The World Owes Me a First Love

Chapter 67


After staying in this company for more than four years, Xu Yiyi didn't realize until today that the sound insulation effect of Xia Ke's office is so good! The curtains are also tightly stitched and there are no loopholes to drill!

So, when Xia Ke and Xing Yun opened the door, they saw Xu Yiyi sneakily sticking to the door holding a cup.

Of course, this method didn't work. She still didn't hear anything. Instead, because she didn't expect the door to open suddenly, she lost her center of gravity and almost fell down. Fortunately, Xia Ke helped her in time.

"Heh...hehe..." She laughed dryly a few times, "Mr. Xia, you... are you done talking?"

"Well, let's go." Xia Ke glanced at her lightly, not at all surprised that she would do such a thing. It should be said that she would not be Xu Yiyi if she would sit obediently and wait for them.

... just leave? Are they done? Aren't you going to reveal what was discussed? After all, she is also a hero! This is simply "flying birds do their best to hide their bows"!

Obviously Xia Ke doesn't intend to explain anything to her anymore. As for Xing Yun... his face is in a trance, as if he is doubting his life, and this state is unlikely to provide her with any useful information... Undoubtedly, it is not time to inquire good time.

She decided to put away her curiosity temporarily, turned around and handed the computer bag in her hand to Xing Yun, "Then hurry up, I will pack things for you."

Xing Yun nodded in a daze, and was about to reach out to pick it up, but Xia Ke took a step ahead.

She froze for a while, then turned her head and looked at him dully.

"What for?" He asked with a straight face.

"I can do it myself..." I heard that many girls will ask their boyfriends to help carry the bag. If they are in a relationship, it is indeed quite normal, but they are not!

Xia Ke didn't pay attention to her, and walked on his own.

Seeing this, Xu Yiyi stepped forward on purpose, "Mr. Xia, my computer is also quite heavy..."

"Take it yourself." He extinguished her hope mercilessly.

Xu Yiyi had no choice but to change her goal, "Xing Yun, how did you train him..."

Xing Yun stretched out his hand towards her awkwardly, "Give it to me, I'll take it for you."

She succeeded. Just when she handed over the computer bag to Xing Yun, Xia Ke took it resignedly and glared at her.

Xu Yiyi raised her eyebrows at him, and said with her eyes - "Why are you staring, let Xing Yun take it if you have the ability!"

No way! Xia Ke admitted his failure and moved silently. After a while, Xing Yun followed silently.

Although there was little communication, Xu Yiyi affirmed one thing - the cold war was over.

She suddenly felt that she was redundant, and was thinking about whether she should find an excuse to retire...

Suddenly a figure came straight towards them.

No one paid attention to where this figure came from, only knew that just after they stepped out of the company's door, that group of black shadows rushed towards them.

The speed of the action caught people off guard, and it was time to test their instincts...

Xing Yun subconsciously hid behind Xia Ke, and Xia Ke also subconsciously stood in front of her. As for Xu Yiyi... her instinct was that she had no instinct, and she just stood there dumbfounded...

That figure crashed straight into Xia Ke's arms.

The scene was a bit weird, I only saw Xia Ke with a bag in his left hand, a bag in his right hand, and a woman hanging in his arms... That's right! It's a woman!

After realizing the other party's gender, his first reaction was to prove his innocence, "I don't know her!"

Xing Yun: "..."

Xu Yiyi: "..."

People who are enjoying a bear hug are not qualified to say such things.

Under their suspicious eyes, Xia Ke struggled to free the woman in his arms.

"Huh?" The other party finally realized that something was wrong, raised her eyes, and met Xia Ke's angry stare, she shook slightly, her cheeks flushed slightly.

"...Girl, who are you?!"

It wasn't until Xia Ke's questioning voice came that she suddenly came back to her senses and remembered the business, "Huh? Where's Xing Yun?!"

Hearing this, Xia Ke and Xu Yiyi looked at Xing Yun in unison.

Xing Yun was dazed and looked at her in confusion. She was a woman who looked about her age. She was dressed in a style similar to Xu Yiyi's, simple yet refined in European and American style. Her long hair was casually draped over her shoulders. Very beautiful, the deep eye sockets are like mixed blood... These are a pair of highly recognizable eyes, Xing Yun recognized each other without any effort...

"Linlin!" she shouted excitedly.

"It's me, it's me!" Wu Lin turned around, this time she aimed precisely at the target, and went straight to Xing Yun.

Xing Yun didn't dodge any more, stretched out his hand, and gave her a firm hug.

Hugging and hugging, the two of them began to express their excitement by jumping in circles in place, and kept repeating "I miss you so much" and "Me too"...

Xia Ke and Xu Yiyi on the side looked at each other silently, with the same voice in their hearts - who is this guy? !

"It was Xing Yun's best friend in high school."

A voice came from behind them, resolving their confusion.

Xia Ke recognized the owner of the voice almost immediately, it was Zhang Sirui!

Although Xu Yiyi had never met the legendary male god Xing Yun in high school, she quickly guessed the identity of the man in front of her from Xia Ke's statement. Objectively speaking, he deserves to be the male god of the face control dog Xingyun, he is indeed handsome!

"What are you doing here?" Xia Ke frowned, not hiding the unwelcome in his tone.

"Mr. Xia, hello." Compared to Xia Ke, Zhang Sirui was much more polite, always smiling warmly, "I'm here to invite Xing Yun to dinner."

"She's not free." Xia Ke refused for her without even thinking about it.

... so restless! This will make the other party realize that the relationship between him and Xing Yun is not stable enough!

Xu Yiyi couldn't stand it anymore, she stepped forward decisively to push Xia Ke away, and stood up for him, "I'm sorry, Xing Yun has already made an appointment with Mr. Xia, why don't you come back another day? But it's best not to come after work, usually Mr. Xia's time after work is Xing Yun's, and the two of them are getting tired of it."

Hearing this, Zhang Sirui just smiled at her without saying a word.

"..." Xu Yiyi was stunned by his appearance of winning.

As it turns out, he wasn't blindly confident...

Their conversation made that Miss Linlin calm down from the emotion of reuniting with her friend after a long absence, and she asked in a regretful tone: "You have an appointment? I hate it. I still think that I haven't seen you for so long and I have a lot to say to you." Woolen cloth."

"Hmm..." Xing Yun looked at Xia Ke and Xu Yiyi who were beside him in embarrassment.

"Why don't we go together?" Zhang Sirui suggested.

This suggestion won Xing Yun's heart, she looked at Xia Ke and Xu Yiyi eagerly, and asked, "Is it possible?"

"...Of course." After scrutinizing the situation, Xia Ke took all his strength to swallow the refusal and squeeze out a smile.

He agreed, and of course Xu Yiyi had no objection.

Indeed, the current situation is very unfavorable to them. With Xing Yun's personality, it is absolutely impossible for the friend who came to find her to go for nothing. If they are willing to be together, Xing Yun will most likely abandon them!

Thinking of this, Xu Yiyi glared angrily at the woman who was talking happily with Xing Yun...

"President Xia..." She whispered, and suddenly asked: "Are you really willing to pay no matter how much money you have?"

"... What do you want? I won't sell myself! I won't sell it to a married woman!"

Xu Yiyi rolled his eyes angrily, took out her mobile phone, searched for the address book, and pressed the dial button. After a while, the phone was connected, and a low growl of gritted teeth continued to float from her lips—

"Hey! My boss has been cursed! It's a serious curse! Hurry up and find a way to help him out!"

"Of course I know that you are a Tarot divination and not a witch, but you must know a lot of talented people! My boss said, it doesn't matter how much money you have!"

"It's not about trying your best, it's about finding a way no matter what!"

"Well! Then it's settled!"


After exchanging a few more pleasantries, she hung up the phone and looked at Xia Ke, "It's done! My witch friend said he would help you find a solution, why not just tomorrow? I'll take you to see her tomorrow, without further ado. !"

"... That's not what you said just now." Xia Ke was stunned for a while before he realized it.

"I take back what I just said." She clenched her fists, "This enemy is really terrifying! Not only did he want to replace you, he even brought a helper here to try to replace me too! Obviously I am Xing Yun's best friend Ah! What the hell is that Linlin!"

… Women are so fickle.

So Xing Yun, who just swore that he and Zhang Sirui were just old classmates, might withdraw his idea at any time!

Thinking of this, he patted Xu Yiyi's shoulder solemnly, "Then I'll leave it to you!"

"Leave it on me! He will never let him succeed!"

"Yeah!" Shake nodded, and returned the computer bag in his hand to her.

"...what are you doing?" She looked at the computer bag in confusion.

"Didn't you say it was on you?"

"..." What a cold joke!

"It's really heavy, take it yourself."

"..." Man, you are so fickle!

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