The World Owes Me a First Love

Chapter 57


In the car, it was extraordinarily quiet, so quiet that Shen Qing was very worried about his own safety.

Xia Ke in the driver's seat is like a robot, stepping on the gas pedal and braking in a programmed manner, but his eyes are empty.

Unlike Chu Nan who was beside him calmly admiring the night view outside the window, when the car stopped abruptly in front of the stop line at the red light for the third time, Shen Qing couldn't hold back anymore, "Xia, if you want to die, can you Please put the two of us down first?"

Shake pulled over obediently.

"You really want to die?!" Shen Qing was anxious, "Have you seen Xing Yun? What happened? Is she refusing to go with you?"

Just now she and Chu Nan searched the restaurant several times but couldn't find Xia Ke, so they had to wait at the door of the restaurant. It didn't take long for Xia Ke to come out. I thought he would bring Xing Yun out, but unexpectedly he didn't. He didn't say anything, and walked straight towards the parking lot not far away. Obviously something was wrong, Shen Qing and Chu Nan didn't dare to ask more, so they had to follow.

Like before at the restaurant entrance, Xia Ke still didn't answer Shen Qing's question, but suddenly turned to look at Chu Nan, "How much wine did she drink?"

Hearing this, Chu Nan turned his gaze back from the window, "Probably a bottle of red wine."

"... So she went to the bathroom and vomited?" He was still very clear about Xing Yun's drinking capacity, which was enough to make her vomit.

"I think so."

"Well, I'm going to buy a bottle of water..."

"..." Chu Nan seemed to guess what happened just now.

Shen Qing was still out of the situation, "What water to buy? Isn't there in the car?"

Xia Ke ignored her and opened the car door on his own.

"Mouthwash." Chu Nan answered for him.

Shen Qing frowned puzzled, "Why buy mouthwash?"

"How should I put it..." He suddenly pressed her head, turned around and kissed her lips.

This kiss came without warning, and Shen Qing didn't have time to react at all. He thought that he was just going to taste it lightly, but when she came back to her senses, the tip of his tongue had already entered her mouth familiarly, continuously deepening, teasing wantonly, every time. Every turn and turn weakened her willpower.

Just when she felt that her whole body was about to be hollowed out, he finally restrained himself, panting and whispering, "Did you miss me?"

"Yes..." She blurted out subconsciously, and soon Shen Qing came to her senses, and stubbornly changed her words, "Is there anything to think about."

"I haven't seen each other for almost a month. I think you're going crazy."

"There's only 21 days in a month."

He chuckled, "I remember quite clearly."


"I already know that I was wrong, and I am reflecting on it. Even if you force me to die, I will not agree to break up, let alone do that kind of thing that hurts others and myself."

"Then what happened to that woman just now?"

"Clients only..."

Shen Qing rolled his eyes angrily, "The customers of your bank are really flirtatious, do you like meeting people in this kind of holy place for lovers to discuss business?"

"I'm handsome and attractive, and it's not my fault."

"... Where's your face? If you say you don't want such a handsome face, you don't want it?!"

"Well, no more." He smiled and hugged her tightly, "If you like it, I will give it to you."

She struggled away, "Who cares."

In fact, Shen Qing also knew in her heart that the client just now was not a threat at all. Obviously, he had always refused very clearly. She believed in him and was already mentally prepared to fight against his parents for a long time. The hurdle she really couldn't pass was Xing Yun.

I always feel that once I agree to get back together with Chu Nan, it's like betraying Xing Yun.

"Why do you think Xing Yun can break up with me so calmly? He doesn't make noise or blame, and even hide it for me, just because that person is you."


"What's more, I think she should have let go."

"You think? You want to have a shit! Why do you decide on your own whether she has let go or not?!" Take a ten thousand step back and say, even if Xing Yun really let go? Doesn't the damage they do to her count as damage because she let it go

"It's not an arbitrary decision. I also have a basis."

"On what basis?"

He didn't answer directly, but suddenly said: "I drank a lot today."

"..." The basis is that he was drunk

"Just threw up."

"...Then you still kiss me!"

He smiled and didn't speak.

"... I'm going to buy a bottle of water!" Shen Qing glared at him fiercely, and she suddenly stopped after opening the car door, the lines were somewhat familiar. After thinking about it for a moment, she turned back to look at him in disbelief for confirmation, "You mean that Xia Ke and Xing Yun...kiss...kiss, kiss?!"

That's right, absolutely!

So after confirming that Xing Yun went to the bathroom to vomit, he suddenly ran to buy some mouthwash!

So here comes the problem...

"It has developed to this point, and he actually returned empty-handed?"

Chu Nan shrugged, "Ghost knows what he's thinking."

Well, probably only ghosts really know, because even Xia Ke himself doesn't know what he is thinking...

After calming down, he realized that "the lighting is too dim and the atmosphere is too good" are not even excuses. When hiding in the closet with her, the atmosphere was so rotten. He was almost impulsive and went to the hot spring with her. At that time, the bright lights were dazzling and he was still almost impulsive... There was no right time and place at all, only people and...

Shake didn't know whether this impulse was distracted or infatuated, he only knew—

When he caught sight of Shen Qing and Chu Nan kissing in the car on the street through the glass window of the convenience store, he couldn't help but recall the kiss just now. What imprinted in his memory was not the smell of blood, let alone the smell of alcohol, but the smell of alcohol. sweet, so sweet.

What's worse, when he came back to his senses, he realized that he even subconsciously chose Xing Yun's favorite orange flavor for mouthwash!


Twenty-nine-year-old Xing Yun finally experienced his first kiss, in a dream.

Although it sounded a bit sad, she felt very satisfied, because this kiss almost met all her expectations for the first kiss before. It was very sweet, soft, and comfortable, and even the feeling of rapid heartbeat was extremely real. The only regret was that the kiss appeared The person in her dream is not quite right...

"Who did you dream about?"

The voice of inquiry rang in her ears, she didn't think much, and subconsciously replied, "Shake."

"...Why Xia Ke? Isn't Xia Ke the same as Mr. Xia? You dreamed about your boss?!"

That's right, the object of her sexual dream turned out to be her boss!

Wait...wait...who said she had a sexual dream? It's just a kiss, not a dream!

No, the point is not the dream, who is talking!

She woke up suddenly, opened her eyes without warning, widened her eyes, and the enlarged version of her mother's face just jumped into her eyes.

"Oh my god!" Caught off guard, Xing Yun screamed in fright, bounced up, and hid by the bedside desperately.

"What are you doing? What the hell?" Zhu Qin glanced at her angrily.

When I opened my eyes early in the morning, I saw a close-up of my own mother's face. It was scarier than seeing a ghost!

Fortunately, this level of fright came and went quickly. Although the fluctuating and violent heartbeat calmed down, it was replaced by severe stinging pains from the temples, intermittently, as uncomfortable as needle pricks.

Although he doesn't drink much, Xing Yun is quite familiar with this pain, it's a hangover reaction.

So, she recalled what happened yesterday...

After she messed up the blind date, she went to dinner with He Yu, and somehow they talked about Chu Nan and Xia Ke, and the anger that had been suppressed all this time finally vented out.

I can't remember how long she scolded Xia Ke, and I can't remember how much wine she drank. Xing Yun's last memory is that she chanted poems to He Yu—

"The wind and frost have not yet eroded, the autumn rain has not yet dripped, and the season of greenness has gone away from me. I am already slim, without worry or fear. Now, it is my most beautiful moment, but the heavy door has been locked , After the fragrant smile, who knows what I am thinking about Lian. You who have no fate, either came too early or too late."


… are you crazy!

Who is this young literary and artistic woman filled with sadness? !

I really want to go back in time and strangle myself to death last night!

She shrank into a ball with her awakened shame, and buried her face deeply in the pillow, wishing she could bury her face like this for the rest of her life.

But in the end, Xing Yun was only buried for a while, and she suddenly realized that something was wrong, she raised her head suddenly, "How did I get back?"

"How else can I come back? Xiao He will send you back."

"... He Yu?"

"That's right. Speaking of which, I haven't mentioned you yet..." Zhu Qing glared at her fiercely, and accused, "You look like a girl who made herself drunk! Although I am quite satisfied He Yu, but as the saying goes, you know people, you know your face, but you don’t know your heart. How can you not even have a sense of prevention? Don’t you read the circles of friends I usually post? Last time a girl was drunk and woke up. When I came here, my kidneys were all dug out!"

"Mom..." Xing Yun was a little weak, "The unmatched kidney can only be used to stir-fry kidneys."

"How do you know that they didn't have a matching model beforehand?"

"..." She was too lazy to continue popularizing science about how complicated organ transplant matching is.

"Besides, even if you don't steal your organs, you can still steal your virginity. If you meet a man who is a beast, maybe he will have cooked rice with you. Fortunately, you have a good eye. That He Yu It seems a bit frivolous but unexpectedly he is a gentleman, not only sent you home, but also helped me rush in and out to clean up for you... "

Obviously, her mother had already tacitly agreed that she and He Yu were together, and now was not a good time to explain.

What's more, she has more things to care about—

"Could it be that he helped me change my clothes?"

"How is it possible, you think I'm dead!"

"That's good..." Xing Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

"What a fart! You don't know how bad your wine quality is. My own mother thinks you are annoying. I wish my father could beat you to death. Fortunately, there is no such thing as this."

"He helped stop my dad?"

"I'm stopping you!"

"Huh?" Could it be that she wanted to fight with her father last night? !

"You have to read that "Three Hundred Tang Poems" to your dad, but he stopped him."

"...but...then what?"

"And then you read it to him."

"..." She vowed never to drink again! ! ! !

"Thinking and throwing up, how much did you eat last night, how can you spit out so much?"

"Stop talking..." She retched.

Although the memory is fragmented, the feeling of vomiting is deeply imprinted in Xing Yun's mind. The smell is so ecstasy. She still remembers the stare at her from the restroom cleaner in the restaurant...

Wait a moment! Restaurant restrooms!

That's right, she did vomit in the restroom of the restaurant! This is not a dream!

Does that mean the episodes that follow are also true

How is it possible, she wasn't with Xia Ke at all last night... It's impossible to think of He Yu as Xia Ke doing that kind of thing... Heh, hehe, impossible... It's so vulgar to admit the wrong person after drinking, absolutely impossible…

"Why don't you hurry up and take a shower? It stinks, you don't have to go to work for a while."

A cruel reminder sounded.

Yes, her vacation is over and she has to go to work today.

Why is it today! He has no face to face Shake at all!

Regardless of whether that kiss was a dream or reality, one thing is certain—she actually regarded her boss as the object of her sexual fantasies!

shameful... so shameful...