The World Online

Chapter 6: village property


Before he had time to check the properties of the village, Ouyang Shuo led Shi Wansui out of the lord's mansion, preparing to go to the entrance of the village to receive the 10 farmers.

village entrance. Ten sallow, emaciated farmers in tattered clothes and dull eyes were gathering together, looking at Shanhai Village curiously. At the feet of the peasants lay some rag parcels, which were all their belongings.

With Ouyang Shuo in front and Shi Wansui in the back, they walked towards them quickly.

When the group of farmers saw such a fierce general like Shi Wansui, a trace of fear flashed in their eyes. Looking back at Ouyang Shuo who was standing in front of Shi Wansui, he suddenly became respectful and more reserved.

One by one kept bowing, and a middle-aged man in the lead said: "My lord, please be safe. The little man Zhao Dexian, led the villagers from the same village to come to your village, and hope that your lord will take him in."

Ouyang Shuo briefly introduced himself first, "I am the village head of Shanhai Village, and the person behind me is General Shi."

After the introduction, he went on to say: "I'm very glad that you all came to vote. Shanhai Village is waiting to be rebuilt, and it is the time when talents are urgently needed. Naturally, there is no reason not to accept them. If nothing else, as long as you are willing to work hard. I promise everyone , have clothes to wear, food to eat, houses to live in, and fields to cultivate.”

These four promises have reached the hearts of these peasant brothers, and their eyes have gradually brightened, which is the yearning for a better life. One by one whispered and talked a lot.

"Everyone be quiet first." Ouyang Shuo paused, and after everyone calmed down, he continued, "We don't want to stand at the entrance of the village, everyone follow me back to the lord's mansion, settle down temporarily, and let's talk about filling our stomachs."

Hearing that it can fill the stomach, everyone cheered again. Poor thing, they haven't had enough food for more than ten days.

Before leaving, Ouyang Shuo called Shi Wansui to him, and said solemnly: "General Shi, I have something to ask the general."

Shi Wansui was stunned for a moment, and said: "My lord, despite your orders, the general will definitely do his best."

"It's like this. Shanhai Village was first built, and the walls and fences have not been built yet, so there is no defense at all. For the safety of the territory, I hope the general will patrol the territory once. When encountering wild animals, rogues and the like, don't be soft-hearted, and resolutely eliminate them to prevent future troubles. " Ouyang Shuo ordered.

"The general obeys orders!" After Shi Wansui finished speaking, he rode away on a yellow puma with dry provisions.

Ouyang Shuo settled 10 peasants in the east wing of the feudal mansion and left them rations. Going back to the village chief's office alone, I saw two items on the desk, a seal and a booklet. The seal letter is the official seal of the lord, made of brass, and the official seal is a tortoise. The booklet is the lord's handbook, which records the basic information of the territory.

[Territory]: Shanhai Village (a first-class village)

[Lord]: Qi said Wuyi (first-class baron)

[Title]: None

[Public opinion]: 70 [Public security]: 65

[Territory Population]: 12/200 [Refugees Refresh Speed]: 10*(1+50%)=15 people/day

[Territory area]: 20 square kilometers

[Territory Features]: The rate of attracting refugees increases by 50%, the rate of attracting special talents increases by 20%, the output of crops increases by 50%, the skill proficiency of production residents increases by 20%, the level of army soldiers increases by 20%, and the success rate of territorial talents breaking through bottlenecks Increase by 10%.

[Territory Fund]: 100 gold coins

[Territory resources]: 5000 units of grain, 490 units of wood, 500 units of stone, 500 units of iron ore

[Territorial Army]: None

[Territorial Industry]: None

[Political Index]: 5/100 (determines administrative efficiency and affects public opinion)

[Economic index]: 5/100 (determines the degree of trade prosperity, related to taxation)

[Cultural Index]: 0/100 (determines the degree of education development and affects the quality of residents)

[Military Index]: 10/100 (determines military strength, stable relationship)

[Existing Buildings]: Village Lord's Mansion, Primary Market

List of basic construction buildings:

[Simple Fence]: Primary fortification, with a weak defensive effect, can block wild animals. Build Conditions: Wood 100 units. Build time: twenty-four hours.

[Village-level canteen]: A collective dining place for residents. Construction conditions: canteen construction drawings, 30 units of wood, 20 units of stone. Build time: twelve hours.

[Village-level toilets]: Improve the sanitation conditions in villages. Construction conditions: toilet construction drawings, 10 units of wood, 10 units of stone. Build time: six hours.

[Wooden Residential Small Courtyard]: Provides 20 people to live in. Construction conditions: construction drawings of residential courtyards, 40 units of wood and 20 units of stone. Build time: twelve hours.

[Junior Blacksmith Shop]: Forge all kinds of agricultural tools, forge axes, chisels and other iron tools. Construction conditions: junior blacksmith, smithy construction blueprint, 20 units of wood, 10 units of stone. Build time: twelve hours.

[Junior grocery store]: Distribution of various daily necessities. Construction conditions: shopkeeper, construction blueprint of grocery store, 20 units of wood, 10 units of stone.

[Primary Logging Farm]: Accelerate the collection speed of wood resources, and produce an average of 10 units of wood/person/day. Build Conditions: Wood 30 units. Build time: six hours.

[Primary Quarry]: Speed up the collection of stone resources, and produce an average of 5 units of stone/person/day. Construction conditions: 20 units of wood, 10 units of stone. Build time: six hours.

[Simple Farmland]: You can grow crops, with an average yield of 200 units of grain per mu.

[Explanation]: Grain is harvested twice a year. The first season is sown before Qingming Festival, and the second season is sown at the end of June and early July. When the optimal sowing time is missed, the yield will be reduced by 10%~50%.

[Junior Barracks]: Farmers can be transferred to militiamen. Construction conditions: generals, barracks construction drawings, 100 units of wood, 40 units of stone. Build time: twenty-four hours.

Based on the calculation of a full population of 200, 10 residential courtyards need to be built. A total of 730 units of wood and 300 units of stone are needed to complete the construction of all buildings.

The most scarce thing is food. Each villager needs to consume 1 unit of grain per day, and each militiaman needs to consume 2 units of food per day. Based on a population of 200, the territory needs to consume at least 210 units a day.

Game time and real time are synchronized 1:1, just reverse day and night. The main map of the game uniformly adopts the Gaia calendar. It is now the first month of the first year of Gaia, and it is not yet the time for planting rice.

Therefore, in the first half of this year, lord players cannot receive a grain of grain from the farmland.

This is the darkest half year for the lord player. For food, he had to sell limited resources such as wood and ore to the system, which caused the development of the territory to almost stagnate. There are countless territories that have gone bankrupt due to lack of food.

However, the so-called crisis is the opportunity in danger. During this process, some lords took the opportunity to develop characteristic industries in their territories, and got rid of the food predicament early. Most of these outstanding lords later upgraded their territories to the county level, which is admirable.

This is the essence of the "Earth Online" game, and it will never let the lord upgrade the territory easily. All kinds of obstacles emerge in endlessly, and all kinds of traps are hard to guard against.

Only those characters who can overcome obstacles and get rid of traps can stand out and lead the way. And that kind of game player is destined to be eliminated early.

back to the front. What Ouyang Shuo lacks most now are all kinds of architectural blueprints and special talents such as blacksmiths and shopkeepers. The most urgent task is to build the three buildings of the fence, the canteen and the toilet.

There is no rush to reclaim the farmland, and it is not needed now anyway. Logging yards, residential courtyards and quarries are the second priority construction sequence. As for the barracks, the population is too small now, and there is no rush to build them.

After sorting out the village construction plan, Ouyang Shuo came to the East Wing. Zhao Dexian and his party had finished their lunch and were sitting and chatting together. Seeing the village head coming in, they all stood up and said hello.

Ouyang Shuo responded one by one with a smile, "How is it? Are you still used to living here?"

"Get used to it, get used to it. This place is better than where we used to live." Zhao Dexian said respectfully.

"It's good to get used to it. I was in a hurry just now, and I haven't had time to get to know each other well. Why don't you guys introduce yourself! Zhao Dexian, you come first!" Ouyang Shuo pointed to Zhao Dexian.

"My lord, our previous village was called Zhaojiagou, which was isolated from the world. Half a month ago, an injured rogue broke into the village by accident. At first, we didn't know his real identity. We bandaged his wound with good intentions , and left him to recuperate in the village. After recovering from his injuries, the man left immediately. Unexpectedly, he led his accomplices to ransack our village the next day. There are more than 300 people in the village, and only ten of us are left I escaped. For the past ten days or so, we have been tortured in the wilderness. Fortunately, the adults have taken us in, and we have a place to live." Speaking of sadness, this tough man couldn't help but have tears in his eyes.

"Okay, the dead are gone, we have to learn to look forward. Zhao Dexian, what did you do before?" Ouyang Shuo didn't know how to comfort these sad people, so he changed the subject directly.

"Returning to your lord's words. When Xiaomin was in Zhaojiagou, he was favored by everyone to serve as the village head."

This was a pleasant surprise. I didn't expect that there would be an administrative talent. Check out the attributes of Zhao Dexian.

[Name]: Zhao Dexian (Bronze Level)

[Identity]: Villager of Shanhai Village

[Occupation]: civil servant

[Loyalty]: 75 points

[Commander]: 15 [Force]: 20 [Intelligence]: 20 [Politics]: 30

[Evaluation]: The former village head of Zhaojiagou, well-behaved, well-governed village, good at agricultural and water conservancy management.

A round of introductions down. Among the remaining nine people, two are fruit farmers, named Zhao Youde and Zhao Youcai, two brothers. One was a carpenter in the village named Zhao Youfang. There was a mason named Zhao Dewang. The remaining five are pure farmers.

Half of the group of people are special talents, it's not that Ouyang Shuo won the big prize, but a hidden reward from the system. It is impossible for the system to arrange 10 pure farmers for you. In that case, even a house cannot be built.

After getting to know each other, Ouyang Shuo immediately appointed Zhao Dexian as the captain of the construction team. Arrange for him to lead five people to build a wooden fence. At the same time, arrange for Zhao Youfang to take the remaining three people to build a primary logging camp and start collecting wood as soon as possible.

Because Ouyang Shuo was going to build the fence in one go according to the standards of a third-level village, which required 600 units of wood. Originally, there was a gap of 170 units of timber. If you don’t hurry up and mine it, you will not be able to keep up with the pace of construction.

According to the design of the game, after the territory is upgraded, except for the lord's mansion, the rest of the buildings will remain as they are and will not be upgraded.

In order to facilitate the lord to re-plan the territory, the system has designed a recycling function. The lord can recycle the buildings to be adjusted and re-place them in corresponding positions. However, recycling is not free, there is a fee for every adjustment of the position of a building.

Therefore, far-sighted lord players generally adjust their territory every time they pass a level. Of course, other players still don't know what kind of buildings will appear in the next level, so they can only make a rough plan.

And like Ouyang Shuo now, when he was in the first-level village, he directly built the fence of the third-level village. The building layout in the village will also reserve enough open space according to the content of the third-level villages.

That's why Ouyang Shuo, as a reborn person, was able to make this kind of predictive arrangement to the extreme, which was beyond the envy of others.