The World Owes Me a First Love

Chapter 17


It was also sleeping on the sofa, but Xing Yun's sleep quality was much higher than sleeping in KTV.

When Xia Ke woke her up, she felt as if she had been revived with full blood, and asked in a daze, "Are you off work?"

"What are you thinking? It's only noon."

"Huh?" She rubbed her sleepy eyes and looked out of the window. Indeed, the daylight was noon.

It turned out that she only slept for a few hours, and it felt more useful than the whole night of sleep yesterday.

"Eat first, and if you haven't slept enough, finish eating before going to sleep."

Not only breakfast, but also lunch? Xing Yun looked at Xia Ke who was unpacking the bento in front of him in astonishment.

This bento should have been bought at the convenience store downstairs, and it was still steaming. Although it wasn't considered a luxurious meal, it was a timely gift for her!

That's right! Charcoal in the snow! It's kind of weird!

She had no money for breakfast, and he brought pancakes and fruit.

She didn't sleep well last night, so he actually called her to the office to let her sleep.

She can't afford lunch, and when she wakes up, he's ready...

Even if it is because of the previous concealment, there are many ways to apologize. With Xia Ke's personality, he usually chooses the simplest and rude one, such as giving her more overtime pay this month, or letting the financial department open up to her reimbursement form. Turn one eye and turn the other eye, or give her a little more year-end bonus... All in all, he will basically not use other methods to solve things that can be solved with money.

So, is this just a coincidence


"President Xia, do you know something?" She couldn't help asking.

Sure enough, Shake paused obviously, "Know what?"

Acting stupid! She frowned uncomfortably, "Are you lying to me about being addicted?"

"... If it refers to the matter of you breaking up with Chu Nan, then I know for sure." He compromised.

"Hear what your sister said?"

This guy is really sharp in some weird places as always.

The reason why he pretended to be stupid was because she was afraid that she would think that Chu Nan couldn't wait to find Shen Qing just after they broke up. Although the truth was true, this kind of truth was somewhat cruel to her.

Therefore, Xia Ke did not give a direct answer, but sped up the action of unpacking the bento.

In a blink of an eye, a hot bento was handed to Xing Yun, and he tried to divert her attention with food.

Unfortunately, this trick does not seem to be effective...

"He's an activist." Xing Yun muttered to himself.

All along, she thought that Chu Nan was a little introverted and not very good at taking the initiative to attack. It turned out that it was only towards her.

"I think it's not enough." Xia Ke snorted angrily.

"...Don't be like this, he is serious about your sister."

"Are you talking for him?" Because it was too unbelievable, his voice rose unconsciously.

"No, it's just a matter of fact." After eating and sleeping enough, Xing Yun actually almost figured it out, "How to say this kind of thing, it is a paradox. A man is not a scumbag if he is wholehearted, but he is single-minded. People will definitely be scumbags to other women."

"Little Lucky..." Xia Ke looked at her worriedly, "Are you stupid because you can't stand the blow because of your first broken love?"

"You are so stupid!" She glanced sideways, "Besides, who said I have never been lovelorn!"

"Haven't you never been in love?"

"Yes, although I have never been in love, I have been in love."

"...Why didn't you say that you were pregnant? Are you the Virgin Mary?"

"Can't I have a crush? Everyone has more or less male gods..."

"How many?!" Her secret love experience is very rich! It's really hidden!

"No, I'm the one."

"When? Who? How did you meet? Why didn't I know?" He threw out a bunch of questions like a cannonball.

"Nonsense, it's my deskmate in high school, of course you don't know."

"And then? Your confession was rejected?"

"That's not true." She didn't even have the courage to confess, "There are many girls in our school who like him, almost every day people come to our class door to ask him for a phone number, and every time he says that he already has someone he likes At first, I thought it was just an excuse. Then one day, his girlfriend came to pick him up at the school gate. I was shocked at that time. I felt like my whole heart was hollowed out. That night I hid in the room and cried It’s been a long time. Although it’s just a crush, I still feel like I’ve been betrayed. I haven’t spoken to him since then, and I even asked the teacher to change seats…”

While talking, Xing Yun suddenly stopped.

Seeing this, Xia Ke suddenly frowned, "Could it be that you still miss him even now? Don't make trouble, it's been so many years, maybe his children can use soy sauce, and now the beer belly is probably bigger than your breasts." It's still big, maybe it's already bald."

"No..." Xing Yun bit his lip, "You seem to be right, I really don't like Chu Nan."

"..." How did you come to the conclusion? Girl, your mind is jumping a bit.

"Feeling betrayed, feeling uncomfortable, feeling angry, and even crying so hard... Is this the feeling you should feel when you're broken up?"

"Didn't you feel this way last night?" Compared to witnessing a male god leaving school with his girlfriend, seeing your boyfriend and ex-girlfriend kissing with your own eyes, the impact should obviously be greater, right

Xing Yun shook his head and muttered in a trance, "I feel... feel relieved..."

"... Then you still run away from home? Are you sick?!"

"Huh?" Run away from home? She didn't.

"Your parents said it. After I heard that you broke up last night, I was a little worried. I sent you a lot of WeChat messages but didn't reply, so I just called you. It was your mother who answered, saying that you ran away from home." .”

"Are you kidding me! I'm almost thirty years old! I'm not a teenager, the rebellious period is over early, menopause is coming, how can I run away from home..." He said , she suddenly thought of a very important thing, "Ah! You won't tell my mother about your sister and Chu Nan?"

"Can't you tell?" He asked a little annoyed.

"Of course! Don't look at my parents like this. After all, they are my own. If they know about that kind of thing, they will definitely help me fight the injustice!"

"That's just right. When are they going? Call me along."

"... Mr. Xia, is your sister your kiss?"

"No, it's not."

"Who is talking to you about this!"

Xia Ke glanced at her, "You asked it yourself."

"That's not what I meant..." She silently organized her words, "He loves your sister, and your sister loves him too. This is a fact. Even if you hate him subjectively, you can't deny this, right?"

Shake reluctantly gave an "um".

"That's fine. People love each other. I can't let them accompany me to be unlucky because of my own misfortune, right? His parents don't accept your sister anymore. If my parents run away If you make trouble, they will only anger your sister even more."

Xia Ke stared at her dumbfounded, and sighed, "You really are Maria, you are truly blessed with holy light."

"..." Are you mocking her

"It's all like this, you still want to help others?!"

"It's okay. After all, Chu Nan and I haven't even held hands. In name, we are in a relationship. In reality, we are not as good as friends. I have not suffered any disadvantages. If you lie to me, you Aren't you lying to me too?"


"Besides, you don't know how terrible my parents and his parents are. His parents will probably try to put me and Chu Nan together because they are dissatisfied with your sister. My parents may also think that before There is no need to worry about feelings, and this kind of thing can be cultivated slowly after marriage."

"...Isn't it possible?"

"As for it!"

"Although it is true, don't they all say that mothers don't think their son is ugly? Although it is true, are your parents so afraid that no one will want you? Although it is true."

"Mr. Xia, why do you repeat 'although it is a fact' so many times..."

"Say important things three times."


"So you didn't actually run away from home, but were kicked out by your parents?"

She nodded silently.

Xia Ke narrowed his eyes and suddenly asked, "Where did you spend the night last night?"

It must not be Xu Yiyi's family. Judging from Xu Yiyi's performance today, it is obvious that Xing Yun and Chu Nan have broken up.

"Oh, speaking of this..." Xing Yun remembered the Psycho that he met in the early morning. He was actually very scared, but he couldn't find anyone to talk to, "I met someone from that organization again last night!"

"That organization?" What organization? Black organization? Is she actually Conan

"Yeah!" Xing Yong nodded vigorously a few times, "It's the organization that pretended to be familiar and wanted to drag me away!"

" where did you spend the night last night?!"


"Why don't you go find Xu Yiyi?"

"It's not good to trouble others so late, and it's not convenient for her husband to be here."

"Then why didn't you come to me?"

" even more inconvenient..."

As if he didn't hear her at all, Xia Ke took out the key from his pocket, threw it in front of her, and said nonchalantly, "I might have something to do tonight. You should go home first after get off work."

"..." Xing Yun stared at the key in horror.

"What's wrong?"

"Your old married couple's tone is a bit disgusting..."

"Your thoughts are even more disgusting." Xia Ke glared at her fiercely. "I just feel sorry for you. After all, you did this because of my sister. I can't just sit idly by."

"It's okay, please just sit back and ignore it, I'm planning to go home today." Even if she gave her ten more guts, she wouldn't dare to wander outside in the middle of the night.

Xia Ke thought for a while, put away the key, "Alright, go back and have a good talk with them."

He doesn't mind how long Xing Yun stays at his house, but, after all, this is not a long-term solution, and her parents will be worried.

"Well, I was also angry yesterday, and they should be able to accept it if I said it well, but..." She smiled wryly, "I may have to go on blind dates in the future..."

"You still dare to go on a blind date? Isn't this lesson painful enough?"

"Then what else can I do? The only way to make my parents accept that I broke up with Chu Nan as soon as possible is to bring them another man back as soon as possible. Then I have no other channels other than a blind date." , she clenched her fists, and vowed: "But this time I won't start casually, at least I will find someone I like, then even if I am scumbag, I will recognize it, at least I have loved it!"

Xia Ke opened his lips, and before he could say anything, he was suddenly interrupted by a voice from behind...

"Why bother, just ask Mr. Xia to introduce you."