The World Owes Me a First Love

Chapter 62


When he saw Xia Ke for the first time, Mr. Wang felt that they were like-minded people.

Sure enough, his intuition was not wrong, even the faint green light above his head, they are so similar...

"With all due respect, Mr. Wang, it's too subtle to describe the light on your head as 'faint'." Zhang Sirui had a lot of opinions about his perception.

"What do you mean! With all due respect, when I first saw you, I knew you were a traitor. I didn't expect my intuition to be right again! Explain to me, are you going to work on the project or go to Pry the corner of the wall!"

Mr. Wang on the other end of the phone was very dissatisfied, and the hysterical roar reached the eardrums, but Zhang Sirui just curled his lips disapprovingly, "What do you think?"

"I think it's a little weird. Is his girlfriend that girl? The one we met in his office today? You guys only met once, and you haven't even said a word, and you haven't met your eyes. Why did you hook up?" up?"

"Yes." He let out a warm chuckle, "Mr. Xia thinks too much."

"Don't do this to me. This time I'll be Xia Ke. As someone who has experienced it, I can say responsibly that the radar of a man's detection of a rival is very accurate, and he will never make a mistake! What's more, Xia Ke's mobilization just now The tone of questioning guilt is no longer the sixth sense, which is obviously conclusive evidence. Be honest, what did you do?"

Zhang Sirui casually brought out the lines he just said to fight back, "I only met once, I never said a word, I never met my eyes, what can I do?"

"Did you really only meet once?"

He asked confidently, "Otherwise?"

"Shake's investment project was originally given to me by you, right?"

"I'm right." He didn't evade anything, "Mr. Xia's investment petition is very well written. I have initially evaluated the current situation of their company and the development prospects of the game, and I think it is a good project, and it can even be said to be profitable. No compensation."

"It was you who offered to follow up on this project, right?"

"Well, after all, I was the one who did the initial review. I think it would be much more convenient for me to follow up."

"You told me before, 'don't waste my time with millions of investment projects'."

"President Wang." He sighed, "First of all, I said this because you asked me to be in charge of the film investment project of the dead director who greened you. , In the end, I also want to send the deeds of Deli Aijiang together. I think your brain is enough, please don't drag me into the brain. I am confident that sooner or later his company will have a market value of tens of millions."

" don't need to put so many adjectives in front of 'dead director'!"

"You asked me." His tone was innocent.

Innocent enough to succeed in making President Wang believe that he is a straightforward person who will not hide anything, "So you don't have any selfish intentions in Xia Ke's investment case?"


"It doesn't make sense. Why would he suspect that you want to pry into his corner for no reason?"

"It's understandable that Xi Shi is in the eye of the beholder. Once you fall in love with someone, you will feel that she is perfect and think she is perfect in the eyes of others. If your personality is a little more radical, you will inevitably have the illusion that the whole world is a rival in love."

"...Why do I feel that you are talking nonsense in a serious manner? If it is really like what you said, then why would Xia Ke not suspect that I am a rival in love."

"I talked to Mr. Xia on the phone just now. I may have said something wrong by accident. I will find him later and explain it to him. Don't worry."

"Alright..." After thinking about it for a while, Mr. Wang confirmed again with some uneasiness, "You really didn't pry the corner of the wall?"

"Good night." Zhang Sirui hung up the phone resolutely.

Not just because he was too lazy to repeat the same words, but more importantly - he had a phone call.

He glanced at the caller ID, it was the call he had been waiting for.

So, without hesitation, he connected...

"Sorry, I didn't see your WeChat in the meeting just now." A soft female voice came from the phone.

"It's okay, let's make an appointment another day when I have a chance."

The other party said "um", and asked in confusion, "Speaking of which, why did you suddenly think of asking me out for dinner? What's the matter?"

"..." He fell into silence.


After a while, Zhang Sirui came back to his senses, and slowly opened his lips, "Is what you said before true?"

"Which thing?"

"Xing Yun..." He paused and adjusted his breath, "Did you really like me?"

"Of course it's true. Otherwise, why do you think she suddenly asked the teacher to change seats? Didn't I tell you that a girl came to pick you up after school that day. I saw it with her, and she hugged me and cried. It's a life-and-death situation, and then I never talked to you again. It's awkward. Hey, I always thought you two were very good together, but it's a pity. I don't know how she is now. Last time it wasn't Trust Can you help me find her? Have you heard any news?"


"… Um?"

"I found her."

The other end of the phone exploded, "Is it true? Did you really find her? How is she? Is she okay?"

He smiled, "It's still the same, it's good."

"Did you mention me to her? Did this heartless person miss me? Hurry up, give me her cell phone number!"

"Not staying."

"… ha?"

"I'm not sure if I should stay or not."

"You're sick! You don't want me... Wait a minute! You just asked me out because you were with Xing Yun?!"

"Hmm..." His voice was a little weak.

During the meal just now, when he realized that the call Xing Yun answered was from Xia Ke, he couldn't help but send her wechat to her best friend in high school. If that guy is also coming, with Xing Yun's personality, it is very likely that Xia Ke will go back first.

For his unconscious despicable behavior, Zhang Sirui didn't really want to admit it.

"Ah! Why didn't you say it earlier! Seeing that I have been calling me without replying to WeChat! Do you know how much I miss her!!!"

How could it be possible to fight

Frankly speaking, he was even a little thankful that she didn't check WeChat in time.

Once youth and obsession are intertwined, it is a terrifying existence, and Xing Yun is such an existence to him.

She is his obsession in adolescence, possessing all the elements of first love, innocence, ambiguity, ignorance, regret... He is afraid, afraid that when he has the opportunity, he will use all means to make up for this regret, but he can't help but want to die for this relationship Feelings create opportunities to continue...

Before he could find a balance from this contradiction, his true thoughts had already blurted out——

"I miss her too."