The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 252: Injury upon injury


Yu Huai slowly finished his story, then closed his eyes and said nothing, except for a trace of tears flowing from the corners of his eyes. WWw.QuanBeN-XiaoShuo.COmFor him, revisiting the past is undoubtedly another cut in the wound.

Xiao Yueye remained silent thoughtfully. He also knew that it was not appropriate for him to speak at this time.

For a man, cheap comfort is actually a kind of humiliation.

So Xiao Yueye was waiting for Yu Huai to come out of this complicated mood.

"Having said so much, you understand, right?" Yu Huai wiped away his tears and smiled lightly.

Xiao Yueye nodded.

"Then, can you tell me about Mei'er, me, and my daughter?" Yu Huai's voice trembled slightly when he mentioned the two of them, especially the latter. He had been in Caizhou for more than ten years, and even after recovering his memory, he still didn't know that his own flesh and blood still existed in this world.

This excitement was like a bolt from the blue. She still loves herself more fiercely than Gu Mei.

Xiao Yueye told him everything about how he met Caiju. This man had a warm expression on his face, but after hearing the suffering his daughter had suffered, he buried his head deeply with regret.

"...I came here this time just to find Uncle Yu and realize my dream of Caiju." Xiao Yueye let out a breath.

"Caiju, Caiju, daddy, daddy, I'm sorry for you!" Yu Huai said in a low voice.

"As for Aunt Gu, she met Caiju not long ago. I didn't tell her that you were still alive, but from her tone, she has never forgotten you. It's just that back then, she was a weak woman, helpless and helpless. Damn, coupled with the persecution of her father and the need to raise the fetus in her belly, she had to marry Mo Huai. It has to be said that although Mo Huai is not good in other aspects, he is sincere to Aunt Gu. Over the years, he has become a completely different person. "It's a pity..." To be honest, Xiao Yueye felt that he was like a prodigal who never comes back. Originally, Xiao Yueye had a very good impression of him, and she even jokingly doubted him. How could someone like him give birth to such a son? Unexpectedly, during the subsequent investigation, only a long sigh could be left.

"He killed my whole family. I must avenge this!" Yu Huai clenched his fists and said viciously.

Xiao Yueye sighed in her heart and kept a calm expression on her face: "At this time, after we return to Beijing, Uncle Yu and Aunt Gu will decide together. Don't worry, my son-in-law will do his best to help."

Yu Huai suddenly turned to look at Xiao Yueye with a strange expression. After looking at him for a long time, he smiled strangely.

"Uncle Yu, what's wrong?"

"I was thinking, Xiaoye is really good. You actually knew the cause and effect, but you asked me to say it myself. I am very curious, how did you know these things? How did you find out my identity and location? Not even found. .

Yu Huai's words are actually because he is curious about Xiao Yueye's identity. Xiao Yueye can do things that even the veterans of three dynasties and the current prime minister cannot do. This cannot be typed in two words: coincidence. Yu Huai was not an idiot. After thinking about it carefully, he immediately saw the fishiness in it and had such a clear understanding of the forces behind Xiao Yueye. But it was precisely because of understanding that he became more confused. According to Xiao Yueye himself, he was just an ordinary person, and now he only held a false position as COSCO envoy. Then where did his power, so vast and unfathomable as the sea, come from

This Xiao Yueye has good kung fu and such powerful power. Who is he

Xiao Yueye also understood Yu Huai's thoughts. He smiled lightly and said, "My son-in-law does have some skills, but it's hard to speak frankly now. Please forgive me, Uncle Yu."

Yu Huai was also a sensible person. He knew that Xiao Yueye must have something to hide, so he laughed and said, "Haha, since you claim to be your son-in-law, why do you call me Uncle Yu?"

Xiao Yueye was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Yes, yes, yes, my son-in-law is confused, my father-in-law."

The two men looked at each other and smiled.

"By the way, are we going back to Beijing now?" Yu Huai asked.

Xiao Yueye nodded: "Yes, Mr. Father-in-law, is there any problem?"

"Oh, I still have a lot of things to deal with in Caizhou. I'm afraid I won't be able to solve them in three to five days."

Xiao Yueye smiled: "It doesn't matter, I just took advantage of this period of time to use acupuncture to stabilize the injury of my father-in-law, so as not to be unable to withstand the pain of this bumpy situation. My son-in-law also heard about the reputation of my father-in-law along the way, and I really admire him ah!"

"It's not worth mentioning!" Yu Huai waved his hands shyly and sighed: "The person who really deserves this reputation is the teacher who saved me and taught me. He is the real good person. I am actually just relying on his reputation. , I just fulfilled his last wish. I personally don’t have such noble sentiments!”

Xiao Yueye said a few words of comfort, but was interrupted by the housekeeper who came over. The housekeeper looked at Xiao Yueye with confusion. He had no idea that his wife would have such a young friend.

However, Yu Huai said casually: "Zheng Rui, I met this little friend when I was recuperating in the temple. His name is Xiao Yueye."

"Xiao Yueye met Uncle Zheng."

Zheng Rui waved his hand hurriedly: "No need to be polite, no need to be polite. Master, the people outside have finally left, but they left all their things at the door, and you have to accept them no matter what. Because of the chaos, I can only Take it.”

Yu Huai thought for a while and said: "Well, since it's your heartfelt offer, just accept it. Then you can let the kitchen work hard to make the dishes, and then distribute them to the poor children in major academies so that they can Let’s have a good meal too. I remember there’s still enough money in the cashier’s office. You can go out and buy some more food. Also, make a meal tonight and clean the guest room a little.”

"My master is kind-hearted. Will Mr. Xiao stay here? I'll take care of him right away." Zheng Rui smiled, nodded to Xiao Yueye, and left.

"My father-in-law, you are indeed a kind-hearted person!" Xiao Yueye sighed from the bottom of her heart. If it were me, I would just accept it. I would never say that I would add some more money to cook a delicious meal for the children in the free academy.

Yu Huai smiled and said nothing more.

"Master-in-law, let me take your pulse."

Xiao Yueye closed her eyes, feeling the message from Yu Huai's pulse with her whole body, and her brows furrowed more and more imperceptibly.

When he opened his eyes, he couldn't help but sigh. Yu Huai had already been mentally prepared, but he was not too disappointed.

"How about it?"

"Well, my father-in-law was previously poisoned by fire, which resulted in severe scabies and some problems with his meridians. Then he went to the capital to fight and was seriously injured. Now he is injured on both sides, and the injuries are added to the injuries. It is so menacing!" Xiao Yueye! He shook his head and said.

"You're right. After I lost my memory, I even forgot my kung fu. How can this fire poison be cured by ordinary doctors? After I recovered my memory, I searched for elixirs everywhere, but the illness was difficult to cure. Now it's hard to cure it. I was injured, but I was actually mentally prepared.”

Xiao Yueye smiled: "Master-in-law, my son-in-law shook his head and sighed. I just said that my son-in-law's own medical skills can't cure you, but I don't mean it for others!"

"Oh?" Yu Huai raised his eyebrows: "Could it be those imperial doctors? I'm afraid they don't have such skills, right? Unless they are the three great miracle doctors who have long since disappeared."

Xiao Yueye smiled slightly: "Among the three great miracle doctors, the only female doctor, Guanyin in green, has your father-in-law heard of it?"

Yu Huai sat up straight: "Do you know Ye'er, Guanyin in green? She is also in the capital?"

Xiao Yueye nodded, then shook her head: "I do know Guanyin in green, but she is not in the capital."


Seeing Yu Huai's disappointed look, Xiao Yueye smiled again: "She is not here, but her descendant is! To be honest with my father-in-law, my son-in-law is actually one of the disciples of Guanyin in green. However, what I specialize in is using A poisonous one."

"Oh? I can't believe it, I can't believe it! Haha, it seems that God will not kill me! Then who is the successor you are talking about?"

"She is my wife, Liu Rourou, and she is also the descendant of Guanyin in Green. However, she also has a name in the world, called the Master of Feixue Pavilion."

When he heard Xiao Yueye said she was her wife, Yu Huai frowned instinctively, but after hearing Rourou's name, he opened his mouth again: "Master of Feixue Pavilion, he is the one who claims to have everything he can't buy. The news from Feixue Pavilion?”

"That's right."

"It's really unexpected, unexpected!" Yu Huai said with emotion.

Xiao Yueye smiled: "Although my medical skills are not good, I can still help my father-in-law stabilize his injury. I happen to have a few pills on my body, which will be very helpful for your injury."

Yu Huai nodded, relaxed his body, and let Xiao Yueye give the injection.

In the next few days, Xiao Yueye stayed here to help Yu Huai heal his injuries. His three-pronged approach of pricking acupuncture points with silver needles, elixirs, and internal strength healed wounds, and the results were very quick. Yu Huai's face suddenly became much rosier, and his luck improved a lot. However, Xiao Yueye knew in her heart that this was just an appearance. If she wanted to truly heal Yu Huai's injury, she would need Rourou's skillful hand.

And another thing happened that Xiao Yueye didn't expect. I don't know where the news came from that Yu Huai was about to leave Caizhou forever. Every day, the door was being knocked down. The entire Caizhou felt as if their parents had died. Everyone was helpless on the street, and many people were crying and kneeling, begging Yu Huai not to leave.

At the back, even the prefect and others came to the door and asked Yu Huai to stay. Today, Yu Huai has become the backbone of the entire Caizhou people. Without him, everyone feels a deep sense of loss.

Even in Yizhou, he hopes that Yu Huai will stay. During the more than ten years that Yu Huai was in Caizhou, all the governors who took office here were promoted the fastest in the entire Murong Dynasty. Yu Huai did not seek fame or fortune, and his deeds directly became the performance of successive eunuchs. This prefect has only been in office for less than two years. How can he let Yu Huai go? (