The World Online

Chapter 35: Privatization (top)


After checking the properties of the village, Ouyang Shuo ordered Gu Xiuwen to summon the main officials of the territory to discuss matters in the council hall. This time, he was going to hold a territory expansion meeting. In addition to the chief officers and their deputies, the participants in the meeting included the five fire chiefs of the cavalry and all the senior skilled personnel in the territory.

After Gu Xiuwen left, Ouyang Shuo came to the administrative office. Many of his ideas need to be realized through the administrative department. Therefore, before starting the discussion, he planned to have a brief communication with Fan Zhongyan.

The two had a sincere and effective communication on important matters such as military reform and privatization. Ouyang Shuo had to admire Mr. Xiwen's seasoned handling of government affairs. Many details of these decisions were corrected and improved only under his guidance.

Half an hour later, in the new meeting hall, Ouyang Shuo sat in the middle and began to preside over the first discussion after the territory was upgraded to a third-level village.

"After the territory is upgraded, more challenges are waiting for us. To ensure the safe and orderly development of the territory, the first task is to expand the army. In yesterday's territorial defense battle, the cavalry played a mainstay role. Therefore, I decided to The cavalry has been expanded to a full squadron of 100 people. The squadron leader and first cavalry team is being held by General Shi. Lin Yi, the third commander of the cavalry, was promoted to For the second team of the cavalry."

Lin Yi immediately got up and bowed to salute, "Thank you for your promotion, sir, I will definitely live up to my trust!"

Ouyang Shuo nodded, "The first cavalry team is mainly composed of members of the active cavalry team, and the second cavalry team needs to be recruited again. General Shi and Team Lin are jointly responsible for the recruitment work. My opinion is that new recruits should be given priority in territorial defensive warfare. Selected from the temporary militia reserve team who performed well in the middle school."

"According to the new military organization, adjust the fire chiefs. The original fourth fire chief Zhao Sihu was transferred to the second cavalry team and served as the first fire chief of the second cavalry team. The original second fire chief San Gouzi was relieved of the fire chief Duties, other appointments. Li Mingliang, the former chief of the fifth fire, was appointed as the second chief of the first cavalry team."

Ouyang Shuo said to Shi Wansui: "The seven vacant fire chiefs of the cavalry squadron can be directly appointed by General Shi after inspection, and they can be reported to me for the record. Team Lin has the right to recommend candidates for the fire chiefs of the second cavalry squadron. "

Shi Wansui nodded, indicating that he understood what he meant.

"In view of the further expansion of the territorial area, the external environment will become more complicated. In order not to be blinded, I think it is necessary to establish a special intelligence and investigation force. Therefore, I decided to set up a military intelligence department. Chang San Gouzi is the director."

San Gouzi was still in a state of anxiety just now, wondering if the lord dismissed him from his post, if he had any opinion on him. Now that I heard the new appointment, I finally breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you for your trust, sir, I will definitely live up to my trust!"

"The establishment of the Military Intelligence Department is set at 20 people, consisting of the original members of the Second Fire and new recruits. The Military Intelligence Department operates independently and accepts the dual leadership of me and the cavalry squadron. The above is the adjustment made to the army. Ladies and gentlemen Do you have any questions?"

Shi Wansui stood up and said bluntly: "Master, the general has something to say. The general is in favor of expanding the army. But the problem is, according to what the lord just said, the number of troops will reach more than 120 people. .The current barracks simply cannot accommodate so many people. Besides, there are only 53 job transfer quotas left for junior soldiers, which cannot meet the job transfer needs of all personnel."

Ouyang Shuo smiled calmly, "The general's concerns are very reasonable. In order to solve these two problems, I plan to upgrade the general's barracks to an intermediate barracks."

Shi Wansui laughed, "That's great, there will be no doubts about the end."

When it comes to military issues, other than Shi Wansui, other people naturally know how to express their opinions.

"Okay, that's the end of the military reform issue. The next discussion is the core of this discussion. Taking advantage of the fact that the territory has just been upgraded, I plan to implement privatization in the territory. Regarding this issue, I would like to ask Mr. Xiwen to give some advice. Let's make an introduction."

Regarding the privatization, Ouyang Shuo had communicated with Fan Zhongyan before. This time he intentionally arranged for Fan Zhongyan to introduce the situation, precisely to push him to the foreground officially and let the core personnel of the territory slowly accept his leadership.

Fan Zhongyan obviously understood Ouyang Shuo's intentions. Standing up neatly, after bowing to Ouyang Shuo, he said slowly, "Accepted by my lord, I will introduce the main contents of the privatization of the territory. After yesterday's territorial defense, the territory has sufficient supplies and funds. The material conditions for privatization are initially met.”

"Therefore, in order to improve production efficiency, activate the territorial economy, and more importantly, respond to the expectations of the villagers, my lord has decided to officially start the privatization process of the territory. In a word, it is to end the current big pot of rice and switch to the implementation of distribution according to work. The principle of more work, more pay, less work, less pay, no work, no gain.”

"Specifically speaking, the territory will no longer be responsible for the food supply of the villagers. Correspondingly, the territory will pay reasonable remuneration for the villagers' labor or labor income. At the same time, the general The means of production are all open to the villagers and allowed to be sold or leased. Of course, strategic resources such as logging fields, quarries, mining fields, and salt fields are still directly controlled by the territory.”

"In order to ensure the basic life of the villagers and help everyone successfully complete the transition from a big pot of rice to self-sufficiency. At the same time, it is also a reward for the villagers' labor during this time. The adults have prepared a basic welfare package for each villager. The basic welfare includes 100 A unit of food coupons, 20 units of meat coupons, a fur, a set of ordinary linen clothes, and a voucher of 20 silver coins."

"The entire privatization process will be realized through the establishment of an official bank. The bank provides low-interest loans and is open to all villagers who meet the conditions. The specific loan rules need to be formulated by the director of the bank after the bank is formally established."

As soon as Fan Zhongyan finished speaking, there was a commotion below. Everyone whispered to each other, discussing enthusiastically about the grand scheme of the territory this time.

Lin Yi, the newly appointed No. 2 cavalry team, smiled and said to his elder brother, senior martial artist Lin Yue: "Brother, this time you can buy the martial arts gym and run it yourself!"

Lin Yue frowned, "Don't make trouble, I don't have so much money."

"Hehe, brother, you are too worried. My lord is very thoughtful, how can you not think of everyone's situation. Didn't you hear what Mr. Xiwen said, your lord wants to set up a bank and provide low-interest loans."

Lin Yue was obviously also very moved, and said hesitantly: "I don't know what the conditions for obtaining a loan are yet, I'm afraid I won't meet the requirements."

"I said, brother, you are really a fan of the authorities. Don't you think about it carefully. If you can't get a loan under the conditions of your senior martial artist, then most people in the territory will not be able to meet the loan requirements. It was a good privatization, and it became anticlimactic." Lin Yi had contacted Ouyang Shuo several times, and obviously knew Ouyang Shuo better than Lin Yue.

Lin Yue nodded and remained silent.

After the discussion below subsided, Ouyang Shuo said, "Just now, Mr. Xiwen has introduced the content of this privatization to everyone. To achieve the goal of privatization, we must at least do these six things well."

"First, we need to set up a bank. Second, we need to determine the selling prices or rents of various assets such as residential courtyards and shops. Third, we need to build a series of grain shops, butcher shops, cloth shops, and other shops. Make sure that villagers can easily buy daily necessities. Fourth, set the wage level and price level so that payment can be made. Fifth, someone must be responsible for distributing basic benefits. Sixth, establish a tax system.”

"Aiming at these six things, let's discuss them one by one. First of all, let's talk about the Qianzhuang. What do you think about the name of the Qianzhuang?"

"It's called Shanhai Bank, how about it?" Zhao Dexian said tentatively.

"Too casual, not good!"

"Hey, I think it's better to call it Wantong Bank, it has momentum!" This is Zheng Shanpao's opinion.

"It's even worse to steal someone else's name!"

"The territory is in the Lianzhou Basin, so it's called the Lianzhou Bank, how about it?" Gu Xiuwen said confidently.

“Too narrow, not good!”

Ouyang Shuo shook his head, not very satisfied with these names.

At this time, Cui Yingyou said crisply: "I think it can be called the Four Seas Bank, which means that it is in the same line as our Shanhai Village, and it also means that money can be collected from all corners of the world."

Ouyang Shuo's eyes lit up. The Four Seas Bank is simple and low-key, but also has hidden ambitions. He was very satisfied, and said with a smile: "I think it's pretty good, what do you think?"

"Very good, very good!" This time, everyone's opinions were more consistent.

Therefore, Ouyang Shuo directly made a decision, "Okay, then it's decided, it's called the Universal Bank. I'm going to inject 200 gold coins into the bank's initial funds. As for the manager of the bank, Yingyou will be in charge."

The importance of the Four Seas Bank can be seen by anyone with a discerning eye. It is not only the core of this privatization, but also will play the role of the territory treasury in the future. Such a key position cannot be held by someone who is not highly trusted by adults. Therefore, everyone kept silent this time. It was just casually looking at Cui Yingyou's eyes, which contained deep meaning. Which means, only the parties can understand.

Cui Yingyou is naturally a sensible person, and she is very grateful for Ouyang Shuo's trust. She is also excited about the position of the manager of the Universal Bank. However, her current position as the director of the material reserve department has made people jealous. If he takes over the position of the Four Seas Bank, it will undoubtedly be even more enviable.

"Brother, I'm afraid that my energy is limited and I won't be able to keep busy." Cui Yingyou politely refused.

Ouyang Shuo was prepared for Yingyou's reaction, "Don't worry, I have follow-up arrangements. I announce that Cui Yingyou will be dismissed from the position of director of the material reserve department, and the deputy director Zhao Youfang will be in charge of the work of the material reserve department temporarily. At the same time, Du Xiaolan was promoted to Assistant Director of the Material Reserve Department to assist Zhao Youfang in handling the affairs of the Material Reserve Department."

Zhao Youfang still lacked both qualifications and abilities, so Ouyang Shuo didn't directly promote him to the post of director. As for Du Xiaolan, she is one of Cui Yingyou's two apprentices and has officially graduated. Ouyang Shuo has always included her as a reserve talent for observation, now that he has the opportunity, he will naturally and boldly promote her to an important position for training.

This kind of personnel arrangement is somewhat incomprehensible to everyone. After all, no matter how you look at it, the Material Reserve Department is more important than the Universal Bank.