The World Online

Chapter 55: Affiliated villages


Back at the Lord's Mansion, Ouyang Shuo walked into the office of the Administration Department on the east side.

He first handed the five architectural drawings he bought just now to Zhao Dewang of the Construction Department. Instruct him to arrange for people to upgrade these five buildings when he is in charge of the construction of the city wall.

Then, Ouyang Shuo found Gu Xiuwen and asked him to go to the office with him to make arrangements.

Gu Xiuwen had just been relieved of his post as chief officer of the Household Registration Office in the morning, and when he heard an adult call him, he understood, and understood that there was a new task to be entrusted to him.

Back at the mayor's office, Ouyang Shuo waited for Gu Xiuwen to sit down, and said with a smile: "Xiuwen, you have performed well these days, and all the errands you have given me have been done smoothly. I have seen all these, and now there is a A more difficult task is to be entrusted to you, but I don’t know if you have the confidence.”

"Despite your orders, Xiuwen will do his best!"

Ouyang Shuo nodded in satisfaction, and said loudly, "Okay, that's what is needed. It's like this. After the territory is upgraded to a first-level township, a subsidiary village can be built. Just as the area of the territory expands, the Beimu Salt Field behind the mountains It has also been officially incorporated into the scope of the territory. In order to provide a place for the salt workers in the Beimu Salt Field to save them from traveling back and forth between the Salt Field and Shanhai Town, I decided to build this first subsidiary village in the Salt Field. Next to it, it is specially used to house salt workers."

"My lord is kind, Xiuwen thanked you for your kindness on behalf of the salt workers!" Gu Xiuwen said sincerely.

Ouyang Shuo waved his hand, "Beimu Saltworks will be the gold industry of the territory for a long time. The salt workers are exposed to the wind and the sun all day long, constantly creating benefits for the territory. Provide them with a stable home, This is what it should mean. The new village needs a responsible village head, and I prefer you, Xiuwen. How about it, would you like to go to the seaside to suffer?"

Although he was prepared in his heart, Gu Xiuwen was still very excited when he heard that he had the opportunity to take charge of the party, and said incoherently: "If you can guard the party for the adults, Xiuwen will die."

"Very good. Now that you've prepared yourself, I might as well give you an overview. I plan to name the new affiliated village Beihai Village. In the early stage, it will mainly serve the Beimu Saltworks. However, the role of Beihai Village is absolutely It's not limited to this. In the future, it will be the only port city in the territory and a window for ocean trade in the territory. Its importance cannot be overstated." Ouyang Shuo explained.

Gu Xiuwen nodded vigorously, deeply aware of the heavy responsibility, and said, "I'm going to Beihai Village, what are your orders?"

"Don't worry, I won't let you build Beihai Village just like this. The initial idea is that Beihai Village will be built directly according to the standards of a third-level village. In terms of population, the existing 250 salt workers are all under the jurisdiction of Beihai Village. In addition, each department in Shanhai Town will dispatch one or two grassroots government officials to assist you in building the basic administrative structure of Beihai Village. All kinds of skilled personnel in the territory must also send at least one apprentice to Beihai Village. Conditional Yes, for example, if the territory already has four blacksmiths, you can directly send one blacksmith to accompany you to Beihai Village. Finally, the territory will provide a batch of basic materials that are sufficient for the initial construction." Ouyang Shuo dispelled Gu Xiuwen's worries. .

Since the conditions are available, Beihai Village naturally does not need to open up wasteland step by step like the previous Shanhai Village. This is the advantage of the affiliated villages. With the support of the base camp in the early stage, they can develop quickly if they need people and things. More importantly, as long as the base camp has already built buildings, the attached villages do not need architectural drawings to build the same buildings. This saves a lot of money.

With the assistance promised by the adults, Gu Xiuwen also became more confident, and said relaxedly: "With such unique conditions, my subordinates have the confidence to build Beihai Village for the adults."

"You have to remember that you have to take a long-term view when you get there. It is best to choose a location suitable for the construction of a large port. In addition, although the Beimu Salt Field has not been attacked by water bandits or pirates so far, it has to be guarded against. After you go, you must not only pay attention to the economy and people's livelihood, but also form a defense force as soon as possible, and I will send a fire chief from the cavalry squadron to assist you." Ouyang Shuo reminded.

Gu Xiuwen nodded, indicating that he remembered it.

The general situation has been explained, Ouyang Shuo got up, smiled and said to Gu Xiuwen: "Let's go, follow me to get the village building token."

Ouyang Shuo brought a puzzled Gu Xiuwen to the next meeting hall. I read the stele silently in my heart, and the golden stele slowly rose from the ground of the meeting hall. On the front of the stele, the three seal scripts of Shanhai Town are shining brightly.

He pressed his right hand on the front of the stone tablet and meditated on the attached village, and the system prompt sounded immediately.

"System prompt: Shanhai Town is a first-class township and has a quota for an affiliated village. Do you want to use it?"


"System prompt: The village building token of Shanhai Town is a gold-level token, and the village building tokens of the affiliated villages will be automatically downgraded to a silver-level token. Do you want to separate immediately?"


A ray of white light shot out from the golden stele, and slowly landed on Ouyang Shuo's hand, turning into a silver-level village building token.

Ouyang Shuo took the opportunity to check the attributes of the village building token.

[Name]: Village Building Order (Silver Level)

[Features]: The rate of attracting refugees increases by 40%, the rate of attracting special talents increases by 16%, the output of crops increases by 40%, the skill proficiency of production residents increases by 16%, and the level of soldiers increases by 16%.

[Evaluation]: Unique item, cannot be dropped, cannot be traded.

Silver-level village building orders have only 80% of the characteristics of gold-level village building orders, and they lack exclusive characteristics. Even so, this is still a very rare village building order. In the whole of China, plus the previous Six Hegemons of Handan, there must be no more than ten silver-level village building orders.

According to the system settings, the village building orders of affiliated villages are automatically downgraded by one level, and each territory can have up to three affiliated villages. Of course, occupying the territory of other lords is not within this limit.

When the affiliated village is upgraded to an affiliated township, three more affiliated villages can be developed, provided that the base camp is upgraded to the county level. Similarly, the village establishment tokens of the affiliated villages of the affiliated towns can only be separated from the stone tablets of the affiliated towns, and the level will be automatically downgraded by one level. This cycle continues until the lowest level of Bronze level is reached, and there is no way to drop.

In other words, the golden stele in Shanhai Town can be separated into three silver-level village building tokens. These three silver-level village building tokens can be separated into nine black iron-level village building tokens.

This shows how far-reaching the gold-level village building token has had on the development of the territory. Shanhai Town, which has the only gold-level village building token in China, has such a profound heritage.

Ouyang Shuo nodded in satisfaction, handed the village construction order to Gu Xiuwen, and said with a smile: "I have already provided you with the conditions that can be created for you. How far Beihai Village can develop will depend on you in the future." Come on, don't let me down."

Gu Xiuwen nodded silently, and said with a choked voice, "My lord, don't worry!"

"Okay, let's get ready! As for which government talents and technical apprentices to choose, you should be better than me after serving as the chief officer of the household registration office for so long. Just take my warrant and go pick people! Need supplies I will help you coordinate the supplies provided by the Reserve Department and the army. Tomorrow morning, you can take them with you!" Ouyang Shuo patted Gu Xiuwen on the shoulder and said relaxedly.

Seeing Gu Xiuwen walk out of the meeting room with a warrant, Ouyang Shuo murmured to himself, "Xiuwen, you may not even know what kind of opportunity this is. Don't let me down!"

Afterwards, Ouyang Shuo called Tian Wenjing and Du Xiaolan to the office, and said, "Maybe you have heard that Gu Xiuwen, the former head of the household registration office, is going to Beimu Salt Farm to open up subsidiary villages for the territory. For this, I have two things to do." I want to charge you."

"The first thing is about the Beimu Salt Farm. After the establishment of Beihai Village, the Beimu Salt Farm will accept the dual leadership of the Yantian Division and Beihai Village. All the salt workers in the salt farm will be transferred to the villagers of Beihai Village. The follow-up salt workers, It is also a priority to choose from Beihai Village. Before that, I think it is very necessary to make a clearer definition of the responsibilities of both of you."

"Beihai Village is mainly responsible for the living security of the salt workers. The Yantian Division is mainly responsible for the production planning of the salt field and a series of links such as storage, transportation, and sales of sea salt. I hope that in the future, the Yantian Division can coordinate with Beihai Village in work. , to achieve mutual assistance and mutual benefit, rather than mutual restraint."

"In addition, the Ministry of Finance has also said in the morning that the scale of the Beimu Salt Field should be expanded. I agree with this suggestion. I suggest that the third phase of the Beimu Salt Field be started. In one month, the salt field will be gradually expanded. Expand the scale to 2,000 mu."

"The second thing is to support the construction of Beihai Village. The Material Reserve Department must do two things well. One is to open grain shops, butcher shops and cloth shops to Beihai Village as soon as possible so that the villagers of Beihai Village can buy them when they go out. The second is to prepare a batch of timber, stone and iron ore, and transport them to Beihai Village by fishing boats to support the construction of Beihai Village. Beihai Village is backed by the sea, and timber resources are very scarce. Stone and ore, to It can be mined slowly and independently. My opinion is that the timber resources supported this time must meet the construction needs of the third-level villages."

Tian Wenjing nodded and said, "Don't worry, my lord. The Material Reserve Department will definitely cooperate with Village Chief Gu and do our part for the expansion of the territory. In addition, this time the Material Reserve Department will also arrange capable government officials to go to Beihai Village Set up a material reserve department and fully cooperate with the work of Village Chief Gu."

"So, I'm so relieved!" Ouyang Shuo nodded and got up to see off the guests.