The World Online

Chapter 62: evaluation


In the office, there was a pile of leather equipment, including leather armor, belts, knee pads, wrist guards, and leather boots. Don't look at Qing'er, who is usually very naughty, but she is unequivocal when she gets down to business.

Ouyang Shuo picked up the equipment and checked them one by one. The bison BOSS fur was sewn into two leather armors and four belts, the wild boar BOSS fur was sewn into four sets of knee pads and wrist guards, and the wild wolf BOSS fur was sewn into four sets of leather boots. As for the fur of the wild dog boss, it was of little value, and Qing'er sewed it into four quiver bags.

A total of 18 pieces of equipment, except for the leather armor, the rest are silver-level equipment. Two pieces of leather armor, one is gold rank, the other is dark gold rank. Ouyang Shuo reckoned that Qing'er should have used this dark gold-level leather armor to break through to a master-level tailor in one fell swoop.

[Name]: Bull Guardian (Dark Gold Level)

[Type]: leather armor

[Weight]: 3 kg

[Defense]: 60

[Toughness]: 65

[Creator]: Mu Qingsi (owns equipment naming rights)

[Evaluation]: Mu Qingsi, a high-level tailor, made of bison boss leather with a quality of 9. Exquisite workmanship, reasonable design and excellent protection.

At this stage, high-end players have popularized black iron equipment, and occasionally there will be one or two pieces of silver equipment. As for the gold equipment, it is estimated that only the heads of the top ten mercenary regiments have one or two pieces, and they regard them as treasures.

As for the dark gold equipment, in the entire China region, there will never be more than five pieces, which are basically monopolized by lord players. Even if it is Qing'er, let her try again, and she may not be able to sew a dark gold leather armor again. There's a lot of luck involved here.

Ouyang Shuo immediately replaced the Savage Guard leather armor he was wearing with this Dark Gold rank Barbarian Guard. Then put on the belt and knee pads. As for the wrist guards and leather boots, since they are both silver-level, they have not been replaced.

For the rest of the equipment, he plans to reward the infantry squadron. Because the weapons workshops are not ready to make iron armor, the newly formed infantry squadrons are all light infantry. These leather armors are suitable for their use.

However, now is not the time to hand out rewards. One has not been officially transferred to infantry, and the other has not yet decided on the squadron leader of the infantry squadron, and it is not known who will be rewarded.

After dealing with the equipment, Ouyang Shuo stayed in the office and never went out again.

In the afternoon of the next day, the merit examination department's year-end evaluation of grassroots government officials finally had the results.

In the mayor's office, the directors Fan Zhongyan, Tian Wenjing and Cui Yingyou gathered together again to listen to the report of the Kao Gong Division on the year-end evaluation.

Fan Zhongyan stood up, saluted Ouyang Shuo, and said, "This evaluation is mainly for grassroots government officials. As for the chief officials of each department, the lord will personally inspect them, and it is not within the scope of this evaluation. In addition, Beihai Village and public security Since it has just been established, it is no longer within the scope of this evaluation. Therefore, this evaluation is mainly aimed at the Agriculture Department, Construction Department and Household Registration Department under the Administrative Department, the Taxation Department, the Commercial Department and the Universal Bank under the Finance Department. , the Yantian Division, Combat Readiness Division, Material Division, and Chariot Division under the Material Reserve Department."

"This evaluation is mainly conducted from the two aspects of morality and talent. There are three departments, eight divisions and one directly affiliated organization, with a total of 64 grassroots government officials. Four people were evaluated as excellent; There are eighteen people who passed the test; thirty-nine people who passed the test; and three people who were poor in the test.”

After listening to Fan Zhongyan's report, Ouyang Shuo's expression was serious. It is not difficult to see from the evaluation results that the quality of grassroots government officials is generally low, more than half are only qualified, only four of them are excellent, and three are poor. This couldn't help making him very angry, and asked in a deep voice, "Who is the one who got the job?"

"Among the three people, one is the supervisor of the construction department, named Zhao Si. According to the reports of the craftsmen, this person has a rough style, often insulting and even whipping the craftsmen. The other is the shopkeeper of the butcher shop of the Materials Department, and his name is Sun Quan. According to the reactions of the shop staff, this person often The meat from the butcher shop was taken home privately, and then the shortfall was made up for by lack of catties. The last person was in charge of the granary of the material department, neglected his duties, and the granary was plagued by rats. loss." Fan Zhongyan obviously came prepared and reported in great detail.

Ouyang Shuo's face was gloomy, and he asked, "What's Kao Gongsi's opinion on these three?"

"The opinion of the Kaogong Division is to remove them from their posts and never hire them."

Ouyang Shuo obviously didn't want to let these moths go so easily, and said sternly: "This kind of treatment is far from enough. In my opinion, let these three people be fined to build the city wall and moat for free, and only eat three meals a day. When to finish the work, when to end the punishment, so as to set an example for others.”

"There are such moths in the department, and the chief officers of each department are also responsible for negligence. I decided to fine Zhao Dewang, the director of the Construction Department, with two months' salary, and Du Xiaolan, the director of the Materials Department, with three months' salary. In addition, I remember the butcher shop. The shopkeeper must have been appointed by Zhao Youfang, the deputy director of the original materials reserve department. He will also be punished, and he will be punished heavily. I have explained before that you must be cautious in choosing the shopkeeper, but this happened. I decided to punish Zhao Youfang Half a year's salary, and at the same time, he was removed from the post of director of the combat readiness department and demoted to deputy director."

Ouyang Shuo's thunderous tactics made the three directors present tense. It not only increases the punishment for dereliction of duty, but also further investigates the responsibility of its superiors and chief officials.

Tian Wenjing, director of the material reserve department, was even more disturbed. Among the three people who were dismissed this time, two belonged to the Material Reserve Department, and one was removed from the post of director. As the Director, he is naturally to blame.

Tian Wenjing got up, bowed and saluted, and said loudly: "The Material Reserve Department has made such a mistake, and the subordinates are to blame. Please punish me, my lord!"

Ouyang Shuo waved his hand, "Director Tian, you took office not long ago, and you were not there when those two were in office. As the saying goes, those who don't know are not guilty. This time, it is mainly to punish the culprits, and it is not appropriate to expand the scope of the attack. Of course, I also hope that after I come down , Director Tian can properly rectify the administration of officials. Similar situations should not happen again."

Tian Wenjing nodded vigorously, and said, "Thank you for your forgiveness, my lord. This subordinate must work hard to completely rectify the material reserve department, so as to live up to my lord's trust."

Ouyang Shuo looked at Fan Zhongyan again and asked, "Who is the winner?"

"Among the four, one is the grass-roots clerk in charge of water conservancy projects in the Department of Agriculture. His name is Sun Yannong. He is deeply loved by farmers and leads everyone to build water conservancy projects. He has both ability and political integrity. The other is a grass-roots clerk in charge of planning in the Construction Department. And the smooth progress of the moat project is all thanks to this person. One person is the clerk in charge of loan handling at the Four Seas Bank, named Yang Yun. The service is thoughtful and careful. The last person is the organizer of the Yantian Department, named Shen Zhui. There is a lot of research on drying salt technology." Fan Zhongyan's comments are really refined and hit the nail on the head.

Ouyang Shuo's expression softened, and he said with a smile, "Okay, these outstanding talents should be reused. As I said a long time ago, those who have done wrong will be punished, and those who have made merit will be rewarded. I have decided to appoint Sun Yannong as the deputy director of the Agriculture Department. Appoint Hao Jian as assistant to the director of the Construction Department, appoint Yang Yun as the supervisor of the lobby of the Four Seas Bank, and appoint Shen Zhui as the deputy director of the Yantian Department."

Fan Zhongyan frowned, hesitated for a moment, and said bravely: "My lord, I admit that Sun Yannong and Shen Zhui are very good, but if they are directly promoted to deputy directors after two levels, isn't it a little bit of a waste of time? My subordinates suggest, or first It is more appropriate to be appointed as the assistant to the director."

Ouyang Shuo shook his head and said, "Since these young people are so outstanding, we should boldly promote them and build a broader governance platform for them. Of course, there are other considerations for being so eager to promote. Since you If you ask, I'll give you a brief explanation."

"Let's talk about the Yantian Division first. From the day it was established, there has not been a serious chief officer. First, I was concurrently in charge, then Xiwen you, and now Yangon is concurrently in charge. They are all held by higher-level officials. Chief officer concurrently. This situation has existed for a long time, which is not conducive to the development of Yantian Division's work. Therefore, I decided to make Shen Zhui the key training object of Yantian Division. At the right time, if he can carry the banner of Yantian Division, Then I will not hesitate to promote him again."

"Let's talk about the Department of Agriculture. It is a huge department that is in charge of many affairs of agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry in the territory. It is obviously difficult to rely on the director Zhao Dexian alone. Therefore, it is very necessary to appoint a deputy director. Not only these two Department, other departments, if there are still excellent talents, you three directors can recommend them to me at any time. With the continuous expansion of the territory, it is very necessary to increase the training of reserve talents in the territory. Give newcomers more opportunities, It is to create more possibilities for the territory.”

The three directors nodded, accepting Ouyang Shuo's explanation. The reason why Ouyang Shuo explained a long paragraph was naturally that he didn't want the three important ministers to have doubts. Many of his ideas are realized through them. If the communication cannot be done well, there will be deviations in the implementation process, which is what he does not want to see.

After dealing with the assessment, the atmosphere immediately became more relaxed.

Cui Yingyou said with a smile: "Brother, it's almost the Chinese New Year. Have you prepared any rewards? Everyone has worked hard, but they all hope that you, the lord, will spread the money."

Ouyang Shuo smiled and said, "Okay, we have to reward them well. How about this, I will set a reward standard. The chief officers of each department will be given 1 gold coin for the director, 80 silver coins for the deputy director, and 50 silver coins for the assistant director. Standard implementation. Grass-roots government officials will be rewarded with 1 gold coin for the excellent ones, 30 silver coins for the good ones, and 10 silver coins for those who pass the assessment. The Ministry of Finance is responsible for the statistics. After the statistics are completed, come to me to collect the money.”

"Then what about the three of us?" Yingyou continued to ask.

"You guys, of course you can't use these coins as rewards. Don't worry, I prepared the rewards separately. As for the specifics, we will reveal them tomorrow." Ouyang Shuo joked.