The World Online

Chapter 36: Privatization (below)


Regarding everyone's doubts, Ouyang Shuo didn't want to explain.

"After privatization, the territory's finances will have to be independently accounted for. Therefore, I decided to set up a financial department to be responsible for the financial and tax affairs of the territory after privatization. The financial department will operate independently, and the Four Seas Bank will also be under the jurisdiction of the financial department. The financial department The chief is also Cui Yingyou."

Only then did everyone suddenly realize that this was the foreshadowing. The Financial Secretary and the director of Universal Bank, that is the real God of Wealth. The importance of status is comparable to that of the Director of Administration.

Cui Yingyou couldn't help being excited too, the conversation Ouyang Shuo had with her yesterday was still vivid in his memory. Unexpectedly, in just one day, I relieved myself of the burden of the material reserve department and took charge of the more important financial department. She stood up slowly, and said crisply: "I will live up to my brother's trust!"

Ouyang Shuo nodded, "After the establishment of the Financial Secretary, the first task is to establish an effective tax system. Here, I will set a general tone for everyone to discuss. The specific implementation rules and the loan from Universal Bank The detailed rules need to be formulated by the Financial Secretary.”

Cui Yingyou nodded, expressing her understanding.

"To put it simply, taxes can be divided into two types: agricultural tax and industrial and commercial tax. Agricultural tax is relatively simple, and the tax rate is set at 100%. It can only be collected after external trade occurs. Therefore, at this stage, business tax is mainly collected. In order to encourage the development of handicrafts and commerce, the tax rate is also set at 100%.

"Taxation is an important source of finance for the territory in the future, and the tax rate must be kept stable. If you have any opinions on various tax rates, you can speak freely."

Fan Zhongyan stood up and said calmly: "The lord has a generous temperament and loves the people like a son. The tax rate set is already the lowest level in history. Xiwen's only concern is whether such a low tax rate can maintain the daily and military expenditures of the territory. ?”

"Sir, there is no need to worry. One of the 30 taxes, one is conducive to hiding wealth among the people and reducing the burden on the common people. The other is a low tax rate, which is more conducive to the rapid development of the territorial economy. As long as we make the cake bigger, even if it is small On the contrary, even if half of a small cake is taken, it is still very small. More importantly, the territory has another source of income, which is the industries that are not included in this privatization sequence. These industries, It belongs to the territory, and all the profits will be handed over to the Financial Secretary. Therefore, sir, you don't have to worry about the territory's finances at all." Ouyang Shuo replied.

Fan Zhongyan felt relieved when he heard that the adults wanted to hand over the profits of the saltworks and other industries to the Financial Secretary. With his character of worrying about the country and the people, the low level of taxation is exactly what he expected. What he is worried about is that the adults will put these properties under the personal ownership of the lords. In that case, if the territory is really short of money, it will still have to be taken from the people in the end.

This is the limitation of historical figures. Even with Fan Zhongyan's wisdom, he would not understand that the strength of the territory is the strength of the players. Therefore, a player lord like Ouyang Shuo doesn't care if he has his own small treasury.

After Fan Zhongyan finished asking, Zhao Dexian stood up, "My lord, there is one thing I don't understand. For farmers, do they need to pay farmland rent at the same time as paying agricultural tax?"

"Director Zhao is too worried. The territory will provide free farmland for every farmer to cultivate. The property rights of the farmland belong to the territory, and the right to use and benefit from the farmland belongs to the farmers themselves. In order to protect the interests of the farmers, land sales are not allowed Correspondingly, the territory does not allow farmers to reclaim farmland privately. All farmland reclamation can only be carried out by the Land Reclamation Department.” Ouyang Shuo briefly explained, and then said: “As for the farmland The division, and the number of acres of farmland that each farmer can obtain, needs to be in charge of the Land Reclamation Department.”

Zhao Dexian nodded, expressing his understanding.

Hearing Ouyang Shuo's arrangement for the farmer. The newly appointed Zhao Youfang couldn't sit still, and immediately stood up, "My lord, I also want to know how to collect taxes on fishermen and herdsmen?"

"Director Zhao's question is very good. First, answer the question about fishermen. Let's put it this way, there are two main ways to deal with the sea fish caught by fishermen. One is to sell them directly in the market. , only stall tax is collected. In order to ensure smooth tax collection and prevent tax evasion, fishermen must sell fish at fixed stalls and are not allowed to set up stalls privately. The other way is to sell fish directly to the material reserve department and collect them with reference to business tax. For sporadic transactions , the territory does not levy any taxes."

"The taxation of herdsmen is similar to that of fishermen. The difference is that bison are restricted livestock and cannot be slaughtered and sold without permission. They can only be purchased by the Material Reserve Department. For pastures directly controlled by the territory, they are not within the scope of taxation."

Ouyang Shuo knew that there were still many loopholes in such regulations, and some gaps in tax evasion had not been plugged. For example, some herdsmen who think they are smart may think of putting their livestock on the pastures of the territory to avoid taxation. But now that the Financial Secretary is newly built and there are not enough staff, it is not suitable to carry out too complicated operations, otherwise it will be self-defeating.

After Zhao Youfang finished asking, Mu Qingsi stood up and said with a smile: "Brother, Qing'er also has a question to ask. If Qing'er buys the tailor shop, then the previous regulation will sew a set for each villager." Do you want to continue the clothes job? If you want to continue, who should Qing Er ask for payment?"

"Qing'er's question is also very good. The work of sewing clothes will naturally continue. As for the payment method, there are two options. One is to continue to provide cloth raw materials from the territory, and the tailor shop is only responsible for processing For production, the territory pays the tailor for a certain processing fee. The other is that the tailor purchases the cloth itself, and the territory places an order with the tailor to buy the ready-made clothes at the market price."

He went on to say: "This kind of market-oriented cooperation method is applicable to all kinds of retail industries after privatization. Of course, after privatization, prohibited items such as arrows and leather armor can no longer be manufactured at will, and can only be produced by the territory. Weapons workshop production under direct control."

A discussion about taxes lasted for nearly an hour and a half. During this period, representatives from various industries raised questions about problems in their respective fields. Ouyang Shuo answered these questions one by one.

Cui Yingyou, who was sitting by the side, felt a lot of pressure. Thinking about it in her shoes, she didn't know how to answer many questions. At this time, she could only be a good baby and write down Ouyang Shuo's answers one by one. After she was ready, she sorted out the answers and wrote them into the work guidelines for the Financial Secretary. Otherwise, she really doesn't know how to carry out her work.

After solving the problems of banks and taxes, the remaining four things will be much simpler. Ouyang Shuo also took a rare moment of laziness, and said directly: "As for the formulation of salary levels and price levels, the Administration Department is fully responsible. After formulating a detailed plan, just submit it to me for review. The construction of various shops and basic benefits Naturally, the material reserve department is fully responsible for the distribution of materials, with the cooperation of the construction department."

Fan Zhongyan, Zhao Youfang, and Zhao Dewang, whose names were called, nodded to show their understanding.

Ouyang Shuo continued: "Finally, let's discuss the pricing of real estate and shops. According to the development characteristics of the territory, in the foreseeable future, there will be many large-scale planning adjustments in the territory. This involves a lot of Real estate, even the demolition of shops. Therefore, before pricing, it is necessary for us to make a rigid regulation on the property rights of these real properties. That is to say, what the villagers buy is only the right to use and usufruct the real property. As for the land to which the real property belongs , still belong to the territory.”

"When the territory needs it, the owner of the real estate must unconditionally obey the territory's arrangement and accept the demolition of the real estate or shops by the territory. As compensation, the territory will unconditionally replace the real estate of the same size as before in the new lot."

"Therefore, at this stage, when we evaluate the price of real estate or shops, we don't need to consider the cost of land use too much. Take the junior tailor shop as an example, the construction consumes 40 units of wood, 20 units of stone, plus the labor consumed The cost is the sum of all construction costs. In the market, a unit of wood is 20 copper coins, and a unit of stone is 30 copper coins. Therefore, the material cost of a junior tailor shop is 1,400 copper coins, and the labor cost is priced according to the salary level set by the Administrative Bureau."

"My opinion is that real estate prices are priced at 1.5 times the construction cost, and shop prices are priced at twice the construction cost. As for the rent, it is priced at a rent-to-sale ratio of 1:200, which means that the monthly rent is based on the total price of the house. Two percent of the set price."

As soon as Ouyang Shuo finished speaking, Qing'er muttered to the side: "Brother is so wicked, he actually wants to charge him twice the price."

Ouyang Shuo glared at her, then explained: "Everyone may wonder, why not set the price according to the construction cost? First, we must respect the laws of the market. If we don't make a certain profit, it is easy to disrupt the market. Second, it is also to maintain Supply balance. If you set the price according to the construction cost, you may create a situation where the price is too low and there are many buyers.”

"For example, a small residential courtyard can originally accommodate 20 people. If the price is too low and a family of three can afford to buy it alone, then there will be a shortage of housing in the territory. When it comes to small residential courtyards, I still A question comes to mind. After privatization, the villagers’ requirements for living conditions will be greatly improved. Therefore, the construction department must adapt to market rules and flexibly adjust the scale and number of residential courtyards. More residential buildings suitable for one household will be built. Small courtyard."

Zhao Dewang got up immediately and said, "Understood!"

"The pricing of residential houses and shops, as well as subsequent sales, will be handed over to the Administration Department. The funds obtained will be transferred to the fiscal revenue of the territory and deposited in the Universal Bank."

So far, the discussion on the privatization of the territory has come to an end. Next, various departments need to do a lot of specific work, which cannot be done overnight.