The World Online

Chapter 58: Magnolia Moon


After discussing the matter of the Department of Public Security, except for Fan Zhongyan, everyone left one after another. The territory has just been upgraded, and everyone is so busy that there is no time to stay for tea and chat.

Li Tie, the director of the Public Security Department who just took office, hurriedly summoned two helpers, Song Yi and Zhao Kui. Afterwards, a notice to recruit police officers had to be posted, and the twenty team members should be filled as soon as possible. He made a military order in front of the adults, and he must set up a public security department before the Spring Festival to ensure public security during the festival.

Not to mention Cui Yingyou, the commercial department was newly built and there were not enough staff. How to quickly set up the shelf of the Department of Commerce so that a new round of economic stimulus policies can be implemented as soon as possible is the top priority in front of her.

Tian Wenjing, Director of Material Reserves, is not having an easy time either. On the one hand, he had to cooperate with the Military Intelligence Department to organize the search for green clam horses, and also to find a suitable location for the construction of a horse farm. On the other hand, with the rapid expansion of the territory's transportation needs, the use of wooden oxen and horses to form a special transport fleet, as well as the establishment of a special transport fleet on the river between Shanhai Town and Beihai Village, are all major issues before the Material Reserve Department. .

After the others left, Fan Zhongyan said, "I would like to report to my lord. As for the position of director of the Household Registration Department, one of my subordinates recommends someone. Please refer to my lord for details!"

"Who?" Ouyang Shuo was more curious about who Fan Zhongyan would recommend to replace Gu Xiuwen who had already gone to Beihai Village.

On the surface, the work of the household registration department seems very simple. It is just to register the household registration of refugees and clarify the distribution ratio of the five types of personnel in agriculture, industry, fishery, animal husbandry and craftsmen. In fact, it also shoulders the important mission of discovering talents for the territory.

In the past, when Gu Xiuwen was around, he would handle ordinary people by himself. Only those who he thinks are more important, or who he thinks Ouyang Shuo will be interested in, will specially report to him and ask him to arrange. The scale of this is a great test of the wisdom and vision of the head of the household registration department.

If it's someone you think is very important, when you report to Ouyang Shuo, you won't be able to attract his interest at all. Or maybe you think it's just an ordinary talent, but it's the special talent that Ouyang Shuo has been looking for. In either case, it is the dereliction of duty of the head of the Household Registration Department.

Without hesitation, Fan Zhongyan said directly: "Among the refugees who were picked up today, there is a young scholar named Zhou Haichen, and his subordinates recommended him to be the head of the Household Registration Department."

This surprised Ouyang Shuo. Originally, he thought that Fan Zhongyan would recommend his assistant, Qin Shijian, to be the director of the Household Registration Department. If it was Qin Shijian, he would not object.

Ouyang Shuo knew a little about this young man. Actively signed up to participate in the first phase of the political affairs crash course organized by Lianzhou College, and graduated with the first place.

Later, Fan Zhongyan personally appointed him as an assistant to assist him in handling government affairs. Under Fan Zhongyan's precepts and deeds, he became more sophisticated in handling government affairs. Such a good seedling has long been listed as a reserve talent by Ouyang Shuo, and he focuses on inspections. He is still thinking about when he will add more burdens to Qin Shijian.

Unexpectedly, Fan Zhongyan's preferred candidate for director was a newcomer. It seems that this Zhou Haichen is very unusual. As soon as he came to Shanhai Town, he was appreciated by the director of administration and entrusted with important tasks.

Since Fan Zhongyan had already promised that Fan Zhongyan would decide on the candidate for the Director of the Household Registration Department, Ouyang Shuo would naturally not break his promise, and said with a smile: "Okay, I agree to this appointment. To be appreciated by Mr., must be a talent. If you have time If so, bring it to me. In addition, Qin Shijian and Du Quan, two young people, should be given more burdens. I think so, appoint Qin Shijian as the assistant to the director of the administrative department, and appoint the former household registration Du Quan, a grassroots clerk, is the assistant to the director of the Household Registration Department."

Fan Zhongyan nodded, expressing no objection.

Qin Shijian was equivalent to taking over another position from Gu Xiuwen. From then on, he could legitimately assist Fan Zhongyan in handling the administrative affairs of the Administration Department.

As for Du Quan, he also graduated from the first phase of the political affairs crash course of Lianzhou College, and was recruited into the household registration office by Gu Xiuwen. Being careful, I heard that Gu Xiuwen valued him very much. This time, Ouyang Shuo simply took the opportunity to raise him a level, providing him with a broader platform to display his talents.

After discussing the personnel adjustment of the Administration Department, Fan Zhongyan bid farewell tactfully and left. In the current territory, he is the busiest. Not only is it necessary to take charge of the administrative affairs of the administrative department, but it is also responsible for setting up the merit examination department and registering all the government officials in the territory.

According to Ouyang Shuo's intention, seeing the Spring Festival approaching, it was a good opportunity to conduct a year-end evaluation for all government officials, dividing them into four grades: excellent, good, qualified and poor. Those who are excellent in the evaluation will be given priority for promotion and appointment. Those who are poor in the evaluation will stay in their jobs for inspection, and those who are serious will be demoted or even dismissed directly.

Not long after Fan Zhongyan left, Ouyang Shuo received two letters from Feige, one from Baihua in Lingxi Village and the other from Mulanyue in Mulan Village.

He first opened Bai Hua's Flying Pigeon letter. The beauty leader first congratulated Shanhai Town on his promotion. After some courtesies, he politely asked him the secret to upgrading the township. Especially pay attention to how to improve the economic index of the territory.

Of course, there is no need for Ouyang Shuo to hide this kind of upgrade strategy. He still has this kind of tolerance, how can he cherish himself with his broom. He very simply sorted out the privatization measures of Shanhai Village, from the establishment of a bank, to the establishment of a basic welfare system, to the establishment of price levels and wage levels, and sent them to Bai Hua.

Ouyang Shuo also hoped that Lingxi Village could be promoted earlier and break the monopoly of Handan's Six Hegemons on the leaderboard. As for how Lingxi Village will raise funds for privatization, that is not something he should consider.

Then, he opened Mulanyue's Flying Pigeon letter. He didn't know much about the only female lord among the three heroes in the Lianzhou Basin in the previous life.

After all, in his previous life, he was just an adventure player, and he only had some impressions of those famous lords. In such a small place like the Lianzhou Basin, being able to understand the general situation is all thanks to his intentions. As for the specific lord information, where can I learn more.

Not surprisingly, Mulanyue expressed her willingness to form an alliance in the letter.

Mulan Village is located in the northernmost part of the Lianzhou Basin, next to the Zhennan Pass, firmly blocking the only passage from the Lianzhou Basin to the hinterland. Shanhai Town is located in the southernmost part of the Lianzhou Basin, blocking the only passage from the Lianzhou Basin to the sea.

Who is better and who is worse, it is difficult to say clearly for a while, it can only be said that the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees the wisdom. For lords who like to expand abroad, Zhennanguan is naturally a must-have for military strategists. For lords who are more interested in national warfare, the vast ocean is obviously more attractive.

Mulanyue was able to choose to build a village near Zhennanguan, not to mention anything else, just this long-term strategic vision is enough to win Ouyang Shuo's respect and favor.

Mulan Village and Shanhai Town are exactly one south and one north. Before upgrading to the capital city, the territory areas will not overlap. The two territories just happened to be stuck at the only second exit of the Lianzhou Basin. Once they joined forces, it would be enough for other lords in the Lianzhou Basin to drink a pot.

Adhering to the principle of long-distance friendship and short-term attack, Ouyang Shuo did not intend to reject Mulanyue's application for alliance. Maybe this ally can bring him more surprises in future territorial wars.

He took out the lord's handbook from the storage pouch, opened the territory column, and searched for Mulan Village, the lord Mulanyue. After confirmation, an alliance application will pop up automatically. Click OK, and a covenant pops up immediately.

Then he took out the lord's official seal from the storage bag, and stamped it on the covenant without hesitation. So far, Shanhai Town and Mulan Village have formally formed an alliance.

After the two parties signed the covenant, Ouyang Shuo also sent a copy of the privatization measures sent to Bai Hua to Mulan Yue. At the same time, he made a report to his ally Lingxi Village about the alliance with Mulan Village.

Allies can form bilateral or multilateral alliances. If Bai Hua and Mulan Yue have the heart, they can also form an alliance with each other.

At the same time, in the office of the head of Mulan Village, a young girl in her twenties said happily, "Sister Mu, as you expected, Shanhai Town has approved our alliance application!"

Mu Guiying looked at Mulanyue dotingly, and said with a smile: "As long as the lord of Shanhai Town is not the kind of arrogant person, he will naturally not reject our alliance. After all, for a long time, our two There is no conflict of interest between families.”

Mulanyue nodded and said, "Yes. That's right, he also sent us a strategy to advance to the township. However, if we want to implement it according to his method, we need a lot of gold coins."

Mu Guiying shook her head, disapproving. "Don't worry, take your time. The original intention of this privatization measure is good. But it doesn't need to be so thorough if it's just to be promoted to a first-level township. I think the reason why Shanhai Town did this is because They have sufficient funds to formulate such a generous basic welfare system. We can make flexible adjustments according to the actual situation of Mulan Village, and still meet the requirements of the economic index.”

Mulanyue nodded her head like a chicken pecking at rice. This is not like a lord, but like a little girl who worships idols. "Hee hee, after listening to your analysis, Sister Mu, I feel a lot more relaxed!"

Mu Guiying touched Mulanyue's small head, smiled without saying a word.