The World Owes Me a First Love

Chapter 48


The rules of the rivers and lakes - to chase a woman should be resolved quickly, don't leave the other party too many opportunities to think about it, so as not to have long nights and dreams!

So, the day after the confession, He Yu launched an offensive.

His initial plan was as follows—

Enough romantic flowers, enough considerate greetings on WeChat, enough thoughtful transfers to and from get off work.

According to past experience, even those women who have seen thousands of sails faced this kind of offensive, the one with the highest record only lasted for a week before surrendering.

For someone like Xing Yun who has no love experience, he initially estimated that it would be about three days.

What He Yu didn't expect was...

Three days later, she didn't move at all!

No pretentious phone call to ask him what those flowers mean.

Did not reply to any of his WeChat messages.

Oh, there is still a reply. After he said he was going to pick her up from get off work, he received "lucky¥lucky has turned on friend verification, and you are not his (her) friend yet. Please send a friend verification request first. After the other party passes the verification , to chat" system reply!

This woman actually deleted him! ! ! !

After being depressed all day, He Yu decided to kill her company directly.

Then, he realized something, he had missed a very important uncertain factor in his meticulous plan—Xia Ke!

He canceled his cooperation with Xing Yun without warning, and he endured it.

Xing Yun was given a week off on the grounds that working overtime was too hard, and he endured it.


"Xia Ke! Can you explain why these flowers are in your office?" He sent flowers for so many days, but they were all harvested by his suspected love rivals. How can he endure this? !

"She doesn't want it, it's a pity to throw it away."

"Don't come here, how can there be a woman who doesn't like flowers!"

Xia Ke casually raised his eyes and glanced at him, "She's different from those women you've known before."

"Of course I know she's different. In the past, I only sent flowers occasionally to those women. Most of the time, they wanted bags more! But Xing Yun is different. A girl like her awakened so late that she is still boiling. woman, I bet her eyes widened when she saw these flowers!"


"Ha." Xia Ke's silence is enough to explain everything, He Yu raised his eyebrows, "It seems that I guessed it right."

"Well, then you can continue to send it."

"You treat me as an idiot, and if you continue to send it, you will be reaped!" He Yu gritted his teeth and decided to get straight to the point, "Just tell me, do you like her too?"

"I don't like it." Shake replied decisively and calmly.

From his tone and expression, there was no trace of duplicity. This not only failed to make He Yu relax, but also made him more angry, "Then your behavior is to occupy the latrine and not shit."

"First of all, I don't think Xing Yun is a latrine."

"..." Is this the point

"Secondly, I didn't occupy it either, otherwise I wouldn't have specially given her a break to go on a blind date."

"... What are you talking about? You gave her a vacation just to let her go on a blind date? Are you sick? Do you understand what it means to keep fat and water out of the field! I'm your friend, and you don't want to be cheap even if you are a stranger ?!"

"Because you are not suitable for her."

"Where does it not fit?"

"It doesn't fit anywhere."

"Shake, do you want to fight?"

"Let me remind you, my ex-girlfriend is a kickboxing coach."

"Of course I know. When you broke up with her, I was also involved in the beating!" Although it was many years ago, He Yu's memory is still fresh, because of the inexplicable beating. In fact, the relationship between him and Xia Ke was not so good that they were inseparable, but unfortunately, they happened to be together at the time, and when the girl did not agree with each other, he tried to persuade her... Thinking of this, He Yu There was a sudden pause, "If I remember correctly, the reason you broke up with that woman is that she thought you were too nice to a certain female employee in the company and asked you to fire her, and then you fired her?"

Xia Ke pursed his lips and smiled, "I have a really good memory."

"... That female employee can't be Xing Yun?"

"So what." Regarding this point, he did not deny it at all.

"Where did you get the mystery and magnanimity? Didn't you say that you don't like her! Why do you treat her so well if you don't like her?"

"Isn't it right for a boss to be nice to his employees?"

"Are you the boss's attitude towards employees? A husband is nothing more than that!"

"Boss and husband are only one word apart." Thinking of Xing Yun who had said this, he couldn't help but curl his mouth.

He Yu couldn't get his smile at all, and stared at him blankly as if he was watching a psychopath.

"What's the matter?" Xia Ke was a little puzzled by the inquisitive gaze.

"You are also quite easy to satisfy." He Yu sighed.

He raised his eyebrows with pride that he didn't know where he came from, "That is."

"Well, you can continue to enjoy the difference." He Yu sneered, "I'm not as contented as you are. Virgo, you know, perfectionism, what I want is to be exact."



Xing Yun, who was experiencing the second blind date in his life, received a very strange WeChat message from Xu Yiyi - "I misread you!"

She replied with a series of question marks to express her confusion and concern, but Xu Yiyi didn't respond, probably because she sent the wrong message.

Even so, she unexpectedly spoke her heart.

She also misunderstood Shake!

What do you say that this man has a good face, an honest person, suitable for living... Because of his words, Xing Yun picked out the man in front of him from the pile of photos her mother brought back.


The appearance is really quite honest, neither good nor bad, wearing glasses, looks quite simple and honest, just looks.

In fact, this person has nothing to do with being honest and honest.

According to him, he is in hotel procurement. In fact, Xing Yun has some understanding of this industry, but in order not to stand out, she still pretended to ask what hotel procurement does.

Well, that's all she asked, and the man in front of him has been talking non-stop for nearly fifteen minutes, from job functions to gray income to various inside stories about the hotel industry...

"So you don't mind me being in charge of the decoration of the new house?"

"Hmm... um?" Wait, she was just distracted for a moment, why has the topic developed to the decoration of the new house? What happened in between

"I don't think women are suitable for doing this kind of thing. You don't understand the raw materials at all, and you feel that you have taken advantage of being tricked. And what most women like is rural style, loft..." As he spoke, he Frowning, he finally remembered to ask Xing Yun for his opinion, "You don't like this kind of thing, do you?"

"No, I like simplicity..."

Before she finished speaking, he interrupted excitedly, "That's right! I knew we would get along well! According to me, just buy some paint and paint it casually. With the money saved, we can buy a car Nicer car."

"..." Simplicity does not mean simplicity!

"However, your family will buy a car, right?"


"Dowry, the introducer said that your parents plan to buy you a car as a dowry, and some of the decoration of the new house will also be paid."

"But... maybe it is, I don't know very well, I haven't asked them about this kind of thing..." Talk about pretending when we first meet? Is this the rhythm of all blind dates

She actually thought that she and Chu Nan were progressing too fast, compared with this one, it was a slow speed.

"Then you have to have a good talk with your parents. That's what I think..." He adjusted his sitting posture and continued to talk, "The car must be good. You don't know how snobbish those people are in the society now. Domestic cars are too embarrassing to say hello to them when they go out, at least they have to buy a BMW. In fact, BMW Brilliance can do it for 200,000 yuan. If you go to a 4S shop later and ask someone to pick up the word "BMW Brilliance", it is impossible for them to drive it out. I can't tell whether you are domestically produced or fully imported... "

"..." Why don't you just pick out the eyes of passers-by? !

"You might as well pick out the eyes of passers-by."

Suddenly a voice floated from behind, speaking for Xing Yun precisely and unmistakably.

She froze for a moment, turning her eyes in surprise.

After seeing who came, she was even more surprised...

What happened

"Who are you?" The blind date man sitting opposite Xing Yun frowned unhappily.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself..." He Yu stretched out his hand with a smile, and shook his hand politely, "Hello, hello, I'm Xing Yun's boyfriend."

Blind date man: "..."

Xing Yun: "How could I have a boyfriend like you?!"

"Okay..." He Yu corrected cooperatively, "Not yet, but it will always be in the future."

Xing Yun is in a hurry, it doesn't matter if the conversation with this man collapses, but if she offends the introducers in the middle, her mother will have to skin her!

"Don't listen to his nonsense, I don't know him at all..." For the safety of her life, she quickly explained.

"Her name is Xing Yun. Her birthday is January 6th. She is a Capricorn and has blood type B. She is currently working as an original artist for a mobile game company. Her home address is..."

"Shut up!" It's fine to mess up her blind date, but she still wants to report her home address to the other party, just to make it easier for them to come and splash paint!

"Well, I'll shut up if you don't tell me." He Yu turned his eyes and looked at the blind date man with a smile, "Don't dream, I won't tell you her home address."

"You..." He faltered, turned his spearhead, and aimed at Xing Yun, "Are you sick! You have a boyfriend and why don't you come on a blind date! Is it fun!"

"No, don't get me wrong, it's not what you think, I'm really not familiar with him, he's just a partner of our company..."

"It's your partner in bed."

Xing Yun: "..."

Unlike Xing Yun, whose face was slightly pale, He Yu smiled brighter and brighter.

He thinks that he has seen countless people, and this man's attributes are definitely the standard straight male cancer, and it has finally been exposed.

"I've seen a lot of women like you. Whenever I see someone driving a BMW or Mercedes, I post it upside down. You also know how much you weigh. Those rich and handsome men won't marry you at all. They just sleep with you for fun, so When I'm old, I want to find an honest man to marry and have children. It's best not to care about how you mess around outside. You wear layers of green hats and let you take care of the children at home... "

Almost at the same time, Xing Yun and He Yu picked up the two glasses of water on the table and poured them on the man.


Xing Yun slammed the empty cup on the table, "Manager He, what car are you driving today?"


"Wow! Porsche! I want to post it! Let me post it!"

"Welcome." He extended his hand towards Xing Yun very gentlemanly, "By the way, I am happy to marry you."

"..." The play is almost done, don't go too far!