The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 159: A test of patience


"Stand inside.WWw.qUAnbEn-xIaosHuo.CoM"

Xiao Yueye stood in as she was told. This circle is about the size of an ordinary washbasin. After entering, there is no room for movement.

Master Di came over and said elegantly: "Xiao Yueye, I will seal off your inner strength now, don't resist."

Xiao Yueye frowned but nodded without saying anything.

After the corresponding acupuncture points were sealed, he could no longer feel any inner energy in his body. At this moment, he was almost like an ordinary person.

"Okay, now let me tell you the requirements. As long as you can stand here for three days without eating or drinking, you will be considered qualified. The three of us will look at you in turn. Start now."

Master Tian chatted with the other two people for a few words, and then the two people used Qing Kung and left. Master Tian clapped his hands, and many people wearing masks came out of the surrounding woods. They quickly set up a gorgeous tent not far from Xiao Yueye, which contained beds, tables, delicacies, and wine. .

Master Tian lay down on the soft floor, picked up a grape and threw it into his mouth. It made a continuous sound, and he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The sun is rising higher and higher, and the sky is getting thicker and thicker. There is no internal energy to adjust. Xiao Yueye is sweating profusely at this moment, but he can't hold back.

He finally understood how this test of patience was done, which was to make himself endure the sun and rain! Moreover, you have to stand up straight, do not eat, drink, sleep, or move. It is very harsh, and few people can do it.

It was almost noon, and a group of people quickly set up a bonfire around the area, grilled skillfully, and delivered portions of fragrant food to the tent.

Mr. Tian took a sip of fine wine and a sip of barbecue, eating deliciously. At the same time, he secretly encouraged his inner energy to spread the aroma of food and fine wine to the tip of Xiao Yueye's nose.

Xiao Yueye held back, even though all the clothes on his body were wet, even though the sweat on his eyelashes made his vision blurred, even though his stomach started to growl, he still didn't move.

After eating, Master Tian nodded and clapped again. At this time, a group of people came over holding several things covered with black cloth and inserted them around Xiao Yueye.

When they removed all the black cloth, Xiao Yueye closed her eyes instinctively!

So dazzling!

Also, it’s so hot!

That's right, these pieces are as tall as a human being, and they are all made of bronze mirrors, and they are very well polished.

Several bronze mirrors surrounded Xiao Yueye, and all the reflected sunlight focused on Xiao Yueye's body. The heat suddenly increased greatly, and the bright light pierced his eyes so much that he could not open them.

This move is so poisonous!

In the hot summer, ordinary people can't stand it even if they stand in the sun, not to mention the reflected light. It would be fine if Xiao Yueye's inner strength was still there, but his skill was blocked.

You couldn't see Xiao Yueye's expression in the light, but you could guess his reaction at the moment.

Master Tian smiled slightly, waved his hand, then closed his eyes and continued to fall asleep.

The people around them dispersed, and a few people continued to grill food, while blowing the fragrance to Xiao Yueye with the wind of their palms. Several others ran to the stream to play, and the sound of gurgling water penetrated Xiao Yueye's heart.

At this moment, Xiao Yueyue was dizzy and clenched his teeth to hold on. The sweat on his body was pouring down like rain, but it was quickly evaporated by the sun, leaving only white salt and frost.

Hold it back, this is just the beginning, Xiao Yueye, you must hold it back.

Time passed slowly, bit by bit. To people outside, it might just be a blink of an eye, but to Xiao Yueye inside, it was like a year.

The sunset on the west mountain has a golden aftertaste. Against the background of the valley and stream, it has a different charm. It's a pity that Xiao Yueye can't appreciate it at this moment.

His whole body ached, and his legs were almost numb. He wanted to shake them, but he held back.

Listening to the sound of water and smelling the aroma of food, Xiao Yueye felt as if he was addicted to drugs. His whole body was shaking, but he had to use great endurance to hold on.

It was getting dark, and the weather in the mountains was very strange. It was extremely hot during the day and extremely cold at night. Master Tian asked people to move the bronze mirror and started barbecue again. This time, everyone drank strong wine, sang and danced, and celebrated happily. But Xiao Yueye could only listen and watch. No matter how itchy her heart was, and no matter how much she wanted to run over and join them, she had to use her endurance to hold on.

A group of women danced seductively and slowly came to Xiao Yueye's side. They had only a few rags to cover their bodies, and their eyes were full of charming silk, fully demonstrating their physical qualities and seducing Xiao Yueye.

The body's instincts were beyond Xiao Yueye's control, and a wave of desire rose up from her navel, making her already groggy mind even more confused. Fortunately, Xiao Yueye's habit of not having sex with women he didn't like was a big help this time.

It was getting dark, fireflies were dancing in and out, and there were many cicadas chirping. All the people who were making noise dispersed, leaving Master Tian alone to pour himself a drink and look at Xiao Yueye with a half-smile. From time to time, he raised his wine glass and chicken drumsticks to signal Xiao Yueye.

The night was very cold, and the surroundings were silent. Master Tian seemed to be asleep, snoring one after another. Xiao Yueye felt like she was about to die, her stomach was so hungry that she couldn't feel anything anymore, her lips were still about to be split, and the salt and frost on her body made her feel uncomfortable. The most important thing is that his body is already stiff, and it would be a gift to be able to move.

Physical fatigue can easily breed sleepiness, but Xiao Yueye still has to use her own will to persevere, because once she falls asleep, she loses. He tried to keep his eyes open and thought about many past events in his mind to prevent himself from falling asleep.

When Xiao Yueye was engaged in the struggle between heaven and man, he didn't see the smile on the corner of Master Tian's lips.

The moonlight is like water, and there are both ice and fire. The silent night is not scary, but the cold is scary. Xiao Yueye had no inner energy to protect his body, and his teeth were chattering from the cold. He now wished that daytime would come soon, because in this way, he could warm up.

As soon as the sky dawned, Master Di flew over. He glanced at Xiao Yueye strangely, said nothing, and took over from Master Tian.

He took a book with him and read while lying on the bed with his legs crossed. There were many women with masks appearing around them. Some were rubbing their legs, some were feeding Master Di, and some were waving fans, which made Xiao Yueye's teeth itch at the sight.

However, he still shook his teeth and endured it!

The word "forbearance" has a knife on your head. If you endure it, you will win.

After the local master asked someone to put the bronze mirror in place, Xiao Yueye felt that he was going crazy. He could only close his eyes and keep thinking of all his relatives, mother, Sister Rourou, Yan'er, and him in his mind. daughter, in my heart. Only in this way can he forget time and get through it.

This time the Master was even more exaggerated. While he was letting people play with the water, he would also "accidentally" sprinkle a few drops on Xiao Yueye's face from time to time, stimulating him even more.

Sometimes it doesn't matter if you don't have water all the time, but it's the scariest thing if you get a few drops of water.

Feeling the coolness, Xiao Yueye's face was red now, veins were popping out, her eyes were spitting fire, she wanted to run to the stream and drink her fill.

But, no!

He kept comforting himself, Xiao Yueye, when you were begging on the street, you had nothing to eat for three days and three nights, didn't you just endure it

Do you want to give up

No, absolutely not!

At this moment, Xiao Yueye's eyes were in a trance, he could no longer see clearly, and there were waves of tinnitus in his ears. He clings to the purity of the mourning platform, relying entirely on his own astonishing willpower.

When the sun went down, Mr. Di asked someone to remove the bronze mirror. When he took a closer look at Xiao Yueye, he found that he was almost not human. He was in a trance, his eyes were dull, and there were streaks of salt frost on his face. His body was trembling, and his lips were still cracked. As soon as blood dripped out, Xiao Yueye licked it into his mouth.

What a strong willpower, Lord Earth exclaimed in amazement.

Because Xiao Yueye didn't understand one thing, that is, except for his legs, he could move everything else. In other words, he can squat down when he is tired, and beat with his hands when he is sore. Even if you feel itchy, you can scratch it.

But Xiao Yueye didn’t!

He stood like a soldier, straightening his back and standing tall. When the surrounding "Dragon Guard" personnel looked at him, they all looked at him with admiration.

Because Xiao Yueye conquered these people with her performance!

As night fell, Mr. Di looked at the sparse stars in the sky and suddenly had an idea: It would be great if it rained now!

Xiao Yueye knew nothing at this moment. His mind was in chaos, except for one constant thought: Persistence, persistence, persistence.

In this almost self-hypnotic state, he finally made it to the third day.

My lord, my lord, my shift.

The sun is still hot and there are no dark clouds at all. Master Di was sitting in the tent, staring at Xiao Yueye, the look of admiration and admiration in his eyes getting heavier and heavier.

What does Xiao Yueye look like at this moment

A spear that stands tall and tall!

There is no need for any external temptation and stimulation anymore. Now Xiao Yueye is completely fighting with herself.

He no longer remembered that he was participating in the test, but the persistence stirred up in his bones kept him from falling.

However, Xiao Yueye is a human being, not a god.

When the sun was at its strongest at noon, when the light reflected by the bronze mirror made everyone around them close their eyes, Xiao Yueye finally couldn't stand it anymore and collapsed!

He fell straight down and knocked over the bronze mirror beside him.

The master rushed over, carefully held him in his arms, and ran to the stream. At the same time, he ordered several people who had been prepared to come over and treat his injuries.

The high-intensity sun has damaged his skin. The long period of hunger and thirst left him in a coma.

The Lord carefully fed Xiao Yueye water little by little, not too much at this moment, otherwise it would kill him.

With a wave of his hand, a sleeve arrow flew into the sky and shot out thousands of rays of light.

Not long after, a kind of person hurriedly ran over using Qinggong. In front were Master Tian and Master Earth.

However, they did not step forward. Instead, they stepped aside, revealing Rou Rou, who was dressed in white.

"Master!" Rourou burst into tears, rushed forward, and carefully picked up Xiao Yueye.

. . . . . . (Quanben Novel Network