The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 130: Unexpected


There is a faint fragrance of flowers in the wind, which is refreshing. WWw. qUAnbEn-xIaosHuo. Com's strong, nauseating smell has disappeared, away from the noisy city center, and the wind by the river makes people think clearly.

Xiao Yueye threw a small wine jar to Xiaotian: "This wine is not strong, drink it."

After the wind blowing by the river, Xiaotian calmed down a lot. Seeing Xiao Yueye's unruly look, he felt proud, tore open the seal and took a sip.

Xiao Yueye sat on the ground, looked at the moonlight on the river, and said, "Instead of asking me to say it, it's better for Brother Xiaotian to speak it himself."

Xiaotian nodded, sat down like Xiao Yueye, sighed deeply, and then slowly said: "Sister Fangfang is my sister next door, she is one year older than me. I grew up with her, I have always said that I would not marry anyone but her. But when I was ten years old, something happened to Sister Fangfang's family. She sold herself to a brothel to pay off her debts. Later, in order to redeem her, I went out to work and joined the "Yangtze River Gang". After I turned eighteen, I came here several times a year to redeem myself."

What a cliché of crazy men and women! Xiao Yueye shook her head, and this idea suddenly popped into her head.

"So that's it. Brother Xiaotian is now very respected in the 'Yangtze Gang', right?" Xiao Yueye asked calmly.

Xiaotian pondered for a while, then smiled and said: "He has been so kind to me, and I have nothing to repay. I can only deal with the things in the gang well. Why does Brother Xiao ask this?"

This guy is really careful and considers every word.

Xiao Yueye sighed and threw her empty wine jar into the river: "Is this the knot in Miss Fang'er's heart?"

It seems that Fangfang is indeed Xiaotian's Achilles' heel. As soon as he heard this, he immediately put aside his temptation to Xiao Yueye and asked eagerly: "How do you say it?"

"Brother Xiaotian doesn't seem to understand the thoughts of my daughter's family! Before, Miss Fang'er got drunk and pulled me to call your name to express her love. But she felt ashamed because she was not perfect and felt that she was not worthy. She is in love with you, so she keeps rejecting you thousands of miles away. And now that you are highly regarded by the "Yangtze River Gang" and your status is high, she feels even more inferior. "

Xiaotian was silent for a long time, and then he breathed out, patted his thigh and said, "That's it! Sister Fangfang, do you think Xiaotian is a common person in this world? I'll go find you and explain it clearly."

Xiao Yueye grabbed him and said coldly: "First beat up the garbage around. Get out!"

In the last sentence, Xiao Yueye instilled 100% of her inner energy, just like the spring thunder that shook the river and stirred up a stream of water droplets.

After a few "swish" sounds, several figures flew out and surrounded them. The leader was Gu Tianya with a ferocious smile on his face. He held a water-splitting thorn in his hand and pointed at Xiaotian from a distance.

Xiaotian stood up, frowned and asked, "Young Gang Leader, what do you mean?"

Gu Tianya looked up to the sky and smiled, and a gloomy voice sounded: "Xiaotian, are you really stupid or are you pretending to be stupid? I tell you, today next year will be your memorial day!"

Xiaotian put his right hand behind his back, and a cold light appeared in his palm. He looked at the people around him and said slowly: "Young Gang Leader, I, Xiaotian, am always humble to you. Don't bully others too much!"

"Humility?" Gu Tianya's muscles were bulging, and he looked like he was bitter and resentful: "On weekdays, you always like to show off yourself in front of my father and several uncles, but now who in the whole 'Yangtze Gang' doesn't know that you are a quick knife Xiaotian? My father asks you to handle anything, and I am his son! Now he actually wants to hand over the Yangtze Gang to you! Don’t even think about it!”

As you are, if I were your father, I wouldn't dare to pass the throne to you! Xiao Yueye thought with disdain.

Xiaotian looked solemn and said sincerely: "Young Gang Leader, my Xiaotian's life was given by the Gang Leader. I have no such idea at all. You have misunderstood."

"Bah! You didn't? If you don't have my father, why should I pass the throne to you?"

"Young Gang Leader, the Gang Leader has never said this. These are just rumors spread by people with ulterior motives."

Gu Tianya waved his hand fiercely: "You don't have to say anything! As long as you die, everything will be solved. Come on, kill that brat too!"

Xiao Yueye snorted coldly and was about to take action when Xiaotian stopped him and said in a low voice: "Brother Xiao, don't take action."

He had seen Xiao Yueye's martial arts and knew that once he took action, everyone here would be spared their lives. Let's forget about the others, but Gu Tianya can't be killed. He was unkind, but Xiaotian wanted to be righteous to the gang leader, and he would never let the gang leader's only son die here.

What he didn't know was that Xiao Yueye had no intention of killing Gu Tianya at all. Only by keeping Gu Tianya alive can we sow discord. When Gu Feng dies and Gu Tianya and Xiao Tian start fighting, the Yangtze Gang can be disbanded.

Xiaotian jumped up and attacked the person in front of him. Although it was six against one, Xiaotian still did not fall behind. His Qinggong movement was very slippery, and he could move between people erratically.

Gu Tianya snorted coldly and changed his moves. A water-dividing thorn drew out the circle of heaven and earth, trapping Xiaotian tightly. His men seized the opportunity to chop, stab or chop, and attacked Xiaotian with every move. The key.

Xiao Yueye frowned but did not take action. He was waiting for Xiaotian to reveal his true skill, which was his sword.

Kuai Dao Xiaotian, his ability to kill is naturally a knife!

Xiaotian gritted his teeth and scolded: "Young Gang Leader, don't blame me!"

His body suddenly became very strange, as if his bones had been removed, and his whole body became limp. But just like that, as his body movements changed, he twisted left and right, like a snake, and easily escaped from everyone's encirclement.

As soon as he came out, he immediately straightened his body, crossed his hands in front of his chest and waved, and several rays of silver light flew, like a butterfly spreading its wings, magnificent and dangerous.

Xiao Yueye's eyesight could naturally tell what the silver light was, and he shouted in surprise: "Holy shit, Xiaotian Flying Knife?!"

Xiaotian's knife was not as powerful as Li Xunhuan's, but it still showed great power. One person groaned and was hit in the heart, while the other two were stabbed in the abdomen and lost their fighting ability.

The ones who avoided were Gu Tianya, the thin man, and another guy.

Gu Tianya narrowed his eyes and turned the water thorn in his hand, turning it into an arc of light and flying towards Xiaotian, who was quickly attacked under the cover of the thin man and another subordinate.

Xiao Yueye couldn't help but want to cheer for this guy. After all, he had a family background, and he instantly judged the correct way to fight.

As long as he entangles Xiaotian and prevents him from freeing his hands, his flying knife will naturally have no chance to shoot.

Seeing the water-splitting thorns flying by, Xiaotian took a step back, waved his hand and launched two more flying knives. Who knew that after being hit by the flying knife, this water spur did not fall to the ground, but split into two, one left and one right, and flew around.

After just this moment of delay, Xiaotian fell into a circle.

Xiao Yueye stood aside and watched with cold eyes, naturally seeing that Xiaotian was in trouble now. But he is still waiting, because if you want others to feel that you have saved him, the best time is when he thinks he is going to die.

This was exactly what happened to Xiaotian. When he was dodging the thin man's attack, he suddenly felt a numbness in his waist. When he turned around, he saw the proud face of the thin man. I don't know what kind of poison was smeared on the hidden weapon. It was very domineering. In just a few breaths, his eyes became dazed and his body became weak.

Xiao Yueye's eyes lit up, it was now.

"Xiaotian, go to hell!" The two water-splitting thorns merged into one, stabbing Xiaotian's heart with the owner's arrogance and roar.

"Those who ignore me usually have only one fate!" A faint voice sounded like a ghost.

Xiao Yueye seemed to merge into one figure, appearing in front of Xiaotian like flowing clouds and flowing water, stretched out two fingers, and clamped the water-splitting thorn.

Glancing out of the corner of his eye, he saw the knife being attacked by the thin man and another subordinate. Xiao Yueye snorted softly, flicked the water-splitting thorn towards the knife of one of his subordinates. And with a casual wave, his strong internal energy knocked the thin man into the river.

With a "pop" sound, the water-splitting thorn stabbed the opponent's heart. The man had a look of astonishment on his face, groaned vaguely, and was unwilling to fight to the end.

In just a few moments, Xiao Yueye easily neutralized the three attacks, killing one and seriously injuring another. Gu Tianya, the only one who survived, retreated in fear and looked at Xiao Yueye in disbelief.

He knew that Xiao Yueye was good at martial arts, but the ones he brought were all good ones!

Xiao Yueye ignored him and appeared behind Xiaotian in a flash.

"Concentrate your mind and keep your breath, and guard your Dantian." Xiao Yueye said a few words softly, drew phantoms with his hands, and tapped more than twenty acupuncture points on Xiaotian's body.

Xiaotian frowned, suddenly there was a pain in his waist, and he couldn't help shouting.

"Okay, I have forced the hidden weapon out, and there is nothing to do for the time being." Xiao Yueye said in a low voice, pretending to be hard-working.

Xiaotian smiled gratefully, faced Gu Tianya in front of him, clenched his fists, and finally sighed and said, "Young leader, let's go."

Gu Tianya's expression changed constantly, even though he was unwilling to do so, he could only grit his teeth and leave.

Of the two men who had been stabbed in the vital parts with a knife before, one had died, but the other was still breathing. He grabbed Gu Tianya's calf and said with difficulty: "Master, save, save, save me."

Gu Tianya looked at his half-dead appearance, snorted angrily, and stabbed his heart with his water-splitting thorn: "Useless thing."

The subordinate's eyes widened and he couldn't believe that he actually died in Gu Tianya's hands.

Gu Tianya raised his leg fiercely and was about to leave. Unexpectedly, he forgot that his calf was being held. For a moment, his lower body was unstable and he fell to the ground.

There was a sound of the knife piercing the flesh. Gu Tianya stared blankly at the blade on his chest, opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, and finally tilted his head and died.

Xiao Yueye and Xiaotian looked at this dramatic scene and couldn't believe that Gu Tianya died like this

The subordinate made a strange sound in his throat and slowly closed his eyes.

"he died?"

"Well, his men avenged themselves before they died."

Xiaotian frowned, suddenly his head felt dizzy and his whole body went limp.

Xiao Yueye supported him, tapped his acupuncture points again, and then said with relief: "Gu Tianya is dead. This is really unexpected. The plan of the snipe and the clam fighting, and the fisherman profiting seems to be unworkable. Alas. , It’s really not as good as God.”

"Come out!" Following Xiao Yueye's soft shout, a person flew out from the bottom of the river, and it was the thin man.

He stood with his hands folded, unable to take a single glance.

"You did a good job." Xiao Yueye nodded.

"Master Xiao, Gu Tianya is dead, what will happen next?"

Xiao Yueye's mind was racing and she said calmly: "Think of an excuse and tell the 'Yangtze Gang' that it was Xiaotian who killed Gu Tianya."

"Yes." (Quanben Novel Website