The World Online

Chapter 51: Department of Agriculture


After returning to the Lord's Mansion, Ouyang Shuo didn't go anywhere, but concentrated on reading in the office.

Gu Sanniang said outside: "My lord, there is a man named Wang Er outside who says he is looking for you!"

"Wang Er?" Ouyang Shuo was confused.

"Yes. It's a mason. He said that he had an agreement with you before, my lord."

Oh, he remembered, it turned out that it was the mason he met on the construction site before, and he presumably came to find him as a witness. Unexpectedly, the speed of this young man is quite fast.

"I see, bring him in!" Ouyang Shuo told Gu Sanniang.


After a while, Wang Er followed Gu Sanniang, walked into the office, and said respectfully: "Xiaomin Wang Er, my lord!"

Ouyang Shuo nodded and said with a smile: "I already know why you are here. Tell me, when will the wedding be held?"

"My lord, Xiaomin will hold a wedding tomorrow evening." Wang Er said cautiously.

"Okay, tomorrow evening, as soon as I am sure to go, you can rest assured!"

Hearing that Ouyang Shuo agreed to come down, Wang Er happily bowed to him and said, "Thank you sir! Thank you sir!"

Ouyang Shuo waved his hand, picked up the teacup on the table, and took a sip of tea. Gu Sanniang understood, and pulled Wang Er, who hadn't recovered yet, out of the office.

In the evening, San Gouzi from the Military Intelligence Department brought good news.

"My lord, the Military Intelligence Department fulfilled its mission and finally found a mulberry sapling outside the territory." San Gouzi walked into the office and said in a hurry.

Ouyang Shuo was overjoyed, and said, "Okay, finally there is a result. This is about to be upgraded to a first-level township. If I don't find it again, I will beat you to the military intelligence department."

San Gouzi chuckled, "My lord, there is more than this good news. Not far from the mulberry saplings, one of our cavalry scouts found traces of wild goats. At this moment, General Shi has led the cavalry squadron Let’s go. According to the general’s intention, it’s going to be tracked overnight, for fear of missing it again.”

"Okay, good things come in pairs. Hurry up and hand over the mulberry saplings to the Land Reclamation Department!" Ouyang Shuo ordered with a smile. He wasn't very worried about the night operations of the cavalry squadron. The Military Intelligence Department had already investigated and found out that there were no other threats in the vicinity of the territory except for the mid-level bandit battalion that had been wiped out.

At ten o'clock in the morning on February 13th, the cavalry squadron returned with a full load. Hundreds of cavalry drove more than fifty wild goats towards the village.

Seeing these wild goats, Zhao Dewang, the director of the Construction Department, jumped up and down, cursing and arranging for the workers to hurry up and build the sheepfold.

Fortunately, wild goats are relatively docile animals, they did not run around, and gathered together quietly. Seeing this, Du Xiaolan arranged for people to bring fodder from the warehouse and feed them. Since the day the buffalo were domesticated, the Supplies Department had consciously stockpiled a batch of high-quality fodder, which finally came in handy this time.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, the sheepfold was finally built. Ouyang Shuo watched the flock of sheep being driven into the sheepfold, thoughtful. Back at the Lord's Mansion, he summoned Fan Zhongyan, Tian Wenjing, Cui Yingyou and Zhao Dexian to his office to discuss matters.

The three of them, Fan Tian and Cui, were secretly called the Big Three by the administrative staff of Shanhai Village. Following the Big Three into the village chief's office, Zhao Dexian was a little nervous.

Ouyang Shuo didn't go around the bush, and said straight to the point: "With the further expansion of animal husbandry in the territory and the upcoming construction of mulberry gardens, Shanhai Village's agriculture is slowly getting on the right track. At this time, it is very necessary to establish a There is a dedicated department for overall management.”

Zhao Dexian's heart skipped a beat, and he became hot instantly. According to what the adults said, it is necessary to establish a powerful department covering agriculture, forestry, fishery and animal husbandry. Glancing at the few people present, except for him, all of them hold important positions. It's hard to say, this position is going to fall on him

Fan Zhongyan glanced at Tian Wenjing inadvertently, and said, "My lord, you want to separate the animal husbandry from the Material Reserve Department?"

According to the general division of jurisdiction, industries such as animal husbandry should be placed under the jurisdiction of the Administrative Bureau.

Because the Material Reserve Department during Cui Yingyou's time was too strong and won the trust of Ouyang Shuo. In addition, at that time, the animal husbandry industry was also very weak and did not have much weight, so no one said anything. Over time, it has become a problem left over from history.

After Fan Zhongyan took over the Administration Department, although he wanted to take back these powers, he couldn't find a suitable breakthrough. This time Ouyang Shuo took advantage of the wild goats to bring up the issue of adjusting the jurisdiction circle of animal husbandry, so he naturally wanted to add fuel to the flames.

Tian Wenjing, the newly appointed Director of Material Reserves, was expressionless, unable to tell what was going on in his mind.

Ouyang Shuo pretended not to know, and continued: "Not only that, the fishery industry has to be spun off. Besides controlling strategic materials such as timber, stone and ore, the responsibilities of the Material Reserve Department are more inclined to the storage and management of materials rather than the control of materials. The source of production, which itself is a bit wrong."

Tian Wenjing nodded, and said calmly: "I agree with my lord's opinion. With the vigorous development of various sub-sectors in the territory, it is time to establish a more professional and effective department."

Cui Yingyou sat on the side, watching several people fighting, so it was not easy to interrupt. Besides, the crux of these problems has nothing to do with her. At this time, she could only keep silent.

Seeing Tian Wenjing voluntarily backing down, Cui Yingyoufang asked with a smile: "Brother, what is the name of this department, and who should be the chief officer?" After speaking, he did not forget to glance at Zhao Dexian.

"Since it is in charge of agriculture, forestry, fishery and animal husbandry, it is naturally called the Department of Agriculture. In my opinion, there is no need to set up a new department, and the original Bureau of Land Reclamation will be directly upgraded to the Department of Agriculture. The appointment and affiliation of the Department of Agriculture will remain unchanged. " Ouyang Shuo said with a smile.

Cui Yingyou nodded, not surprised by this arrangement. So far, the Department of Agriculture has become the most important department of the Administrative Bureau in one fell swoop.

When the dust settled, Zhao Dexian stood up, bowed and saluted, and said loudly, "Thank you for your trust, sir."

Ouyang Shuo waved his hand, "I believe Director Zhao's ability. Before, whether in the Construction Department or the Land Reclamation Department, you have performed very well. I hope you can make great achievements in the new department!"

"I will live up to my lord's entrustment!" Zhao Dexian said firmly after regaining his composure.

Among the local civil servants trained in Shanhai Village, Zhao Dexian's ability is second only to Cui Yingyou and Gu Xiuwen, and is much better than Zhao Youfang and Zhao Dewang. He even served as the village chief, and when the time is right, Ouyang Shuo will naturally give him a wider platform.

In the evening, Ouyang Shuo took Erwazi to the residential area to attend Wang Er and Cuihua's wedding.

The general process of ancient weddings is Nacai, Xiangming, Najib, Nazheng, requesting a date, and personally welcoming six procedures. Welcoming relatives is a climax of the whole wedding. The bridegroom's family members will personally open the sedan chair door to invite the bride, and then a blessed elder of the man's side will hand over a red rope tied into a concentric knot to the bride and groom.

The two lead each other into the auditorium with red ropes and avoid stepping on the threshold: the threshold represents the appearance, and the bride must step over the threshold. And the girl holds a bronze mirror to shine on the bride and groom, in order to achieve happiness and consummation.

The conditions in Shanhai Village are simple, and most of the villagers are alone, with no parents, elders, relatives or friends. Therefore, the entire wedding ceremony was designed relatively simple, and did not strictly follow the six procedures.

Fortunately, the Material Reserve Department was instructed by Ouyang Shuo to send people to deliver red silk cloth, rice noodles, melons and fruits yesterday afternoon, and the scene didn't look too shabby.

When Ouyang Shuo rushed to Wang Er's courtyard, Wang Erzhenghou was at the door.

Seeing Ouyang Shuo, he hurried forward and said dryly, "Your Excellency is here in my humble abode, it's really full of splendor." It's a pity that I asked Mr. Gu to teach me these few polite words in the morning.

Ouyang Shuo nodded amusedly, Erwazi jumped out from behind, and handed over the gift with a smile. It was a piece of high-quality silk and satin, which he bought from the market on purpose. As a lord, if he personally attends the wedding of the lords, the gift he gives should not be too shabby.

This time, Ouyang Shuo didn't make a big show of attracting the heads of various divisions of the lord's mansion to come. That would be too loud and not beautiful. Even the little girl Qing'er clamored to join in the fun, but he didn't agree. He only brought his second child over and waited on him.

Wang Er's new home is a typical small farmyard. Through the main entrance, there is a small courtyard. In the corner of the courtyard, a jujube tree is planted. Beside the jujube tree is a well. On the east and west sides are the kitchen, the firewood room and the poultry house for raising poultry. There are only three small rooms in the main hall, and the middle one is the hall, where the family eats. On the left and right sides, there is a bedroom on each side.

Although the yard is small, it has all internal organs. It can be seen that Wang Er is also a diligent person, and the yard is neatly tidied up, which makes people feel good.

In the courtyard, two tables of wedding wine have already been set up. Those who came to the wedding were either Wang Er's former fellow villagers or stonemasons who worked together. It can be seen that the young man's popularity is still very good.

Wang Er personally led Ouyang Shuo to the chairman of the hall and sat down. Erwazi was clever, he didn't sit down unknowingly, but ran to the yard and sat down by himself.

Seeing Ouyang Shuo, Zhao Dewang, who came first, got up and said hello. Wang Er belongs to the artisan household and is under the jurisdiction of the Construction Department. He is so powerful that he even invited the director of the construction department to the wedding.

Before coming, Zhao Dewang didn't expect that the adults would also come to the wedding, so he looked very surprised. I'm glad that I came to the right place this time. When adults see that they care about their subordinates so much, they should value themselves more.

The fact is the same, Ouyang Shuo felt relieved when he saw Zhao Dewang. This is a place to chat, so that sitting alone in the upper table is not too boring.

Before the banquet, Wang Er led his bride, Cuihua, to greet Ouyang Shuo. Ouyang Shuo said a few auspicious words, and let the bride go back to the room. He knew that it was not appropriate for brides in ancient times to show their faces on their wedding night. Only he, the lord, has such a big face.

It was a lively wedding.

After the banquet started, Ouyang Shuo ate something symbolically, then got up and left. He also knew that with him around, the guests in the courtyard would not dare to have too much fun. It's better to leave early and leave them to have fun.