The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 154: Mother and son meet


Xiao Yueye's life experience was finally revealed, but Mrs. Xiao's final "bet" with Murong Liuyun left a lasting impression. wWw.QuANbEn-XiAoShUo.COmNow that Xiao Yueye has become the son of the current Saint, how will the trajectory of his life change in the future

But Xiao Yueye didn't know this at this time, and didn't want to think about it at all, because he was now guarding Yansha wholeheartedly. Counting the days, Yansha will give birth within these few days. With Aunt Ye and Rourou's arrangements, everyone in the "Xiao Mansion" was highly focused and prepared for everything. Xiao Yueye simply "invited" all the reputable midwives in the capital to her home. When the angry faces of the midwives saw the banknotes Xiao Yueye threw out, they all laughed so happily that they wished they could stay there forever. it's here.

"Ten taels of silver a day, and after the child is delivered naturally, each person will be given another one hundred taels!"

Yin Caiju has now become the dedicated cook of "Xiao Mansion", and she is now mainly responsible for Yansha's diet. Her cooking skills really surprised everyone, even Xiao Yueye, who had long known about her extraordinary cooking skills. Using only a few simple vegetables, the food she made is so satisfying.

"Su Jing, Xiaoye is so anxious these days. Haha, this is the first time I've seen him look like this."

"You might as well regard this as the reaction of the expectant father. Haha, Tiger, your chili pepper will be like this in a few months." Su Jing smiled, took a piece of watermelon and started to chew it, his mouth was so vague. He muttered: "Damn weather, it's so fucking hot."

Knowing that Yansha was about to give birth, Su Jing and Song Hu also rushed to "Xiao Mansion" and simply stayed. Although they are all out of concern, the former is partly coveting Yin Caiju's food, and the latter is partly concerned about Huilan.

Xiao Yue is very busy these days. He is about to become a father. He has lost his calm demeanor in the past. He is concerned about everything and nervous about everything. I always wonder if there is anything I am not prepared for. This is his first child, and he now wishes he could pluck the stars from the sky as a gift for meeting his daughter.

"Master, don't wander around like this. You're not tired. My sister and I are both dizzy." Rourou grabbed Xiao Yueye and pulled her to her side with a hint of joking.

Yansha looked at his frowning and concerned look and smiled. At the same time, she was filled with joy. She held Xiao Yueye's hand and said, "Ms. sir, don't worry. There are seven stable wives and so many servants to take care of you." , it’ll be okay.”

Xiao Yueye nodded with a smile, but her mind couldn't help but think about what else she hadn't prepared for. This was exactly like Su Jing said, the reaction of the father-to-be.

Yansha's eyes flashed, she bit her lip, looked at Xiao Yueye with a complicated expression, and said in a low voice: "Mr. sir, do you like boys or girls?"

Xiao Yueye was stunned for a moment, and at the same time he noticed the complicated expression on Rourou's face. He understood what was going on as soon as he thought about it. He held Yansha's hand tightly and said softly: "As long as it is our child, I like it. Yan'er, don't worry, I don't favor boys over girls."

Upon hearing these words, Xiao Yueye clearly felt that both Yansha and Rourou breathed a sigh of relief. In this era, just like ancient China, the idea of favoring boys over girls was very serious. With Rourou's medical skills, she might be able to know the gender of the child from the pulse, so she would worry that if the child was a daughter, would Xiao Yueye be disappointed? And whether this child will be liked by Xiao Yueye in the future.

"Xiaoye, Xiaoye!" The door was pushed open suddenly, and Su Jing rushed in. Given his skill, he was still out of breath. If he wasn't pretending, it must have been affected by his mood.

Seeing the surprise on his face, it must be a good thing. Xiao Yueye patted him and asked, "What's wrong?"

Su Jing gave a huge smile: "Xiaoye, look, who is here?"

He stepped aside and Song Hu walked up behind him. Xiao Yueye's eyes did not notice Song Hu at all. His attention was always on the middle-aged woman next to Song Hu.

The woman with a gentle smile on her face was looking at Xiao Yueye lovingly.


Xiao Yueye roared in surprise, and her eyes turned red uncontrollably. He strode forward, hugged Mrs. Xiao, and said overjoyed: "Mom, why are you here?"

Mrs. Xiao touched Xiao Yueye's face and carefully looked at the changes in her son over the past year. Although I knew what happened to Xiao Yueye from the information, there was no truth about seeing my son coming with my own eyes.

She sniffed her nose and flicked away the tears from the corners of her eyes: "Ye'er, you have lost weight."

Mrs. Xiao has hardly changed. This year's time seems to have stopped on her body. Xiao Yueyue looked at Mrs. Xiao steadily. She was full of words and questions, but now they were all stuck in her throat, and she couldn't say a word.

There is no better child than a mother, let alone a mother like Mrs. Xiao. She could see the problem in Xiao Yueye's stomach at a glance, and smiled mysteriously: "Ye'er, if you have any questions, we'll talk about it after my grandson is born. Why don't you take me to meet your newly married Yansha?"

In the house, Yansha had heard Mrs. Xiao's voice and didn't know what to do for a while. As the saying goes, an ugly daughter-in-law is afraid of meeting her parents-in-law. Although she is not ugly, she always has an inferiority complex about her past. What kind of person is your mother-in-law? Will my mother-in-law dislike me? These questions suddenly came to her mind.

"Sister, what should I do?" She looked at Rourou as if asking for help.

Rourou smiled, held Yansha's hand and comforted her: "Sister, don't worry, my mother has a great temper, she will definitely be very happy to see you."

While talking, Xiao Yueye had already led Mrs. Xiao in, and Yansha finally saw the mother-in-law who had been deified in others' mouths. She stood up in a hurry, and Rourou was frightened by the large movement and quickly supported her.

"Mom, she is Yan'er."

Rourou took a step forward and said like a little daughter: "Mom, you are here."

She had served Xiao Yueye since she was a child, and Mrs. Xiao treated her like a daughter, even more so after marrying Xiao Yueye. What's more, she also knows some of Mrs. Xiao's secrets. In a sense, Mrs. Xiao is also her master.

Mrs. Xiao touched Rourou's face and said lovingly: "Rourou has hurt you."

Turning to look at the reserved Yansha who didn't even know where to put her hands, Mrs. Xiao smiled softly and stepped forward to help her sit down, making Yansha feel flattered.

"You are Yansha, sit down quickly and be careful." Mrs. Xiao looked at Yansha carefully and nodded with satisfaction.

Although Yansha is the master of the killer organization and has always been decisive in killing in her life, at this time, she is just like an ordinary daughter-in-law, not knowing what to say.

Mrs. Xiao touched her belly and gently pulled Yansha's hanging hair to the side: "I know everything about you. You are great. I have suffered a lot for Ye'er, my child."

The last sentence "I'm sorry for you, my child" immediately made Yansha burst into tears. She felt maternal love from Mrs. Xiao.

"Mother-in-law, I..."

"Okay, don't be miserable and worry about your health. Don't call me mother-in-law. Just like Rourou, call me Shengniang." Mrs. Xiao comforted her gently, wiped her tears with a brocade handkerchief, and whispered She said something that made Yan Sha burst into laughter, with two clusters of bright red on her face.

"Ye'er, are everything ready?" Mrs. Xiao asked.

Xiao Yueye nodded: "Well, everything is almost arranged. But, mother, you'd better check it out for me. I'm afraid it will be serious if something goes wrong."

"Bah, bah, bah, good luck." Mrs. Xiao gave him a look and said, "As long as you have Rourou in your family, don't drag your mother into the water. Now she has two daughters-in-law and an unborn grandson. From now on, she will I’m so happy. Have you chosen the child’s name?”

The family's chatting made both Su Jing and Song Hu a little envious. They looked at each other, smiled and walked out.

Su Jing stretched out: "Hey, I'm so envious! It seems that having a family is not a bad thing."

Tiger nudged him with his elbow: "You, forget it. Your confidante is all over the street. Haha, if you get married, how many people will die of grief."

Everyone in the "Xiao Mansion" also heard that the legendary madam was coming, and they all talked about it. Many people who saw Madam Xiao's true face on the road introduced her to others with frothy breaths. But after Butler Kong and Aunt Ye called everyone to meet Mrs. Xiao, everyone was surprised.

I'm afraid even the concubines in the palace are not as beautiful and noble as Madam!

This is the first thought of many people.

"Mom, let's go out to eat. Miss Yin's cooking skills are amazing." Xiao Yueye said with a smile.

Mrs. Xiao nodded, held a daughter-in-law in one hand, and walked out the door.

Suddenly Yansha let out an ouch, her face wrinkled in pain, and soon she was sweating profusely. Everyone looked over and saw a pool of water under her feet, which smelled bad.

Mrs. Xiao had experience and reacted quickly: "The amniotic water has broken. It looks like she is about to give birth. Ye'er, hurry up and call Po Wen."

What happened next was, in one word, chaotic.

The seven Wen Pos who were still nibbling watermelon in the guest room were "dragged" into the room by a group of people. However, these people were all experienced and hurriedly ordered: "Prepare hot water and don't stop. Others went out and opened the windows. Open."

Xiao Yueye wanted to stay, but was pushed out by the fat Wen Po. He could only rub his hands and pace outside with a look of anxiety on his face.

The other people had the same reaction as Xiao Yueye. The maids held hot water towels in their hands and kept walking back and forth. Yansha's painful screams gradually began to be heard from inside, as well as the encouraging voices of several Wen Pos.

Hearing Yansha's scream, Xiao Yueye couldn't help but feel pain in her heart. She instinctively wanted to rush in, but was grabbed by Mrs. Xiao.

"Ye'er, don't worry, you will only cause trouble if you go in."

"Yes, young master, sister will be fine, don't worry." Rourou said firmly.

. . . . . .

"Your Majesty, according to reports from spies, Xiao Yueye's wife is giving birth." A man in black knelt on the ground and said in a deep voice.

Murong Liuyun was unnoticeably happy, and with a wave of his hand, the man disappeared.

After thinking about it, Murong Liuyun put together the memorial in his hand and said loudly: "Liu Dexi, come out of the palace with me!" (Quanben Novel Website