The World Online

Chapter 98: Clerk


The next day when she was offline, Song Jia called Ouyang Shuo again.

"Hey, Mu Mu, the method you mentioned is really useful. My elder brother has successfully acquired a third-level village in Lingnan, called Tianshuang Village." Song Jia said happily.

"Congratulations, the third-level village is already very impressive, how much did you spend?" Song Wen's speed is really fast enough, and the territory was settled in just one day.

Ouyang Shuo was not surprised that Song Wen chose the territory of Lingnan region. Many lord players like to choose an area corresponding to reality to establish a territory, because of the feelings of homeland.

"Guess." Song Jia said mischievously.

Ouyang Shuo converted the third-level villages into gold coins, made a rough estimate, and tentatively said, "10 million?"

Song Jia shook her head, smiled wryly and said, "Add another zero."

"Ah? No way, such an exaggeration?" Ouyang Shuo couldn't believe it.

"It's all because my elder brother was too impatient and insisted on buying it right away. As a result, the lion opened his mouth, but he didn't even ask for a bargain, and he just bought it, as if he got a bargain." Song Jia said coquettishly.

Wouldn't that be a bargain, Ouyang Shuo secretly thought, if he exchanged the soon-to-be-expired credit points to a third-level village, he would surely make a profit without losing money. No wonder the civilian lords in the previous life have fallen one after another. These medium-sized forces are really unambiguous, and they are worth 100 million. If Ouyang Shuo was willing to transfer Shanhai Town, it would be an easy matter to get 10 billion, but unfortunately it is impossible.

Ouyang Shuo smiled and said, "No matter what, it's finally a success, isn't it? Anyway, your family is not short of money."

"What, that's not how money is spent!" Thinking about coming to the Song family, they still had reservations about female members like Song Jia, and didn't tell her all the inside stories. Song Jia still thinks that this is just a game, what a naive girl.

Ouyang Shuo didn't dwell too much on this sensitive topic, but instead asked, "Then did you also move to Tianshuang Village?"

"Yeah, it's finally liberating. You don't even know how much pressure I have when I go out to level up wearing the set of equipment you gave me. I'm afraid I will be targeted by people with malicious intentions."

"By the way, I suggest you switch to the free mode for training in the "Yue Nv Sword Code." Ouyang Shuo suddenly remembered that Song Jia still didn't understand the secrets of the sword code, so he was afraid that she would waste the opportunity, so he specially instructed.

"Okay, I also think this sword manual is quite interesting."

"That's good!"

"That's right, my elder brother said he wanted to thank you very much, and he also said he would give you one million ideas, but I stopped him. He wanted to treat you to dinner, how about you go?" Song Jia asked.

Ouyang Shuo shook his head. He didn't want to get too close to the Song Consortium in reality, so he said euphemistically, "Forget about eating, and I'll just say that. It won't be of much help."

"I knew you would not agree. Then I invite you, you will not refuse, right?"

"Big beauty's treat, of course I'm waiting for you anytime!"

"Then it's settled, I haven't washed it yet, bye!"

"Goodbye!" Ouyang Shuo hung up the phone and walked out of the room.

Today is Saturday, and the little girl Binger is sleeping late again. On the other hand, Sun Xiaoyue happened to be offline because of playing games. She was wearing pajamas and was about to wash up when she ran into Ouyang Shuo at the door.

"How is it? Is the game going well?" Ouyang Shuo asked casually.

"Well, it's really fun. The things taught in Wangcheng School of Architecture are very professional. They are all about ancient Chinese architecture. I think it is more detailed than the information in our school library. Gaia is really too powerful Slightly. Originally, I was just playing casually, but after listening to a few classes, I became fascinated." Sun Xiaoyue said with relish.

Ouyang Shuo nodded and said, "Then study hard and restore those ancient buildings one by one in the territory in the future."

"Is it really possible?" Xiaoyue asked in surprise.

"Of course, as long as you draw the blueprint, I promise to build it for you, future master architect!"

"Hee hee, then it's a deal!"

"It's a deal!"

After Sun Xiaoyue went to wash up, Ouyang Shuo turned and walked into Binger's room. This kid is really lazy, he went to bed at 9:30 last night, what a lazy pig.

The little girl slept soundly, and the pocket Xue'er was lying in Bing'er's arms, extremely cute. As a top artificial intelligence pet, Xue'er is much more alert than Bing'er, she woke up as soon as Ouyang Shuo came in.

After getting along for this period of time, Xue'er and Ouyang Shuo have become very familiar with each other, and they flew to Ouyang Shuo's palm briskly. Ouyang Shuo rubbed Xue'er's face with his thumb, and asked with a smile, "Xue'er, do you think your little master is a lazy pig?"

Xue'er nodded cutely, and said crisply: "Well, little piggy."

Just when Bing'er was woken up, hearing this, she muttered: "Bad Xue'er, little traitor!"

Ouyang Shuo pinched the little girl's nose and said, "Honey, get up quickly. Go downstairs for a run with my brother today, to exercise and breathe fresh air."

"There's also a bad brother, wake up Bing'er early in the morning." The little girl obviously hasn't woken up yet, and she calls anyone bad when she sees her. Ouyang Shuo didn't want to spoil her this time, forcing her to get up.

Under Ouyang Shuo's power, poor Bing'er could only obediently get up and wash up. Xue'er followed her, and the little master heard her bad words just now, so of course she wanted to run to comfort the little master by acting like a baby.

Hearing that Ouyang Shuo was going to take Binger for a run, Xiaoyue also became interested. Ever since, on the greenway downstairs in the community, there was such a combination of two big and one small. I don't know, I thought it was a family of three. Oh, and there is also a pocket artificial intelligence pet flying around the three of them, not to mention how pleasant it is.

Binger trotted behind her brother, looked at Xueer flying in the air, and said enviously: "It would be great if Binger could fly like Xueer."

Ouyang Shuo shook his head amusedly, ignoring the little girl's imagination.

Because it happened to be the weekend, Ouyang Shuo deliberately turned down Song Jia's dinner invitation and changed it to next Monday at noon. In one day, watch TV with Binger at home in the morning and do homework with her in the afternoon. It had been a long time since he did his homework with the little girl, and he couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

On March 26th, Ouyang Shuo went online on time. As usual, he practiced Daqiangzhuang and Bajiquan in the yard for two hours. After a short rest, he just walked into the office.

On the desk, there was an official letter from Yushui town this morning. Ouyang Shuo opened it, and it turned out to be a letter of request for military expansion from Shui Shui Guard General Zhang Daniu.

Zhang Daniu wrote in the official letter that in view of the fact that Yushui Town has been promoted to a first-class township, he requested that the garrison squadron be expanded to 200 people to deal with more arduous garrison tasks.

Ouyang Shuo nodded. Such a request was reasonable, and he had no reason to refuse. He took a pen and wrote at the back of the official letter: It is agreed to expand a cavalry squadron in Yushui Town.

After finishing writing, Ouyang Shuo called the porter and asked him to deliver the official letter to the Military Affairs Department. When dealing with official documents just now, Ouyang Shuo realized that as more and more official documents were sent to him, it was time to appoint a full-time clerk to assist him in handling daily government affairs.

Ouyang Shuo called Du Quan, the chief officer of the Household Registration Department, to the office and asked him to help him find a clerk from among the newly recruited refugees. This was also a test of the new director's vision. Du Quan naturally knew it well, and nodded to promise to find a suitable clerk for the adults.

In fact, the position of the clerk is not easy. Although his official position is small and inconspicuous, but he has the opportunity to get in touch with the core affairs of the territory, which is a very good position for experience. Correspondingly, the requirements for the clerk's ability are naturally not ordinary. Not only is the clerk required to have a very strong ability to manage documents, but also to have a certain strategy and be able to put forward targeted suggestions or opinions on government affairs for the lord's reference.

Many famous prime ministers in history started from positions similar to clerks. For example, Fang Xuanling, the famous prime minister of the Tang Dynasty, served as the secretary of the Qin Palace for a long time.

Gu Xiuwen, the first secretary of Shanhai Village, also did a good job. Even though he was later arranged by Ouyang Shuo to the household registration office, he still worked part-time as a clerk, which made Ouyang Shuo very satisfied. Ever since Gu Xiuwen was assigned to Beihai Town, Ouyang Shuo lacked such a role.

The next day, Du Quan was looking for a candidate for the clerk, and the two walked into Ouyang Shuo's office one after the other.

After Du Quan saluted, he said happily: "My lord. Among the refugees who were brushed out today, there is a young Juren. The subordinates got to know him and thought that he could be qualified for the post of clerk. Therefore, I specially brought him to meet your lord. , Sir, please review it yourself."

At this time, the scribe consciously walked out from behind Du Quan, bowed and saluted, and said respectfully: "Xiaomin Bai Nanpu, my lord!"

Bai Nanpu was about twenty-four or five years old, wearing a white scholar's uniform, with knife-cut temples, sword eyebrows and starry eyes, a dignified appearance, with a certain literati style.

Ouyang Shuo nodded, his first impression of Bai Nanpu was very good. In order to get a better understanding, Ouyang Shuo checked the attributes of Bai Nanpu again.

[Name]: Bai Nanpu (Gold Level)

[Identity]: Secretary of Shanhai Town

[Occupation]: civil servant (juren)

[Loyalty]: 75 points

[Commander]: 25 [Force]: 15 [Intelligence]: 55 [Politics]: 50

[Specialty]: Broad knowledge (increase administrative efficiency of territory by 5%), meticulous (increase document processing speed by 15%)

[Comment]: A scholar from a poor family, well-read poetry and books, quite strategic, and a modest gentleman.

You are indeed a good talent, Ouyang Shuo said with satisfaction: "Very well, I will appoint you as the clerk of Shanhai Town, and assist me in official documents."

"Thank you for the promotion, sir, I will live up to my trust!"