The World Online

Chapter 79: architect


When going offline the next day, Ouyang Shuo met Sun Xiaoyue who just went offline, and asked with a smile, "How is it? This game is not bad, isn't it very real?"

"It's just too real, and I don't even have the money to pay the tuition." Sun Xiaoyue complained.

Architects are also a special one among lifestyle occupations. After entering the game, you first need to go to Wangcheng School of Architecture for further study, and after graduation, you will be certified as a junior architect.

After that, there are three options. One is to join the player's territory and become a full-time architect of the territory. Player territory construction activities are frequent, and you can get many opportunities to practice. The disadvantage is that the territory level at this stage is generally not high, and it is impossible to participate in large-scale engineering design, and the field of vision is relatively narrow, which is not conducive to later development.

The second is to join the Wangcheng construction department and become their non-staff personnel. This is certainly a very good choice, with access to many very high-level buildings. That is, you can quickly improve your architect level and broaden your horizons. However, if there is no way, it is difficult for ordinary players to enter these heavyweight departments for internship.

The last one is to continue to study in the School of Architecture and obtain the Intermediate Architect Certification after graduation, which is also the highest level that can be achieved in the School of Architecture. The advantage of further study in the college is that it can further lay a solid foundation, and it is easier to obtain the opportunity of internship in the Wangcheng Construction Department after graduation. The disadvantage is to be able to endure loneliness and be able to pay high tuition fees.

No matter which way it is, it is not something the Lone Ranger can play. The tuition fee for the School of Architecture is 1 gold coin, and the tuition fee for further studies is 10 gold coins. This does not include additional expenses in the learning process, such as the purchase of drawing tools, paper and pens, etc., and the expenses for elective courses.

Therefore, behind every successful architect, there is a lord behind him. For architects, the best training route is to first obtain the intermediate architect certification in the college, and then open up relationships, practice in the Wangcheng Construction Department, and advance to senior architects. After that, you can work in the player's territory and become the chief architect of the territory.

This way is a win-win cooperation for architects and lords. The premise is to support your lord and have enough financial support. Someone in the previous life calculated that at least 150 gold coins are needed to train a senior architect. Just to open up the relationship with the construction department requires a full 100 gold coins.

With such a large investment, the lord is naturally very cautious. Either sign an agreement in advance, or choose someone you can trust in reality. The appearance of Sun Xiaoyue was undoubtedly an excellent choice for Ouyang Shuo. That's why he actively recommended architects when he learned that Sun Xiaoyue was going to play a career in life.

Ouyang Shuo didn't hide anything either, and told Sun Xiaoyue all the information about the architect, waiting for her choice. The premise of happy cooperation is mutual trust. The basis of mutual trust is information symmetry.

Sun Xiaoyue was very straightforward, and said with a smile: "Lord Ouyang, happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation! Tell me your ID, and I'll send you 50 gold coins for the first installment. After you graduate, let me know and I'll prepare follow-up funds for you." Ouyang Shuo relaxed and said with a smile .

The reason why he didn't prepare 150 gold coins all at once was that it was not necessary. Even for an apprentice with a professional background like Sun Xiaoyue, it would take at least two or three months to graduate from the School of Architecture. Second, he didn't want to expose his financial strength. At this stage, there were not many lords who could casually spend 150 gold coins to subsidize a construction apprentice. Sun Xiaoyue is a ghostly girl, so she can't let her see any flaws.

Even so, Sun Xiaoyue was shocked. Although she only stayed in the game for a short day, it was enough for her to realize the rarity of gold coins. According to her calculations, Ouyang Shuo would be able to take out 10 gold coins. How could he have thought that this guy would send her 50 gold coins without even batting an eyebrow.

Sun Xiaoyue stared at Ouyang Shuo as if looking at a monster, her eyes were full of probing, and she asked gossipingly, "Hey, be honest, are you very famous in the game, the kind of great lord that everyone knows? Otherwise, Why don't you tell me your ID, and now you can take out so many gold coins casually."

"Hey, you're overthinking. This time I went bankrupt in order to help you. You have to study hard, otherwise, I'll go bankrupt." Ouyang Shuo said stubbornly.

Sun Xiaoyue disbelieved, and said dissatisfiedly: "Huh, it's no wonder I believe you. You are always mysterious. Okay, okay, don't put on a small expression, you don't want to say, I Don't ask. My ID in the game is called Xiaoyue, so I changed a word, remember."

Ouyang Shuo nodded, this girl is really lazy in naming her.

After Sun Xiaoyue went to school, Ouyang Shuo was not idle either. He browsed the forum first to learn about the major events in the game and grasp the latest developments in the game. Then I started to practice Bajiquan at home. It has been a while since I learned Bajiquan, and my body has some memories, so I can start practicing in reality.

In fact, it is most suitable to practice boxing in a martial arts gym. With the resurgence of ancient martial arts, very professional martial arts gyms have been built in various places. There, there are not only various professional sparring props, but also various high-tech equipment, which can very intuitively test the fighter's physical data such as strength, endurance, and explosive power.

Unfortunately, in order to ensure the safety of the practitioners, these martial arts gyms are equipped with surveillance cameras. Unless it is a high-level VIP customer, otherwise, all the secrets will be exposed in front of the martial arts hall. The Bajiquan that Ouyang Shuo is practicing now is different from the Bajiquan in reality. After Gaia's modification, it is even more powerful. Of course he didn't dare to go to the martial arts hall to practice, otherwise, if there were any clues left, there would be a risk of exposure.

This is the helplessness of the weak. If he also has power in reality, he can naturally do whatever he wants, so there will be no such scruples. Isn't the reason why I work so hard in the game is to get different treatment in the hope planet in the future? !

Putting aside distracting thoughts, Ouyang Shuo concentrated on hitting Bajiquan, his expression became more and more focused, and a momentum gradually gathered in his body, fierce and fierce, this is the meaning of Bajiquan. This shows that his Bajiquan has officially started.

After receiving the work, the whole body was sweating profusely, but the spirit was extraordinarily refreshing and carefree. Physical exercise can make a person's personality brighter, and long-term martial arts practice can even change a person's temperament, making him more confident and free in movement and movement.

In order to supplement the consumption of martial arts during the day, Ouyang Shuo deliberately stewed a pot of big tonic chicken soup at night, adding a lot of expensive Chinese medicine. Anyway, the credit points will be invalidated soon, and he doesn't feel bad about spending them.

After dinner, Ouyang Shuo ignored Sun Xiaoyue's narrow gaze, turned back to his room, and logged into the game. He first remitted 50 gold coins to Sun Xiaoyue anonymously, and then walked out of the bedroom.

In the courtyard, the maids Si Qin and Si Qi were waiting for the two sisters Yingyou and Qing'er to wash and wash up. When they saw Ouyang Shuo, they bowed to say hello. Ouyang Shuo nodded, and began to practice the unshakable big gun pile in the courtyard.

Qing'er did not leave after washing up, but stood aside with great interest, watching Ouyang Shuo practice martial arts. After he finished his work, he said: "Brother, you have arranged him to be a senior consultant in Jiafang Division. Qing'er has no energy to take care of the tailor shop every day. And now the territory is increasing with so many people every day. The previous orders are almost overwhelmed."

"You, you are too greedy. It's not all for your own good to arrange you to Jiafang Division. Being able to participate in the production of Mingguang Armor will not improve your tailoring skills by a single star. Otherwise, you will be sewing all day long." Some ordinary people wear homely clothes, you will be promoted again after a year of the monkey." Ouyang Shuo said dotingly.

In fact, as Qing'er a master tailor, he is more qualified than Wang Zi to preside over Jiafang Division. It's a pity that this girl is not born to be a chief official, and she has no intention of doing so. No matter what, I had to arrange a title of senior consultant for her, which can be described as well-intentioned.

"Qing'er knows that big brother is doing it for my own good, but he's really too busy!" the little girl said coquettishly, and she almost acted like a baby to Ouyang Shuo.

"That's why I said that you are too greedy. You want to improve your tailoring skills, but you are reluctant to let go of the tailor shop." Ouyang Shuo was also full of helplessness for this little money fan, and then said: "How about this, big brother has an idea for you, and I promise to make you happy." You have the best of both worlds."

Although Qing'er was a little embarrassed by what Ouyang Shuo said, she still couldn't bear to part with her tailor shop, and said excitedly: "What's your idea, big brother, tell me quickly."

"You are now the shopkeeper of the tailor shop, and you are holding the entrustment agreement signed with the Material Reserve Department. As long as you are willing to share some of the profits, find a few more mid-level tailors to cooperate and open a garment workshop to be responsible for this One order, the problem will be solved. In this way, the tailor shop can focus on high-end clothing customization, and the general orders are all handed over to the garment workshop. At the same time, you can spare more time to participate in Jiafang The job of the company is to improve skills and make money at the same time." Ouyang Shuo mentioned.

Introduce partners, shareholding cooperation, and make the cake bigger. Decentralizing the low-end manufacturing business and focusing on the high-end business by himself, such an advanced approach is only what he thought of.

Not only Qing'er, but even Yingyou, who did not know when she appeared, was fascinated by it, and said in admiration: "Brother's idea is really wonderful, it directly raises the way of doing business to a new level, little sister I admire it. The Department of Commerce can completely use this idea to renovate the major shops."

Ouyang Shuo smiled and nodded, feeling very pleased with Yingyou's inference. As for Qing'er, this girl is hiding in a corner and laughing.