The World Owes Me a First Love

Chapter 56


This hot spring is on the mountain. The mountain is not high, but it is adjacent to the lake.

The winter is getting stronger, the evening wind is bitingly cold, and Xing Yun is shivering from the cold. He wants to find a nearby hot spring pool for warmth countless times, but every time he is stopped by Xia Ke, who is very stubborn and leads her to the top of the mountain. .

After walking for about ten minutes, we reached the top of the mountain...

There is a huge hot spring pool in front of Xing Yun. The other end of the pool is a cliff facing the lake. The drop is not high, only about fifty or sixty meters. Even Xing Yun, who has a fear of heights, doesn't feel flustered looking at it. On the contrary, the surface of the lake at night is very calm, like a mirror, reflecting the sky full of stars, which makes people feel inexplicably at ease.

"Wow!" She couldn't help admiring.

Seeing her full of amazement, Xia Ke raised his eyebrows amusedly, "Is it pretty?"

"Yeah!" She nodded vigorously.

Really beautiful, like a fairyland.

"I heard from Amy that watching the sunset here is very good, and watching the stars at night should be good too..." He raised his head, looked at the starry sky, and sighed, "It's really good."

Amy is the company's executive, and Xia Ke has always praised her for her good taste and vision.

This is indeed the case, but Xing Yun still doesn't understand, "Even so, we don't have to go straight here in the cold, right? Obviously, we can find a few pools along the way to warm up our bodies first."

"Do you understand what Ning Que Wu Lan is?"

"..." Crazy, soak in a hot spring and get a philosophy of life

"What are you doing in a daze? Isn't it cold? Hurry up and go in, don't really catch a cold in a while."

"Well..." Xing Yun nodded.

She put the bathrobe in her hand on the shelf beside her, untied the bath towel around her body, and didn't rush into the pool immediately.

The body is very cold, and the hot spring water is very hot, so it is inevitable that you will be a little uncomfortable.

So, she just squatted down, sat on the edge of the pool, and tentatively put her feet in.

The heart-wrenching warmth hit her, and she couldn't help closing her eyes and sighing because she was so comfortable...

"Little Lucky..."

Xia Ke's voice suddenly floated over, interrupting her comfort.

"Huh?" She opened her eyes and looked at him.

"You have too much belly fat for a bikini."

"..." If you don't laugh at her, you will die! ! ! ! !

Regardless of whether her body had adapted to the slightly hot temperature of the hot spring, she plunged into the water, maintaining a half-squat position, with only her head exposed, staring at Shake angrily.

He continued disapprovingly: "I told you a long time ago, it's okay to go to the gym with Amy to practice, and you can see her figure, that's a feast for the eyes."

"... Then why are you playing mahjong in the afternoon! Why don't you come with Amy!"

"Hey..." He sighed seriously, "After all, she has a boyfriend, it's not good."

"That's really difficult for you, you can only be single like me..." Halfway through the sentence, she suddenly realized that she was no longer single, "I also have a boyfriend!"

"Where is it? Are you hiding? Are you hiding in the dark and silently guarding you?" He said while pretending to look around.

"… "I am bored!

Xia Ke had had enough fun, sneered and rolled her eyes, "With all due respect, that can't be regarded as a boyfriend, but just a teammate who formed a team with you to complete the marriage task."

"It's not..." She wanted to refute, but she didn't feel confident.

Feeling guilty for a moment, Xia Ke took the opportunity to grab the confession, "Then do you like him?"

"Of course!" she replied without thinking.

"you sure?"

"Very sure..."

Shake interrupted her vow, "Then let's do an experiment."

She blinked her eyes in confusion, "What experiment?"

"According to your personality, once you like someone, you should be unwavering and never see other people in your eyes."

"No... That's right!"

Just as Xing Yun's voice fell, he overflowed with a chuckle of disapproval.

What are you laughing at

Before she could figure it out, Xia Ke suddenly stood up and walked towards her slowly.

She subconsciously took a step back, but with just one step, she had already reached the edge of the hot spring, so she tried to move aside. He stretched out his hand to block her way, lowered his head, and looked at her intently.

The scorching gaze was particularly compelling, giving Xing Yun the illusion that he was standing naked in front of him.

"Do you feel dry mouth?" He opened his lips and broke the silence softly.

"" Before she finished speaking, she couldn't help swallowing, perfectly interpreting what it means to be "speaking without a body but being honest".

"Is your heart beating fast?"

"No la… "

"Then why are you blushing?"

"The hot spring is too hot..." Her eyes dodged.

"Why don't you dare look at me?"

"Who...who said I dare not..." Xing Yun bit the bullet and looked directly at him.

It's over, those eyes that seem to be smiling but not smiling are poisonous!

The moment her eyes met in the air, she suddenly felt... This hot spring pool was so hot, it made her whole body feel dry and breathless, her heart seemed to be beating in her throat...

She instinctively licked her lips, trying to ease the discomfort in her body.

For Shake, this action is also poisonous!

The memory of hiding in the closet with her that day was instantly revived, he recalled the soft touch of the tip of her tongue, recalled the numbness after being licked by her, and the uncontrollable impulse at that time was also awakened.

Involuntarily, he leaned over and approached, his eyes locked on her slightly parted pink lips.

The body seemed to have grasped Xia Ke's intentions first, and she closed her eyes quickly...

At this moment, her mind was blank.

It is really blank, without any content, just like the chaos before Pangu created the world.


A chuckle came, so close, she could even feel the cool breath from Xia Ke's lips, this coolness awakened Xing Yun, and she suddenly opened her eyes.

"Did you think I was going to kiss you?"

"...??" What happened just now? What did she do

"So, this is what you call liking? When you think I'm going to kiss you, it's not resisting, not escaping, but enjoying?"

"How can I enjoy it!"

"Really?" He raised his eyebrows amusedly, "Then why do you close your eyes?"

Excuseme? Did she close her eyes?

That's right! She did close her eyes just now!

Although completely in a chaotic state, Xing Yun still has body memory.

Unable to refute, she had no choice but to hold on, "That's because you have hot eyes!"

The reason was so fake that even she couldn't listen to it, she wanted to dig a hole and get in.

This is obviously not feasible, the only thing she can do is - escape! Run away!

So, Xing Yun pushed him away violently, and crawled out of the hot spring pool in an extremely embarrassed posture using both hands and feet.

"Hey..." Xia Ke propped his head against the edge of the hot spring pool, admiring her embarrassed appearance with some enjoyment, "Put on the bathrobe."

She turned a deaf ear and ran away.

Still wearing a fart! She might die of embarrassment and anger if she stayed for a second longer!

Seeing the figure running away, Xia Ke sighed, turned around and leaned against the edge of the hot spring, staring at the sky full of stars.

almost... almost kissed...

He somewhat admired his own reason, that he was able to rein in a precipice at such a time.

Fortunately, he was reined in, the price of eating this grass beside the nest was too high, and he thought he couldn't bear it.

Another gust of biting night wind hit, blowing back Shake's spirit, even though he was soaking in the hot spring pool, he couldn't help shivering.

He couldn't help turning his head to look at the two bathrobes hanging on the shelf beside him. After staring at them for a long time, he let out a long breath of resignation and crawled out of the hot spring pool...