The World Owes Me a First Love

Chapter 65


Shake felt it wasn't enough!

As the saying goes, eating the king's salary bears the king's worries.

Since the boss felt that it was not enough, as an employee, he should share his worries, but after all, the relationship is a matter between two people, and Xu Yiyi is not very good at intervening to influence Xing Yun's thoughts. The only thing she can do is to help them end the cold war as soon as possible. Strictly speaking, this is not helping them, but helping herself. Their cold violence has infected the whole company, and the atmosphere is very solemn all day today. She at the center of the storm was definitely the first one to go crazy.

As for how to mediate this war, she considered a lot and planned a lot, and even discussed it with Xia Ke for a long time.

As a result, it makes no sense!

She didn't have to do anything at all, as soon as she stepped out of Xia Ke's office, Xing Yun approached, "What business does Xia Ke want from you?"

"Oh my god..." Xu Yiyi, who was caught off guard, was frightened and took a step back. When she noticed Xing Yun, she was relieved, "What are you doing? People are scary to death!"

"So what does Xia Ke want from you?" She continued to ask without giving up.

"You..." Xu Yiyi sized her eyes up, "Could it be that you've been guarding the door?"

"No..." Xing Yun avoided her gaze guiltily, "Just passing by by chance."

"Oh..." Xu Yiyi didn't expose her, and walked towards her seat on her own. Seeing Xing Yun following closely behind, she pretended to be calm and said: "It's nothing, he has a friend who is getting married , If you want to DIY in the invitation post, just ask me if I can help draw two Q-versions of the bride and groom."

"That's all?"

"That's right." It's not a lie, Xia Ke did mention this matter just now.

Xing Yun pursed his lips and muttered to himself, "I'm also a painter, why didn't he find me..."

"Aren't you guys in a cold war?" Xu Yiyi almost couldn't suppress her excitement when she got to the point so smoothly.

"Huh?" Hearing this, Xing Yun's eyes lit up, "How do you know we're in a cold war? What did Xia Ke say? What did he say?"

"Why do you need him to say that, you treat me as blind!"


"Speaking of which, why are you in the cold war? Didn't you be fine yesterday?" Although she had already heard about the cause and process of the incident from Xia Ke, she decided to ask again, maybe she could hear something else from Xing Yun. versions.

Sure enough, her decision was right, the reason given by Xing Yun was completely different from Xia Ke's...

"I feel so worthless," she said, looking frustrated.

"Huh?" Xu Yiyi was too surprised to comfort her.

What is the reason? What about the male god in high school? The character who made Xia Ke depressed all day didn't even have a chance to appear in Xing Yun's version? !

Xing Yun next to him was completely immersed in low self-esteem, "It was the same when the company had an accident before. Even Yao Qing knew about it, but I didn't. It was because he thought I couldn't help at all, right? Facts have proved that I really didn't know anything. I can’t help you, but it caused him a lot of trouble. Recently, the company doesn’t need us original artists to do anything. It feels like I’m getting paid for nothing. His friends come to ask you if they need it, no matter what. He doesn't seem to need me whether it's business or personal..." As she spoke, she suddenly gritted her teeth and got up, "He actually went to see Yao Qing's circle of friends! Actually, does he want Yao Qing to quit more than me? Come and help him with Joyvio's work! You will tell Yao Qing about the company's affairs, so that's the idea!"

"Impossible, even if she really resigned, He Yu wouldn't let her come."

"He Yu?" What's the matter with He Yu? She seems to have captured very important information? !

"… "Um? She doesn't seem to know anything? Did Shake not tell her

"He Yu and Yao Qing..." Xing Yun paused, feeling a little weird, but Xu Yiyi obviously meant that, "Together?"

"I don't know." Xu Yiyi guiltily avoided her gaze.

"You think I'm stupid! The lie is so obvious that even an idiot can see it!"

"Ouch..." Facing her aggressiveness, Xu Yiyi was a little overwhelmed, "Then answer me honestly first, do you still like He Yu?"

This question is very familiar, Xing Yun was slightly shocked, and suddenly remembered that Xia Ke asked the same question yesterday, maybe this is what he wanted to talk about yesterday

Thinking about it, she tentatively asked: "Is it related to Yao Qing's circle of friends?"

"So you've seen it too..." Xu Yiyi heaved a sigh of relief, without having to bear the responsibility of leaking the truth, "It's so obvious, you haven't seen anything tricky yet, have you? These two definitely hooked up , maybe they had sparked before you broke up, so you don’t need to feel guilty, what’s wrong with being with your ex-boyfriend’s friend right after breaking up? Your ex-boyfriend is much faster than you Oh, didn't you just break up with the woman who liked his friend? Speaking of which, I didn't understand what you were struggling with from the beginning. You broke up with him because of Xia Ke. I know, even if you are not with Shake, the harm to him will not be lessened. If I were him, I would feel even more unhappy! Damn, you have already fulfilled you, and you are hypocritical, this is What do you take other people's sacrifices for..."

Xu Yiyi's eloquent voice kept echoing in her ears, and Xing Yun was always listening silently...

In fact, she didn't see any Moments at all, not even Yao Qing's WeChat.

But from Xu Yiyi who opened up the box, she learned the ins and outs of the matter—

It is said that Yao Qing went to Palau to play, and she would post some photos of Palau in her circle of friends from time to time. It's just a normal thing to go on a trip and post on Moments. What makes Xu Yiyi feel abnormal is that He Yu left a message under one of her Moments to ask her why she resigned.

At first Xu Yiyi was just a little surprised that Yao Qing resigned, and Xing Yun was also surprised about this. You must know that Xia Ke sacrificed herself for her to get everything she has in Joyvio. With Yao Qing's personality, it should be very easy Cherish it. In fact, she has indeed cherished it all these years. How could she suddenly resign? Unless it's for Shako!

Soon Yao Qing replied to He Yu, giving the reason for her resignation - "He is so big, I want to use it."

What a spicy reason!

"Could she be planning to use Xia Ke?!" Xing Yun finally couldn't hold back and interrupted her.

"How is it possible..." Xu Yiyi rolled her eyes angrily, "Don't even think about it, if our company hadn't cooperated with Jiavio before, you wouldn't even know that Yao Qing existed, right? It is enough to prove that they have no contact at all in these years! I believe that Xia Ke did not take the initiative to tell her about the company, but she probably heard it from other places. It is even more impossible for her to resign to help. Don’t say that Xia Ke can solve it by himself, even if there is no way to solve it, even if only Yao Qing can save it, I believe he would rather let the company go bankrupt than go to her. If he does that, he is simply taking advantage of the other party’s feelings for him , do you think he is such a person!"

"..." Well, he is indeed not this kind of person.

"I think Yao Qing's resignation has something to do with He Yu! At first I thought they just had a good relationship, and they were probably used to making all kinds of outrageous jokes, but then guess what!"

"What's the matter?" Xing Yun interacted with her cooperatively.

"Not long after, He Yu also started posting photos of Palau in Moments!"


"This is obviously to find Yao Qing! It can't be wrong, they are definitely together!"

"..." Xing Yun wasn't sure if they were together, but at least she was sure that Xia Ke really wanted to tell her about it yesterday!

The reason why she hesitated to speak was because she was worried that she still had feelings for He Yu, and would be unhappy hearing such things

Not at all!

If she had explained clearly why she went to see Yao Qing's Moments earlier, she might not have those inexplicable emotions last night!

Fortunately, there is still time, it is not too late to apologize now.

Thinking of this, she suddenly turned around and rushed straight towards Xia Ke's office.