The World Online

Chapter 86: Territory update


Of course Ouyang Shuo didn't know that it was an ordinary gift in his eyes, but it caused so many discussions among the three Song brothers and sisters. This was the difference in strength.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Ouyang Shuo took three directors to inspect the city wall. After a month of construction, the main project of the city wall has been completed, and the rest is the construction of auxiliary facilities such as city towers, archery towers, turrets, and suspension bridges. The nine-meter-high and five-meter-wide stone city wall looks magnificent and gives people a sense of security.

Climb up the city wall to the north, and look into the distance, as far as the eye can see, whether it is plains, mountains, rivers or rivers, they all belong to Shanhai Town.

"Okay, the Department of Construction has supervised the building of the city wall this time, and it has done a good job. It should be rewarded." Ouyang Shuo turned to look at Cui Yingyou, "The Finance Department has proposed a reward standard and submitted it to me for approval."

Yingyou nodded in response, and Zhao Dewang said excitedly: "Getting the approval of the adults is the biggest reward for the construction department. The subordinates dare not ask for too much."

Ouyang Shuo waved his hand, "Hey, you have to reward what you deserve. Director Zhao doesn't have to refuse. This city wall will become the strongest line of defense to defend Shanhai Town. With it, the military can launch the spring offensive with more confidence. Construction The company must speed up the construction of auxiliary facilities to ensure that the city wall forms a complete defense system as soon as possible."

"The Department of Construction guarantees that all ancillary facilities will be completed within a week." Zhao Dewang said, patting his chest.

Compared with the city wall, the excavation progress of the moat is relatively slow. Even with additional manpower, it will take at least two weeks to complete.

After the city wall was built, Ouyang Shuo planned to make a major adjustment to the planning of the territory. After returning to the lord's mansion, he asked the concierge to call the kiln owner of the brick kiln and said that he had some orders.

The owner of the kiln, Tao Wang, is a senior brick maker. He is 32 years old, has dark skin, and is honest and loyal. Hearing the summoning from the adults, he hurried over from the brick kiln outside the town.

After Tao Wang arrived, Ouyang Shuo called the three directors, Zhao Dewang, Hao Jiancheng and Zhou Haichen, to the office. Hao Jiancheng was promoted to Assistant Director of the Construction Department because of his excellent examination a few years ago. This was the first time he was summoned by Ouyang Shuo, and the young man seemed a little excited.

"Master Tao, please introduce the situation of the brick kiln first!" Ouyang Shuo said first.

Tao Wang stood up cautiously, and said respectfully: "According to my lord, there are currently 120 workers in the brick kiln, and there are 4,000 units of blue bricks in stock. They can produce 120 units of blue bricks every day, and each person can produce 1 unit of blue bricks per day on average."

Ouyang Shuo nodded and said, "I have a plan, and I want to discuss it with everyone here. The current architectural layout of the territory is roughly based on the planning of the third-level villages. After the baptism of time, the original advanced planning has now been compared with It does not follow the pace of territorial development. In urban planning, one should not take one step to see one step, but to take one step to see two steps, or even three steps."

Hao Jiancheng nodded. As the planning supervisor of the Construction Department, he was deeply touched by this.

"Our current city wall is built according to the standards of a third-level township. So does it mean that in the future, in the three iconic stages of the third-level county town, the third-level county town, and the final capital city, another city wall will be added? Obviously not There are too many city walls, which is not conducive to the integrated development of the city. Therefore, from now on, when we discuss urban planning, we must examine and judge from the perspective of the capital.”

"The future capital will cover an area of 100 square kilometers, and three city walls will be designed. The first city wall is three kilometers long, which is the stone city wall we have built now, and will be used as the palace wall in the future. The second city wall , with a side length of six kilometers, will be built at the county stage, and will serve as the inner city wall in the future. The last city wall, with a side length of ten kilometers, will be built at the county stage, which is the outer city wall of the capital."

This is the first time that Ouyang Shuo disclosed the future capital plan to the territorial officials, showing his ambition to dominate. All of you present, especially the three directors, were all overwhelmed and excited when they heard this.

"Back to our theme this time, it is to take the completion of the city wall as an opportunity to adjust the territorial planning of the township stage. The adjustment mentioned here includes two meanings, one is the adjustment of the building layout, and the other is the adjustment of the building materials. First of all, Building materials. At present, the buildings in the territory are basically wood and stone buildings, mainly made of wood. The fire performance is very poor, and the safety level of the buildings is low. Therefore, we will take this opportunity to make major adjustments in the planning and replace all these wood and stone buildings with bricks. A building with a mixed stone structure. The construction department should make a good budget for green brick materials, coordinate the production schedule with the brick kiln, and ensure timely supply of green bricks." Ouyang Shuo instructed.

Zhao Dewang nodded to express his understanding. Your lord's great work is really coming out one after another. The construction department has just finished the city wall project, and it is really not easy for a moment to take on such a job.

"The Household Registration Department should do a good job in the deployment of personnel. I suggest that the number of workers in the brick kiln can be directly increased to 200 people." Ouyang Shuo said to Zhou Haichen.

"No problem." Zhou Haichen nodded in response.

"The next step is the main event, the adjustment of the building layout. In principle, among the five categories of farmers, workers, fishers, herdsmen, and artisans, except for artisan households, everyone else must move to live outside the city. The principle of proximity is adopted to plan settlements. For example, brick kilns workers can build settlements near the brick kiln. Workers in the quarry can build settlements near the quarry. In this way, not only the population congestion in the town is relieved, but also for the workers in the settlement, the same It provides convenience." This step taken by Ouyang Shuo is the first step to separate the urban population from the rural population, and these settlements are the embryonic form of the future natural village.

This step is also a step in the transformation of Shanhai Town from a rural tribe to a city. After the four types of population of agriculture, industry, fishery and animal husbandry are evacuated outside the city, only craftsmen, workshop workers, handicraftsmen, merchants and other people related to industry and commerce will be left in the town, making the town more pure and more dynamic.

"My lord, my subordinates agree very much with the construction of settlements, but I have two questions." Fan Zhongyan, director of administration, took the lead in asking.

"Sir, please speak!"

"After the settlements are established, how to implement administrative management of the settlements, and how to ensure the safety of the residents?" Fan Zhongyan asked very sharp questions.

Ouyang Shuo had a plan in mind, and the establishment of settlements was not a temporary idea on his mind, but the result of long-term deliberation. Like the spring offensive, it was one of the countermeasures.

"Good question. The management of the settlements adopts the principle of self-government by the local people. The local people elect a highly respected person to serve as the Lizheng of the settlements and report to the Administrative Office for the record. The Lizheng is in charge of the residence registration of the settlements, The matter of taxation."

Of course, Fan Zhongyan is no stranger to the position of Li Zheng. In the earliest Spring and Autumn Period, he already had the post of Lizheng, and he was indeed the best candidate to manage the settlements.

"As for the safety of the citizens, there is no need to worry. First, as long as the spring offensive is carried out smoothly, the territory will be free from external threats, and there will be no security problems at all. Second, in the future, two military camps will be set up inside and outside the city, which is enough to guarantee the security of the territory. The citizens are safe."

After answering Fan Zhongyan's question, Ouyang Shuo continued: "There is also an adjustment to the building divisions within the city wall. The Xicheng District was originally a residential area. After a large number of residents moved out, only the Southwest District was kept as a residential area. It is a commercial area, and all the workshops are moved to the commercial area. The Northeast Military Zone only retains military buildings such as barracks, arsenal, stables, weapons workshops, and Jiafang Division. The Southeast Cultural and Educational Zone is somewhat empty, and a number of official residences can be built in this area , to provide residence for officials above the deputy director level."

"The iconic commercial street is still preserved, but the shops are fully renovated and upgraded. The square in front of the Lord's Mansion needs to be rested, paved with bluestone slabs, and then decorated with flower beds and sculptures to make it truly It has become a leisure and gathering place for the citizens. Finally, the two main roads that intersect in the city will also be paved with bluestone slabs. The territory has been upgraded to a second-level township, and the main road is still a dirt road, which is really a bit out of shape."

Zhao Dewang felt distressed. According to the master's plan, the amount of work was no less than building another city wall.

Ouyang Shuo ignored Zhao Dewang's intentions at all, looked at Cui Yingyou, and asked, "Is there any problem with the expenses required for the adjustment of the entire plan from the finance to the public budget?"

"Barely manage it." Yingyou returned cautiously.

Ouyang Shuo nodded and said, "That's good. If it's really not enough, then come to me and I'll find a way. The whole planning adjustment must be completed within a month. Is there any problem with the Construction Department?"

"If you add settlements, to be honest, it's a bit reluctant." Although he didn't want to disappoint the adults, Zhao Dewang didn't dare to just take it down like this. If he readily agrees now, but fails to complete the task when the time comes, then the lord must tear him apart.

Ouyang Shuo shook his head amusedly, and said, "You don't need to worry about the construction of the settlements. Since it's the people's self-government, of course their houses are built by themselves."

Zhao Dewang breathed a sigh of relief, and said briskly, "Then there's no problem."

"Very good. Just now I just talked about a rough plan. The specific details need to be improved by your construction department. After it's done, report it to me for review." Ouyang Shuo finally instructed.

"Don't worry, my lord, the planning details can be completed within three days." Hao Jiancheng, who is in charge of planning, said, patted his chest.

"Well, that's it, let's end the meeting!"