The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 132: Yangtze River Chief Rudder


Even though she had heard many stories about the "Yangtze River Gang", Xiao Yueye was still shocked when she stood in front of the chief rudder of the "Yangtze River Gang". wWw.QuanBeN-XiaoShuo.COm In front of you is a green mountain scenery. In the middle of the green water, unique bamboo houses float on the sleeping surface. These bamboo houses are staggered and suspended, seemingly following the Qimen Bagua formation, and their layout integrates offense and defense.

No one can imagine that in such a place with buildings in the water, he is the chief helmsman of the "Yangtze River Gang"!

Xiaotian said proudly: "How is it? Brother Xiao, are you shocked? When I was brought here by the gang leader for the first time, I couldn't even open my mouth! Haha."

After Xiao Yueye's initial shock, she paid attention to the layout and structure of the bamboo houses. The more she looked at them, the more surprised she became. This seemingly random position actually integrates the formation and the military formation. Looking at the manpower on guard around the house, it is really difficult to attack such a place.

Xiaotian pointed at these bamboo houses and introduced them one by one: "Brother Xiao, you see, the bamboo houses gathered in front are the four outer halls in the east, west, south and north, while the two groups of bamboo houses on the left and right inside are the left and right inner halls. On weekdays, there are only a few brothers in the four outer halls, and most of them are stationed here for a long time. I am a member of the Zuoli Hall."

Xiao Yueye squinted her eyes and took a look. The six halls were closely connected. If one party was in trouble, the other five halls could easily help. The most important thing was that they were all floating on the water, which gave them a great advantage. .

"What about the gang leader's house?" Xiao Yueye asked casually.

Zi is behind the left and right halls. The leader's health is deteriorating now, and he doesn't know how long he can last. "

It seems that the protection of gang patron Gu Feng is stricter than what the intelligence said! Fortunately, he started from Xiaotian and set up a situation to show off his medical skills. Otherwise, it would be too difficult for Xiao Yueye to sneak into the Yangtze Gang.

The winding bamboos in front of you are suspended on the water, leading to the bamboo house about three feet away. This distance of three feet may not be long or short, but it can effectively tell whether the person coming is a friend or an enemy. Moreover, the bamboo is very thin and suspended on the water. There is no way for people without certain qinggong skills to pass through.

A man from the bamboo house opposite shouted: "Who is that?"

Xiaotian took a step forward and responded: "Zuolitang, Liu Xiaotian." He took something out of his arms and threw it over.

The man checked it himself, nodded, and waved his hand hiddenly behind him. Xiao Yueye's sharp eyes saw several figures hiding in the dark, and he took back the bow and arrow in his hand.

What a tight defense! Even his own people were investigated in such detail!

"Brother Xiao, let's go."

For ordinary people, Xiao Yueye walked through the bamboo passage that was not easy.

Walking to the room, Xiaotian took back his token from the man just now. The two looked familiar and joked for a while. The man glanced at Xiao Yueye, frowned and said, "Xiaotian, who is this?"

"My friend, don't worry, I will use my head to guarantee the origin of Brother Xiao."

The man smiled: "Since it was brought by Xiaotian, there must be no problem. By the way, Xiaotian, everyone is now spreading rumors that you killed the young gang leader, so be careful! Although everyone thinks he deserves it, But I’m afraid it won’t be easy for you to explain to the gang leader and the six hall leaders.”

Xiaotian frowned and asked, "Have all the six hall masters returned?"

"Yes, we all arrived yesterday."

"Oh, don't worry, the innocent will be punished. I'll leave first."

Xiao Yueye followed and walked through the house. Xiaotian introduced: "This is our sentry house. There are people patrolling the sentry house twelve hours a day, and no movement is missed. Look in front." He stretched out his finger. Looking at the bamboo huts in the water in front: "The four bamboo huts on the periphery are the four outer halls, and the inner halls facing each other on the left and right are the inner halls. You see the long row of bamboo rafts extending out. After passing through the six halls towards the back, there is a water hall. Pavilion, that’s where our gang leader is.”

Xiao Yueye made a visual inspection and found that these bamboo houses were equivalent to forming two surrounding circles. The four outer halls were located in the four corners of the outer circle, east, west, north and south. Inside the outer hall were the left and right inner halls. In the center, there was a bamboo raft made of The road penetrates far away, leading to the location of the gang leader.

Jump off a bamboo raft with Xiaotian and slowly push it towards Zuolitang where Xiaotian is.

Xiao Yueye could see the bamboo house before they arrived there. Many people were eagerly looking at the bamboo raft, or to be precise, at Xiaotian. From their eyes, it is not difficult to see the concern and concern.

"Brother Xiaotian, you are back. The masters of the six halls are sitting inside, waiting for you!"

"Xiaotian, was it really you who killed the young gang leader?"

"Xiaotian, you have to be careful."

Xiaotian showed a smile that was mixed with emotion and helplessness, nodded to everyone, turned to Xiao Yueye and said: "Brother Xiao, how about you wait for me here?"

Xiao Yueye frowned and thought for a while, then said: "Let me go in with you. After all, only I know the truth. If your hall wants to blame, just say that I was the one who killed him."

The voice of Xiao Yueye's words could be loud or soft, so that people outside could hear it clearly, and people inside could also hear it.

As soon as these words came out, they immediately aroused everyone's attention. Just as Xiao Yueye guessed, these people suddenly felt good when they heard that Xiao Yueye was going to fight for Xiaotian. But this also shows from one side how unpopular Gu Tianya is.

Xiaotian looked touched, nodded, and led the way into the house.

There were no decorations in the room, just a few simple chairs, with two middle-aged men sitting on them, and two people sitting on either side of the lower hand. Xiao Yueye could guess at a glance that the ones on top were the hall masters of the left and right inner halls, and the four people on both sides of the lower hand were the hall masters of the four outer halls.

Xiaotian knelt down on one knee and said in a loud voice: "Xiaotian pays homage to the six hall masters."

Xiao Yueye just nodded, with a plain face, neither humble nor overbearing.

The man wearing a blue coat with nearly a foot of hair was the master of Zuoli Hall, Situ Xiaoyue. He looked at Xiaotian who was like his own son, showing love and worry. The meticulous and straight-faced person next to him was Xie Kui, the master of Youli Hall.

Situ Xiaoyue coughed and scolded: "Xiaotian, do you know your sin?"

Xiaotian lowered his head and said loudly: "Xiaotian went out privately and killed brothers in the gang. He is willing to be punished."

This upright boy, why are you so diligent in pleading guilty? Situ Xiaoyue sighed helplessly in her heart. He glanced at Xie Kui and nodded.

Xie Kui's Right Hall, also known as the Law Enforcement Hall, had a dark face, but did not look at Xiaotian. Instead, he looked at Xiao Yueye and said, "Who are you?"

Xiao Tian hurriedly said: "Thank you, Hall Master. Brother Xiao is my savior and has excellent medical skills. I invited him to treat the gang leader."

Xie Kui said coldly: "Don't interrupt."

Xiao Yueye straightened her back and said calmly: "My Excellency, Xiao Rong, Dr. Xingjiao. In addition to being invited by brother Xiaotian to treat your gang leader, this time I am also here for Xiaotian."

A female voice came: "Oh? Can you prove Xiaotian's innocence

Xiao Yueye knew that this woman who looked like a middle-aged woman by the river was Aunt Yu, the head of the West Hall. She is also the only female among the six hall masters.

Xiao Yueye did not answer directly: "It's not proof, but Xiaotian is innocent to begin with."

"How do you say it?" Situ Xiaoyue asked eagerly.

Xiao Yueye pondered for a moment and slowly told the story of that day, emphasizing of course Xiaotian's forced fight back and Gu Tianya's murderous intent.

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a cold snort, which was mixed with boundless anger. Glancing at the man in gray, Xiao Yueye knew that he was Furukawa, the master of the South Hall. His son was disabled by Gu Tianya's "wrong hands" back then. One can imagine the resentment in his heart.

Situ Xiaoyue pressed her hand hard, and one foot of the coffee table turned into powder. You can see the anger in his heart.

Xie Kui said calmly: "You are just an outsider, why should I believe you?"

"Then you are not present, how do you know that what I am telling you is not the truth?"

A slightly fat man snorted and said: "There is a big flaw in your words. According to what you said, you should be very skilled. But I see that your feet are weak and your face is sallow. You are not as good as you said." Awesome. It can be seen that you are talking nonsense to cover up this beast Xiaotian."

Xiaotian hurriedly shouted: "Master Bei, I was poisoned later. Brother Xiao's vitality was greatly damaged in trying to save me. He has not recovered yet, that's why he is like this."

Upon hearing this, everyone looked at Xiao Yueye with much softer eyes, especially Situ Xiaoyue, who almost couldn't help but thank Xiao Yueye.

Xiao Yueye looked calm, turned to look at the fat North Hall Master Zhou Shankou, and said calmly: "Even if you are the leader of the Hall, you are not qualified to insult Brother Xiaotian before the facts are found out."

Zhou Shankou was startled, then his face filled with anger, and he said in a hateful voice: "Boy, you are looking for death!"

"Sixth brother!" It was Xie Kui who spoke. He glanced at Zhou Shankou displeasedly. The latter seemed to be afraid of him and lowered his head honestly, but the look he looked at Xiao Yueye was very unkind.

Xiao Yueye would not take such a waste to heart, but he was happy in his heart. It seemed that the Yangtze Gang was not an iron bucket, and Zhou Shankou could be used.

Xie Kui continued: "The news that Xiaotian killed the young gang leader was brought back by Shouhou, so let's invite him to come and confront us."

Xiao Yueye nodded and said slowly: "The poison has not been removed from Xiaotian's body yet. It is not advisable to kneel for a long time. Let him get up."

Xie Kui was stunned and nodded.

After a while, the thin monkey came up. He didn't look at Xiao Yueye, but there was a strange color shining in his eyes, which made Xiao Yueye sigh in his heart.

The thin monkey pretended to be frightened and walked up, kneeling on the ground.

"Skinny Monkey, please tell me what happened that day again."

The process of Shouhou's statement was similar to what Xiao Yueye said, but in his words, it was because Xiaotian insulted Gu Tianya first that Gu Tianya led people to stop him. Moreover, Gu Tianya did not intend to kill Xiaotian, but the latter teamed up with Xiao Yueye and killed Gu Tianya himself.

After finishing speaking, he made a sad look, pointed at Xiaotian and roared: "Dear hall masters, this is Xiaotian. He killed the young gang leader for the sake of his position as gang leader. Please make the decision to the six hall masters!"

Xiaotian's face turned red: "You're talking nonsense!"

The atmosphere became tense for a moment, and Zhou Shankou sneered. (