The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 125: Initial negotiation


Xiao Yueye and Su Jing finally realized that they had made a mistake, which was that they underestimated Zhou Yuan and the others. WWw.QuAnBen-XIaoShuo.COm

These three old guys can be the bachelor of Wenyuan Pavilion, have been in the court for so long, and can be sent to negotiate peace. How can they be just ordinary people? !

As soon as they opened their mouths, not only the five people across from them were stunned, Xiao Yueye and Su Jing also felt their ears buzzing.

They quoted the central ideas of Legalism, Confucianism, Mohism, and many other schools that were almost extinct. Three people opened their mouths, leaving no room for others to interrupt. After one finished speaking, the other immediately filled in, leaving no gaps for even a moment.

Xiao Yueye watched with cold eyes. The three old men seemed to have regained their second youth. Their faces were rosy and they were full of energy. They turned their mouths into sharp weapons to kill the enemy.

There was something in their words, and they threw their hidden sarcasm at the five people opposite. However, those five guys had blank faces and did not react at all. They just nodded blankly.

Just list two sentences:

"Humans are born from humans, and beasts are born from beasts. This is the difference between our Heavenly Kingdom and your Meng Yuan Kingdom."

"Although you have not evolved for a long time, you are not unable to understand human speech, right?"

"Look at these five children. It's obvious that they lack education."

"I can't help it. Who can tell that they are not the subjects of our Murong Dynasty?"

. . . . . .

Seeing Zhou Yuan and the other three people flowing in an endless stream like a surging river, among the five guys, Amber Eyes finally couldn't bear it anymore, slammed the table and shouted: "Stop!"

Zhou Yuan and the others glanced at Su Jing, who nodded lightly. Hu Donggen sighed and said: "Hey, after all, you are not a citizen of my court, and you have no self-cultivation at all. How can you interrupt the old man?"

Yuan Gang patted his back and said comfortingly: "Forget it, if you don't listen to the old man's words, you will suffer a lot in front of you. Don't get angry with these ignorant children."

Those five people were very angry when two of them sang and harmonized. If it weren't for Xiao Yueye's presence, they would have had the urge to beat these three old guys to death.

Xiao Yueye gave Zhou Yuan an appreciative look, and the latter nodded calmly, with a smile in his eyes. He took a sip of the cup of tea and murmured: "Hey, I am getting old after all. I feel thirsty after just a few words."

This old guy got an advantage and acted like a good boy!

Among the five people, a bearded man said loudly: "Don't say something we can't understand. Just tell us directly. How much money will you pay us for this peace negotiation? If it's less, we won't agree."

Hachi had just suppressed his anger, and then shouted: "We have hundreds of thousands of troops behind us. If you don't agree, then we will continue to fight!"

Su Jing's face turned cold and he said: "We, the Murong Dynasty, established our country by force and have never been afraid of threats from others. If you want to fight, I will fight!"

The amber-eyed man looked like he had some brains. He glared at Hachi and Chi and said with a smile, "Isn't it that our two countries are sitting here just to discuss how to resolve the war?"

Another man who had been silent continued: "My Great Khan said that the Murong Dynasty violated the agreement between the two countries and provoked a war, which caused a lot of losses to our country and must be compensated. Also, our army commander was assassinated, and you must give an answer. ”

How shameless! Anyone with a discerning eye knows that this war is a tacit military training war between the two countries. How come you think it is a provocation by our country? And it’s obvious that you were the first to attack the border with an army!

"Isn't this right? You crossed the border first, and we, the soldiers of the Murong Dynasty, fought in order to protect our country. You suffered heavy losses, and we also suffered a lot of casualties. It's just that we have elite soldiers and strong generals, so the casualties are less. . As for what you said about the assassination of the coach, it is even more ridiculous. If your coach was assassinated, what does it have to do with us? "

What Su Jing means is that we are righteous and you are evil. You suffered heavy losses because you were incompetent. Your coach was assassinated because you failed to protect us and ignored our affairs.

The man's eyes narrowed and he said in a deep voice: "The two armies faced each other, and our army won one after another. You were dissatisfied, so you sent people to assassinate our coach. If it hadn't been for the assassination of the coach, would our army have suffered such heavy losses? My family The Great Khan said, you must give an explanation for this, otherwise I, the soldiers of the Meng Yuan Kingdom, would rather shed their blood on this plain to seek justice!"

The atmosphere suddenly became tense again. Xiao Yueye tapped the table and said, "You've said too much, be careful not to take it back."

He glanced at the man with a half-smile, and the cold light in his eyes blocked the latter's retort: "It's snowing heavily. I wonder how your country's finances are? Do you have enough food and grass to supply the army?"

The expressions of the five people changed immediately, and they looked at Xiao Yueye as if they were looking at ghosts.

There has been heavy snow this year, and the Mongolian Yuan Kingdom has suffered heavy losses. The treasury was suddenly empty and it was impossible to continue. This war has dragged on for too long, and the country simply cannot afford it.

If it weren't for the assassination of coach Yeluqi and the voice of the domestic war faction occupying the peak, the war would have ended long ago.

However, this is a secret. How could the person in front of me know it

Su Jing also looked at Xiao Yueye in surprise, obviously not knowing either.

Before leaving the capital, Qi Yu approached Xiao Yueye and told him this information. Qiyu's "Qian Lai Ticket Account" also had many semicolons in Meng Yuan Kingdom. From the deposit and withdrawal records and amount of the ticket numbers during this period, he quickly deduced that Meng Yuan was in financial crisis. The war cannot continue.

In fact, Xiao Yueye believed that the current Holy Emperor must also know the news, but he didn't say it.

Amber Eyes paused, and said calmly: "Our country has sufficient food and grass, and has many soldiers and generals. This is not something that your country should worry about."

Xiao Yueye sneered secretly in his heart because he was so stubborn.

"That's good. If your country insists on having your own way, I, the Murong Dynasty, will not be afraid of trouble!"

"We came to negotiate with sincerity to resolve the war between the two countries. Are you, the Murong Dynasty people, too insincere?"

You call it sincerity? You are murderous as soon as you enter the door. Is this called sincerity? So fucking shameless!

Su Jing said seriously: "The land is blocked by heavy snow. For the sake of the soldiers, my emperor does not care about your country's invasion of the border. This is called insincerity? Before I left, the emperor also said that it is okay to suffer some losses for the sake of the soldiers on the front line." But your country’s attitude is really unacceptable!”

Amber Eyes and the man exchanged glances, and the former said: "Our country is training troops on the border, and there is no violation of the border. But since your country is sincere in negotiating peace, then everyone might as well express their sincerity."

"Oh, what do you mean by your country?"

"You, the Murong Dynasty, broke the agreement and caused damage in the battle between the two armies. Our country requires you to compensate five million taels. At the same time, we ask your emperor to submit a national apology."

Su Jing slapped the table and said in a deep voice, "That's ridiculous. You guys are really bullying me. Our country has already made a lot of concessions, but you are so ignorant. Are you really bullying me?" No? When the two armies fight, casualties are inevitable. You are weak and suffer heavy casualties. In view of the long-term friendship between the two countries, our country is willing to make some compensation, but it is absolutely impossible to mention the credentials! "

What he said was so sonorous and powerful that the five people didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Then how much compensation is your country willing to pay?"

Xiao Yueye stretched out her index finger and shook it gently: "It's not compensation, it's compensation. Is one hundred thousand taels enough? Forget it, for the sake of the friendship between the two countries, just give us another one hundred thousand taels."

"Two hundred thousand taels? Well, two hundred thousand taels of gold can be considered."

"Wrong, it's not gold, but two hundred thousand taels of silver!"

Two hundred thousand taels of silver? You beat the beggar! The five people's expressions became unswerving. You know, when the two armies are fighting, the daily supply of food, grass, military supplies, etc. will cost at least 50,000 taels. In winter, it will cost nearly 100,000 taels a day!


Su Jing's heart moved, and without saying a word, he exchanged a look with Xiao Yueye. Xiao Yueye nodded and coughed lightly.

Zhou Yuan and the others were still napping. When they heard this light cough, they straightened their backs and started their business again.

This time the negotiation ended in vain.

After leaving the camp, Zhou Yuan asked Su Jing strangely: "Master Su, is there anything wrong?"

Su Jing frowned and said, "They have no intention of negotiating peace at all. They seem to be stalling for time. Xiaoye, can you guess why?"

Xiao Yueye chuckled lightly, tightened her collar, and said lightly: "They don't seem to be the ones in charge. They are probably waiting for the real negotiators."

. . . . . .

In the coach's camp, Su Jing told everyone present about today's negotiation process, and also told Xiao Yueye's speculation.

"Are they stalling for time to wait for someone?"

"That's right. If they were sincerely negotiating for peace, how could they have this kind of attitude? What's more, they are determined to insist on the assassination of their coach, which is clearly stalling for time."

Zhang Dehai nodded and said: "No wonder! A spy reported that the sixth prince of the Meng Yuan Kingdom, Yelu Changying, came all the way here with a few guards. So that's what happened."

"Yelu Changying?"

"Yes, everyone knows that the Great Khan of Meng Yuan Dynasty will not be alive for a few years. Among the princes, Yelu Changying is the one with the highest reputation. He is a talent, and his literary, Taoist and military skills impress all the ministers. It’s a shame. But it’s a pity that the assassinated Yeluqi was his supporter, so now he has lost his arm.”

Xiao Yueye pondered for a moment and said slowly: "So, Meng Yuan Kingdom sent him to negotiate, which shows that it is really eager to end the war. Then, our subsequent negotiations can be changed."

Su Jing and Xiao Yueye had a tacit understanding with the Nian brothers. He snapped his fingers and said with a smile: "Since they want to delay, we will continue to delay."

. . . . . .

In the next few days, Su Jing and Xiao Yueye changed their policies. The five people nodded no matter what they said, but at every critical moment, they would fight each other. Today they said it was too cold and the negotiations were over. Tomorrow they said they were feeling unwell. Later they said the wind was too loud and affected their mood. The five people were so angry that their teeth itched.

At the same time, Zhang Dehai also reorganized the entire army. The bugles were loud and the gongs and drums were loud every day. Even in the negotiation camp, the morale could be felt.

On the third day of February, when Xiao Yueye and Su Jing stepped into the negotiation camp again, they first saw a young man wearing a bear coat carrying everyone on his back. The five people who were originally negotiating were all standing still, saying nothing. Updated, faster, all text reading allows you to understand at a glance and enjoy reading at the same time!

Hearing the footsteps coming in, the young man turned around slowly with a smile on his face.

Xiao Yueye was startled and blurted out: "It's you?!"

The young man didn't show the slightest surprise, and said with a smile: "Brother Xiao, long time no see." (Quanben Novel Website