The World Online

Chapter 78: Agricultural Market


Today is the opening day of Binger School, after Ouyang Shuo got off the assembly line, he hurriedly washed up and took Binger downstairs. I simply ate breakfast downstairs and hurried to school. Finally arrived at the school before nine o'clock.

Not long after returning from school, the game pod ordered by Sun Xiaoyue was delivered and installed in her bedroom, and the game could start tonight.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, Ouyang Shuo logged into the game again, and practiced Daqiang Zhuang and Bajiquan for two hours as usual. When the Lantern Festival passed by the grocery store last night, he suddenly realized that since the establishment of the grocery store, he, the lord, has never entered it once, which is a bit incompetent.

The grocery store is one of the few low-level shops in the territory at present, and the shopkeeper is Li Fugui, a low-level shopkeeper. The rich-looking middle-aged shopkeeper with a big belly saw Ouyang Shuo, his jaw dropped in shock, and he said incoherently, "Your Excellency is here, this small shop is really full of splendor, please come in, please come in. "

The grocery store sells daily necessities such as oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, tea, etc. Except for salt, they are basically commodities that cannot be produced in the territory. The reason why the grocery store can realize the great movement of the universe and transform these commodities out of thin air is the magical shelf on the back of the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper's shelf, similar to the market function, can realize remote transactions and transmissions. When the transaction volume reaches a certain scale, the shelf will be upgraded, and the level of the shopkeeper and the grocery store will also be upgraded accordingly. Different from the market, the shelves can only purchase daily necessities, and they can only buy but not sell.

Faced with Ouyang Shuo's visit, Li Fugui wished he could reveal all his family background and unreservedly expose the secrets of the grocery store. Ouyang Shuo was just an adventurer in his previous life, so he didn't know the way of the grocery store, but this time it was an eye-opener.

"My lord, the grocery store actually has a hidden function." Li Fugui said mysteriously.

"Oh? What is the function?"

"In principle, grocery stores can only buy but not sell. The only exception is the special products of the territory. If a certain product is designated as a special product of the territory by the system, then it can be sold through the grocery store, and the transaction tax is only 10%." Li Fugui explained What he didn't say is that selling specialty products improves the salesman's experience much faster than selling daily necessities. This is his selfishness.

"Special product?" Ouyang Shuo frowned, wondering if Guilin Sanhua Wine is considered a special product of Shanhai Town, after all, there is no Guilin Mansion among the nine royal cities. It seems that I have to take time to go to the brewery to see how the Sanhua wine is being developed. It is always right to try it.


"Okay, I see. I will pay attention to the news." Ouyang Shuo nodded.

After leaving the grocery store, Ouyang Shuo walked into the mid-level market. He wants to buy a batch of vegetable seeds to prepare for the construction of vegetable fields. There are so many vegetables that can be grown in spring in ancient times. In order to enrich residents’ vegetable baskets to the greatest extent, he did not drop any of them, such as garlic, cabbage, cucumber, eggplant, spinach, lettuce, carrot, pepper, pumpkin, green beans, tomato , zucchini and green onions and more than a dozen.

Then he bought the seeds of some commonly used medicinal materials to prepare for the establishment of a medicinal garden. The construction of a medicine garden is more difficult than a vegetable garden, and many medicinal materials need to be transplanted from the wild.

When he was visiting the grocery store just now, he realized that there are still so many commodities in the territory that cannot be self-sufficient. Thanks to him, he had already established relatively complete various industries before. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he spent 30 gold coins to buy the "Technical Manual for Aged Vinegar Brewing" and "Technical Manual for Soy Sauce Brewing".

After returning from the market, Ouyang Shuo called Sun Yannong, Du Xiaolan and Zhao Dewang to his office, and explained his vegetable basket plan to them.

"Vegetables are grown in a centralized manner. The Department of Agriculture has to reclaim 200 acres of vegetable land separately for growing various vegetables. The Department of Supplies must prepare stalls for selling vegetables. The Department of Construction must cooperate with the Department of Supplies to build vinegar Workshops, soy sauce workshops, and tofu workshops, to improve the condiments and non-staple foods of the residents. In addition, this plan will also be implemented in the two dependent territories, and you must urge them."

The three directors naturally had no objection and nodded in response.

"My lord, after the vinegar workshop, soy sauce workshop and tofu workshop are officially in operation, will we set up corresponding shops to sell them?" Du Xiaolan asked.

A flash of inspiration flashed in Ouyang Shuo's mind, and Du Xiaolan's question sparked an idea in him, and he said excitedly: "No, no need. As the materials department has more and more types of products to sell, we can't add a new product." It’s unscientific to just build a store. My opinion is, simply build a large-scale farmers’ market, move the previous grain store and butcher’s store into the farmers’ market, add the vegetables grown in the vegetable field, the fruits from the orchard, Agricultural products such as fish, poultry eggs, soy sauce condiments, and tofu non-staple foods in Beihai Village are all sold at farmers’ markets.”

Du Xiaolan's eyes lit up, and she said excitedly: "My lord, this idea is great. In this way, not only will it greatly facilitate the residents, but everyone can buy all agricultural products in one place. It will also facilitate the management of the Materials Department and reduce the number of stationed personnel."

Ouyang Shuo shook his head, "Not only that. The establishment of a farmer's market can also facilitate centralized tax collection by the tax department. More importantly, the farmer's market provides a sales platform for self-employed individuals, further stimulating the territorial economy. Like those who raise chickens and ducks at home Yes, you can take the eggs or duck eggs that you can’t finish eating to the farmers’ market for sale in exchange for household subsidies. When they taste the sweetness, they will spontaneously expand the scale of raising chickens and ducks without us urging them. Follow-up, we We will also gradually loosen restrictions on agricultural products such as vegetables, fruits, and tofu, and allow self-employed businesses to further support the development of self-employed individuals."

The three of Du Xiaolan nodded again and again, impressed by the adults' foresight and foresight.

"The reason why vegetables are required to be planted in a centralized manner is not to compete with the people for profit. It is because of the overall planning of the territory. If it is not controlled, there will inevitably be a situation where vegetable fields bloom everywhere, which is not conducive to urban planning. Therefore, let go The prerequisite for restrictions on vegetables and fruits is that there are residents who have settled in the planned suburbs of the city." Ouyang Shuo further explained.

Sun Yannong nodded, finally dispelling the doubts in his heart.

"The construction of the farmer's market will be handed over to the Construction Department. Although I know that the city wall and moat project is entering a critical period, I still have to find a way to recruit craftsmen to build the farmer's market as soon as possible, including the three mentioned before. Workshop." Ouyang Shuo finally said to Zhao Dewang.

"My lord, don't worry, I promise to complete the task!" Zhao Dewang said loudly.

"Okay, let's go!" Ouyang Shuo took advantage of the situation to end the conversation.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Ouyang Shuo was in his office looking through the "Planning on the Staffing and Remuneration System of Various Departments" formulated by the Administration Department, when the concierge came to report, "My lord, Master Lin Yue of Wuguan, please see me!"

"Please come in."

To this boxing master, Ouyang Shuo was still very polite, poured tea for him personally, and said with a smile: "This is the new tea of this year, Master Lin, try it."

Lin Yue picked up the teacup and took a sip, "Good tea!" Putting down the teacup gently, he said in embarrassment: "To tell the truth, Mr. Lin came here this time to ask for something."

"Master Lin, why should you be so polite? You have taught me the art. As long as it is something that does not violate the principle, just ask, and I will never refuse." It is rare for this low-key boxing master to ask for something, how could Ouyang Shuo let it go? The opportunity to pull in the relationship between the two parties.

"It's like this. The five disciples that Lin has accepted are ready to leave the army. Lin wants to find a job for these lowly disciples in the army, and I hope you will do it." Lin Yue said.

Ouyang Shuo was silent, moved by Lin Yue's character. With his younger brother Lin Yi's influence in the army, it was a breeze to arrange several martial arts apprentices to serve in the army. What's more, it's not against the rules. But he didn't do that, instead he put down his face and begged Ouyang Shuo to come here, obviously to avoid suspicion. Such a clear distinction between public and private is really admirable to him.

"The disciples of the martial arts hall have mastered the true teaching of Master Lin's Bajiquan. It is great to be able to join the army. I guarantee that once they enter the army, they will be able to take the position of fire chief. If they perform well in the future, they will be promoted to team leader or Squadron leader, it's not impossible." Ouyang Shuo nodded.

"Thank you, my lord!" This kind of treatment is obviously the affirmation of Lin Yue from the lord, how could one not be grateful.

After Lin Yue left, Ouyang Shuo took time to visit the military camp. The current barracks have been upgraded to high-level barracks. No matter in terms of area or facilities, they are not comparable to the previous mid-level barracks.

After Shanhai Town was promoted to the second-tier township, it did not rush to expand its army, and still maintained a cavalry squadron and an infantry squadron. It's not that Ouyang Shuo didn't want to expand the army, but because of the lack of generals, he blindly expanded the army and didn't even have a leader.

Ouyang Shuo found Zhao Sihu and told him about the arrangements for the martial arts disciples. According to his intention, these five martial arts disciples were assigned to the infantry squadron as the fire chief.

Zhao Sihu nodded in agreement. He had already passed the job transfer secret room of the senior barracks, and was transferred to a junior general, officially taking up the post of squadron leader of the infantry squadron. Worrying about the candidate for the head of the fire, this is undoubtedly a timely help.

[Name]: Zhao Sihu (Black Iron Class)

[Identity]: Captain of Shanhai Town Infantry Squadron

[Occupation]: Junior General

[Loyalty]: 85 points

[Commander]: 28 [Force]: 35 [Intelligence]: 20 [Politics]: 15

[Cultivation method]: None

[Equipment]: Exquisite ring sword, golden leather armor, exquisite shield

[Evaluation]: Born in a reckless family, after being tempered by blood and fire, he was promoted to the ninth rank of elite soldiers and turned into a general.

It can be seen that generals like Zhao Sihu who transferred from the ninth-level elite soldiers are still inferior to junior generals like Lin Yi. The most important difference is that they do not have their own skills.