The World Owes Me a First Love

Chapter 2


Xing Yunxiong went on a blind date with pride.

In fact, she and Xia Ke had the same idea before. Two people who were obviously unfamiliar were thinking about getting married when they met for the first time. This is indeed a funny and embarrassing thing.

However, that day, after receiving the second wedding invitation from my cousin, her whole family was blown up!

She also thought a lot because of this. She was not an unmarried person at first, but when she came back to her senses, she realized that she was too busy with work and her circle of friends was too small. energy to change this situation.

It's like having a tooth decay, didn't notice it at first and didn't bother to deal with it until it started to hurt...

It's time to make up your mind to treat it!

Just like that, she became cruel and agreed to go to the dentist... Oh, no, it was a blind date...

The agreed place was a Starbucks located a bit out of the way. Xing Yun only found it with navigation, but the environment was good, close to the river, and there were no people there.

After confirming that it was here, Xing Yun glanced at the time on the top of the phone. It was nearly fifteen minutes earlier than the appointment. When looking at the photo of the other party, you have to revisit the appearance, so as not to be unrecognizable for a while.

In fact, it was not a photo, but the bank's work card, with the other party's ID photo on it.

Taking a photo of his ID to go on a blind date, he is also an upright boy... =_=

Or is the person confident in their looks? Indeed, this is the best ID photo Xing Yun has ever seen.

This person's facial features are well-rounded, refreshing, clean, and very delicate. A real person should be more handsome, right

It seems that I work in a bank and I am quite busy, so I have delayed my lifelong event. I always feel a little sympathetic to each other, and I have an inexplicable sense of intimacy...


Suddenly there was a polite greeting, Xing Yun was stunned, and looked up at the speaker.

Ouch! Handsome uncle!

The man in front of him looked about thirty-six or seventeen years old. He was wearing a neat suit, tie, a clear Adam's apple, and a beard. He had the calm charm of a mature man.

"You... hello..." Xing Yun came back to her senses, she was still very self-aware, she didn't think that a man of this appearance would come to strike up a conversation with her, "You want to ask for directions? But I'm not very familiar with this area either. "

"No..." The other party smiled, and pointed to her mobile phone screen with some embarrassment, and then pointed to herself.

"... Huh?" Xing Yun was stunned for a while, and after a while, he understood what he meant, "Huh?!"

Could this be her blind date? !

She lowered her head in disbelief and looked at the photos on her phone. He was clearly a clean and handsome man, no matter how you looked at it, he was not the same as the handsome man in front of him!

"This..." The corner of the man's mouth curled up in embarrassment, "It was taken a few years ago."

"..." What happened to you in the past few years? !

"Sorry, I don't usually like to take photos. When Xing Cheng came to ask for photos, I happened to be at work. It's not appropriate to take a selfie at the bank, so I gave her the work card. I didn't want to fool you."

"'s okay...I understand..." It's better to say that his temperament is not suitable for taking selfies anywhere.

"That's good..." He breathed a sigh of relief, "Go in first."

"Yeah." She nodded and moved.

The man walked ahead in a gentlemanly manner, opened the door for her, and turned his head to ask, "What do you want to drink?"

"I can just buy it myself..." Before coming to the blind date, Xing Yun even did his homework. According to those seniors who have good blind date experience on the Internet, it is better to pay for the first meeting. It will come true.

"You're welcome, it's just a cup of coffee."

"But I don't want coffee, I want Frappuccino..."

He couldn't help chuckling, "Well, I see, is the vanilla flavor okay?"

"No, no, no... that's not what I mean, really, I can do it myself..."

The other party just smiled at her and walked towards the cashier. When she came back to her senses and caught up with her, he had already ordered and paid.

"T_T..." It's over, will this person think she is the best

"You really don't have to worry about it. Even if we can't go further, you are still Xing Cheng's older sister. Treat your friend's older sister to a cup of coffee..." He paused, then changed his words: "It's nothing to drink a Frappuccino Big deal."

"...Okay...Okay." I always feel that his pause just now was a bit deliberate? Are you making fun of her

No, she must be thinking too much, this man looks really gentlemanly!

After getting her a drink, he thoughtfully asked her where she wanted to sit, walked to the table she was pointing at, put down the drink, and helped her pull down the chair... He did everything naturally, like Habitual movements, no signs of deliberate camouflage...

She couldn't understand more and more why such a person came to go on a blind date.

As if seeing her confusion, after taking his seat, he took the initiative to say: "Xing Cheng should have told you about my situation? I'm busy with work, and I'm usually very tired. I don't want to go out when I have a rest. As for friends, in fact, at my age, the circle of friends is already very fixed. Except for colleagues who have more daily contacts, that is, some old friends from the past, I don’t have much energy to meet new friends. So, for me, blind date is most efficient way."

"Yeah!" Xing Yong nodded his head vigorously, resonating incomparably.

"By the way, can I ask your name?"

"Xing Yun, lucky luck."

He silently recited it several times in his heart, "It sounds very good."

"Thank you. What about you? What's your name?" She suddenly thought of Xia Ke's words, and it was true that two people who didn't even know each other's names were talking about getting married.

He paused for a moment in embarrassment before opening his lips and saying, "Chu Nan, it's Nanmu's Nan."

Xing Yun took a sip of the Starbucks in his hand, and asked casually, "Is your ancestral home in Sichuan?"

"Huh?" He was taken aback for a moment, then asked in surprise, "How do you know?"

"Isn't the golden nanmu in Sichuan very famous?"

"Indeed..." He raised the corner of his mouth, which is probably the most authentic smile today, "My grandfather is from Sichuan and a carpenter. Although he came here very early, the old man always has a feeling for his hometown. This name He took it."

"So it turns out." She looked dazed, "Your name sounds nice too."

“… the first time someone heard my name was that kind of reaction.”

"Uh..." Was her reaction wrong? She asked nervously, "Then how did everyone react?"

"It's better that you don't know."


"I love your reaction."

"..." She was startled suddenly, it was the first time a man told her that he liked her in such a big age! Although it seemed like she was liked in some strange and unknown way, it was enough to make her feel overwhelmed.

Just when she was blushing and didn't know how to answer the call, the mobile phone in her pocket suddenly rang.

After saying sorry to Chu Nan, she took out her mobile phone to check, and the "big boss" on the screen came into view, without thinking, she pressed the phone to silent, pretending that nothing happened, regained her smile, Looking up at the man in front of him, he continued the topic of a blind date, "Speaking of which, do you have any requirements for your future partner?"

Seeing this, Chu Nan was very cooperative and didn't take the phone call too seriously, and replied with a smile: "Three views are the same, interests and hobbies are similar, as long as we can live together."

"What are your hobbies?"

He frowned and thought for a moment, "Football."

"Huh? Do you like playing football?" I really can't tell, the suit and leather shoes don't seem to have anything to do with sports at all.

"Like to watch."


The phone rang again, Xing Yun couldn't hide his irritability and frowned, and pressed it off again.

Chu Nan continued the topic cooperatively again, "What about you?"

"I like watching anime." She replied without thinking.

"You..." He paused for a moment, thinking about the words, "You are quite childlike."

"Uh..." She understands the subtext of this sentence so well, every time her mother sees her watching anime, she will mutter to her side full of disgust, "I'm almost 30 years old and still watching cartoons is not childish". Sure enough, as a person who is almost thirty years old, this kind of hobby is not suitable to be put on the table at all! She laughed dryly a few times, and hurried to make amends, "Hahahaha, I'm just kidding, I actually like traveling more."

"What a coincidence, I like it too."

"Really?" It's so dangerous, this time it's the right answer, right

"Yeah." He nodded with a smile, "I plan to go to KohRong Island for this year's vacation."

"@_@..." What... what island? what is that place Where? What are you doing

She suddenly felt that she was very uneducated, and she was lamenting that all these years of reading books were wasted, when the damn cell phone rang again!

Finally, Chu Nan had no choice but to continue to ignore it, "I'd better take it. Don't worry about me, the other party should be looking for you urgently."

"No...I'm sorry, it's our boss, maybe he's really in a hurry..." After saying sorry several times, Xing Yun reluctantly connected the phone.

Just connected, before she even had time to say "Hello", Xia Ke's angry roar came from the phone, "What's the use of your phone! Just throw it away!"

"Mr. Xia, hello, what can I do?" ^_^

"... What are you pretending to be gentle, isn't the blind date over yet?"

"Of course." Crazy! It ended not long after I sat down, so I have no confidence in her!

"It's really troublesome..." He snorted angrily, "The few CGs you are in charge of have some small details to be changed, you send the source files to Yiyi."

"Well, ok, I'll be back later..."

"Time is running out."

"Are you..." Are you going to die? She was almost about to say this, but fortunately, she recalled her dignified image in time, and changed her words abruptly: "You are in such a hurry, then I will finish my work here..."

"Send it now."

"..." Leave the blind date aside and open the notebook to transfer the source file? How rude!

"Data planning is waiting."

"Understood..." In short, I agreed first. Anyway, it takes time to deal with this kind of thing, and how long it can be delayed.

Shake messed up her wishful thinking after only a moment, "I'll give you ten minutes at most."
