The World Online

Chapter 89: refugee camp


On March 13th, after five days of preparation, the No. 1 Cavalry Squadron led by Lin Yi and the No. 1 Infantry Squadron led by Zhao Sihu jointly wiped out a mid-level bandit battalion in the territory, and seized a large amount of supplies and 216 gold coins.

Ouyang Shuo immediately spent 150 gold coins to change jobs for the formed Second Cavalry Squadron, and formally appointed Li Mingliang as the acting captain of the Second Cavalry Squadron. After leaving the barracks, he rushed to the intermediate market and spent 20 gold coins to buy a blueprint of the gold ore refining workshop, which he planned to hand over to the construction department to start construction as soon as possible.

The negotiations between the Material Reserve Department and the Xuanniao Tribe went extremely smoothly. With his perfect tongue, Tian Wenjing successfully persuaded Shixiong to give up the tribal tradition, and 1,500 young and middle-aged men in the tribe will become full-time miners in the Langshan Mine. The price Shanhai Town paid for this was to provide the Xuanniao tribe with 100,000 units of food free of charge every month, and guide the Xuanniao tribe to grow vegetables.

What Ouyang Shuo didn't know was that the reason why the negotiation went so smoothly was directly related to the acquiescence of the great wizard behind the scenes. Otherwise, with Shi Xiong's conservative character, how could he be persuaded so easily.

The Langshan mine defense team has also been formed, a total of two squadrons, commanded by the two best hunters of the tribe, Stone Leopard and Stone Wolf. Ouyang Shuo took out a batch of captured weapons and equipment from the arsenal, armed the two garrison squadrons, and improved their combat effectiveness.

The good news doesn't stop there. Just as Ouyang Shuo expected, the Sanhua wine brewed by Du Chun using the mountain spring water in the Lianzhou Basin was appraised by the system as a specialty of Shanhai Town and named Lianzhou Sanhua wine. It can be sold through grocery stores, and the transaction tax is only half of that of the market.

An average of 3 units of grain can produce 1 unit of Sanhua wine, and 1 unit of Sanhua wine is priced at 1 silver coin. After deducting material costs, labor costs, and 10% transaction tax, the net profit is 40 copper coins. Such a huge profit is enough to drive Ouyang Shuo crazy.

Without further ado, Ouyang Shuo brazenly listed the brewery as a non-privatized industry, under the direct jurisdiction of the Finance Department. At the same time, in order to maximize profits, the winemaking workshop has been upgraded to a large workshop with a capacity of 1,000 people without stopping.

A large-scale brewing workshop can produce an average of 50,000 units of Sanhua wine every month, and the monthly profit is 200 gold coins. In addition to economic benefits, Sanhua Liquor also brings unexpected joy, deriving territorial characteristics.

[Lianzhou Sanhua Liquor]: Special product of Shanhai Town, the rate of attracting special talents for good wine is increased by 15%.

With such a big harvest, Ouyang Shuo would certainly not treat Du Chun badly, and directly offered him a monthly salary of 1 gold coin, making him instantly a high-paying class in Shanhai Town. More importantly, with the Sanhua wine brewing technology, Du Chun broke through to a master brewer in one fell swoop, becoming the second master in Shanhai Town after Qing'er.

On March 14th, when the Military Intelligence Division was investigating information on the bandit camp, they discovered a refugee camp 15 kilometers away from the center of the territory. Sangouzi didn't dare to delay, and immediately reported to Ouyang Shuo.

"A refugee camp? That's strange. How big is it?" Ouyang Shuo asked in surprise.

"Back to my lord's words, there are about fifteen hundred people."

"So many people, how did they survive in the wilderness? Is there a leader or something?"

Ouyang Shuo didn't know much about the refugee camp. This kind of camp is a rare product in the wilderness, and it is difficult to come across. Those who can survive in the wilderness are either downcast refugees, wandering around, always waiting for the call of the player's territory. Either it is a secluded village, like Zhaojiagou where Zhao Dexian lived before, which belongs to a paradise and is isolated from the world. The last type is the wild wolves such as rogues and bandits.

Refugee camps do not belong to any of the above three situations. Say he is a refugee, and he has a fixed place. Call it a paradise, and it is exposed naked in the wilderness, with no concealment at all. Call it a rogue or a bandit, but it doesn't have enough fighting power. It's just a four different.

The formation of each refugee camp is a coincidence. Either they are lucky enough to find a food storage somewhere that has enough supplies to support them. Or there are powerful people who lead these refugees and form enough self-protection power to ensure that they will not be ransacked by rogues or bandits.

"My lord's guess is right. There is indeed a leader in this refugee camp, named Ge Hongliang, thirty-five years old. He used to serve as a military counselor in the army, and then he was exiled in the wilderness for some reason. This man is also capable, and he forced a group of desperate The refugees were organized together, trained into an army, stationed in the wilderness, and barely survived." The intelligence work of the Military Intelligence Department was very detailed this time, and Ge Hongliang was clearly investigated.

"Even if they can defend against bandits or bandits, it's not easy for them to survive, right?" Ouyang Shuo said confidently. It is not easy for a foreigner with a golden finger like the player lord to survive in the wilderness, let alone a group of aborigines, who have no market to trade remotely, how can they survive.

San Gouzi nodded in admiration and said, "My lord, you guessed it right again. Because there are no food seeds and agricultural tools, crops cannot be grown, and the refugee camp can only rely on hunting and fishing to make a living. This kind of life depends on the sky. The method is very unstable, and they often have to rely on wild vegetables to satisfy their hunger. What's more, since aliens like you established territories in the wilderness, the number of wilderness beasts has dropped sharply, and their livelihood has become more difficult. At present, they are almost on the verge of supporting If you don’t go down, you’ll almost turn into bandits.”

Ouyang Shuo nodded and said with a smile, "For us, this is actually an opportunity. To put it bluntly, if we can annex this refugee camp, it will save a lot of time."

"It's a blessing for the refugee camp to be annexed by Shanhai Town. Why should you be self-sufficient." Sangouzi also said with a smile. Since participating in the short-term training class of Lianzhou College, this kid's speaking level has improved a lot. It seems that the training class of Lianzhou College is still very successful.

"Has the Military Intelligence Department had any contact with that Ge Hongliang?" Ouyang Shuo asked.

"Yes. This subordinate had a brief chat with the leader, Ge Hongliang, and gave him a brief introduction to the situation in Shanhai Town, saying that you are the most respectful and virtuous corporal, hehe. This subordinate is obviously a little moved by what he means. It's just that I can't let go of my figure, so I can't take the initiative to speak." San Gouzi said with a smile.

"Okay, then I'll go there myself." Ouyang Shuo said after seeing that they were almost familiar with each other.

This time I went to the refugee camp to bring peace, not war, so it is not appropriate to bring too many troops. Ouyang Shuo only brought a squadron from the Military Intelligence Department, plus a cavalry squadron.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Ouyang Shuo and his party rushed to the refugee camp. The entire camp covers an area of about 1 square kilometer, and only wooden fences are used as protective walls. On both sides of the gate of the camp stood two arrow towers, on which stood two sentries. When they saw Ouyang Shuo and his party, they got a little nervous and shouted, "Who is here?"

"The lord of Shanhai Town is visiting, please let me know!" Ouyang Shuo said loudly while riding on the black whirlwind.

The sentinel was startled, remembering the leader's instructions in the morning, and immediately replied: "Please wait a moment, the lord, I will report to the leader right away."

"It's troublesome!" Ouyang Shuo ordered everyone to get off their horses and wait at the door.

Ten minutes later, a middle-aged scribe came out of the camp. This man was of medium build, thin, with broad shoulders. Although his face was dusty, his eyes were extremely sharp. He was dressed in coarse sackcloth. Behind him, followed by a dozen or so men, ranging from young men to elderly men in their fifties, all of whom were dressed in coarse linen and sallow and emaciated.

Before the person arrived, the middle-aged scribe had already opened his mouth and said: "The lord is visiting, welcome, welcome!"

Ouyang Shuo signaled to San Gouzi who was standing by with his eyes whether this person is Ge Hongliang or not. Seeing that San Gouzi nodded slightly to confirm, he said with a smile, "Please forgive me for taking the liberty to visit!"

A group of people following Ge Hongliang saw the powerful equipment of the cavalry squadron, and unconsciously showed a trace of fear in their eyes, showing great awe.

"Please talk inside!" Ge Hongliang said with a smile.

Ouyang Shuo nodded, took only Lin Yi and San Gouzi with him, and ordered the others to camp outside the camp. Walking into the camp, the residents inside came out of their homes one after another, looking at Ouyang Shuo and his party curiously. Most of the residents, like wilderness refugees, can't even wear decent coarse linen clothes, shabby clothes, yellow and emaciated.

When going out, Ouyang Shuo deliberately changed into leather armor, with a sword on his waist, and dressed like a general, making him look even more heroic and extraordinary. Lin Yi and San Gouzi on the left and right were also fully armed. Compared with the people in the refugee camp, they were completely different.

Ouyang Shuo took a special look at the equipment of the army in the refugee camp. There were only very simple leather armor and javelin spears. He couldn't imagine how Ge Hongliang relied on this group of poorly equipped troops to resist the invasion of bandits. The emphasis on Ge Hongliang has been raised by another level. This is a very strategic person.

Entering the camp meeting hall, everyone sat down separately. Apart from Ge Hongliang, there was only one old man and one young man left in the refugee camp, and the others had left voluntarily.

"Let me introduce to the lord," Ge Hongliang pointed to the old man and said, "This is Mr. Xu, the logistics supervisor of our camp. Officer Sun Tengjiao once served as a small captain in the army."

Ouyang Shuo said hello and introduced Lin Yi and San Gouzi to each other with a smile. When introducing Lin Yi, he noticed that Sun Tengjiao, who was sitting across from him, had fixed eyes, full of fighting spirit. As for Sangouzi, I have dealt with them in the morning, so it is good to introduce them.

Hearing the identity of the director of Sangouzi's military intelligence, Ge Hongliang's eyes lit up, and he knew it clearly.

To be honest, when introducing Sangouzi, Ouyang Shuo himself was a little embarrassed. As the director of military affairs of Shanhai Town, such a name is really unworthy. Next time I have a chance, see if I can change this kid's name.