The World Online

Chapter 7: Market and dogs


After arranging the work of Zhao Dexian and the others, Ouyang Shuo himself was not idle. He was going to go to the primary market to see if he had a chance to find some good things.

The primary market is built in the northwest corner of the village, near the village entrance. The market occupies a large area. In addition to a small wooden building used for trading, there is an open space on the west side of the small building as an unloading area.

When I entered the small building, there was no one there. There is a display screen on the left side of the hall, which is very similar to the optical brain screen in reality. On the right is a teleportation array, exuding a faint magical light, which is extremely mysterious.

The market can be said to be a product of the game beyond the era. The left side is the crystallization of technological civilization, and the right side is the crystallization of magic civilization. To achieve long-distance platform transactions, it is impossible to achieve without these two things.

The trading scope of the primary market is the surrounding areas of Dali City. The teleportation array cannot transmit life forms, and all transactions are paid by the seller with a 20% transaction tax.

Ouyang Shuo walked to the screen on the left, and found that the entire trading platform was divided into four sections. They are material trading platform, special item trading platform, limited-time auction platform, and negotiation and cooperation platform. The latter two platforms are grayed out and have not yet been opened.

Click on the material trading platform, and there are all kinds of materials such as food, wood, stone, ore, cloth, and salt. The only thing that is not available is military materials such as weapons, armor, and crossbows. These are prohibited items and cannot be sold.

Looking at the price again, a unit of grain is 10 copper coins, a unit of wood is 20 copper coins, and a unit of iron ore is 100 copper coins, all of which are not cheap. The most scarce thing in the territory right now is timber resources. Ouyang Shuo directly bought 500 units and spent 1 gold coin.

What he is really interested in is the special item trading platform. Click on the platform, and the special items are subdivided into four categories, namely architectural blueprints, item manufacturing technical manuals, skill books, and other items.

Needless to say, architectural drawings, all the architectural drawings of non-hidden buildings needed for the construction of the territory are all available, and there is a complete set of elementary, intermediate, advanced, and special grades.

In the construction of the territory, in addition to upgrading the necessary buildings, the lord's construction of other buildings is completely unlimited, as long as you meet the construction conditions.

For example, as long as you have blueprints for brothel construction, you can build this building that belongs to a third-level county when you are in a first-level village. As for whether you can make the brothel work normally, that's another matter.

Even so, most players still build all kinds of basic buildings step by step, and rarely build in such a way. The reason is that high-level architectural blueprints are too expensive.

1,000 gold coins for a piece of brothel architectural blueprint. May I ask which village chief has such a rich man? Even with this amount of money, no one would be foolish enough to waste it.

Ouyang Shuo first bought the blueprints for canteens, toilets, residential courtyards, blacksmiths, grocery stores, and military camps that are necessary for a first-level village. They cost 12 gold coins in total for 2 gold coins each.

This is actually a bit of a prodigal, and most players are reluctant to go directly to the market to buy blueprints. The more common way to obtain architectural blueprints is to kill bandits or raid bandit villages. After these humanoid NPCs die, they all have a certain probability of dropping blueprints.

Ouyang Shuo did this entirely to give full play to the value of the 100 gold coins, exchange the money for rapid development in the early stage, and take a step ahead.

In addition, he also spent 15 gold coins to buy three special blueprints, namely the ferry construction blueprint, the wharf construction blueprint, and the shipyard construction blueprint.

These are water-related buildings, which can only be built in territories close to water sources, so they are not included in the category of buildings necessary for territory upgrades, and are special buildings.

After buying the blueprints, Ouyang Shuo clicked on the item manufacturing technical manual. The so-called item manufacturing technology refers to some special and confidential manufacturing technologies in the industry, which cannot be mastered by ordinary skilled personnel.

For example, a master-level winemaker can theoretically brew all kinds of high-end wines. But, in fact, he couldn't brew "Hougongfang" baijiu. Why? Because other people's recipes are kept secret, no matter how good your skills are, it's useless.

Ouyang Shuo chose the "Technical Manual for Salting in Seawater" and "Technical Manual for Manufacture of Guide Vehicles". Two technical manuals, the former twenty gold coins, the latter ten gold coins. In ancient times in reality, table salt was sold uniformly by the government. It's different in the game. Except for arms, everything else can be traded.

For a lord by the seaside, if he does not master the technology of drying salt in seawater, he will be reckless. As for the guide car, it is a key item for a certain task in the future. The mission rewards are as rich as gold-level village building tokens.

The third type of skill book contains all professional skills and some special skills. Skill books can only be used by players, and NPCs can only learn skills through mentoring. Ouyang Shuo chose basic riding, basic marksmanship, basic archery and basic scouting, and the four skill books only cost 1 gold coin.

The fourth category is other items, there are all kinds of items, and all kinds of weird items may appear. It depends on your luck and good vision.

Ouyang Shuo's eyes were sore from looking at it, but he couldn't find a single item that was both practical and affordable. Just when he was about to give up, the item list suddenly refreshed.

A newly added item came into view, the statue of Mazu (residual), priced at 20 gold coins. After checking the properties of the item, Ouyang Shuo bought it without hesitation.

[Name]: Statue of Mazu (Remnant)

[Grade]: Silver level

[Evaluation]: This is a broken statue of Mazu, with a faint trace of Mazu's divine power. Consecrated for a long time, it is helpful to restore the restoration of the statue.

[Attribute]: Blessing of the God of the Sea (the ability of the fleet to withstand storms at sea is increased by 40%)

In order to enshrine the statue of Mazu, Ouyang Shuo had to buy another blueprint for the construction of the village temple. The village temple is a necessary building for a level 3 village, and a blueprint costs 10 gold coins.

After a big purchase, Ouyang Shuo only had 11 gold coins left, which is really a waste of money. After purchasing, Ouyang Shuo walked to the teleportation array on the right.

There was a flash of white light in the teleportation array, and the ten architectural blueprints, two technical manuals, four skill books and a statue of a god that I bought just now were teleported.

As for the 500 units of wood, it appeared directly in the open space in front of the small building. Put all these things into the storage bag, and use the four skill books directly.

"System prompt: Congratulations to player Qiyue Wuyi for successfully mastering basic riding skills."

"System prompt: Congratulations to player Qiyue Wuyi for successfully mastering basic spear skills."

"System prompt: Congratulations to player Qiyue Wuyi for successfully mastering basic archery."

"System prompt: Congratulations to player Qiyue Wuyi for successfully mastering primary investigation."

Walking out of the small building, the seven of Zhao Dexian were constructing the fence in full swing. Nothing to do, Ouyang Shuo simply helped them work together. The area of the third-level village is 1 square kilometer, and the length and width are each 1,000 meters. The entire fence is 4 kilometers long, which is really a huge project.

According to Ouyang Shuo's plan, a main gate was opened in the middle of the north side of the fence. At the same time, for convenience, a side door is opened on the east and west sides. The logging field under construction, as well as the subsequent quarries and mining fields, will be distributed in the west of the territory. Therefore, the west door will serve as the main entrance and exit for transportation resources.

Similarly, the subsequent docks and shipyards will be built by the river on the east side of the territory, and the east side gate is used to connect the village and the dock. The straight line formed by the east and west side gates, together with the central axis, divides the entire village into four major areas.

The central axis building complex will become the most prosperous area of the village, and at the same time divide the territory into two major areas, east and west. The southernmost end of the central axis is the completed Lord's Mansion. There is an open space in front of the Lord's Mansion, reserved as a square in the future. Further north is the commercial street of the village. All shops, inns, martial arts halls and other buildings in the village will be distributed on both sides of the commercial street.

The west end serves as a residential area. The southwestern area mainly arranges the living agricultural population, such as farmers, fruit farmers, vegetable farmers, loggers and so on. The Northwest area mainly accommodates commercial population, such as miners, blacksmiths, tailors, masons, merchants and other artisans. The northernmost end of the northwest area is the primary market that has been built.

The eastern district serves as a military district and a scientific, educational, cultural and health district. The southeast area is a science, education, culture and health area, where private schools, medical centers, ancestral halls, and village temples will be located in the future. The Northeast area serves as a military zone, where subsequent weapons workshops, strategic granaries, and the upcoming military camp will be located.

In the afternoon, Ouyang Shuo spent the time building the fence and planning the overall planning of the village. A quarter of the fence has been built, and after the refugees are spawned tomorrow, it should be possible to build all the fence in one day.

At dusk, Shi Wansui finally returned from his inspection tour. On one side of the yellow pussy hung game such as pheasants and rabbits, and on the other side hung a cloth bag with something moving inside.

Ouyang Shuo stopped what he was doing, went up to meet him, and said, "General, you have worked hard, it seems that you have gained a lot?"

Shi Wansui hurriedly got off his horse, clasped his fists in his hands, and said, "I only met a few little thieves, so it's not worth anything. Instead, I found a plaything for my lord. I hope my lord will like it."

"Oh, I don't know what it is? I am naturally convinced by the general's vision."

Shi Wansui laughed, turned around and untied the cloth bag from the horse. Unzipping the cloth bag, a pure black wolf appeared in front of Ouyang Shuo.

The little guy was obviously just born, with a pair of big dark green eyes half-closed, very cute.

"Is this a wolf cub?" Ouyang Shuo asked a little uncertainly.

Shi Wansui looked a little proud, "Haha, to be precise, it should be a black wolf dog cub. It looks like a wolf, but not a real wolf."

"Black wolf dog?! Not bad, not bad, the little guy should be a good hunting helper when he grows up."

Zhao Dexian and the others also gathered around one after another, looking at the little boy in the bag curiously. Seeing that everyone was so rare, Shi Wansui looked even more complacent. This is an upright man who can't hide his thoughts on his face.

Ouyang Shuo didn't want to dampen his interest, so he asked curiously: "Unexpectedly, the general will be rewarded by going out, there must be a story in it? Why don't you tell everyone while everyone is here, so that we can see the world .” Saying that, he called everyone to sit on the ground and form a circle.

Shi Wansui laughed out loud, without feeling stage-frightened, sat down straight away, and began to talk about today's patrol experience.

"According to the master's instructions, I set off from the entrance of the village at noon and began to patrol the territory. The road was peaceful, and there were only a few small animals such as pheasants and rabbits, so I shot them down. Occasionally, I encountered one or two wandering bandits. , the poor one didn’t even have a mount, and I shot him to death. On the way back, I encountered a group of wolf dogs rounding up wild goats. Without saying a word, I rushed forward and killed most of the wolf dogs. I tracked down the fleeing The wolf dog, I found their kennel. Naturally, I picked it up together, and saw this little pup in the kennel by accident. Thinking that the lord might be useful, I stayed."

Hearing that Shi Wansui mentioned wild goats, Ouyang Shuo silently remembered it in his heart, and already had some concerns. It's just that it's getting late now, so I'm going to make plans tomorrow.

Not long after, the three of Zhao Youfang who had gone out had already built a primary logging camp and came back together. Starting tomorrow, the lumber mill can officially operate. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ouyang Shuo proposed to give everyone an extra meal tonight to celebrate the official establishment of Shanhai Village.

The fly in the ointment is that everyone is a group of old men, and none of them can cook. Fortunately, Shi Wansui sent game to add to the fun, otherwise, a good extra meal would be anticlimactic. Ouyang Shuo sincerely hoped that there would be a chef among the refugees that will be spawned tomorrow.

After arranging Shi Wansui to stay in the East Wing and instructing him to arrange night shifts, Ouyang Shuo went back to his room in the main hall and prepared to rest.

Lying on the hard bed, eyes closed, silently saying "log out of the game!" When he opened his eyes again, he had already exited the game.