The World Online

Chapter 99: Prelude


For the next three days, the territory was calm. Seeing that the first system auction was approaching, Ouyang Shuo began to gather funds for the territory.

On March 29th, Shanhai Town sold sea salt for the second time.

The Beimu Salt Field has undergone two expansions since the last salt production. On February 16, the third phase of the salt field was built, and the scale was expanded to 2,000 mu. The fourth phase of the salt field was built on March 3, and the scale was expanded to 5,000 mu. Calculated on the basis of an average sea salt production of 500 units per mu per month, and after deducting the time spent on the construction of the salt field, the sea salt produced by the Beimu Salt Field reached an astonishing 3.5 million units this time.

The price of each unit of sea salt in the market is 20 copper coins, and 3.5 million units of sea salt is 7,000 gold coins. After deducting 20% transaction tax, the actual collection is 5,600 gold coins. After deducting the operating cost of Beimu Saltworks, the actual income is 5,000 gold coins. Ouyang Shuo's heart was bleeding, such a heavy transaction tax would kill him.

On March 30, the Langshan Mine delivered gold to the base camp for the first time.

The current Langshan Mine employs 1,500 miners. Among them, 1,000 people are responsible for mining, and the other 500 people are responsible for transportation, refining and other work. On average, the Langshan mine can mine 100 tons of gold ore every day, and extract 2,000 grams of gold, which is 100 gold coins. After deducting the operating costs of the mine, the actual income was 1,500 gold coins in more than half a month.

Regardless of the fact that the income turned in by the Langshan Mine is much lower than that of the Beimu Salt Farm, it is assumed that the Beimu Salt Farm has an advantage. A Langshan Mine has been established for a short period of time, only half a month. There are only 1,500 miners in the Erzelang Mountain Mine, and 2,500 salt workers in the Beimu Salt Field.

Based on the average income per worker, a salt worker can create a wealth of two gold coins per month, while a miner can create a wealth of three gold coins. In addition, the Langshan Mine does not need to pay the 20% transaction tax, so it actually has an advantage over the Beimu Salt Farm.

As for the fiscal revenue of the territory, since the large brewery was placed under the jurisdiction of the Finance Department, the fiscal revenue of the territory has improved slightly. But now is not the time to hand over the profits. A territorial infrastructure construction continues, requiring continuous investment. Second, the Economic Stimulus Policy of the Department of Commerce also needs to continuously increase support funds. Therefore, Ouyang Shuo is already very satisfied that the Finance Department can maintain a balance of income and expenditure.

After the stocktaking was over, Ouyang Shuo held a huge amount of 7570 gold coins, and he was full of confidence in the upcoming system auction. At this stage, even the richest Lord Chunshen would never have more than 1,000 gold coins in his territory. It's not that they don't have so much money, but that the construction of the territory requires continuous investment, and military expenses alone can consume the lord. Only in Shanhai Town, holding the two golden chickens laying eggs, the Beimu Salt Field and the Langshan Mine, has such confidence.

On March 31st, Gaia finally announced the news about the auction and actual exchange.

"System Announcement: In order to celebrate the three-month operation period of the game, the system will hold the first system auction at 10 am on April 1st. There will be many rare treasures for public auction, so stay tuned! Friendly reminder: lord players must upgrade the market to at least intermediate level to participate."

As soon as the announcement came out, the lords of those powerful forces were all gearing up to take the lead. They kept urging the people below to take advantage of the last day to buy as much game currency as possible at all costs.

In Handan Town, Dichen asked Fenghua Juedai: "How much money can we use now?"

Feng Huajue frowned, and said in embarrassment: "After we upgraded to the third-level township, we have almost exhausted the funds just to buy the architectural drawings of the basic buildings and upgrade the high-level barracks. The army has no funds to expand the army. Where? What other funds are available?"

"What should I do? According to the news heard by the family, this auction will have a rare chance to see the technical manual of weaponry and equipment manufacturing. I must not miss it. I will go offline to raise funds now, and while there is still one day left, Buy as many gold coins as possible." Di Chen said helplessly.

"That's the only way to go." Fenghua Juedai had no other good solution.

In Danyang Town, Mr. Chunshen called the chief financial officer of the territory, and looked at Erlang's legs, and asked relaxedly, "How many gold coins have you hoarded now?"

The butler is actually a big fat man, with a rich face, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, young master, after two months of accumulation, the funds that can be used now have reached two thousand gold coins. I believe that no one can compare."

Chunshen Jun nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Hey, it seems that we were right to hold back from being promoted to the third-level township. Since the family inquired about the news of the auction, we have prepared for two full months, and it is finally here. It's time to reap the fruits of victory. Hmph, that idiot Dichen, who was promoted to the third-level township in such a high-profile way, must be green with regret now, haha."

"The young master is wise!" the butler said flatteringly.

In Jianxia Town, Feng Qingyang looked at his younger sister and asked unwillingly: "Little sister, is there really no way out?"

Feng Qingyue said crisply: "Brother, although we have successfully harvested a large amount of funds through the operation of the Qingyang Sword Sect, these funds have already been used to purchase cheat books. We can only give up tomorrow's auction. Only blame , The news of the family is too closed, and even such an important inside story has not been inquired in advance."

Feng Qingyue was obviously also a little unwilling. Originally, she had thousands of funds in her hands, but because of the lack of information, she used them in the wrong place.

"Then, why don't we sell these cheats first and get funds for tomorrow's auction?" Feng Qingyang asked tentatively.

"Absolutely not. It is too worthless to charge a 20% transaction tax for reselling the cheat book to the market." Feng Qingyue flatly refused.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Feng Qingyang could only accept his fate in the end.

In Bawang Town, Xiongba sat in the middle, and asked eagerly: "How is it, have you settled with Piaolinghuan?"

Sitting opposite Xiongba was an old man in his fifties, with a shrewd face, nodded and said: "Young master, don't worry, the negotiation is going well. Piao Ling Huan has promised to lend us all their funds, on the condition that we use the technical manual After the equipment is produced, Fallen Leaf Town has the right of first refusal."

"Okay, as expected of my good brother, he is still reliable at critical moments. How about this, we can't treat him badly, you tell him that once we manufacture the equipment, we will give 100 sets of equipment to Luoye Town for free." Xiongba happily He said, as expected of an old fox, he came up with such a method to raise funds.

"The young master is wise!" the old man said respectfully.

"Haha, if you want to achieve dominance, you still need to have this kind of tolerance." Xiongba said proudly.

In Lingxi Town, blue, red, purple and white gathered again.

"Sister, what strategy are we going to adopt for tomorrow's auction?" It was Violet who asked.

Bai Hua shook her head and said, "We only have less than 600 gold coins, so we can only adapt accordingly."

"That's right. Tomorrow we will focus on one or two unpopular items and try to win them all in one fell swoop. As for the big hits, let those big forces grab them. We won't join in the fun." Tsing Yi suggested.

"Well, Fourth Sister's suggestion is very good, let's do it this way." Bai Hua made the final decision.

The forces of all parties are surging, the balance of supply and demand has been completely broken, and the game currency has risen accordingly. From the original exchange rate of 1 copper coin to 2 credits, it has continuously soared to 3 credits, 4 credits, and 5 credits. In the end, it was exaggeratedly increased to 1 copper coin for 10 credits, that is, 1 gold coin can be exchanged for 100,000 credits.

If Ouyang Shuo sold the gold coins in his hand, he would be able to extract more than 700 million yuan immediately, which is really crazy. For a while, Ouyang Shuo couldn't help but wondered if he should sell some of the gold coins while the price was high, and then buy the game coins with credits after the game currency exchange price dropped, so as to earn the difference in the price. Still refrained from making a move.

One is that I don't know what good things will be in tomorrow's auction, so it's better to store more gold coins for insurance. Second, this kind of reverse operation needs to consume a lot of energy, and overall it is still not worthwhile.

"System Announcement: In order to regulate the exchange between players' game currency and real credit points and protect the legitimate rights and interests of players, the system will officially open the currency exchange platform at 2 pm on April 1. At that time, players can use the exchange platform anytime and anywhere For game currency transactions, the system charges a 2% handling fee."

The opening of the exchange platform, although unlike other games, you can directly exchange credits for game currency, but it also expands the trading scope of game currency in disguise. Those powerful players can take advantage of the platform to easily absorb the game currency in the hands of players.

Ouyang Shuo knew that the initial idea of those big forces was to directly exchange credits for game currency, but because it affected the game balance too much, the federal government flatly rejected it. The federal government is worried that once the truth is announced, it will stir up civil uprisings. The exchange platform in front of me is the product of a compromise between the two parties.

Hearing the latter system announcement, Di Chen and Chun Shenjun's faces turned pale. The system is really wicked this time, and it chose to put the opening of the exchange platform after the auction. This is to prevent local tyrants from using the exchange platform to search for game coins in advance to ensure the fairness of the auction.

According to normal logic, such an arrangement is of course inappropriate. It's a pity that "Earth Online" was not a normal game from the moment it was born, it's useless.