The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 204: Business is booming


To catch a man, you must first catch his stomach. WWw.QuanBeN-XiaoShuo.COm

This wise saying also applies to women, so when Yin Caiju's food arrived, Xiao Yueye was not surprised at all when the women wolfed it down.

"It's so delicious. Can humans make this?" Shaoyao had a round belly. She could only look at the dishes on the table with greed, but she couldn't eat anymore.

After drinking and eating, Xiao Yueye asked with a smile: "Is the room in the backyard still vacant?"

Yanniang nodded: "Yes, the young master and his wife's are both empty."

"Okay, let's rest in the backyard. Yanniang, I'll leave you to worry about what happens next in the building."

The next day, Xiao Yueye went alone to see her mother-in-law, the gentle old lady, the simple Mrs. Chen. When she saw Xiao Yueye coming, she was really happy. She was busy taking care of her high-flying son-in-law. However, after Xiao Yueye told her the reason for coming and Rourou's thoughts, although she was reluctant to leave, she decided to pack her things on the spot and prepare to go to Beijing.

I stayed in Huixian for another three days or so, shopping around with Yin Caiju, and of course eating all of Xiao Yueye's "tofu". It's not that Xiao Yueye is a gentleman, and he has delayed breaking through the best line of defense. It's actually what Mrs. Xiao said before leaving:

"Ye'er, don't bully Caiju on this journey. You should be cautious about this important matter of marriage. If you confront Caiju halfway, when you come back, think about how Yan'er and Rourou will deal with it. you."

It was such a threatening word spoken by Mrs. Xiao with a "smile" that made Xiao Yueye shudder. Moreover, Yin Caiju is also a conservative woman in ancient times, so Xiao Yueye always controls her lust with great perseverance.

Of course, whether this reason or which point is more important, you have to ask Xiao Yueye himself.

"Brother Xiao, where is our next stop?" Yin Caiju asked happily while holding Xiao Yueye.

They followed everyone's carriage all the way and just parted ways to say goodbye.

Xiao Yueye looked up into the distance, stretched out her riding whip, and said proudly: "The target is Hui Yizhou!"

The horses neighed, the wind roared, and in the heroic laughter of the heroic daughters of this group, there was a faint lingering sound:

"Brother Xiao, are you going to show me the charming Luoxian sister?"

"Yeah, yeah, drive!"

Huiyizhou is Xiao Yueye's base camp, and there are many people who are very important to him there. The most important one among them is of course his brother-in-law, Liu Fucai.

Now Xiao Yueye also knows that this brother-in-law will definitely be a powerful figure in the future. You know, he is Qiyu's successor!

So when Xiao Yueye entered Huiyi, the first person he looked for was Liu Fucai. It's a pity that Liu Fu went out after the clerk at the ticket office told Xiao Yueye.

Caiju couldn't wait to be by his side. She listened to Xiao Yueye's introduction along the way and was fascinated by the Luo Xian who "can conquer the city in one step"!

"Master, can we go to the Phoenix Tower now?"

Xiao Yueye waved her hand and smiled mysteriously: "Don't worry, let's go find a 'Ke Siyun Lai' restaurant first."


After handing over the horse to the waiter, Xiao Yueye took Yin Caiju to find a seat near the window.

"Well, that's all." Xiao Yueye ordered the food, ignoring the dumbfounded waiter, and waved him away.

Yin Caiju was a little puzzled, wrinkled her nose cutely and said, "What's so delicious about the food here?"

"If you want to be a good chef, you have to eat flavors from all over the world. 'Kesiyunlai' is a famous restaurant in the north. The dishes it cooks have a northern style. Eat and see, it will affect your cooking skills. It’s helpful. What’s more, the purpose of my coming here is not just to eat.”

When all the dishes were served, I finally understood why the waiter was so stunned. Have you ever seen two people eating and ordering more than 20 dishes? Even the table is full, and the next few dishes can only be piled up together.

"Well, this is so-so, a bit old."

"This elbow is too oily, fail!"

"The sauce is too thin, failure!"

"The fish is loose, failure!"

"You shouldn't use Huadiao, you should use Nuerhong, failure!"

Yin Caiju expressed her opinions unceremoniously. Every time she took a bite of the food on the table, she would never take another bite. Of these twenty-odd dishes, except for two vegetarian dishes that she rated as "okay", the rest were all "failures"!

The guy on the side was already speechless and speechless.

Seeing his reaction, Xiao Yueye was a little amused. He asked casually: "Man, what kind of wine do you have here?"

The waiter shook his head, came to his senses, and immediately bowed and said, "What kind of wine would the guest want to drink?"

Touching her chin deliberately, Xiao Yueye pondered for a moment and said, "I remember that for more than a year, I drank something from the Han family. What kind of wine was it?"

When the clerk heard about the Han family, he curled his lips disdainfully: "My lord, today is different from the past. No one sells the Han family's wine now. Our wines are basically "wine meets". Bosom friend’s wine.”

Even a little boy despises the Han family so much. It seems that Meng Tian and the others have done a good job! But having said that, this is Yun Mengtian's restaurant. Maybe they don't sell it here, but they can still be found in other places.

"Then you don't have Han's wine here? Where are the other pubs?"

The young boy took the money thrown by Xiao Yueye and smiled even deeper: "Sir, our restaurant seems to have several jars of 'Ye Qing', which are the most expensive wines of the Han family. They are also sold in other places, but drinking There are fewer and fewer people. You don’t know, ‘Ji Kang Fu Qin’, ‘Who’s Luomei’, and ‘Tianyi Shengshui’ from ‘Wine Meets a Friend’ are all good wines with good taste and good prices. Compared with Han’s I wonder how much better our wine is? Just try it and you’ll know.”

Xiao Yueye knew that the wines such as "Ji Kang Fuqin", "Who's Luomei" and "Tianyi Holy Water" were all high-end wines. From this guy's description, it seemed that the Han family's wines had basically reached the end of their rope. More than a year is enough to change the tastes of everyone in Weituozhou.

After thinking about it, Xiao Yueye continued to ask: "So how is the Han family doing now? As far as I know, the Han family is one of the first-class restaurants in the entire Ling Province! Where does this 'wine with a confidant' come from? Coming out of nowhere?”

This guy seemed to understand. This guest seemed to be here to inquire about the news. The waiter was very happy as he secretly weighed the money, and of course he knew everything and talked about it.

"The Han family can only be described in one word now, miserable! Guest sir, you don't know that 'Drinking with bosom friends' was opened by the third son of our restaurant, Yun Mengtian. If our young master hadn't been busy with things, I'm afraid now guests would come like clouds "It's not the eldest young master who takes care of it. Our young master is very good at doing business. Moreover, the wine produced is not only delicious, but also cheap. Most people can only buy low-quality wine at the Han family for the same money." You can buy mid-range wine at "Wine Meets Your Friend"! The Han family is very unscrupulous. They are unwilling to lower the price, but seeing that our sales are good, they actually send market gangsters to destroy the tavern that sells our wine. It's really disgusting! After that incident, no one was willing to buy the Han family’s wine. Now, except for some friends from the Han family and some old people, who wants to drink their wine?”

Xiao Yueye laughed softly. It seemed that the Han family was basically suppressed now. Xiao Yueye really admires Yun Mengtian's methods! Thinking back on it, it was really foresight to subdue Lai San and use him to rectify the entire Hui Yi gangster. This move of the Han family was so wrong!

Xiao Yueye could almost foresee that after those gangsters were deliberately arrested, they could not wait to tell the story of the Han family's leader. Maybe the real one in charge is Yun Mengtian!

But he soon discovered a doubt: "You said that your eldest young master is taking care of the 'guests coming like clouds' now?"

"Yes, but in many cases, the old club will still take care of it."

Xiao Yueye frowned. He remembered clearly that before leaving, he asked Zi Shu to kill the young master. He met Yun Mengtian's eldest brother once, and he knew at a glance that he was not a good person and would definitely hinder Yun Mengtian.

Did Zishu miss something? impossible!

Since he couldn't figure it out, Xiao Yueye stopped thinking about it. He paid the bill casually, leaving only a table of almost untouched dishes.

"Brother Xiao, where should we go next?"

Xiao Yueye tickled Yin Caiju's nose and said with a smile: "Let's stroll all the way to the 'Phoenix Tower'!"

The so-called strolling all the way meant that Yin Caiju looked everywhere and Xiao Yueye asked everywhere. When approaching the "Phoenix Tower", Yin Caiju bought a lot of small things, and Xiao Yueye also roughly understood the influence of "guests coming like clouds" now.

Because it is not yet noon, the door of the "Phoenix Tower" is closed.

Xiao Yueye knocked on the door for a long time before a sleepy turtle slave came out. Although Qingmeng was really upset when someone disturbed her, it could be seen that Luo’s mother had trained her very well. This turtle slave’s words were quite kind:

"Sir, Phoenix Tower's business started from now on. Please come back later."

Xiao Yueye said with a smile: "I'm looking for mom."

That turtle slave thought to himself, there are people looking for mother every day, who do you think you are? However, his face was still more respectful. He glanced at Yin Caiju on the side and immediately understood what Xiao Yueye meant: "Oh, you want to sell girls, right? I'm sorry, our 'Phoenix Tower' does not buy girls, please!" "

Xiao Yueye was helpless. It was really easy for the King of Hell, but the kid was so difficult to deal with. He had no choice but to take out a jade pendant he had lying around and give it to him: "Give it to Mama Luo, and he will know who I am."

It's not like Gui Nu has never seen the market before. After seeing what was said, he secretly estimated what kind of person Xiao Yueye might be. He nodded, closed the door, and went into the room to report.

After a while, even Yin Caiju, who did not know martial arts, heard the sounds and shouts inside. Then the door opened with a bang, and a woman with no makeup and a messy head ran out.

"Master?!" (QuanBen Novel Network