The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 124: You are so mean


Is that human being

Such a question appeared in everyone's mind, but it was undeniable that an emotion called fear was also born. WWw. QUanbEn-xIAoShUo. COm

The fingers of Xiao Yueye's right hand moved slightly, as if playing the piano, but with every movement he made, the four people's faces would show painful expressions.

With a smile on her lips, Xiao Yueye said lightly: "I think you are still not convinced yet, right?"

Without waiting for the four people to deny, Xiao Yueye waved her hand valiantly, and the sky-filled blue silk appeared, drawing out a series of magnificent patterns in the air, and then merged together to form a giant net with a faint green light.

Several filaments shot out from both ends of the giant net, penetrating between the flagpoles on both sides.

In the giant net, Xiao Yue was leaning in the sky at night, with a leisurely and unrestrained expression. The four people were each bound in a web in a strange shape, like flies trapped in a spider web.

Su Jing and Song Hu's eyes widened, and they said after a long time: "Has this kid mastered Kung Fu to this extent? He's still a fucking human, he's just like a spider spirit!"

Yes, Spider Spirit, this is the only thought in everyone's mind right now.

No one knew that Xiao Yueye had shown mercy, otherwise, these four people would be like the bandits in the village, dyeing Biye silk red with blood!

"Are you convinced?"

Those four people didn't dare to say they were dissatisfied and nodded repeatedly.

Xiao Yueye smiled faintly, kicked her feet slightly, and jumped onto the general platform. Behind him, the Bisi suddenly disappeared, and the last stream of light poured into Xiao Yueye's hand.

"Plop", the four people fell to the ground, looking at Xiao Yueye who was standing on the stage facing the wind with fearful expressions.

The whole place was silent!

Zhang Dehai and the generals in the distance were also stunned at the scene. One of them murmured: "Is this still a human being?"

Zhang Dehai recovered quickly. What was left in his eyes was Xiao Yueye's magical kung fu, but what echoed in his mind were Xiao Yueye's words of scolding everyone. He looked at Xiao Yueye with complicated eyes and said in a low voice: "Old General, he looks exactly like you when you scolded us back then."

. . . . . .

At the end of January, the three bachelors arrived at the military camp. Xiao Yueye and Su Jing had already recorded the battle between the two armies in the past few days, and carefully investigated the situation of "Meng Yuan" and other aspects. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle!

The Qiubei Plain stretches as far as the eye can see, and the north wind blows by, bringing biting cold and caring coldness. Under this vast land, there are numerous bones. If it were not covered with thick white snow, you would find that the soil here is brown, like blood stains.

In the plain, a gray tent is very conspicuous. This is where the envoys of the two armies negotiated peace.

It was very cold outside, and the stove was lit in the tent, but this warmth could not spread into people's hearts, and the atmosphere was very tense.

The three bachelors sat in their seats calmly, but everyone could see their slightly trembling bodies and the drops of cold sweat on their foreheads.

Although it’s hot in this tent, it’s not enough to make you sweat, right? !

The average age of the five envoys sent by the "Mongolian Yuan" was over thirty, and they were all tall and thick men. After they came in, they looked at the "three old and two young" in surprise, and then smiled contemptuously. Did not say.

They didn't speak, but they released their murderous aura, and even the originally strong fire seemed to feel it, and became much smaller.

Xiao Yueye's face was calm, light flashed in the depths of her pupils, and a trace of disdain emerged. With his eyesight, he can naturally see that the five opponents are all masters, but only compared to ordinary people.

To deal with these five people, Xiao Yueye only had one hand.

Xiao Yueye quietly exuded a little momentum to help the three bachelors resist the murderous intent. He and Su Jing didn't care at all and simply fell asleep.

The greatest contempt in the world is not verbal abuse, but silence.

You don't talk, do you? You like staring, right? Then you can continue, please!

Those five people didn't expect Xiao Yueye and Su Jing to react like this, so what does it matter now? I look like a bullfighter, but others don't even look at me, just close my eyes and meditate

How could someone who can participate in peace talks be that kind of foolhardy man? With their eyesight, they can naturally tell that among the five people, Xiao Yueye and Su Jing are the ones.

There must be an end to dissipating their murderous intent. The five people looked at each other and withdrew their murderous intent. This made the three old men heave a heavy sigh of relief, and their heartbeats finally returned to normal.

An imperceptible smile appeared at the corner of Xiao Yueye's mouth, and she finally lost her temper.

In this battle, Xiao Yueye was slightly better!

"Is there no one left in the Murong Dynasty? The previous envoys were timid and couldn't speak clearly. What? Now they are sending old and weak soldiers? Three old men and two yellow-haired children are ridiculous!"

Su Jing opened his eyes and glanced over coldly. There was indeed a smile on his face: "I always look at who I send when negotiating peace. This is not to look down on your country."

The clear meaning of his words is that because your country is too rubbish, you sent us "old, weak and disabled soldiers" here.

Sure enough, the faces of the five people changed drastically, and one of them snorted with a hooked nose and said: "You have sharp teeth and a sharp mouth. Believe it or not, with a wave of my hand, our country's 500,000-strong army will immediately attack the border. It will be easy to take your life!"

Xiao Yueye said lightly: "I originally thought your country was first-rate in raising horses, but I never thought you had the ability to brag! There are only 320,000 soldiers and horses on your border, so the extra 180,000 were created by you. ?”

The hooked nose slapped the table, the big and tall man stood up, looked at Xiao Yueye fiercely and said: "You dare to insult our country? Boy, according to the peace treaty regulations between the two countries, I have the right to challenge you!"

The other four people all nodded, but there was a hint of smile in their eyes. They were like this before. If they couldn't win over those bachelors with their words, they would use their fists. According to their experience, as long as they say this, the other party will definitely soften.

Who knew that Xiao Yueye looked at him disdainfully, curled her lips and said: "Those who humiliate others will be humiliated. Challenge? You are not worthy!"

The hook-nosed man was so angry that he screamed strangely, rolled in the air, and struck Xiao Yueye with a palm.

This guy looks clumsy, but his body is very flexible. Before the palm hits, you can feel the strong internal energy, and the wind from the palm makes Xiao Yueye's head fly up.

A cold light flashed in Xiao Yueye's eyes, and she stood still. When her fist was still one foot away from her, she slowly raised her right hand.

One piece, one hand!

Not only was the hook-nosed man shocked, but the four people behind him were also shocked. How can it be? How could this pretty boy block Ha Chi's fist so easily

That's right, Xiao Yueye easily grasped the opponent's fist like an apple thrown by someone.

Ha Chi, the one with the hooked nose, turned red. He tried his best but was unable to withdraw his fist from Xiao Yueye's hand.

"I, the Murong Dynasty, are a country of etiquette. Naturally, I will not be the same as others. Mr. Xiao, please let this envoy go." Su Jing said softly with a smile on his lips and a hint of thorn in his words.

We are a country of etiquette, so naturally you are barbarians. Not being on the same level as others is not just because we are broad-minded, but also because you are not worthy of our care.

Xiao Yueye nodded and said mockingly: "It looks like a bull, but I didn't expect it to be a bull. Go, it turns out that the masters of Meng Yuan Kingdom only have this ability!"

He turned his right hand and waved it casually, and that Hachi flew to the side involuntarily. Fortunately, Xiao Yueye kept some hands, otherwise he would have been embarrassed.

This hand immediately shocked the five people.

Zhou Yuan stroked his beard and said calmly: "According to the peace agreement between the two countries, if the challenging party loses, it must automatically recognize the other party as the master. Mr. Su, although I am old, my memory has not deteriorated, right?"

Older gingers are more spicy! Su Jing secretly praised in a low voice. This move was repeated at the same time. How would the other party respond? !

That Ha Chi looked at Xiao Yueye and then at the other four people. Then he remembered that there was another one. His face suddenly turned red and he didn't know how to deal with it.

Xiao Yueye said calmly: "No need, there are so many people who want to recognize me as their master."

What he means is to tell you that you, Hachi, are willing to recognize me as your master, but I am not happy yet!

And there is another implication in his words, that is, you are not qualified to be my servant.

Seeing the fire in the eyes of the other five people after they reacted, Su Jing snickered secretly. Xiaoye still makes people mad when she talks.

However, this time it is mainly for the purpose of negotiating peace, and it is better to stop everything in moderation. Su Jing coughed lightly and said with a smile: "It was just a discussion for everyone. It's not a challenge, so don't take it seriously. Everyone, let's get down to business."

The water boiled on the stove and made a "beep" sound. Xiao Yueye rolled her eyes, picked up the kettle on it, stood in front of the negotiation table and said: "It's so cold, the tea in your cups has gone cold." , I will add some water for you."

Xiao Yueye exerted her inner strength, and a thin water dragon flew out from the spout, accurately landing in everyone's cup. The cup was full without leaking a drop.

After these ten cups of tea, Xiao Yueye's entire movements were flowing and flowing, very cool and unrestrained. But the five people were stunned.

This seems simple, but these five people all know that few people in this world can do it!

Their originally arrogant arrogance was finally extinguished with the cups of tea.

Su Jing cursed secretly, "You ignore me when I talk to you nicely. You have to do this to become good. You are so stupid!"

Not only Su Jing thought so, but the three bachelors who talked about propriety, justice and shame all day secretly despised the other five people in their hearts. Weren't you very arrogant just now? Why does it look like a beaten eggplant now? How cheap!

A man with amber eyes over there coughed and said, "Everyone, for the sake of the future friendship between the two countries, let's talk about business."

Su Dingding nodded and made a gesture to Zhou Yuan. The latter no longer has any complaints against Su Jing Xiao Yue Ye. In the face of national justice, anyone with a little bit of integrity will know what to do.

What's more, Su Jing and Xiao Yueye saved their face just now. Now, it's time for these children to see the wisdom of the elderly.

He nodded towards Hu Donggen and Yuan Gang, took a sip of tea, showed a kind smile, and spoke slowly. (Quanben Novel Website