The World Online

Chapter 9: Cui Yingyou


When Ouyang Shuo went online, it happened to be eight o'clock in the morning in the game, and there were bursts of whooping and cheering outside the door.

Pushing open the door, I saw that Shi Wansui was practicing marksmanship in the courtyard, and Zhao Dexian and his group watched fascinatedly from the side, giving bursts of applause from time to time.

Seeing Ouyang Shuo come out, everyone bowed to greet him, "My lord (my lord)!"

Ouyang Shuo hurriedly returned the salute and said, "You don't need to be too polite. As the saying goes, a day's plan starts in the morning. We still have a lot of things to do today. The specific situation will wait until I go to the entrance of the village to welcome the new companions." , and make unified arrangements. If you are free, you can go with me."

"Please my lord (adult) give orders."

Everyone came to the entrance of the village again. Sure enough, a group of people gathered at the entrance of the village was seen from a distance. The same sallow and emaciated face, the same tattered clothes. The difference is that this group of fifteen people includes men and women, old and young. The luggage is obviously more, and it is carried on the shoulders, as if the whole family is moving.

The leader of the team was a fifty-year-old man with white hair and a strong body. After they briefly introduced each other, they didn't stop at the entrance of the village too much. Ouyang Shuo personally led the old man, took his luggage, and took the lead to walk back.

Zhao Dexian and the others saw what the lord was doing, so they tactfully offered to help with the luggage, and followed behind to walk back. Respecting the old and caring for the young are the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. Ouyang Shuo hopes to send such a signal to all the people in the territory through his own efforts.

Back at the Lord's Mansion, start a fire and cook immediately. Among the fifteen people who came this time, there is a middle-aged couple, the husband is a junior blacksmith, and the wife is a cook.

After breakfast, Ouyang Shuo began to understand everyone's situation in detail one by one. Among the fifteen people, there are five special talents, and the remaining ten are ordinary farmers.

The fifty-year-old man, surnamed Song, is a senior doctor and the first senior skilled person in Shanhai Village. Erwazi, a shepherd boy, is eleven or twelve years old, dark-skinned, thin, and an orphan.

Li Tiezhu, a junior blacksmith, has a burly figure and piercing eyes. At first glance, he doesn't look like the kind of person with well-developed limbs and a simple mind. The mother-in-law, Mrs. Li, is a junior chef and a half-mature lady.

The most special is another young woman. This woman is twenty-eight years old and has a beautiful appearance. Her surname is Cui, and her boudoir name is Yingyou. Originally a young lady from a merchant family, she has been learning business from her father since she was a child.

Half a month ago, when traveling with the family caravan, he encountered robbers and was able to escape under the desperate protection of the guards. Cui Yingyou lived in the wilderness, went through hardships and almost starved to death. It was Dr. Song who rescued her, and finally followed the current wandering team to Shanhai Village.

After getting a general understanding of the situation of these refugees, Ouyang Shuo immediately summoned all the people to gather in the courtyard. Nearly 30 people gathered quickly, which can be regarded as a crowd.

Seeing the gradually growing team, Ouyang Shuo was full of pride and said loudly: "Today, another fifteen brothers and sisters have joined the big family of Shanhai Village. Shanhai Village has grown from scratch and needs everyone here. Work together. As the saying goes, everything is difficult in the beginning."

"There are three main things we have to do today. First, we have to repair all the fences to provide reliable security for the village. Second, we have to build a small courtyard for residents to provide a place for everyone to live. Finally, we have to The canteen must be built to provide a place for everyone to eat. Time is tight and the task is heavy. I hope everyone will work together and obey the leadership. Try to build all the houses before dark. I will clean up the dust for everyone at night."

The crowd was excited, and everyone answered in unison: "Follow your lord's order!"

"Next, I will announce the specific personnel arrangement. Zhao Dexian!"

Zhao Dexian immediately stepped forward, bowed and replied: "Yes."

"Officially appoint you as the captain of the construction team to coordinate all construction projects in the village."

"Thank you for your promotion, my lord." After finishing speaking, he returned to his original position.

"System prompt: Zhao Dexian was promoted by the lord, and his loyalty increased by 5 points."

"Zhao Youfang!"

"Yes." Zhao Youfang also hurried forward.

"Appoint you as the acting head of the junior logging farm, responsible for transporting timber for the construction of the territory."

"Thank you for your promotion, my lord." After speaking, he returned to his original position.

"System prompt: Zhao Youfang was promoted by the lord, and his loyalty increased by 5 points."

"The rest will not accept the appointment for the time being. After they have made enough contributions to the territory, they will choose an opportunity to be promoted. In addition, Doctor Song is in charge of collecting herbs, Miss Cui is in charge of logistics deployment, Mrs. Li is in charge of food, and Erwazi is with me. The above Four people will not participate in labor distribution, and the rest will be temporarily incorporated into the construction team."

The four Doctor Song stepped forward to thank each other, "Thank you, sir."

Ouyang Shuo waved his hands, and then said, "Everyone, start working! Old man, Miss Cui and Er Wazi stay here for a while."

After finishing speaking, Ouyang Shuo called Zhao Dexian who was about to go out first, handed him the architectural drawings of the residential courtyard and the canteen, and explained to him the detailed addresses of the residential courtyard and the canteen. Residential courtyards are built sequentially from south to north in the designated west area. The canteen is also built in the southwest, next to the administrative center.

After the confession, except Zhao Youfang, the bare-handed field manager, the rest of the people went out to work under the leadership of Zhao Dexian. Zhao Youfang came to Ouyang Shuo, and said cautiously, "My lord, I am the only one in this logging camp. I'm afraid that my ability is limited, and I'm responsible for my lord's entrustment!"

Ouyang Shuo patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Don't worry. The difficulties are only temporary. When the time is right, I will send more people to the lumberyard. I have already purchased 500 units of timber in the market yesterday. You can handle it. What you have to do now is to check the distribution of forests in the territory and calculate the total amount of timber resources. In addition, you must also pay attention to observe to see if there are precious and valuable trees, and mark them well. Director Zhao, Your task is very difficult!"

Zhao Youfang suddenly realized, and said respectfully: "Thank you for your advice, sir, I will definitely handle the errand well."

"En, let's get busy!" After sending Zhao Youfang away, Ouyang Shuo turned to the three Doctors Song who were waiting at the side, and said, "Doctor Song, there is no way for the village to build a special clinic for you at the moment. You See if this works, you stay in the Lord's Mansion first. After the territory is upgraded to a second-class village, I will build a medical clinic for you as soon as possible." To this senior doctor, Ouyang Shuo can be regarded as a corporal.

Doctor Song's face was light and calm, with a fairy-like expression on his face, and he returned indifferently: "My lord has made such an arrangement, it is thoughtful, and I have nothing else to ask for! Just one thing, Miss Cui is a rich lady, and I have some kind of relationship with this old man." Yuanyuan. Now that I am living here, I hope that the adults can take care of it, I am grateful!"

Ouyang Shuo quickly returned, "Naturally. In this way, I intend to recognize Miss Cui as a righteous sister, but I don't know what you want?" Turning to look at that Miss Cui.

Before Cui Yingyou made a statement, Dr. Song took the lead and said, "This is great. With this relationship, no matter how much your lord takes care of you, no one else can say anything." Then, he turned around and said Cui Yingyou said, "Yingyou, this time the old man made his own decision and promised for you, what do you think?"

Although Cui Yingyou is the daughter of a businessman, she is also a lady of every family. Gorgeous in appearance and gentle in temperament, she has all the amorous feelings of Jiangnan women. The suffering experience did not wear away this beauty, but instead added a bit of strength to the gentleness.

She slowly walked across to Doctor Song, bowed profusely, and said affectionately: "Yingyou has traveled all the way, thanks to the care of seniors, she has saved her life. Now, seniors are thinking about everything for Yingyou. I am very grateful, everything is arranged by the seniors."

Dr. Song quickly helped her up and said, "Okay, good boy. If that's the case, go and see your righteous brother!"

Cui Yingyou stood up, turned her head and bowed to Ouyang Shuo, and said in a crisp voice, "Little sister Yingyou, see you big brother. Thank you big brother for taking care of me. My little sister is very grateful!"

Ouyang Shuo hastily returned the salute and said, "It doesn't have to be like this. It's a blessing for me to recognize Miss as a righteous sister. My surname is Ouyang, and Yingyou can call me by my first name."

"Brother Ouyang, please call me Youer. My family also calls me that, hee hee." After greeting each other and confirming the status of brother and sister, Cui Yingyou was no longer as cautious as before, and regained a little bit of her nature.

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player Qiyue Wuyi and NPC Cui Yingyou for sworn brothers and sisters of the opposite sex. This triggers the system's sworn brotherhood system and rewards 200 reputation points."

By the way, I checked Cui Yingyou's attributes.

[Name]: Cui Yingyou (Silver Level)

[Identity]: Villager of Shanhai Village, leader sister


[Loyalty]: 85 points

[Specialty]: Careful budgeting (increase the territory trade profit by 1%)

[Evaluation]: The daughter of the Cui family, a business family, has a gentle temperament, a good businessman, and does not give in to men.

It was a surprise that she was a silver-level talent. As expected of the sworn system, there are 85 points of loyalty at the beginning, which is already a completely trustworthy talent.

Without hesitation, Ouyang Shuo untied the resource bag from his waist, handed her to You'er, and said solemnly: "Your, we will be a family from now on. I will hand over the materials of the territory to you for safekeeping. You need to worry more about the allocation of materials."

Youer took the resource bag solemnly, asked how to use the resource bag, and then slowly said: "Thank you, Brother Ouyang, Youer will definitely live up to the trust of your brother."

After arranging the errands for Doctor Song and Cui Yingyou, Ouyang Shuo beckoned to the little shepherd boy who had already been playing with the black wolf pup, and said loudly, "Second boy, come here!"

Yesterday evening, Ouyang Shuo asked Zhao Youfang to make a wooden cage, with hay spread on the bottom of the cage, as a small den for the pup. After all, Erwazi is a young man at heart, when he saw the little black dog, he had a playful heart, so he sneaked over to tease the little dog.

Hearing the lord's call, he trembled reflexively. I thought that I would be punished if I was negligent, just like working in the landlord's house before, and I was full of fear.

"Hey." Er Wazi trotted back timidly.

Ouyang Shuo called him to his side, patted his head, and said softly, "Don't be afraid. Tell me, what did you do before?"

Erwazi lowered his head and said, "I used to help the landlord's family herd cattle."

"Cow herding? We don't have any cattle for you now. How about this, usually, you will follow me and act as a temporary servant. When you are free, you can read and practice calligraphy with sister Cui. Do you understand?"

Hearing that not only would he not be punished, but he would also have the opportunity to read and practice calligraphy, Er Wazi nodded excitedly, and said loudly: "Understood." Thinking in his heart, the lord and the landlord are really different.

Ouyang Shuo went on to say: "Well, study hard and become a person who will be useful to the territory in the future. In addition, I have another important task for you." He pointed to the Hei Lang who was locked in a cage by the courtyard. The puppy continued, "The puppy you teased just now, I named it Black Fang. From now on, you will take care of Black Fang's daily life, can you do it?"

Erwazi was even happier when he heard that heiya was going to be taken care of, nodded vigorously, and said, "Yes."

Ouyang Shuo patted his head and said, "Okay, let's go play! I'll call you if something happens."

After arranging everyone's errands, Ouyang Shuo had time to go find Shi Wansui and tell him about the wild goat found yesterday. He made up his mind to bring these wild goats back to the territory and raise them in captivity.