The World Online

Chapter 34: tertiary village


At ten o'clock in the morning, Bing'er and Sun Xiaoyue got up one after another. Facing these two slobs, Ouyang Shuo was full of helplessness. He dumped his breakfast in the microwave into the trash for recycling. Turn around and go downstairs, ready to go to the supermarket to buy vegetables and make them a brunch.

While eating, Sun Xiaoyue looked at Ouyang Shuo, and asked suspiciously: "Hey, Brother Ouyang. Yesterday I logged into the "Earth Online" forum you played, and saw something called Handan Liuba in it. In the gossip news , Their identities in reality are scary, isn't it true?"

Ouyang Shuo was a little surprised. He didn't expect this girl to be quite curious, so he casually said, "It's probably true."

"Ah! Then this game is too strange. With their identities, they actually settled in collectively. Is there some secret?" The girl's gossip soul began to burn.

Ouyang Shuo's heart trembled, and he pretended to be calm and said, "Secret? Have you watched too many TV shows? Games are just games. What secrets can there be?"

"Hmph, there must be a conspiracy here. Hey, do you know something? Why do I feel that you are a bit weird, as if you know this game very well." I have to say that a woman's intuition is sometimes true. very scary.

"You're thinking too much. If you're really that curious, you'll know if you go play for yourself."

"Let's talk about it, I don't know how to ask my family for such a large sum of money." Sun Xiaoyue still hesitated.

"Well, actually, if you don't mind, I can lend you the money temporarily."

Sun Xiaoyue's eyes widened in an instant, her face flushed slightly, and she said coquettishly, "Hey, what are you talking about! Huh, tell me, do you have any plans for me?"

Ouyang Shuo also knew that what he said just now was a bit abrupt and could easily cause the girls to misunderstand, so he could only mutter in a low voice, "What! You girl, what are you trying to do, you have no breasts and no butt."

He was obviously talking nonsense with his eyes open, Sun Xiaoyue looked at her sizable breasts, her face flushed with anger, and she snorted loudly: "Rogue!" She ignored Ouyang Shuo and buried her head in her meal.

Binger, a clever ghost, sat on the side, watching the play with relish. At this moment, he turned his head to Ouyang Shuo and shaved his face, and said with a smile, "Brother, you are ashamed~~"

Ouyang Shuo knocked the little girl on the head, "Eat your meal well!"

After dinner, the three of them nestled together on the sofa in the living room, watching popular TV series. No one brought up the topic at the dinner table. Ouyang Shuo didn't force it either, just let nature take its course!

When it went online again, the territory was quiet. Ouyang Shuo came to the office, and as soon as he sat down, Gu Xiuwen walked in, "My lord, I have something to report!"

"Oh?! What is it?" Ouyang Shuo was a little surprised. It stands to reason that since the establishment of the Administrative Office, except for important matters, he should report to Fan Zhongyan.

"It's like this. The number of refugees in the territory today is a bit abnormal. It's not 15 people in the past, but a full 52 people. The population of the territory suddenly exceeded the upper limit of 500 people. The subordinates felt very strange, so they came here specially Sir, report." Gu Xiuwen explained.

Ouyang Shuo suddenly realized, it turned out to be like this. The game design is very real. Yesterday's territorial defense battle resulted in the delisting of nearly a quarter of the territories. The survivors of these delisted territories returned to the wilderness.

Overnight, the number of refugees in the wilderness increased dramatically. In order to deal with these refugees reasonably, the system arranged such a blast event.

The number of refugees blasting is related to the popularity of the territory. Shanhai Village has two hidden buildings, the Mazu Temple and the Recruitment Hall, which increase the popularity of the territory, and they have great advantages.

After sorting out the cause and effect, Ouyang Shuo said calmly, "I have anticipated this incident. The root cause of the explosive situation is the territorial defense battle yesterday. Don't be too surprised, I don't think it will be necessary It will be back to normal in a few days."

"Then, now that the territory is full of population, do you want to upgrade the village level?"

"It's natural, let's go, let's go to the meeting hall now."

Ouyang Shuo walked into the meeting hall, thinking about the upgrade of the territory in his heart. A white light flashed, and in the middle of the meeting hall, a golden stone tablet slowly rose from the ground. Press your right hand on the front of the stele, and the system prompt will sound.

"System prompt: Check the upgrade conditions of Shanhai Village..."

"Condition 1: The population reaches the upper limit of 500 people, meeting the requirements!"

"Condition 2: All basic buildings are completed and meet the requirements!"

"Condition 3: The lord's title is at least a first-class baron, which meets the requirements!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player Qiyue Wuyi. All the upgrade conditions for the Shanhai Village built by Wuyi have met the requirements. Do you want to upgrade?"


On the stone tablet, the golden light shot up into the sky again, exploded in the sky, turned into a golden halo, and spread towards the surroundings. The halo extended to the new edge of the territory and disappeared again.

"System Announcement: Congratulations to player Qiyue Wuyi for becoming the first lord in China to upgrade to a third-level village. The reward is 1100 points of merit!"

"System Announcement: Congratulations to player Qiyue Wuyi for becoming the first lord in China to upgrade to a third-level village. The reward is 1100 points of merit!"

"System Announcement: Congratulations to player Qiyue Wuyi for becoming the first lord in China to upgrade to a third-level village. The reward is 1100 points of merit!"

Players were not surprised by the system announcement this time. Compared with the miracles created by Shanhai Village before, this upgrade to a third-level village is nothing.

"System prompt: Congratulations to player Qiyue Wuyi for upgrading Shanhai Village to a third-level village. The village-level lord's mansion is automatically upgraded. In addition, three village-level basic buildings are randomly selected, and the player can choose one of them."

"System prompt: Randomly select three buildings to complete, namely the weapon workshop, the primary pottery factory and the brewery, please choose!"

"Choose a brewery!"

"System prompt: The building is being automatically generated, please check it yourself!"

A white light flashed, and the golden stele slowly sank into the ground again.

[Territory]: Shanhai Village (third-level village)

[Lord]: Qi Yue Wuyi (first-class viscount)

[Title]: None

[Public opinion]: 85 Law and order: 80

[Territory Population]: 540/1000 [Refugees Refresh Speed]: 10*(1+50%)=15 people/day

[Territorial area]: 100 square kilometers

[Territory Features]: The rate of attracting refugees increases by 50%, the rate of attracting special talents increases by 20%, the output of crops increases by 50%, the skill proficiency of production residents increases by 20%, the level of army soldiers increases by 20%, and the success rate of territorial talents breaking through bottlenecks Increase by 10%.

[Territory Fund]: 490 gold coins, 96 silver coins, 25 copper coins

[Territory resources]: 1100 units of grain, 5200 units of wood, 900 units of stone, 500 units of iron ore

[Territorial Army]: Crossbow Cavalry (50 people)

[Territorial Industry]: Beimu Salt Farm (500 mu)

[Political Index]: 35/100 (determines administrative efficiency and affects public opinion)

[Economic Index]: 15/100 (determines the degree of trade prosperity, related to taxation)

[Cultural Index]: 20/100 (determines the degree of education development and affects the quality of residents)

[Military Index]: 30/100 (determines military strength, stable relationship)

[Basic buildings]: village-level lord's mansion, primary market, simple fence, village-level canteen, village-level toilet, small wooden residential courtyard (25 seats), intermediate-level blacksmith shop, primary grocery store, primary lumberyard, primary quarry, Simple farmland (2000 mu), primary military camp, pigsty, cattle pen, carpentry workshop, village-level ancestral hall, high-level medical center, village-level private school, high-level martial arts gym, village-level granary, high-level tailor shop, low-level mining field, simple arrow Towers (8), Stone Watchtowers (3), Stables (2)

[Special Buildings]: Ferry, Wharf, Primary Shipyard

[Hidden Building]: Mazu Temple (under seal), Recruitment Hall

List of basic construction buildings:

[Village Temple]: A place of belief for villagers, improving residents' satisfaction. Construction conditions: construction drawings of the village temple, 400 units of wood and 350 units of stone. Build time: two days. (Description: Completed.)

[Weapon Workshop]: A comprehensive weapon and equipment manufacturing workshop that can create ordinary weapons and armor. Construction conditions: senior blacksmith, weapon workshop construction blueprint, 400 units of wood, 200 units of stone. Build time: two days.

[Elementary pottery factory]: It can make simple daily-use pottery products. Construction conditions: junior pottery maker, architectural drawings of pottery factory, 200 units of wood, 500 units of stone. Build time: two days.

[Mill]: A place for grinding grain. Construction conditions: 150 units of wood, 100 units of stone. Build time: one day.

[Mulberry Garden]: Plant mulberry trees. Construction conditions: mulberry saplings, 400 units of wood, 100 units of stone. Build time: two days.

[Brewing Workshop]: Use food to brew all kinds of wine. Construction conditions: junior brewer, brewery workshop construction blueprint, 400 units of wood, 200 units of stone. Build time: two days. (Note: This building has been randomly generated.)

[Stone sentry tower]: Primary military facility with strong defense and detection and early warning capabilities. Construction conditions: 20 units of wood, 200 units of stone. Build time: one day. (Description: Completed.)

[Stable]: A place where horses are raised, also known as a stable. Construction conditions: Stable construction drawings, 200 units of wood, 50 units of stone. Build time: one day. (Description: Completed.)

Among the basic buildings in the third-level villages, only the mulberry garden is more troublesome. The mulberry saplings it needs cannot be purchased through the market. You can only go to the wild to find wild mulberry trees and transplant them.

For the rest of the buildings, there are no challenges for Shanhai Village, and it seems that it will go smoothly when it is promoted to a first-class township again. In fact, of course it's not that simple.

Ouyang Shuo knew that upgrading from a village to a township was a hurdle for the territory. Its upgrade conditions, in addition to the previous three basic conditions, add another condition, that is, the four indicators of politics, economy, culture, and military must reach at least 30 points. Otherwise, the territory cannot be upgraded.