The World Online

Chapter 96: transfer


After reaching an agreement on the strategy, the next step is to discuss the candidates for the chief officer of the dependent territory.

"This third subsidiary territory is named after friendship. It fits the geographical location of the Friendship River and releases our goodwill. For these nomadic tribes, before we have the strength to subdue them, it is best to be friendly Trade. Compared with Beihai Town and Yushui Town, the Friendship Town in the future is more challenging. Therefore, it is very important to choose a suitable chief officer. This chief officer must be proficient in government affairs and do a good job for the troops stationed. Logistical support. At the same time, it is necessary to have a strong ability to adapt to changes. After all, we are across the river from the base camp, and the external situation is so severe. It is impossible for the base camp to respond in time every time. Do you have any suitable recommendations?" Ouyang Shuo asked.

This is the first time that Ouyang Shuo has consulted the directors of the subordinate territories for their opinions. In the previous Beihai Town and Swimming Town, he was arbitrary and made his own decisions. Indeed, this time, Ouyang Shuo didn't have a very favorite candidate in his heart.

Among the four directors, only Ge Hongliang was the most relaxed. He just joined Shanhai Town recently, and he belongs to the military series, so naturally he can't talk about recommending talents. The other three directors hesitated for a while. There are pros and cons to this recommendation. If the recommendation is correct, then naturally everyone is happy. But in case the recommender is not useful and makes mistakes in the future, the recommender will have to bear the responsibility accordingly.

The Department of Finance is a relatively professional administrative department, and it is difficult to find a single person who can take charge of the overall situation. Therefore, Yingyou was the first to shake her head, saying that she had no one to recommend.

The Material Reserve Department is a bit similar to the Finance Department. The configuration of the heads of each department is relatively low. They are all from the grass roots. It is the limit to control a department. How can they be the heads of the subsidiary territories. The only one that stands out is Yantian director Shen Zhui, but Tian Wenjing still shakes his head and rejects him because his qualifications are still young.

Most likely the Administration Department. The Administrative Department not only has many departments, but also has a relatively high number of directors, and there are quite a few directors who are from Juren or even Jinshi. Fan Zhongyan also had some hesitation in his heart. He had two candidates in his mind, namely Qin Shijian, Assistant Director, and Zhou Haichen, Director of Household Registration. These two young people are both very good, one is in charge of the overall situation, and the other is in charge of one's own. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, and it is really difficult to choose.

"This subordinate recommends Qin Shijian and Zhou Haichen, which one to choose is left to the Lord's decision." In the end, Fan Zhongyan kicked the ball back to Ouyang Shuo.

Ouyang Shuo nodded, these two were within his range of candidates, not beyond his expectation. But in this case, he still has to make his own decision. In fact, he also knew that among the two, Fan Zhongyan might not have no tendency. It's just that this kind of personnel arrangement is too sensitive, and it's not easy for Fan Zhongyan to interfere too deeply, so he played Tai Chi for him.

Seeing Ouyang Shuo struggling to make a choice, Yingyou snickered.

Ouyang Shuo glared at her, and said just now: "Let's choose Zhou Haichen. The former assistant to the director of the Household Registration Department, Du Quan, will be promoted to the director to take over the vacancy left by Zhou Haichen. Qin Shijian's position will also be changed. It is also time to go to the department below to exercise for the assistant to the director who has been there for a long time. By appointing him as the director of the examination and merit department, Mr. Xiwen can just take off this burden and take charge of the overall situation."

In the end, Ouyang Shuo chose Zhou Haichen from the perspective of succession sequence. As soon as Zhou Haichen leaves, Du Quan can quickly fill his seat. Conversely, if Qin Shijian was transferred away, it would create an embarrassing situation where there would be a surplus of talents in the household registration department and a shortage of talents in the merit examination department.

The four directors thought deeply about Ouyang Shuo's combination of personnel and personnel. Through this series of personnel adjustments, they tried to see clearly the employment orientation of adults. As for how much you can comprehend, or what doorway you can comprehend, only the benevolent see benevolence, and the wise see wisdom.

After discussing the candidate for the chief officer of the subsidiary territory, Ouyang Shuo announced the end of the meeting. As for the specific construction issues, he plans to convene the heads of various departments in the afternoon to make centralized arrangements.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the meeting hall of the Lord's Mansion.

Ouyang Shuo convened the departments related to the construction of the subsidiary territory, including the household registration department, construction department, material department, vehicle and horse department, and Zhou Haichen, who was about to take office, to discuss together.

Regarding the construction of Youyi Village, Ouyang Shuo first talked about his own views, saying: "Considering the future positioning of Youyi Town, the city wall is defined as a square with a side length of two kilometers, which is also nine meters high and five meters wide. For the construction of the city wall, the base camp must participate in the whole process. The construction department must send more manpower to try to build the city wall within a week, otherwise there will be changes."

Zhao Dewang nodded to indicate that there is no problem. The amount of work this time is only half of the base camp. If there are enough people, a week is enough. The most difficult thing may be to transport these stones across the river.

"The residents sent to Youyi Village this time must also be carefully selected. Ordinary residents are mainly herdsmen, and the future military horse farm will be built in Youyi Town, so preparations need to be made in advance. In terms of skilled personnel, we must also select them in a targeted manner. Some intermediate-level and above skilled personnel, such as blacksmiths and merchants." Ouyang Shuo continued.

Du Quan, the newly appointed Director of Household Registration, nodded his head to express his understanding, and asked cautiously, "My lord, how many people will be sent to Youyi Village this time?"

"It's controlled as a 1,000-person third-level village. From this group of people, 200 people will be selected to form the Youyi Village garrison squadron. You have to coordinate with the military on this aspect." Ouyang Shuo instructed.


Ouyang Shuo looked at Du Xiaolan and said, "The Supplies Department should make preparations for trading with nomadic tribes in advance, and set up a special market in Youyi Village. Strategic supplies such as salt and pig iron must be sold through official sales channels, and shipments must be strictly controlled. .”


"The chariot and horse department will do a good job in transportation on both sides of the Friendship River. This time, there will be a large amount of materials to be transported to the other side of the river, especially stone materials, which need to be carefully organized." Ouyang Shuo finally said to Zheng Shanpao.

"Understood, I promise to complete the task!" Zheng Shanpao said loudly.

"Okay, let's go get ready, I only give you one afternoon, and tomorrow morning I will formally set off to the other side to establish a subsidiary territory." Ouyang Shuo finally said.


After the meeting ended, Ouyang Shuo called Zhou Haichen to his office alone. It is necessary to have an in-depth conversation with the incoming chief officer to dispel his doubts.

The two talked until six o'clock in the afternoon.

After going offline, Ouyang Shuo took the time to call Song Jia and said shyly, "I'm sorry, this time the bandit suppression operation in the territory did not reveal the village building token you need."

On the other end of the phone, Song Jiaqiao smiled sweetly, but she could take it easy, and said with a smile: "Fool, there's nothing to be sorry about, this is a matter of luck, you can't force it."

Ouyang Shuo nodded, and he had an idea, and said, "Actually, there is another way. I don't know if your elder brother is willing to try it."

"What way?" Song Jia asked curiously.

"Think about it, the purpose of your family is to have a territory of your own, right?"

"It's needless to say, otherwise why would you need a token for building a village?" Song Jia said angrily.

Ouyang Shuo smiled and said, "Listen to me!"

"Okay, then you say."

"If you want a territory, in addition to using the village building token to build it yourself, you can actually let other lord players transfer their territory to you. In this way, not only can you achieve your goal, but you will also get a city that has already been built. Good territory. It just makes up for your late entry into the game, so it won't make a difference from the early lords." Ouyang Shuo said with a smile.

In the previous life, those medium-sized forces that entered the game after getting inside information also entered into such a misunderstanding at the beginning. Since it is to build a territory, it is natural to think of getting a village building token first. But I never thought that there is actually a way to transfer.

One is that they are not familiar with the game's settings, and some people don't know that there is such a setting as territory transfer. Second, those of them who know the inside information subconsciously think that other lords also know the inside information, so they are naturally unwilling to transfer the territory they have worked so hard to build.

Until one day, a genius player named Ji Ye came up with such a solution. For a while, other forces followed suit. They use the credit points that are about to be invalidated in reality to acquire the invaluable player territory in the game. Under the money offensive, most of the civilian lords in the game were captured. In this way, these forces dominate the game world again in disguise.

Such a tragedy is indeed heartbreaking. The asymmetry of information made these ignorant and lucky people miss the chance to stand up. Ouyang Shuo still remembers that one year after the previous life, after the truth of the game was announced, those players who had transferred their territory complained bitterly and angrily.

It's a pity that this kind of thing is originally a willingness to fight and a willingness to suffer. When the players who transferred their territories received a huge amount of credits in the early stage, they all went crazy with joy, thinking they were lucky.

So, fate, sometimes it is so mysterious. You don't know when it will suddenly take a sharp turn for you and catch you off guard. Only those who can hold the throat of fate are the real strong in this world.

"Ah, really!" Song Jia exclaimed.

"Am I completing the mission?" Ouyang Shuo jokingly said.

Song Jia smiled sweetly, "Well, the task was overfulfilled. I will treat you to dinner next time!"

"I can't ask for more."

"Okay, let's talk next time! I'll tell my brother the good news first. He has been so worried about the village building token these days that he can't eat anymore." Song Jia explained.

"Okay. Bye bye!"

"Bye!" Song Jia hurriedly hung up the phone and went to find her elder brother.