Xiwen to visit the territory, give an introduction to the basic situation of the territory, and help Mr. Xiwen integrate into the big family of Shanhai Village as soon as possible. In addition, to arrange Mr. Xiwen's accommodation, he arranged to live in the West Wing temporarily. Then he handed Du Chun, who had been sitting by the side, to Gu Xiuwen, and asked him to make arrangements.

After arranging everything, Ouyang Shuo returned to his office. Now that the territory has two historical talents, Fan Zhongyan and Shi Wansui, who are civil and military, he has more energy to formulate the development strategy of the territory.

After experiencing this territorial defense mission, Shanhai Village was completely furious in front of the world. How to operate in the future to ensure the benefits you want requires careful planning.