The World Owes Me a First Love

Chapter 41


—I'm not just playing, I'm seriously trying to help you!

In the end, Xing Yun did not say such words.

If the other party asks, that is helping; but if the other party makes it clear that they don't need it, then it is meddling.

If she continued to stalk her, her behavior would undoubtedly be the latter.

What made her feel even more helpless was that she didn't even have the ability to meddle in other people's affairs.

The company fell out with the operator, because of the different ideas, Xia Ke always wanted to be a brand, but the operator cared about the profit. No one is right and who is wrong. It can only be said that when the two cannot be balanced, falling out is inevitable. The simplest and rude solution is to find the operator again. But Xia Ke obviously does not intend to take the usual path. He wants to operate independently, which means that he needs a lot of money, so the business trip is real. He contacted an investment company. The boss of that company is currently in Shenzhen. He should be I want to talk to my boss directly.

These are all Xing Yun heard from Yao Qing.

Before coming here, she thought that the reason why Xia Ke didn't tell her was just because her previous method of resigning was too radical.

It wasn't until she was pushed out of the door by him that she realized that he really didn't need her.

She doesn't know anything except painting, so what can she do to help him? Maybe Yao Qing could help him analyze the situation rationally, but she couldn't even do that.

So, after standing at the door for a long time, Xing Yun turned and left silently.

What she didn't expect was that just after she walked out of Xia Ke's community, a car suddenly drove up from behind and stopped when it approached her.

The quiet night was pierced by the piercing sound of sudden brakes...

The window of the car was lowered slowly, and Xia Ke in the driver's seat stared straight at her. After a long time, he said, "Get in the car, I'll take you home."

"No need..." She felt very frustrated that she couldn't help him, so how dare she bother him instead.

"If something happens to you, I'll be in trouble as the last person to see you."

"..." This reason is very convincing, after all, it's not that she hasn't had an accident, and the memory of the last time she went to the police station is still fresh.

So much so that she could easily make up the picture of Xia Ke being taken away by the police uncle for interrogation after her accident.

The too real picture made her unable to refute Xia Ke's words, so she could only purse her lips, walk around to the passenger seat resentfully, and open the car door.

He approached slightly, stretched out his hand, and just touched the seat belt on her side, then suddenly stopped...

"What... what's wrong?" Xing Yun was a little confused.

"... Fasten it yourself." He quickly distanced himself and looked straight ahead.

This reaction made Xing Yun feel like something dirty.

In fact, this is indeed the case for Xia Ke at the moment.

The faint fragrance from her body made his chest tight. He recognized this smell, it was He Yu's usual perfume smell, and he had complained about it countless times.

Now he wants to complain even more! It's really like the smell left by dogs for enclosure demonstrations!

From just now, this smell is like a warning, reminding him that the person in front of him is already a friend's wife.

He didn't have the courage to challenge the moral bottom line to touch her, but he also didn't have the backbone to be indifferent to her safety... In the end, he still chased her out.

It doesn't matter, it's only a 20-minute drive at most, and soon, as long as she doesn't exist...

In order to completely air her down, Xia Ke kept silent all the way, driving with unprecedented seriousness.

The atmosphere was heavy, and although Xing Yun wanted to relieve it countless times, he didn't know what to say.

In the end, it took less than 20 minutes to arrive at her community, but she felt that the ten minutes was extremely long, and she just wanted to get rid of it quickly.

So, when Xia Ke stopped in front of the parking gate at the entrance of the complex and waited for the security guard to open the gate, she broke the silence impatiently, "Just send it here, I'll walk in by myself."

"..." He remained silent.

"..." She also had no choice but to remain silent.

The atmosphere seems to be heavier than before!

Fortunately, the security guard came out of the security booth very quickly. According to the rules of their property, vehicles entering and exiting usually have to report their house numbers for registration. Xing Yun occasionally found this rule a bit annoying before, but at this moment, just as she At the moment when she desperately needed someone to help ease the atmosphere, she felt that this rule was extremely humane!

She broke into a smile, and eagerly looked at the security guy in front of her with eyes as if seeing a relative, "Hello, No. 8..."

"Room 702, No. 8, I know." Before she could finish speaking, the security guy snatched it up.

"Huh? That's right..." So she can already enter by swiping her face? This year's security guards have a good memory!

But soon, Xing Yun found out that the person who could scan his face to enter their community seemed not to be her, but Xia Ke...

"You came back quite late today." The security guy handed the parking card to Xia Ke, and greeted him enthusiastically.

"..." Xia Ke pursed his lips tightly, without saying a word.

"Are you going out in a while?"

Finally, he gave a "hmm" if there was nothing.

... As expected, he was talking to Shake!

Xing Yun looked at the two people in front of him who seemed to be familiar with each other in astonishment. What's going on

Without giving her any more chances to confirm, Xia Ke immediately stepped on the accelerator as soon as the brakes were opened.

She had no choice but to ask the person concerned, "Why do you know the security guards in our community so well?"

"...I probably misidentified the person." He paused for a moment before saying.

This kind of situation also happened. Xing Yun was almost convinced, but fortunately, his IQ went online in time, "No, he accurately reported my house number."

"That's probably because he recognized me as He Yu."

"How is it possible..." He Yu did send her home several times, but each time he only went to the gate of the community.

"Here we are." Shake interrupted her.

She can't do two things at once, and he knows this better than anyone else.

Of course, just being at her door was not enough to distract her completely, so after stopping the car, he hurriedly continued: "Go to the company tomorrow to go through the reinstatement procedures."

"Huh?" This trick was really useful, her eyes lit up, and she immediately forgot about the security guy, "Can I go back to the company?"

"Yeah." He nodded.

"Then what do I need to do after I go back?" Given the company's current situation, there shouldn't be any pictures for her to draw, right

"No need to do anything."


"It's enough to stay quietly like a mascot and never leave."

He gave up, even if she only came back out of sympathy, even if he had to work hard every day not to shoot her, at least he could see her if he wanted to, and that was enough.


He Yu turned off all the lights inside and outside the car, and stared intently at the car not far away.

The two people in the car didn't have any intimate behavior, and the atmosphere seemed even stranger than before. He was feeling relieved, and even secretly rejoiced that he might still have a chance. Xing Yun got out of the car and waved to Xia Ke When he said goodbye, her smile was something he had never seen before, it was so sweet that it dazzled, it lit up the night sky but dimmed his world...

"She likes Xia Ke even more than I imagined. When she saw him, she seemed to come alive." Yao Qing's voice came from the back seat, revealing a touch of surprise.

"..." Well, it was indeed beyond imagination, so much so that He Yu couldn't bear it.

"However, with Shake's personality, he would definitely not be with her in this situation. You might still have a chance."

He was silent for a while, and opened his lips with difficulty, "No chance..."


"Once she said to break up, no matter whether she was with Xia Ke or not, she would never look back."

She has a morality that is so strong that it is almost cruel, as if she clearly felt that she was shaken by Shake's kiss, but just because she had agreed to be with him, she locked her heart and turned a blind eye, and even cut the mess quickly and refused to let Shake. The slightest chance. Therefore, when she chose to break up with him because she couldn't let Xia Ke go no matter what, even if Xia Ke turned her away or treated her more indifferently, she couldn't turn back and leave her ex-boyfriend She can't do such a thing as a spare tire.

Even if he doesn't mind, she will.

"Then you're still here? You're sick."

"Compared to this..." He turned his eyes and stared at Yao Qing, "You are the sicker one who followed me out of nowhere!"

"It's normal for me to come. Anyway, it can be regarded as an assist. Of course, I want to check the results."

"Come on! You are simply afraid that I will destroy it!"

"Well, it can be understood that way."

"..." actually admitted without hesitation! After all, they are also colleagues, right? Do you need to be so magnanimous to destroy the feelings of colleagues!

"Okay, okay, stop staring, isn't it just a broken relationship?" She boldly stretched out her hand, and patted He Yu's shoulder, "Let's go, my sister will accompany you to drink away your worries."

"I don't really want the culprit who caused me to break up with me to accompany me!"

"Then you stay with me. It just so happens that I'm also broken in love."

"Are you a lovelorn? I've never seen a lovelorn as open-minded as you!"

"Oh, where is there no fragrant grass in the end of the world, get drunk, sleep, wake up, there may be a man lying next to you, how wonderful, there is nothing you can't see."

"..." I don't even want to drink with her to drown my sorrows. Who knows what will happen after getting drunk!


I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but the results of the evening update have been delayed until now. . I had diarrhea yesterday, but it wasn’t very serious, it’s just that the chrysanthemum hurts so much that I really want to type... Well, I know that the chrysanthemum is not used for coding, but it’s a pity if I have an excuse to leave it alone. . . .

In fact, it is almost at the end of the stage, so I have been stuck recently, I will try my best to keep the rhythm of updating every other day, and forgive me if I get stuck.