The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 178: Line fishing


"Zuihanlou" is a relatively large brothel in the capital. It is said that there are two hundred girls in it, and all of them are as beautiful as Xi Shi and better than Diao Chan. wWw!Qunaben!COm Although it is a lie, there is some weight in it.

The most famous thing about "Zuihanlou" is not which girl is proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting, nor which girl is more beautiful than the gods, but the way the girls serve people. Their eyes are particularly poisonous, and they can often see through the guests' innermost preferences, and thus show a style to please the guests.

What was spread privately among the guests was naturally more profound, talking about the various abilities of these women in sex. These things that are usually too shy to say out loud have become the magic weapon for "Zuihanlou" to attract customers.

On this night, the lights were still bright, the building was full of red and pink, and there were birds and birds, and the sound of music overflowed. There were some guests in the hall who couldn't bear it any longer and stood up and down. Many of them have big bellies and look similar to pigs raised in rural areas, but they like to show off their "abilities". Even if those girls feel like vomiting, they have to smile to please them for free money. Occasionally, they would gasp a few times and wink at her.

Therefore, in "Zuihan Tower", there is no shortage of wealthy owners, but basically these people are related to pigs.

It is also for this reason that several girls without guests are gathering together, gossiping about the good luck of the three sisters just now.

"That little boy is so handsome!"

"It's just, especially his eyes, wow, I almost fainted after looking at me."

"It's a pity that they picked the three of them and looked down on us. Otherwise, I would be happy to pay the price!"

These women were giggling, their mouths full of envy and jealousy, and of course a touch of melancholy. It's because a young and rich young man came into the building just now.

From their mouths, we can piece together the appearance of the romantic young man: he is quite tall, his skin is very white, he has a pair of peach blossom eyes, he is very rich, and without saying much, he asked three women to book a room. .

Seeing these girls doing nothing here, laughing and joking, the guests regard them as a piece of scenery. But the mother in the building doesn't want to do it anymore. How dare she rest without receiving customers? Suddenly she frowned, put her hands on her waist and cursed: "You little bastards, why don't you go pick up my guests?! Look, what are you looking at? What's so good about that open-mouthed guy?"

Several women separated in a noisy manner, and one of them said in a low voice: "Mom is always talking nonsense. She just likes to curl her lips to the right."

If things continue like this, maybe these girls will always fantasize about the rich young man, and maybe they can meet in a dream. But the next scene immediately changed their impressions.

A woman was crying, her clothes were in tatters, and her vagina, vagina and other private parts were exposed. Looking at her body, she was red and swollen, and there were traces of dripping wax. This woman has a messy head and clear palm prints on her face.

Everyone was shocked when they saw her like this. Even her mother hurried over and took off her cloak. She knew the situation of her "daughter". If something big had not happened, she would never stand here crying.

"What's wrong, Tweety?"

While taking her daughter to the room, she looked at the scars on her body distressedly. Oh my God, these are all money!

"Mom, he is not a human being, he is simply a devil!"

No one knew what was said next, but the girls who had been scolded by their mother when they got together just now gathered together again.

"Oh my God, didn't Sister Cui'er accompany that young man? How could it become like this?"

"Can't you see, there are many scars on my sister's body, and there are also marks from the whip!"

"Did that young master do it?"

"Oh my God, it's terrible. Fortunately, we weren't called to serve."

"There are Sister Huahua and Sister Yu'er in his room, my God."

. . . . . .

No one noticed that their chatting and guessing was overheard by a guy who looked like a boy. His eyes flashed, he ran to a deserted place and quietly released a pigeon.

Xiao Yueye came alone. When he came, he happened to see two women coming out of a room upstairs. Even though he was mentally prepared, he was still shocked.

These two women, who were supposed to be bright and charming, turned out to be haggard. Their shoulders were covered with red dripping wax, and they were naked without any covering. There were several obvious blood marks on the fair skin, as well as bruises of various sizes.

The two women who looked like mothers hurriedly got cloaks, wrapped them up, and took them elsewhere.

Xiao Yueye's face turned cold and she smiled coldly, but she didn't go upstairs. She just found a place with many people to do it. While drinking, I listened to the discussions next to me.

"Brother, who do you think is in this room? He asked for three women at once, and he still does this?"

"Hey, that's how young people are, (reprinted in this book) they like excitement. However, even I felt a little distressed after reading it."

"That's right, I know Old Wu likes this kind of taste, but I won't do it like this. Are these still human beings? The screams of these two women are so miserable!"

. . . . . .

Other things Xiao Yueye automatically filtered, judging from some information, it is very likely that the perverted thief is this person, but further research is needed.

Xiao Yueye didn't like watching men's sex, so he went to the room of the girl who had been humiliated.

After leaving the "Zuihan Building", Xiao Yueye saw the location of the room, walked around to the back, and hid outside the window with a slight movement. The shadow of the trees on the side happened to cover him, so even people walking by the road could not find him easily.

There was a crack in the window, and there were three girls sitting inside who were crying, and there were two or three middle-aged women who looked like madams next to them. They comforted him for a while and then left.

The three girls slowly stopped sobbing. They looked at each other's injuries and couldn't help but shed tears.

"I thought I caught a noble man, but I didn't know he was a devil!"

"Two sisters, if it weren't for you, it wouldn't be easy for me to run away. It's just that I have suffered a lot from you."

"Sister Cui'er, there's no need to be so polite. That man is really disgusting. He's just like a wolf in sheep's clothing."

"That guy was mentally ill. He had a large scar on his body, so he used candles to burn us."

"That's right, have you seen that there are a lot of paw prints on his chest, probably made by his wife."

. . . . . .

Xiao Yueye no longer had to listen to the rest, because he could already conclude that the perverted thief they had been trying to catch was this guy.

As for these three girls, since you have decided to eat this bowl of rice, it is your fate to meet this kind of customer. You can't blame others. Xiao Yueye didn't have that much sympathy for them.

Judging from this perverted thief's modus operandi, he was very clever in Qinggong and very vigilant, leaving no trace at all. Therefore, even if Xiao Yueye had confidence in his Qing Gong, it was better not to get close to investigate just to be on the safe side.

Since this guy visited the brothel openly, it shows that he is very confident in himself. So Xiao Yueye simply sat in the hall drinking, waiting for this guy to come out.

After hooking his hand, a boy next to him came to pour the wine. While pouring the wine, he whispered: "After investigation, this person has appeared in several brothels in the capital. I wonder if he is the person you are looking for."

Xiao Yueye lowered her eyes and waved him down. Sure enough it was him. In the past, everyone thought that the thief was a eunuch or impotent, so they never investigated the brothel.

A handsome young man like Xiao Yueye poured himself a drink, which naturally attracted the attention of others. But seeing the cold look on his face, even his mother was troubled, and no one came forward to talk to him anymore.

The surrounding scenery is still endless and charming, but at this moment, it has nothing to do with Xiao Yueye.

Seeing that Xiao Yueye kept drinking, he actually focused all his attention on the perverted thief's room.

I don’t know how long it took, but there were fewer and fewer people in the brothel. Many people hugged the girl and went back to their rooms with smiles on their faces to be happy.

At this time, Xiao Yueye, who had been drinking, became special. (Reprinted in this book bsp; It is worth mentioning that no one recognized him as Xiao Yueye after so long, which also has to show that Xiao Yueye was really He is so busy that his reputation in the capital is very famous, but few people have seen his true face.

There was a "squeak" sound on the door, and Xiao Yueye's hands tightened, and then she continued to drink her own wine, as if nothing had happened.

The perverted thief came out. He had a faint smile on his face and behaved like a polite rich man. No one could connect him with the perverted thief.

Xiao Yueye lowered her head to drink her wine, but her ears could tell that this guy's steps were a bit frivolous, but extremely light. In this daily movement, I can barely hear the sound. It is really amazing. He is definitely a master of Qinggong.

Xiao Yueye could feel that this guy was looking at her, but he pretended that he didn't feel it and continued to drink, with a miserable expression on his face, much like a person who was drunk after losing love.

Soon you could feel the scrutinizing eyes disappear. The perverted thief grunted twice and walked towards the door.

Xiao Yueye still didn't move, with a slight smile on her side.

As he expected, when the perverted thief walked behind the shade of a tree, he quickly hid his figure and then looked behind him vigilantly. Although he didn't see it, Xiao Yueye knew from the change in the wind that he had guessed correctly.

This guy is not an ordinary vigilant person!

If it weren't for this, Xiao Yueye would be ready to kill this thief with one blow.

He has learned a lot of good kung fu, but he does this to bully weak women. He is simply worse than a beast!

If you have the ability, you can challenge heroes in the world and make your way in the world with your own martial arts; or you can join the army and go to the front line to kill enemies for the country.

A dignified, seven-foot-tall man who did something like this to tarnish a woman's innocence deserved to die! (Quanben Novel Network