The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 133: A dead soldier is loyal


Xiao Yueye's face was calm and unruffled, which made Xie Kui, who had been checking his reaction, nod appreciatively. wWw.qUAnbEn-xIaosHuo.COm

"Mr. Xiao, what do you say to Shouhou?"

Xiao Yueye held Xiaotian and waved her hand. Looking at the thin monkey, a strange smile appeared on his lips: "You mean, you saw us kill Gu Tianya with your own eyes?"

The thin monkey took two steps back in fear and nodded.

"But you also said just now that I knocked you into the water. How did you see it? Huh?"

The thin monkey suddenly choked up and felt the fiery gazes of all the gang leaders. He swallowed and argued: "I know that I am not your opponent. I hid in the water and witnessed your murder. I have pity on my young gang leader. Cruel killing. I know that I am not good at martial arts, but God is wise and spared my life to inform all the hall masters of your evil deeds."

What he said was followed by righteous and stern words, like a knight who endured humiliation and endured heavy burdens.

Xiao Yueye turned to look at Xie Kui. He also saw that he seemed to have the final say here: "Do you believe it?"

Xie Kui said expressionlessly: "What he said is true, I believe it. Xiaotian, do you have anything to say?"

"Xie Hall Master, Xiaotian definitely did not kill the young gang leader. It was indeed a coincidence. The young gang leader was grabbed by the ankle, and then he fell on the raised knife. Xiaotian dares to swear to God, if what he said is false, The sky was thundering."

Zhou Shankou said coolly: "How can we believe what we swear? Do you think we are idiots? Will the young gang leader fall by himself, and then fall on the knife so coincidentally? Have you encountered all the coincidences in the world? "

Xiaotian clenched his fists, his eyes full of anger and helplessness, and he didn't know how to explain it. There is a certain truth to what Zhou Shankou said. When he said this, it was hard for him to believe it, let alone others.

Xiao Yueye said calmly: "There are many coincidences in the world. Hall Master Zhou has never seen it, so it cannot deny his existence. You must know the principle of sitting in a well and looking at the sky."

Xiao Yueye's words were a hidden secret, and she was secretly mocking Zhou Shankou for being a frog in the well and being short-sighted.

Before Zhou Shankou could speak in a hurry, Xie Kui said coldly: "Master Xiao, watch your words. If you insult our Yangtze Gang again, don't blame me for being rude."

Xiao Yueye shrugged and stopped talking.

Aunt Yu, the head of the West Hall, frowned and said, "They all hold different opinions, how can we judge?"

For some reason, Situ Xiaoyue instinctively believed that Xiao Yueye must still have a way to help Xiaotian get out of this predicament.

Xiao Yueye lived up to his expectations and said with a chuckle: "What Shouhou said makes sense. According to what he said, it does seem that Xiaotian and I killed Gu Tianya."

Everyone heard that he had something to say and looked at him together. Xiao Yueye raised a smile and turned to look at the thin monkey: "I doubt that you, a little guy, can get such good martial arts? Between life and death, my palm, let alone you, even Gu Tianya Even if you don't die, you will be seriously injured. But you were able to remain intact and even Xiaotian and I couldn't notice it. What a great skill! If you had such good skills, you wouldn't be so unknown in the Yangtze Gang. Bar?"

Seeing the change in the face of the thin monkey, Xiao Yueye continued: "The hidden weapon you shot was smeared with the juice of 'bloody cold withered grass'. This kind of poisonous weed is rare in the world, how can you have it?"

When everyone heard this, they immediately stared at the thin monkey. Xiao Yueye was right. How could this thin monkey have such high kung fu? Moreover, they had also heard of the "bloody cold withered grass". It was a poisonous weed that was rare in the world. How could an ordinary member of Shouhou have such poison

As for Xie Kui, Situ Xiaoyue and others who were careful, they thought even deeper. The poison of "bloody cold withered grass" is rare in the world, but this Xiao Rong not only knows it, but can also detoxify it? His identity is by no means simple!

Kohe roared angrily, and with a sudden movement of his body, he made a sound of wind and thunder and attacked the thin monkey. At this time, the thin monkey changed his fearful and timid appearance and showed a hint of a sinister smile. Looking at Furukawa's powerful palm, he curled his lips in disdain, advanced instead of retreating, turned his palms over, and took it.

With a "boom" sound, the two internal forces collided, causing the bamboo house on the water to shake.

Furukawa "dong dong dong" took three steps back and looked at his own hands in disbelief. With his natural supernatural power and the inner strength he had cultivated for many years, he was actually forced to take three steps back.

The thin monkey laughed and flew out with the help of Furukawa's inner strength: "No need to give it away!"

Situ Xiaoyue snorted coldly and stamped her foot, causing the whole room to tilt backward. The thin monkey was about to rush out, but the door was closed tightly. He was startled for a moment, and this short delay determined his life or death.

"How can we, the Yangtze Gang, come and leave whenever you want?" Aunt Yu lightly scolded, and without hesitation in her hands, the two swing forks of her unique weapon flew out left and right, blocking the way forward of the thin monkey.

The thin monkey let out his turbid breath and looked at the six roads. The front road was blocked, and the four outer hall masters were guarding him on the left and right. With a sharp look in his eyes, he suddenly turned around and attacked Xiaotian: "I'll use you to clear the way."

Xiao Yueye's heart was shocked at this moment, and a look of sadness flashed across his eyes. He exhaled, and appeared in front of Xiaotian in a flash. The thin monkey who was facing Xiao Yueye blinked quickly with a hint of determination in his eyes. Xiao Yueye's face was calm, and she turned to one side with her hands clasped in fists as if the world was about to separate and hit the thin monkey.

Suddenly, a sudden internal force hit Shouhou's waist, knocking him to an upright position. And there, Xie Kui's hands turned into claws, his body moved rapidly, and with a muffled grunt, the thin monkey was locked on his shoulder bones.

"Who are you?" Situ Xiaoyue waved his palm and the room regained balance, he shouted sharply.

"No!" Xie Kui yelled with a frown, and hurriedly opened the thin monkey's mouth, and black blood gurgled out.

Xie Kui relaxed his hands slightly and said softly: "He committed suicide by taking poison."

Situ Xiaoyue frowned and said, "Who is he?"

Everyone was secretly guessing, but Xiao Yueye sighed deeply in his heart.

According to the original plan, the spy would not have to die. Although she didn't know his name, Xiao Yueye felt a bit of admiration and guilt for him.

If Gu Tianya had not died at that time, then the spy would have disappeared and he would have completed his mission. But Gu Tianya died. In order to continue the plan, he had to go back and sow discord. And today, he was cooperating with Xiao Yueye's acting, taking the blame on himself, so that others would not suspect Xiao Yueye. In the end, his "true identity" was revealed. He knew he couldn't escape, so he attacked Xiaotian to give Xiao Yueye a chance to show himself. In the end, in order to keep the secret, he committed suicide by taking poison.

And this spy also has another purpose, which is to give Xiao Yueye the opportunity to see the skills of the six hall masters. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle.

Xiao Yueye will never forget the voice that whispered in her ears when he attacked her: "Take care of yourself, Mr. Xiao."

After thinking about it more deeply, Xiao Yueye was extremely frightened to see Murong Liuyun sitting on the dragon chair. How many such dead soldiers does he have? They are skilled in martial arts, but they are willing to hide themselves as spies, and if the situation arises, they can take poison and commit suicide without hesitation.

He is worthy of being the king of a country. No one knows how big a network of influence he has!

The master of Dongwai Hall, who had been silent until now, coughed lightly, and everyone suddenly became quiet. Zhuge Shun, the master of the East Hall, is said to be a descendant of Wuhou and a man of extraordinary resourcefulness. He said in a low voice: "If a tree is as beautiful as the forest, the wind will destroy it. The Yangtze Gang has gained too much momentum in the past two years."

He spoke very vaguely, but everyone understood what he meant and fell silent. Xiao Yueye naturally knew that the Yangtze Gang had controlled the river in the past two years and plucking the feathers of geese, which had caused huge losses to the livelihood of the people. However, the Yangtze Gang was so powerful that it colluded with the government, and its gang members were fishermen along the river. The court had no way of punishing them severely.

It affects the whole body, not to mention that the Yangtze Gang almost controls the economic lifeline of Shuiyun Province. The ordinary people under him only believed in the Yangtze Gang and did not trust the government. The emperor tried to destroy them several times but was unable to do so, so he gave Xiao Yueye this task. No matter what method they use, they must divide the Yangtze Gang.

The emperor's original words were: "The Yangtze Gang is now a cancerous tumor. If you dig it out, people will die. If you don't dig it out, it will be harmful!"

Aunt Yu said softly: "Is he a dead soldier of the imperial court?"

Everyone was silent.

Zhou Shankou frowned and said: "So what if it's the imperial court? What can it do to us? We are all here..."

"Sixth brother!" Xie Kui scolded, and Zhou Shankou immediately fell silent.

"Okay, tell the gang leader about this and let him make the decision. Being an enemy of the imperial court is just pulling chestnuts from the fire, which is extremely unwise. I hope the gang leader can change his mind. Alas." Zhuge Shun sighed, seeming to be a little dissatisfied with what the Yangtze River Gang did.

Xiao Yueye watched with a cold eye and realized that the Yangtze Gang's actions in the past two years seemed to be the sect leader's own will. It seemed that among the six hall leaders, except for Zhou Shankou, everyone else did not agree with it.

There's drama!

"What should I do about Xiaotian?" Situ Xiaoyue asked.

Xie Kui pondered for a moment and said: "It seems that the young gang leader did die as Xiaotian said. However, although Xiaotian is not guilty, the young gang leader is dead. This is a fact. Bring Xiaotian to the gang leader and let him make the decision. Bar."

Several other people nodded, Xiaotian clasped his fists and said in a deep voice: "Xiaotian will obey the orders of all the hall masters."

Xiao Yueye's heart moved, and a very subtle internal energy was released from her fingertips, hitting an acupuncture point on Xiaotian. The latter immediately looked in pain and fainted to the ground.

"Xiao Tian!" Situ Xiaoyue exclaimed, and before Xiao Yueye could react, she appeared next to Xiao Tian and supported him.

What a fast movement! It seems that it is true that Situ Xiaoyue is a master of martial arts.

Xiao Yueye said slowly: "If you want him to die quickly, give him inner energy." As soon as he said this, Situ Xiaoyue's hand on Xiaotian's vest stopped immediately. (Quanben Novel Network