The World Online

Chapter 91: Military Department


Finally, when Ge Hongliang and his party arrived, Ouyang Shuo led a group of officials to greet him, and said with a smile, "Welcome Mr. Ge and his party. From now on, we will be a family."

Ge Hongliang didn't dare to be negligent, bowed and saluted, and said solemnly: "My lord!" From then on, everyone has the distinction between monarch and minister, and they can no longer talk on an equal footing like before. All the people following him bowed one after another, and ordinary residents even knelt down and said loudly, "My lord!"

Ouyang Shuo naturally understood the deep meaning, so he didn't evade. After accepting everyone's visit calmly, he helped Ge Hongliang up, and said with a smile, "Let's go, I've ordered someone to prepare thin wine to wash everyone off." He personally led Ge Hongliang to the Lord's Mansion.

Shanhai Town is undergoing territorial renewal, and there are construction sites everywhere. Ge Hongliang observed carefully along the way, and saw that the layout of the town was reasonable, the buildings were patchwork, and it was a thriving scene. The leaders I saw on the road were all red-faced, strong and strong, wearing clean coarse linen clothes, and full of energy. This is the performance of people who have a prosperous life and hope for a small life.

Ge Hongliang couldn't help nodding secretly. From this point of view, the promise made to them yesterday was not without purpose, and Shanhai Town was indeed as prosperous and prosperous as he described.

In the banquet hall of the Lord's Mansion, Ouyang Shuo hosted a banquet for Ge Hongliang, Xu Zhenchang and Sun Tengjiao, accompanied by the three directors of Shanhai Town and Shi Wansui, the military representative. As for the other people in the refugee camp, Ouyang Shuo directly handed them over to the Material Reserve Department for hospitality.

Before the meeting, Ouyang Shuo introduced each other to each other. They will be ministers in the same hall in the future, so they just took this opportunity to get to know each other better. Here in Shanhai Town, everyone is a big boss, except for Yingyou, who are all historical celebrities, so it is natural to be flattered or humiliated.

The three of Ge Hongliang were different, surprised one after another. They couldn't imagine how such a small second-tier town could gather so many talented people. The little bit of self-conceit and arrogance that I had before coming here suddenly disappeared, and I couldn't be proud anymore.

When Sun Tengjiao saw Shi Wansui, he couldn't arouse any fighting spirit at all. When I saw Lin Yi yesterday and saw him guarding Ouyang Shuo, I thought that he was already the most powerful general in Shanhai Town. Who would have thought that there would be a super military general sitting in the base camp of Shanhai Town, this is simply a beast in human form.

After the banquet, Ouyang Shuo did not rush to arrange their duties, but let them go down to rest first.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the meeting hall of the Lord's Mansion.

The three major departments and the fourteen divisions plus the heads of one directly affiliated organization, the generals above the squadron leader level of the military gathered here to participate in the temporary territorial discussion.

Ouyang Shuo said: "The purpose of calling everyone here this time is to make adjustments to the structure of the territory. As the number of troops continues to increase, there are more and more affairs related to the army, from logistics support, research on weaponry and equipment manufacturing, to soldier management. and mobilization, and then to the formulation of combat plans, etc. Therefore, I think it is necessary to set up a special department to coordinate and manage military affairs."

As military affairs are opposed to government affairs, there is still no unified management department, which has become a heart problem for Ouyang Shuo. It's not that he doesn't want to, but that he can't find a suitable chief officer to share his worries. The appearance of Ge Hongliang is undoubtedly an opportunity.

"I decided to set up the Military Affairs Administration, with Ge Hongliang as the director. The Military Intelligence Department and the Jiafang Division were placed under the jurisdiction of the Military Affairs Administration. In addition, the Combat Readiness Department under the Material Reserve Administration was spun off and placed under the jurisdiction of the Military Affairs Administration. The household registration The department's functions related to military registration management were separated out, and the personnel files were handed over to the Military Affairs Administration for management."

The establishment of the Military Affairs Department involved changes in the two major departments, the Administration Department and the Material Reserve Department. It was precisely because of this that he summoned the personnel from the three major departments to discuss matters here. Since then, Shanhai Town has changed from the three major departments to the four major departments, and Ge Hongliang has also become one of the four giants in Shanhai Town.

Ge Hongliang stood up excitedly, and said loudly: "Thank you for your trust, sir, I will live up to the entrustment!" For a new investor like him, entrusting him with such a heavy responsibility is indeed a lot of trust, no wonder he is so excited.

Xu Zhenchang and Sun Tengjiao saw that the leader was reused, and the last trace of worry in their hearts disappeared, and they began to truly integrate themselves into the big collective of Shanhai Town.

Ouyang Shuo adhered to the principle of using people without suspicion. He believed that Ge Hongliang had the ability to support the Military Affairs Department and solve his problems for him. In the newly established Military Affairs Administration, the departments and offices below are not yet complete. Ouyang Shuo did not try to encourage the growth, and set it up in one go. Instead, he adjusted according to the timing.

The establishment of the Military Affairs Administration also solved the problem of confusion in the ownership of the Military Intelligence Department. The former Military Intelligence Department was said to be operated independently, and was led by Shi Wansui; it was said to belong to the army. Is there a clear organization? Jiafang Division is responsible for the manufacture of military weapons and equipment, and it is logical that it is placed under the jurisdiction of the Military Affairs Department.

Zhao Youfang of the Combat Preparedness Department was demoted to deputy director because of being implicated in the year-end assessment, and was reinstated by Ouyang Shuo a few days ago. The division of the Combat Readiness Department into the Military Affairs Administration was the beginning of the independent operation of the army's logistics.

With the transfer of the Combat Readiness Department to the Military Affairs Department, the status of the Material Reserve Department declined again. There is no way around this. The Material Reserve Department, the predecessor of the Material Reserve Department, was established to solve the problem of centralized management of materials before the privatization of the territory. With the continuous deepening of privatization, many of the original functions can no longer keep up with the pace of development and must be fully released.

Ouyang Shuo also made arrangements for the office of the Military Affairs Administration, "The Construction Department set up a courtyard in the Northeast Military Region as the office of the Military Affairs Administration, and all the divisions under the Military Affairs Administration will be transferred there for centralized work."

"No problem!" Zhao Dewang nodded.

With Ouyang Shuo's arrangement, on the one hand, the Lord's Mansion has no extra office space; on the other hand, both the military camp and the Jiafang Division are located in the military area, so it is more convenient for the Military Affairs Department to work there.

After adjusting the Military Affairs Department, Ouyang Shuo turned his head to look at Yingyou, and said with a smile, "Your, I found a talented person for your Finance Department, but I don't know if it's easy to get into the yamen of the Finance Department!"

"Brother, don't make fun of me. Others don't know, and you don't know how busy I am. You'd love to have someone to share with you." Yingyou glanced at Ouyang Shuo.

Ouyang Shuo nodded, and said loudly, "That's good. I've decided to appoint Xu Zhenchang as the assistant to the director of the Finance Department and the director of the Commercial Department, and at the same time remove Cui Yingyou as the director of the Commercial Department."

Xu Zhenchang got up and saluted, and said excitedly: "Thank you for your trust, sir, I will definitely live up to my trust!"

Xu Zhenchang's rich experience in government affairs is a good supplement to the Finance Department. With his many years of experience as an official in the Ministry of Household Affairs, he will have no trouble in charge of the Commercial Department. Ouyang Shuo didn't want Yingyou's energy to be too much involved by the commercial department, but hoped that she would take charge of the overall situation from a higher height.

After adjusting the territorial structure, Ouyang Shuo left all the generals behind and held a separate military affairs meeting. In addition to the squadron leader of the headquarters of Shanhai Township, Zhang Daniu of the garrison squadron of Yushui Village participated in the military meeting this time. Even Pei Donglai, who was training far away in Beihai Town, rushed back with Zhou Feng and You Fang, two squadron leaders. You Fang used to be an elite water bandit, and he was recommended by Pei Donglai to be the captain of the second squadron of the navy.

"Mr. Ge is not only the director of military affairs, but also the military's combat staff. The spring offensive plan is of great importance, and Mr. Ge will deploy and command it in a unified manner. Mr. Ge's orders are my orders, and you all need to implement them to the letter. , don't slack off." Ouyang Shuo said straight to the point.

"Follow your lord's order!" Ouyang Shuo's prestige in the army is unquestionable, these generals were all single-handedly selected by him. The generals may have doubts in their hearts, but they still carried out Ouyang Shuo's order without hesitation.

Military combat command is not Ouyang Shuo's forte. As a modern person, it is difficult to have access to this kind of knowledge, especially the war in the cold weapon era. He only learned about it from books and film and television works, and he is still in the stage of learning and exploring. Therefore, he will fully delegate power to the more professional Ge Hongliang to lead the spring offensive.

Then Ouyang Shuo introduced Sun Tengjiao to the generals. He will be responsible for selecting 100 people from the former refugee camp troops to form the third cavalry squadron.

"How is the training situation of the army?" Ouyang Shuo continued to ask.

"Responding to my lord's words, everything is going well. The mixed battalion is now undergoing joint training of infantry and cavalry, and I believe that they will be able to complete the running-in soon. The mountain man has also adapted to life in the barracks, and gets along very well with other soldiers." Shi Wansui replied.

"Very good. Also, don't forget about the newly formed No. 3 Cavalry Squadron. We must help them integrate into the army at the base camp as soon as possible and adapt to the discipline of the army."


"Where's the garrison squadron in Yushui Village?"

Zhang Daniu came out and said loudly: "Don't worry, my lord. Since the last mistake, the brothers have realized their shame and acted bravely. They have trained very hard and are bound to save face with military exploits. The general can guarantee that the current defensive squadron will definitely No worse than any infantry squadron."

Ouyang Shuo nodded, turned to look at Pei Donglai, and asked, "How is the situation at the navy?"

Pei Donglai immediately got up and replied: "My lord, after half a month of training, the two squadrons of the Navy have been fully formed and can be put into battle at any time."

Ouyang Shuo felt relieved, and said with a smile, "Very well, since this is the case, the spring offensive must be accelerated. Director Ge!"


"Please use these two days to get acquainted with the various troops in the territory as soon as possible, and then draw up a detailed battle plan based on the information detected by the military intelligence department in the early stage." Ouyang Shuo ordered.

"Please rest assured, my lord. I still have some understanding of the distribution of rogues in the surrounding area, so I promise to complete the task." Ge Hongliang said confidently.

"Okay, then I'll wait for your good news." Ouyang Shuo finally said.