The World Owes Me a First Love

Chapter 63


Xia Ke's calm way is so stupid that people can't look directly at it, even Shen Qing can't stand it...

"I said, can you do it? Will you chase women? Your nephew is better than you!" The entire restaurant was almost filled with Shen Qing's roar.

Fortunately, it is not a restaurant now, and there are no people in the restaurant. Except for the dissatisfied looks from the waiters who originally wanted to take a nap in their free time, generally speaking, she did not cause much commotion.

"What's wrong with me?" Different from Shen Qing's excitement, Xia Ke's expression was blank.

He had just had lunch and was on his way to work, when he was suddenly called out and received a scolding for no reason, very innocent!

"Chu Nan! Give me the phone!" Shen Qing didn't answer him, but stretched out his hand towards the man beside him.

Chu Nan was very cooperative and handed over the phone without saying a word.

After taking the phone, she fumbled for a while, and handed it to Xia Ke, "Look for yourself!"

Xia Ke frowned puzzled, and Xing Yun's circle of friends caught his eyes—

"The omnipotent circle of friends, the boss asks me every day what does 'do you have something to say to me' mean? Wait online, urgent!!!!"

He stared at this circle of friends for a long time, and asked, "When did she post it?"

"More than half an hour ago." Chu Nan replied.

As a result, Xia Ke became even more upset, "Why didn't I see it?" He just checked Moments more than half an hour ago!

"Of course the boss has to block the boss for complaining, even my boss's sister has been blocked too!" Shen Qing gave him an annoyed look.

He squinted at Chu Nan, "Why didn't you block you?"

Chu Nan shrugged his shoulders indifferently, "Probably they forgot about me."

"So you have to leave a message for her because of your sense of existence?"

"If you see it, just keep it."

"Why did you say 'your boss wants to fire you' so conveniently?!" Is it convenient? This is clearly intentional!

"Didn't you mean that?" Chu Nan asked back.

"of course not!"

"Oh, maybe I misunderstood, sorry."

"..." You don't look embarrassed at all!

Shen Qing followed the end of his words, "So, can't you tell Xing Yun directly if you have anything? What's the matter, are you still planning to wait for other girls to take the initiative to chase you? How precious are you?!"

"I couldn't have said it more directly!"

"How direct?" Shen Qing didn't quite believe it, "Are you sure Xing Yun understood?"

"Very sure."

"What is the basis for your determination?" Chu Nan couldn't help but want to pierce his mysterious confidence.

He raised his eyebrows triumphantly, "She said she needs to practice how to say she loves me."

Shen Qing: "..."

Chu Nan: "..."

There was an overwhelming silence.

Under the eyes of those two idiots, Xia Ke growled, "She really said that!"

The two were still silent, and after looking at each other, Shen Qing asked as a representative: "You mean, she has almost accepted you, but it still takes some time?"

Shake thought about it seriously, then nodded, "That's right."

Shen Qing was more able to accept this statement, "It's understandable, after all, she has never had a serious relationship with her, and she is inexperienced in the first place, but she still met a difficult man like you..."

"What's wrong with me?" Shake expressed dissatisfaction.

"Everything is tricky, whether it's personality or identity... oh, the most terrible thing is identity. It's too difficult for Xing Yun to treat the boss as a boyfriend in an instant." Shen Qing talked softly, and persuaded him earnestly: "I'm not talking about you. When a man should be strong, he should be strong, and when he should be considerate, he should also be considerate. Just give her some time."

"I gave it." Xia Ke thought he was already very patient.

But Chu Nan didn't think so...

"I think asking 'Do you have anything to say to me' every day is not giving her time, it is putting pressure on her."

Shen Qing vigorously nodded in agreement, "That's right."

"So giving her time means not disturbing her and letting her think clearly."

Shen Qing continued to nod in agreement, "That's right, that's right!"

"... Is that enough?" This husband and wife are going along with each other, is there any end? Xia Ke turned his eyes and stared at Chu Nan, "It's fine if my sister says it, why are you joining in the fun?"

"He is your brother-in-law, why can't he say you?" Shen Qing interjected defensively.

"When did he become my brother-in-law?" He squinted his eyes and asked Chu Nan, "Did you handle your parents?"

"It's a tacit consent. Between me not marrying for life and marrying Shen Qing, they still decided to accept the latter."

"So you plan to marry my sister?"

"Hmm..." Chu Nan turned to look at Shen Qing who was beside him, and made a marriage proposal, "As long as she agrees, I am willing to marry at any time."

Before Shen Qing could respond, Xia Ke yelled, "Where did you have the face? Before Xing Yun was so happy that he cried, where did you have the face to marry my sister?"

"That's right, I think so too!" Shen Qing decided to go along with Xia Ke this time.

" you hurry up and make Xing Yun happy enough to cry!" Chu Nan instantly changed his stance that it had nothing to do with him, "If you are incompetent, hurry up and let Xian, don't delay me and your sister, your name is He Yu Aren’t my friends still waiting in line…”

"Shut up, you! Who said I'm incompetent? Don't you just don't bother me? Who wouldn't!"


Shako really won't...

His non-disturbance forced Xing Yun to send another Moments - "The boss suddenly ignored me, didn't answer the phone, didn't reply to WeChat, and didn't answer him when I talked to him. What does it mean? Wait online, it's better than last time More urgent!!!"

Of course, this time she learned to be smart, not only blocked Chu Nan, but also blocked everyone who knew Xia Ke, including colleagues in their company and He Yu.

As a result, the message under this circle of friends still has the same central idea as the last one—"It must be to force you to resign yourself."

... Who said Moments are omnipotent? Why not rely on Xu Yi's genealogy!

She refuses to accept this negative energy! There is an urgent need for someone to deny this statement, but Xu Yiyi is also in a cold war with her recently.

Xu Yiyi was really angry because she didn't share her breakup with Chu Nan in time, no matter how much she coaxed her, it was useless, and she hadn't spoken to her for a week, let alone help her solve problems.

Xing Yun had no choice but to comfort himself.

Isn't it said that men also have a few days every month? Inexplicably bad mood and loss of appetite, maybe Xia Ke will return to normal after his uncle leaves

However, He Yu's phone call shattered her optimism...

"What time are you leaving? I'll pick you up." He Yu's very natural inquiry came from the phone.

"Pick me up?" In contrast, Xing Yun was very surprised, "Where are you going?"


She was even more confused, "What party?"

"Of course it's a party between your company and our company."

"Eh?" Is there such a party

Finally, He Yu on the other end of the phone noticed something was wrong with her, "You don't know? Didn't Xia Ke tell you?"

"… "Absolutely not!

"It shouldn't be, you have participated in this project."

"So why the party?" Until this moment, she still felt that she couldn't blame Xia Ke, so she had to ask first. Although she did participate in this project, it was just doing odd jobs. If it was a technical gathering, it would be normal for Xia Ke not to notify her.

"Because the cooperation is very smooth, our director proposed that everyone get together."

"Oh, Mr. Xia has never been very keen on this kind of business bureau, especially today is the weekend, he probably doesn't want to sacrifice everyone's rest time to accompany him to socialize, he probably just intends to come to the venue by himself." It is obviously inappropriate to say this kind of thing to the people in the other company, but she has to say it to convince herself!

"But I heard that people from your company will come. Could it be that Director Qian made a mistake?"

In the second half of the sentence, he seemed to be talking to himself, and he didn't seem to need her response. In fact, Xing Yun couldn't give any response.

She's in a daze right now!

Impossible? It's impossible to notify everyone in the company but to miss her!

"Forget it, it doesn't matter, anyway, I was planning to invite you."

"..." He Yu's voice continued, but Xing Yun didn't even bother to listen.

She was busy sliding the mouse, clicked on QQ, found the group of colleagues, and found that all of them were online on mobile phones!

Is this too coincidental? Usually, even on weekends, there are a few people who stay at home and use their computers to hang on to QQ, especially young women like Xu Yiyi who are addicted to the Internet.

"They all bring their families. I feel uncomfortable being fed dog food alone. Come and accompany me."

"... I'll change my clothes now!" She glanced at the time on the computer, "See you at half past five, just wait for me at the subway entrance near my house!"

"Okay." Although there was only one simple word, He Yu's voice was filled with joy.

Obviously, in his opinion, Xing Yun is willing to accompany him to the company party as a "family member". This is a qualitative leap!

However, in Xing Yun's view...

She had to confirm with her own eyes that she hadn't been betrayed by everyone!


Wuli is so stupid that he is about to start acting like a dead man...