The World Online

Chapter 54: Kao Gong Division


After the Financial Secretary, or the Finance Department has finished reporting, the Administration Department will then report.

Fan Zhongyan, the director of the administrative department, got up and said: "The administrative department consists of the agriculture department, the construction department, the Yantian department and the household registration office, which are responsible for the daily government affairs of the territory. There is a suggestion about organizational adjustment, please refer to it for details, my lord."


"My subordinates suggest that the Yantian Division be placed under the jurisdiction of the Material Reserve Department. Haiyan, as a strategic resource, should be under the jurisdiction of the Material Reserve Department. Xiwen is not talented, and has been trusted by the lord. Yantian Division, which has been in charge for so long, is overstepping. Please, my lord. Permit!" Fan Zhongyan said calmly, as if he didn't know what kind of blockbuster he dropped.

As one of the most important divisions in the territory and in charge of the economic lifeline of the territory, the importance of Yantian Division need not be repeated. Now Fan Zhongyan offered to transfer the Yantian Division to the Material Reserve Department, giving up the most important division of the Administration Department.

The Department of Agriculture just obtained the jurisdiction over agriculture, forestry, fishery and animal husbandry from the Material Reserve Department the day before yesterday. This time's concession, is it really reciprocating? When did Fan Zhongyan and Tian Wenjing form such a tacit understanding

This is what most people here think, and it is also the biggest question in their minds. Ouyang Shuo never believed that the truth would be so simple.

As the head of the civil servants of Ouyang Shuo's territory, Fan Zhongyan must want to display his political ambitions. Clarifying the relationship between the various departments was his first move. Especially the arrival of Tian Wenjing gave him a sense of urgency. Therefore, the pace of organizational adjustments was actively accelerated.

For such healthy competition, Ouyang Shuo naturally held a positive attitude and said, "Allow!"

Fan Zhongyan obviously had a plan in mind, and was not surprised by Ouyang Shuo's permission, and continued: "In addition, with the rapid increase in the population of the territory, the work of the household registration office is becoming more and more heavy. Therefore, my subordinates suggest that the household registration office be formally upgraded to the household registration department. "

Ouyang Shuo said with a blank expression, "Sure! In addition, the Administrative Office recommended a new head of the Household Registration Department and reported it to me for approval. Gu Xiuwen, the former head of the Household Registration Office, has other arrangements."

This was really beyond Fan Zhongyan's expectation, Gu Xiuwen can be said to be his most important assistant in the Administration Department. Hearing what the lord meant, he wanted to transfer him away from the administrative office, so that he couldn't figure it out for a while.

It is really hard to find someone in the Administration Department who can succeed Gu Xiuwen as the head of the Household Registration Department. Whether it was Du Quan, the grassroots clerk of the original household registration office, or Qin Shijian, Fan Zhongyan's assistant in the administrative department, they were all a bit reluctant.

Temporarily suppressing the doubts in his heart, Fan Zhongyan resorted to the last move of his organizational adjustment, and said: "My lord. With the continuous improvement and expansion of the territorial administrative organization, the civil service system including grassroots government officials has become larger and larger. It coincides with With the wave of privatization, all kinds of temptations follow one after another. The subordinates believe that it is time to set up a special department to supervise and evaluate the performance of civil servants."

Ouyang Shuo nodded in agreement, this was exactly what he was concerned about. After privatization, he cannot expect all government officials to be honest and self-disciplined and perform their duties conscientiously. If he really thinks so, he is completely politically immature. If we want to guard against the passing of time, the only way to put shackles on all civil servants and lock power in a cage from the system is the safest.

From ancient times to the present, the administration of officials has always been a difficult problem, and it is also the most troublesome problem for rulers. Now that Fan Zhongyan has offered to set up a department for assessing officials, he is very pleased. As worthy as Mr. Fan Wenzheng, while strict self-discipline, he also wants to sort out the official atmosphere of the entire territory.

"Sir, I totally agree with what you said. I have decided to set up a merit examination department to be responsible for the punishment and discussion of civil servants. The merit examination department is placed under the jurisdiction of the administrative department, and the chief officer will also be the chief officer of the administrative department." Ouyang Shuo made a final decision.

So far, Fan Zhongyan has initially realized his political intentions through three simple steps. The kaogongsi is like a sharp sword hanging over the heads of civil servants, so that they dare not dereliction of duty. Otherwise, what awaits them will be severe punishment of demotion or even dismissal.

As for the specific work arrangement of the Administration Department, it is too complex to be discussed at the meeting. After the meeting, Ouyang Shuo will personally find the heads of each department to discuss individually.

After the report from the Administration Department, it was finally the Material Reserve Department's turn to report. Similarly, the Material Reserve Department has just been established, and many tasks have not yet been sorted out.

Tian Wenjing still had that paralyzed face, and said calmly: "I have only one suggestion. There are currently more than 200 horses in the territory. With the expansion of the cavalry, there will be further increases. Therefore, it is already very necessary. Choose a The ranch is used as a horse farm. More importantly, it is necessary to find suitable stallions to breed better war horses."

Tian Wenjing's suggestion reminded Ouyang Shuo that in his previous life, Lianzhou Basin produced a kind of high-quality war horse - green clam horse.

According to legend, the Qingfu horse is the product of the marriage of the ancient god insect Qingfu and wild horses. Therefore, the Qingfu horse inherited the spirit of Qingfu, running like the wind, psychic and knowing the way, very suitable as a war horse.

"The suggestion of Director Tian is very good. In fact, in our Lianzhou Basin, there is a kind of excellent war horse called the green clam horse. As far as I know, the green clam horse mainly lives in the center of the basin. Therefore, it is necessary to look for the green clam horse, you must cross the Friendship River and go to the other side of the river to search.”

As soon as the voice changed, Ouyang Shuo continued: "However, there is a group of powerful nomads living in the center of the Lianzhou Basin. These nomads are all soldiers, and they are especially good at riding and shooting. It is not easy. If you want to capture the green clam horse smoothly , is very likely to encounter them."

At this time, San Gouzi from the Military Intelligence Division took the initiative to stand up and said loudly: "My lord, leave this matter to our Military Intelligence Division!"

Ouyang Shuo nodded, and solemnly ordered: "I agree with the dispatch by the Military Intelligence Department. However, I have to make a request. This time I will go out mainly for investigation, and the focus is to find out the specific activity range of the green clam horse. Nomads clash."

San Gouzi nodded vigorously and said, "Understood! Don't worry, my lord!"

So far, the first enlarged meeting of Shanhai Town has come to an end. After the meeting, Ouyang Shuo left the military generals behind to study the next step of the military expansion plan.

Having experienced the last disastrous victory in annihilating the mid-level bandit battalion, Ouyang Shuo deeply realized the importance of the infantry, and said straight to the point: "This time the army is expanding, and the formation of the cavalry squadron remains the same. The focus is on the infantry, and I plan to expand directly. A squadron of infantry."

The generals nodded, and Shi Wansui asked on behalf of the military, "According to my lord, who is in charge of the newly formed infantry squadron?"

All the fire chiefs and captains present here, except for Lin Yi, are all elite soldiers of the seventh rank, and at the highest they can only be the captains, so there is no need for the squadron leader.

"The infantry squadron is set up by you, General Shi, and you are temporarily serving as the squadron leader. As for the cavalry squadron, Lin Yi, the former second cavalry squadron leader, will be promoted to the cavalry squadron leader." Ouyang Shuo announced the appointment and removal of new personnel.

Lin Yi is a young player with flexible thinking and a calm mind. He is a good seed. In just one month of joining the army, he has successively served as fire chief, team leader, and now he has been promoted to squadron leader. From this, it can be seen that Ouyang Shuo appreciated and trusted him.

Lin Yi was naturally grateful for the lord's reuse, and said excitedly: "Thank you for the promotion, the general, and I will definitely live up to my trust!"

Ouyang Shuo waved his hands, looked at Zhang Daniu, Zhao Sihu and others who were envious, and said with a smile: "You don't have to be envious either. I'll give you a promise, whoever among you is the first to break through to the ninth rank elite soldier, I will promote you He is the squadron commander of the infantry squadron."

As the saying goes, there is no first in literature, and there is no second in martial arts. This is not bad, so excited by Ouyang Shuo, the ten fire chiefs immediately screamed, and they were determined to fight for the first elite soldier to break through to the ninth rank.

Among the ten fire chiefs, Zhang Daniu, Zhao Sihu, and Li Mingliang were the highest ranked, belonging to the first echelon, and could break through to the eighth rank at any time. Liao Kai, Zhou Feng and other fire chiefs who have just taken office are slightly inferior, and they are still only sixth-rank warriors.

Therefore, the position of squadron leader of the infantry squadron is most likely to be chosen from among the three old fire chiefs Zhang Daniu. Among the three, Zhang Daniu and Zhao Sihu, the two combat madmen, had the upper hand, while Li Mingliang, who was a little softer, was slightly inferior.

As for the two vacant positions in the cavalry squadron, Ouyang Shuo was not in a hurry to appoint them. He had to wait until the squadron leader of the infantry squadron was decided before making arrangements.

After discussing about military expansion, Ouyang Shuo rushed to the market immediately to buy architectural blueprints.

This time there are four village level buildings to be upgraded to town level. Among them, the village-level toilets belong to the first-level village buildings, so the higher-level town-level toilets cost 20 gold coins. This is also the highest level of toilets, and there are no county-level toilets or county-level toilets.

Village-level granaries, village-level ancestral halls, and village-level private schools belong to the second-level village buildings, and each town-level architectural drawing costs 50 gold coins. Granaries and private schools can be upgraded up to the county level, and ancestral halls can be upgraded to the ancestral temple.

In addition, Ouyang Shuo spent another 20 gold coins to purchase an architectural blueprint of the middle market, unlocking the function of the auction platform in advance. Five architectural drawings cost 190 gold coins.

Speaking of architectural blueprints, he remembered that in his storage bag, there were still four useless architectural blueprints obtained from the last extermination of the intermediate rogue battalion. He simply took out all of them, sold them to the market, deducted 20% transaction tax, and got 52 gold coins.

After tossing around like this, he only has 372 gold coins left, which is really useless.

In addition to the architectural blueprints, Ouyang Shuo is also planning to buy some fruit seeds that are suitable for growing in the Lianzhou Basin, and can be directly planted with seeds or used to cultivate seedlings. In the end, he chose Luo Han Guo.

In fact, Guangxi is also rich in lychee, longan, persimmon and other fruits, but these fruits must purchase specially cultivated saplings for planting. The fruits grown from seeds are all wild plants, which are difficult to bear fruit, and even if they bear fruit, they are not delicious.

After leaving the market, Ouyang Shuo returned to the Lord's Mansion, where there were still a lot of affairs waiting for him to deal with.