The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 109: Analyze the situation


After having a good chat in the room, they were all very happy about each other's achievements. WWw. QuanBeN-XiaoShuo. Com

Needless to say, Xiao Yueye said that Su Jing was originally a classics officer in the Ministry of Rites. Although his rank was not as good as a bachelor's degree in the Hanlin Academy, he was actually inferior. Li Song, the Minister of Rites, was an unpredictable member. Due to Song Chuan's reputation and Su Jing's own efforts, he quickly became successful.

After hearing what Su Jing said, Xiao Yueye's eyebrows narrowed, Li Song? Isn't he Li Huayun's father

Su Jing poured a cup of tea for Xiao Yueye and said jokingly: "Hey, Xiaoye, you're a good boy. You've caused trouble in the world. You even got the mysterious killer Yan Sha. ”

Xiao Yueye pointed at Su Jing with a flick of her finger. The latter's eyes lit up, he smiled, stepped back, took the stool with him and stepped back, saying with a smile: "Didn't hit?! Xiaoye, don't you?" You know, I have always played the role of a weak scholar in the capital, but my hands are itchy!"

Although Xiao Yueye didn't use real Kung Fu just now, his Kung Fu is now several times stronger than when he was at home. Now it seems that Su Jing is not neglected in private.

Seeing Su Jing's appearance, Xiao Yueye stretched out her hand and closed all the doors and windows with her strong inner strength. At the same time, she attacked Su Jing like a dragon and said jokingly: "I see you haven't been touched by me for a long time." **, are you itchy? Let’s see!”

Although Su Jing had made progress, he was still far different from Xiao Yueye. After a few moves, his proud face fell again, and he had to admit defeat again and again, saying pitifully: "Don't hit me in the face."

Xiao Yueye made a sound with his hands, and said with a smile: "I told you a long time ago, your appearance has no effect on me. Hehe, Su Jing, I remember you beat me up hard when you left. ah!"

"Then, those were the tiger's hands. I just lightly, slightly tapped them twice."

"Okay, then I'll tap it lightly, slightly."

After the wailing ended, Xiao Yueye straightened his clothes and sat down in his seat with a happy expression, while Su Jing sniffed, tugged at his tattered clothes, and looked at Xiao Yueye "sadly".

This situation must be a misunderstanding.

But Su Jing is still Su Jing after all, and he is still the Su Jing who was jokingly called "pig skin" by Xiao Yue Ye and the other two, because his face is as good as pig skin.

He drank two cups of tea and said: "I haven't felt this good for a long time, haha. In the capital, I have to be cautious all day long, which is terrible. How about it? I chatted with the old fox Song Chuan today. ,How does it feel?"

Xiao Yueye gave a thumbs up and praised: "Old fox, have you also enjoyed this kind of treatment?"

Su Jingding nodded and said: "That's right. This old fox hinted that he wanted to marry his daughter to me several times, but I fooled him, and he didn't mention it later. His daughters are either idiots or self-proclaimed ** , and one of them has his neck bent to the sky because of his good friendship with the princess. Anyone who marries them will be in trouble for the rest of his life!"

After saying that, he glanced at Xiao Yueye strangely, and suddenly laughed foolishly: "Xiaoye, before this, I was jealous that you were a little bit more handsome than me, but now I realize it's a good thing. Haha, we're waiting for the dinner. When the time comes, just enjoy the hot looks from everyone!”

Xiao Yueye rolled her eyes at him angrily and waved her fist. Su Jing immediately shrank his neck and shouted: "Let's talk about business, let's talk about business."

"Say it."

As soon as they talked about business, Su Jing's face immediately changed, and he was completely different from before. This ability to change his face made Xiao Yueye feel inferior to him.

"Xiaoye, you really don't know why the emperor summoned you to the capital?"

Xiao Yueye shook her head.

Su Jing frowned and said, "This is really strange. By the way, do you think it could be your mother, Mrs. Xiao?"

Xiao Yueye pondered and said: "I thought so at the beginning, but now it's impossible. No matter how powerful my mother is, she can't be involved with the current Saint. And based on my observations and guesses, my mother should be He’s just very powerful in the world.”

Su Jing tilted his head and thought for a while, and finally shook his head. He said seriously: "Xiaoye, do you know what your situation is now?"

Xiao Yueye nodded and said: "Although the information is insufficient, we can guess a thing or two."

Su Jing was not surprised at all, but looked at him expectantly.

"Now the court is in constant turmoil overtly and covertly. On the surface, there is a war with the 'Meng Yuan Kingdom', and secretly, there is a dispute between the two factions of princes. This is the current simple general trend of the world."

"The former prince, that is, the second prince Murong Jingde has returned to the court. I heard that he is now abiding by the rules, which is completely different from his previous dissolute appearance. This should make the eldest prince Murong Jingrui and his faction very nervous. There is no prime minister in the court. The faction of the eldest prince who is trying to measure his strength, and the faction of the second prince headed by General Zhang Dehai of Zhenbei. Under the control of the current Holy Emperor, the two factions are evenly matched, and they are fighting like tigers. "

"At this time, the third faction in the court, that is, Song Chuan's neutral faction, became crucial. It was like a weight, whichever way it moved, there would be an overwhelming victory. So these two factions are actively trying to win over Song Chuan."

"Song Chuan is also an old fox. He inserted his son into Zhang Dehai, and then put you into the unpredictable camp. It seems that the two are not helping each other, but in fact, he is training you on the one hand, and it is also a response on the other. Of course, the two factions’ merging also has another meaning, which is to see the sincerity of the two factions. In this way, the space and degree of cooperation between you and Tiger will be amazing. "

"As for me, I rushed to the forefront. I was too busy in the world, and I was suddenly pushed into the spotlight. In addition, I was favored by the emperor. In this way, I, a member of the 'Song School' Which way people will turn is the focus of everyone's attention. I think that after the emperor's summons, when things become clear, what awaits me will not be tranquility. "

"And the most important point is that there is an age gap in talents in the imperial court. There are very few talents among the younger generation. And the three of us are not bragging. We learned from Gu Yao and are not inferior to anyone in any aspect. , naturally it’s also very popular.”

Seeing Su Jing's stunned look, Xiao Yueye smiled and took a sip of water, tapping his index finger on the table.

"You kid, you always surprise me. I thought you lacked information, but how could you show me off? Oh, it's so sad." Looking at his affected look, Xiao Yueye couldn't stop laughing, but there was also something about it. Relaxation after a long absence.

Su Jing suddenly sighed and said, "It's just a pity that Tiger can't come back this year. Otherwise, the three of us brothers would have drunk him for three days and three nights."

Xiao Yueye also sighed and said, "By the way, how about Huilan here?"

"A wife is valued by her husband. Who doesn't know how favored the tiger is now? No one dares to bully her. It is said that Song Chuan also made it clear to several ladies, so those women only dare to play some unsavory tricks. With the methods and my care, there is no problem. Previously, a concubine of Song Chuan's eldest son Song Yue mocked me for having an ambiguous relationship with Huilan, and Song Chuan beat me out of the house. Now, no one dares to talk about it. . But in private, I still make sarcastic remarks, and there is nothing I can do about it. But Huilan is a little pepper, and others can't take advantage of her."

"That's good. After all, Huilan has been with me for so many years, and I can't bear her suffering. Now that Rourou is here, I don't think anyone can bully her."

Su Jing raised his eyebrows and said in a funny tone: "Xiaoye, you should say that Yansha is here, right? Rourou can't be swallowed clean by these tigresses?!"

Only then did Xiao Yueye remember that he had never said that Rourou was no longer what she used to be. He said mysteriously: "Hey, Su Jing, don't underestimate Rourou. Your current skills cannot pass ten moves."


After listening to Xiao Yueye's story, Su Jing was filled with emotion and said to Xiao Yueye: "Xiao Yueye, you really made a profit, marrying such a good girl as Rourou. I really envy you!"

"That's because you are so carefree. You keep saying that all the women in the world are waiting for you. If you get married, you will definitely hurt a lot of people. So you have to sacrifice yourself for the happiness of women in the world. Bah, I listen to it every time I feel like vomiting.”

Su Jing said proudly: "Well, if you go out and ask around, who doesn't know the name of Su Jing, the most handsome man in the capital?!"

Then the two of them talked a lot about the political affairs of the DPRK. Xiao Yueye suffered a disadvantage due to the lack of information, but his exquisite seven-aperture mind was often revealed in just one point. .

"By the way, Su Jing, did you know that there is a 'Tianyi Tailor' in the capital?" Xiao Yueye suddenly remembered what he said when he saved Mu Yun.

"Of course I know. 'Tianyi Tailor' is the most famous one in the capital. The princes and nobles all go there to have their clothes made, but ordinary people are not qualified to go there! What? Are you making money and planning to make clothes for your wife? Haha. , let’s talk first, I’m very poor, don’t value sex over friends, you have to buy two things for me no matter what.”

Xiao Yueye touched the jade ring on her body and said angrily: "I can't do without you."

After chatting for a while, there was a knock on the door. It turned out that the three Rourou girls were coming.

Xiao Yueye observed the words and expressions, frowned and asked in a deep voice: "What's wrong?"

Yan Sha's face was a little gloomy, but she still shook her head. Rourou also had a gentle look on her face and said nothing. But Huilan didn't care, especially in front of Xiao Yueye, she always had no scruples.

"Master, you don't know, just now I took Sister Rourou and Sister Yan outside to enjoy the snow, but Miss Sixth Sister Song Meier came over and spoke very unpleasantly, huh!"

Seeing Xiao Yueye staring at her, Yansha smiled and said: "Forget it, it's just that her good mood was ruined by her. I originally thought that even if I didn't kill her, I would at least do something secretly so that she wouldn't have long to live. Two days, but Sister Rourou said not to cause trouble to you, so I’ll let it go.”

As soon as she said this, Su Jing and Huilan's expressions suddenly changed.

Darling, I originally thought that her bad complexion was because she was angry and depressed, but judging from her tone, it was because she didn't kill Song Meier!

Only then did Su Jing truly understand why everyone in the world was afraid of Yansha.

Rourou quickly held Huilan's hand. Only then did Yansha notice it and suddenly didn't know what to do. Who knew that Huilan took the initiative to hold her hand, smiled and said, "Sister, I just didn't expect it."

Xiao Yueye's face was very gloomy. He gritted his teeth and said in a low voice: "Song Mei'er? I understand, Yan'er, if she speaks rudely again in the future, don't take it into consideration. No matter how coward I, Xiao Yueye, am, I can't let my wife and children suffer! "(QuanBen Novel Network