The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 122: Brothers get together


A spear appeared at Su Jing's original position, with fluttering red cherry blossoms and the sound of howling wind like a swimming dragon. wWw.QuAnBen-XIaoShuo.CoM Xiao Yueye laughed, slipped her body, turned her palm into a finger, and clicked the gun head three times, easily dodging this spring rain-like attack.

Su Jing laughed loudly, pointed at the black boy holding the gun and said, "Tiger, don't think that we can't recognize you because you have turned into a black man."

The young man holding the gun was handsome, covered with a layer of armor, with bright eyes and a dark complexion. He stood there and had a resolute masculine air. Although he had changed a lot and had a helmet on his head that half covered his face, how could Su Jing and Xiao Yueye not recognize who he was

It's Song Hu!

Song Hu stomped his spear, with a smile in his eyes, and shouted loudly: "Su Jing, you brat, if you don't take action yourself, let..."

Before he could finish his words, Xiao Yueye interrupted with a loud laugh: "Song Hu, son, long time no see. Let me see how good your dragon-wandering spear skills are now."

Song Hu's face showed a look of excitement, his breath was calm, and a bloody aura of the battlefield suddenly came out. He lightly picked up the spear, spun it out of thin air in his right hand, pointed at Xiao Yueye and said: "Xiao Yue, I couldn't beat you before, but I may not be able to beat you now. Humph, you are younger than me, and you dare to take advantage of me, look at the gun!"

People who don’t know this might think that these two people are enemies!

The sword is the gentleman among soldiers, the sword is the tyrant among soldiers, and the spear is the ancestor of all weapons!

Marksmanship, in Cheng Yue's words, is learned from the sea of corpses. Because only by experiencing life and death, and transcending life and death, can we truly penetrate the spirit of the gun.

That is, keep moving forward!

Song Hu's gun had a bit of cold light, mixed with bloody murderous aura that filled the sky, like a dragon flying in the sea of blood, roaring and violent. The momentum alone was enough to scare many enemies.

However, what he met was Xiao Yueye!

Xiao Yueye smiled slightly, unfolded Liuyun's body technique, and appeared in the shadows of the spears. Song Hu's so-called impenetrable spear power was useless in front of Xiao Yueye.

Xiao Yueye's right hand turned into a claw, turned sideways, and without a trace of smoke, grabbed the barrel of the gun as if he was waving it at random.

Song Hu chuckled, turned around, and an inner energy surged along the barrel of the gun. The spear was bent into a bow shape, and the force at the tip of the pole suddenly became stronger, making Xiao Yueye's hands numb from the shock.

Xiao Yueye backed away, as if she didn't believe it: "Tiger, you can't tell, he is very good at martial arts!"

Song Hu laughed, held his backhand, and the tip of the spear came through the air. It seemed that the spear was just a slight stab, but it brought out more than three spears out of thin air. Hurry up, Xiao Yueye went up, down, and down.

Xiao Yueye laughed and finally stopped holding back her hands. She moved her hands to the left and right in front of her, making arcs up and down. The wind was blowing under her feet, and her body was like catkins in the wind, leaving no trace.

For some reason, Song Hu's mind was suddenly shaken, and the marksmanship in his hand also stopped for a moment. In a duel between masters, what they compete for is a split second. Xiao Yueye hooked the corner of his mouth and struck three palms in a row, breaking Song Hu's attack range.

Song Hu holds the gun with both hands and concentrates calmly. His body is like a swimming dragon, and the man and the gun are integrated into each other, truly bringing out the essence of the swimming dragon's marksmanship. I saw the shadows of spears all over the sky, and the bloody energy was everywhere. The dust on the ground was mixed with the snow, and the powerful energy pierced the surrounding tents.

There were many people watching the battle. In their eyes, how could they see Song Hu? ! Vaguely, they seemed to hear dragon roars. In the shadows of guns in the sky, Xiao Yueyue was like rootless duckweed, and like tender grass in the strong wind, swaying from side to side.

But laymen see the excitement, and experts see the door. Su Jing could see clearly that Xiao Yueye was indeed able to avoid the seemingly invulnerable attacks, and every dodge was just right.

"Tiger, Xiaoye can't even use Biyesi!" Su Jing thought in his heart, and was greatly shocked by Xiao Yueye's improvement in kung fu.

Suddenly the gun power all over the sky converged, just like clouds gathering on the horizon. Although the range was smaller, it still contained a huge explosive force.

The gun shadow gradually formed into a giant dragon in the sky, and Song Hu's voice came out: "Xiaoye, if you can take my move, I will admit defeat!"

"The Eight Tribes of Heaven and Dragon, all dharma will destroy the world!"

With his loud roar, the shadows of guns all over the sky finally formed into a raging and roaring dragon. Song Hu's man and gun merged into one, turning into a part of the giant dragon, and attacked Xiao Yueye with the sound of wind and thunder.

The secret of the gun is to move forward indomitably, whether there is death or life!

Su Jing frowned and cursed secretly: "Tiger, you kid, how can Xiaoye keep your hands on this move?"

Xiao Yueye didn't expect Song Hu to improve his marksmanship to such an extent, and couldn't help but be shocked. But it was just a shock.

He drew his hands in front of him, and wherever his hands passed, traces of green appeared, shining brightly. Xiao Yueye twisted her body slightly, and suddenly three figures appeared on the spot.

What is Beyes

Whatever you think it is, it is!

At this moment, Biyesi is Xiao Yueye's strongest shield! His hands were like shooting stars, bringing out rays of light, but forming a green silk network among the electric light and flint.

Guns and nets meet together!

No sound, no smoke!

But Xiao Yueye's three figures merged into one, and Song Hu's dragon shadow also faded, revealing his body.

Both of them froze on the spot, motionless, and the wind blew through, bringing out some remaining snow.

Song Hu looked frustrated, sighed and said: "Damn, I lost again, you guy is simply not a human being!"

The green light in Xiao Yueye's hand slowly disappeared amidst everyone's surprise, and finally the tip of Song Hu's spear appeared, only an inch away from Xiao Yueye's heart.

But Song Hu gave up!

No one present would doubt the result, because the one who admitted defeat was Song Hu.

Who is Song Hu? He was the king of guns in the army who killed three thousand enemies and shocked the whole audience with a single dragon blood spear, intimidating the enemy! When he first came to the military camp, he conquered the soldiers who looked down on him with a spear; he fought hard to kill the enemy on the battlefield, and to save his comrades, he invaded the depths of the enemy, killing countless people along the way, and returned with blood all over his body.

There is only one reason why he would admit defeat, and that is, he lost!

Everyone stared at Xiao Yueye in stunned silence.

Song Hu put away his spear, laughed loudly, strode forward, and looked at Xiao Yueye blankly, and Su Jing also walked over.

The three people looked at each other, starting with Xiao Yueye, who stretched out his palm, followed by Su Jing, and finally Song Hu.

At this moment, no other words were needed, and a tacit understanding emerged in the hearts of the three brothers.

"My name is Xiao Yueye!"

"My name is Su Jing!"

"My name is Song Hu!"

The scene of their first meeting came to the minds of these three brothers. The three people, three hands, held each other tightly, and finally turned into smiles looking up to the sky.

"Let's go to the camp and let us brothers have a few drinks!"

. . . . . .

Song Hu was named a school captain and was qualified to live alone in a tent. At this moment, the three brothers toasted and drank, telling each other about the changes in each other this year.

As expected, Song Hu was dumbfounded after Xiao Yueye told her experience.

"Damn it, I'm just saying how come Xiaoye has improved so much in kung fu, no wonder!" Song Hu let out a weird cry and took a sip of wine.

There were no food or drinks on the table, just some leftovers that Song Hu got from Huo Tou, but Su Jing and Xiao Yueye didn't care. As long as they were drinking with their brothers, who cared about this.

Su Jing clicked his tongue twice, looked at Song Hu, and said teasingly: "Hey, Tiger, look at you like this, why are you acting like Heitan? If you go back to Beijing, Huilan may not be able to recognize you." And you!"

Song Hu's eyes were as big as copper bells, and he said in a low voice: "Damn it, Su Jing, it was Xiaoye who was protecting you just now, so I let you go, and now you have to get angry?!"

Su Jing curled his lips and took a piece of vegetable from under Song Hu's chopsticks: "You are really stupid if you say you are stupid. As I said before, I will face everyone like a weak scholar, but you are good at attacking me with one shot. If Xiaoye hadn't held me back, my disguise for so long would have been exposed."

Song Hu scratched his head, laughed twice and said, "I forgot about you when I saw you were so excited."

Su Jing's ears twitched, knowing that there was no one around. He rolled his eyes, the chopsticks in his hand turned into light, and pointed at Song Hu. The latter screamed, but did not show weakness and went forward to greet him.

Xiao Yueye stepped aside in a funny manner. These two people never had a quiet meal at the dinner table, and they always had to fight.

Seeing you coming and going, Xiao Yueye waved his hand, and a green light flashed, and he pulled the food and wine on the table over.

Su Jing's kung fu this year has not been idle in private, and his kung fu has improved a lot than before. If he fought outside, he might still be inferior to Song Hu, but if he fought inside, Song Hu could never beat Su Jing.

As expected, within a few moments, Su Jing suppressed Song Hu tightly. Su Jing's kung fu emphasizes dexterity and adaptability, while Song Hu's is about opening and closing. In this small space, the former is definitely at home.

Xiao Yueye was very happy watching the show on the side, taking a sip of wine and a sip of food, looking at the two of them with a smile.

"No fight, no fight, Xiaoye has almost finished the wine." Song Hu waved his hands repeatedly.

After drinking for a while, Song Hu suddenly turned slightly red and said a little shyly: "Su Jing, Xiaoye, how is my house?"

Su Jing pointed at him unceremoniously and laughed: "I think you want to ask how Huilan is doing?! Don't worry, except for how she wants to skin her husband who has been running away for almost a year, everything else is fine. ”

Song Hu shrank his head, took a sip of wine and said, "Hey, I really miss her."

Xiao Yueye patted him and said, "Don't worry, once the peace negotiation is successful, won't you be able to go back?"

Song Hu took a deep sip of wine and seemed to have thought of something. His face became heavy and he said slowly: "Xiaoye, Su Jing, you must succeed in negotiating peace this time. Our brothers in the army, our only wish is I just want to go home for a reunion dinner. Unfortunately, those dead brothers can’t go back.”

As he spoke, he took another sip of wine, tears flashing in his eyes: "In this war, I watched helplessly how many brothers died in front of me. I was able to save one, but I couldn't save the other. The Battle of Qiinchu Valley , due to strategic mistakes, ten thousand of our brothers died! They stood in front of a few of us, loudly telling us to run and use their bodies as shields to buy us time. "( Quanben Novel Network