The World Owes Me a First Love

Chapter 36


Xing Yun thinks that she and He Yu have reached a consensus, even if there is no official gameover, it should be in a pause state...

Facts have proved that she underestimated He Yu's naivety!

He didn't come to their company today. He called her in the morning and said that he was going to catch up with the design at home. By the way, he asked her to meet at six o'clock in the evening. The concise and concise tone sounded serious, which he had never seen before. She was so serious that she was full of anticipation, thinking that she could receive the design draft today.

As a result, today's game content is - a test of patience!

Xing Yun waited at the door of the agreed restaurant for more than half an hour, but not only did he not see him, he didn't even pick up his cell phone.

If she couldn't contact him, she naturally didn't dare to leave by herself, maybe it was a traffic jam? Maybe it's because I'm driving that it's inconvenient to answer the phone

After finding a bunch of excuses for him without authorization, Xing Yun had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue to wait.

Time was passing by every minute and every second, and her patience was running out bit by bit. It was almost two hours, just when she was gritting her teeth and about to give up, He Yu finally called...

"Manager He! Are you still alive?!" This was not the tone she should have when talking to an important partner of the company, but she couldn't hold it back anymore.

He asked, "Are you still there?"

It sounded a little deep, and he couldn't detect the slightest smile. It was different from his previous pranks. It seems that he didn't make her wait on purpose

Even so, Xing Yun, who was about to freeze into a dog after standing in the cold wind for nearly two hours, still had an unfriendly tone, "Of course I'm still here! I've already made an appointment with you, but I can't contact you, so send me a WeChat message." Don't go back, what if I leave and you arrive!"

"Well, I'll be right there."

"How long will it be..."

"Find a warmer place nearby and wait. I'll call you when I arrive."

"You won't lie to me again this time."

His weak promise came from the phone, "It won't happen..."

"Okay." Let's just trust him again.

I don't know if He Yu did it on purpose, but the location of this restaurant is very strange. Looking around, there is not even a shelter from the wind, let alone other restaurants. It would be a bit silly to go directly to the restaurant and wait for him. I don’t know how long he will wait. After all, he is inviting people to dinner, and it’s not easy to order first. You can’t drink water and wait. It’s very strange.

She tried to search with Dianping, and finally found a coffee shop nearby.

It is said to be nearby, but in fact it takes more than ten minutes to walk there.

So, when He met, she was not so fast.

He simply went to the restaurant to wait for her. After waiting for about half an hour, after ordering food and drinking a glass of water, Xing Yun appeared.

She hurried in with two cups of coffee in her hand, because she was afraid of spilling the coffee, her running posture was a bit funny.

Seeing her panting, He Yu opened his lips in a daze, "I thought you wouldn't come."

"How is it possible..." As she said, she put the coffee in her hand on the table, took off her coat and took a seat, "I'm buying coffee, the queue is a bit long, but when you called, the clerk had already helped me After ordering, let them make it first, it’s not good to leave suddenly, the coffee will be for nothing.”

"Hmm..." He thought that he would be punished in the same way as others. Compared with her magnanimity, this idea seemed very villainous, and he was too embarrassed to say it.

"Here, here you are..." She nonchalantly pushed one of the cups of coffee in front of him.

He frowned slightly, "I don't drink coffee."

"I know."

"how do you know?"

"Nonsense." Xing Yun rolled his eyes angrily, "I have served you with tea and water for so many days, can I not know?"

"Then you still buy me coffee?" Finding fault

"This is not coffee, it's a matcha latte, matcha with milk, no caffeine."

"..." He still had doubts.

"Try it, it's delicious..." Xing Yun pursed his lips and muttered, "I bought it for you specially. I ran all the way here, and it's still hot..."

The voice was neither soft nor loud, as if talking to himself, but it happened to be heard by He Yu who was opposite.

After waiting for two hours, instead of blaming him, he even helped him buy drinks, even considering the cold weather, he ran all the way here so that he could drink hot...

In a sense, this woman is really irresistible!

For He Yu, who was originally ashamed, even if there was caffeine in the cup in front of him, he could only grit his teeth and swallow it!

So, with his eyes closed, his heart fluttered, he raised the cup of matcha latte that she highly recommended in front of him, and toasted.


After he was stunned for a few seconds...

"...Pfft!" He spat out all the drink in his mouth.

very good! Definitely no caffeine! But with mustard! ! ! ! !

Xing Yun obviously expected this kind of reaction from him a long time ago, and turned slightly to avoid it, so as not to be splashed on himself by the drink he spewed.

"you… "


"..." What a drink! on purpose! She definitely did it on purpose!

That's the price for keeping her waiting for two hours!

To be honest, at first he didn't think about asking Xing Yun to wait. He really finished the design at home very seriously, and he planned to send it to her by email. When uploading the attachment, he thought a lot...

For example, what is the reason for the recent series of behaviors.

Before being asked by Xing Yun, he had never considered this question. If he had to say it, it was just because... it was fun

Scaring her with a toy snake at first was purely on a whim. Her reaction at the time was so funny that he would still laugh out loud when he went home and lay in bed that night when he recalled it, regretting that he forgot to take a photo.

So, the next day, he sprinkled instant noodle seasoning in her coffee and took a photo as he wished.

When he went home and looked through the photos, he couldn't help but want to enrich the album a little bit.

In this way, his pranks gradually escalated and took more and more trouble. He not only went to the supermarket to pick out chili powder that was similar in color to her lip balm, but also DIYed toothpaste-filled Oreos himself.

But the reaction she gave always made him feel that it was worth the effort.

Thinking of losing this toy soon, he suddenly felt a little empty, and involuntarily interrupted the attachment that was still being uploaded.

It was this sense of emptiness that caused him to hesitate to go out for appointments, and he always felt that he hadn't had enough fun!

Why don't you just let her dove and continue the prank? He Yu, who had clearly made up his mind, was shaken by her phone calls after phone calls. Thinking that with her serious personality, she might wait there until he appeared, so it was hard for him not to care.

It was only when she came to her senses that she realized that she had unknowingly dialed her number.

When he heard that she was still waiting, his heart was pulled hard.

After all, it's not the age of first love, he knows exactly what this feeling means...

However, even though he had confessed and came to the appointment, he still didn't want to admit it.

until this moment...

"I really like your reaction." Fear, anger, anger, and finally starting to fight back, this series of reactions controlled by him is really unstoppable.

"Huh?" The smile on Xing Yun's face froze slightly, and he frowned puzzledly.

"Speaking of which, you seem to have broken up with that Chu Nan?"

"… none of your business?"

"If you break up, you might as well stay with me."


"Although I don't want to admit it, it seems that you have unfortunately hit your words..." He paused, and curled his mouth at her, "I might like you a little bit."

"... Pfft!" It was Xing Yun's turn to spray.

She sprayed this coffee too suddenly, He Yu, who was defenseless, was not lucky enough to dodge like she was just now, and was sprayed in the face alive.

"Calm down..." Considering the image problem, he had no choice but to smile and do it himself, "It's just a confession. Although it should be the first time you have been confessed, you don't have to be so excited."

"Who is excited!" Yes, yes, it was the first time she was confessed at such an age, but it was by no means excited, "It was panic!"

Panic? He Yu was stunned for a while before recovering, and asked incredulously, "Are you rejecting me?"

"Of course! Are you naive? Are you finally tired of those boring pranks? You actually started playing emotional fraud!"

He breathed a sigh of relief and smiled again, "No, I..."

Xing Yun interrupted him loudly, "Don't even think about it! I won't give you such a chance!"

"... It doesn't matter. I have always believed that opportunities are not given by others, but by themselves."

He Yu gave up.

He decided and explained it directly with actions.