The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 263: A bunch of lunatics


It has been three days since Xiao Yueye returned home. wWw.QUAbEn-XIAoShUo.COm When he came back this time, he brought Yu Huai, Murong Xiu and Su Jing. As soon as Yu Huai's identity was revealed, Yin Caiju burst into tears. The two father and daughter hugged each other and told each other the past events of more than ten years. Especially Yu Huai, when he saw his daughter, he just sighed and cried, unable to say a word.

At this time, Xiao Yueye naturally gave the time to them. However, he still asked everyone who knew about Yu Huai to keep it secret. At the same time, Gu Mei was not notified, because doing so would be equivalent to declaring war with Mo Zhi in advance. Xiao Yueye was not ready yet, so she could only let Yu Huai endure it. Moreover, Yu Huai is currently injured. Although he has received the Water Spirit Holy Pill from the Millennium Turtle, it will take a while for him to fully recover.

Su Jing and Murong Xiu changed drastically after Xiao Yueye's design pierced the last layer of paper. The two of them exchanged glances along the way, which made Xiao Yueye sour. Even Yu Huai couldn't bear it and took the initiative to sit outside the carriage, giving up the space to the two of you. However, they were not as "grateful" as Xiao Yueye thought. The anger in Su Jing's eyes and Murong Xiu's unintentional resentment made Xiao Yueye yell unreasonable.

Su Jing finally let go after Xiao Yueye's previous persuasion and her previous relationship with Murong Xiu. He came back this time, firstly, to celebrate Zaixin's birthday, and secondly, to prepare to propose marriage to the emperor. In his words, everyone is mine anyway, but I am afraid that the emperor will not give it to me! What's more, Xiao Ye is still here!

Song Hu was very happy when he said this and gave a thumbs up, while Xiao Yueye just rolled his eyes.

This kid had a cold face towards Xiao Yueye along the way. Xiao Yueye felt extremely aggrieved when he acted like a victim even though he had made a lot of money. But he couldn't touch Su Jing, because as soon as he waved his fist, Murong Xiu looked at him with a "sad" look on his face. Amidst Su Jing's snickering, Xiao Yueye could only put down his fist in a dignified manner.

According to the "evil" idea in Xiao Yueye's heart, Su Jing had to suffer a little before she could marry Murong Xiu, so that she could relieve the anger she suffered along the way. But he also knew that if he did anything, Murong Xiu would definitely cry in front of his wives. Then, Xiao Yueye was naturally kicked out of bed by eight big feet.

Alas, people's hearts are not as old as they used to be!

Xiao Yueyue shook her head in the study and sighed, turning over a page in the account book.

"No, we can't let this kid Su Jing go like this, Yaya." Xiao Yueye said to herself bitterly, and suddenly an idea flashed in her mind, and a plan came to mind.

"Hey, Su Jing, good brother, just wait for this big gift from me, hahaha." Xiao Yueye's eyes lit up, an evil smile raised at the corner of his mouth, and he snapped his fingers.

If anyone who is familiar with Xiao Yueye sees this moment, they will recite the death curse several times for the person who was tricked by him. Every time Xiao Yueye puts on this expression, someone is going to be in trouble. For example, when Su Jing and Song Hu were fifteen years old. . . . . .

Liu Qianqian ran in without knocking, interrupting Xiao Yueye's vicious thoughts: "Hey, Xiao Yueye, why are you putting on such a perverted expression?"

Looking at this fellow who had traveled through time just like him, Xiao Yueye said angrily: "You are still a new woman in the 21st century, why can't you even knock on the door?"

Liu Qianqian put her hands on her waist and said, "What's so shameful about you? Are you afraid that I'll break in?"

As she spoke, her face suddenly turned red, apparently thinking of something. Xiao Yueye didn't notice her change. Instead, she lowered her head and continued to look at her account books, and asked casually: "Why are you here if you don't want to torture your mistress?"

Liu Qianqian touched her face, but she spat in her heart at the thought that had just occurred to her. She just suddenly remembered that Xiao Yueye seemed to like to have Wushan sex with his wife in the study in broad daylight. Although she calls herself a woman of the new century, she is limited to research on this topic and has not yet practiced it. She was thinking just now, if she tried to seduce the mistress here, would she succeed

The thought of her mistress made her angry. You said they are both brothers, but why are the mistresses and mistresses so different? Xiaosi and Ma Xianglan were in a passionate relationship, and they were sweet and sweet every day, making others envious. However, Xiaosan was an old antique. Before getting married, she insisted on observing the etiquette of a gentleman. Even when she was asked to kiss her, she blushed and refused. .

"This dead piece of wood." Liu Qianqian couldn't help but cursed secretly.

"What did you say?" Xiao Yueye raised her head in confusion and looked at Liu Qianqian who was mumbling.

"Oh, it's nothing." Liu Qianqian waved her hands hurriedly: "By the way, I'm here to tell you that our previous Feitianwu, Sister Fang'er, is missing someone because she wants to return to Shuiyun Province. I see the new one. Yang Yinglian seems to be good, I want to find her to join, how about it? "

"It's up to you." Xiao Yueye shrugged: "I have no objection, but if you rehearse this dance, you will perform it in my brothel in the future. You'd better make it clear to her. If she doesn't want to, don't force it."

"I know, you're the only one who talks a lot." Liu Qianqian rolled her eyes. She had already made an agreement with Yang Yinglian and Yang Yiyun with her eloquent words, but these two people had to get Xiao Yueye's consent. That's why she came for such a trip. Naturally, she didn't have a good temper towards Xiao Yueye.

Seeing her turn around and leave, Xiao Yueye coughed lightly and picked up the tea cup at hand: "Qianqian, help me pour a cup of tea."

Liu Qianqian rolled her eyes again: "Please, brother, I'm very busy! Any of your four wives can come and help you pour tea if you just call."

Xiao Yueye looked at the back of this dead girl, sighed, then touched her chin, and said to herself: "This girl is so busy all day long, if she gets pregnant, will she be quieter? Well, I There are still many Yin Yang and He San. Please help Xiaosan."

On weekdays, when Xiao Yueye is in the study, there is always a wife taking care of him. But there is a reason why it didn't happen this time. Rourou is in charge of everything in the family, from the recent one-year-old birthday to the upcoming wedding, and the voice of "Xijunzhai". In addition, Yu Huai, Xiao Qiu, and Mrs. Zhao have three major illnesses, and she is very busy. It's going round and round. Fortunately, Murong Yufeng now takes care of the family affairs, allowing Rourou to take a breather and concentrate on treating the three of them. Yansha, on the other hand, accompanied Mrs. Xiao to go shopping in the streets to buy things needed for Zhou Zhou the day after tomorrow. As for Yin Caiju, how could she care about this now? She wished she could stay with Yu Huai every day.

Therefore, Xiao Yueye became a "lonely person".

After stretching, I finally finished reading the account book. Xiao Yueye thought about it and decided to go to Yang Zhi's place to take a look. Before leaving, this group of madmen burned the design drawings that had been worked on for several months and re-conceived it, which made Xiao Yueye vomit blood. It's not like he wants you to build something immortal, but the inexplicable things in the minds of these guys make them build the most perfect brothel that can shock everyone.

Yang Zhi and other people from Qianji Sect lived in a special courtyard. This courtyard is also the one that the servants in the mansion least want to serve. It's not that Yang Zhi and others have a bad temper, and in the words of a servant: "They are all crazy here."

Indeed, in this yard, from time to time, there are sounds that are no different from wild beasts, and there are always people running around with dirty hair and red eyes, just like madmen. It's just that these are just crazy people who can shock the whole world.

Xiao Yueye opened the door and instinctively held her breath. In this room, Yang Zhi and his disciples had been fighting hard for countless days. It's messy inside, even the pig's nest is cleaner. When they heard the door, no one looked back, they all gathered together, talking happily about something.

"Look, if you dig from here, you can connect to the entire Fengyue River. Won't our previous problems be solved?"

"But, in this case, how will we proceed with the water drainage device?"

"We can just build a new sewage tank at the back and divert the water, right?"

"This is a waste of materials, and even ordinary craftsmen find it troublesome. How can it be worthy of the brothel we want to build now?"

"Then what do you think we should do? We need to use water power, and we need to separate the sewage and river water. Is it possible for people to go out and dump it every day?"

"That's why I said your plan won't work!"

"Then what do you think we should do? Do you have any good suggestions?"

"Okay, you two, stop arguing. I suggest adding a water diversion device inside the brothel to guide the water to be treated to the roof and use it to wash the entire exterior of the brothel. In this way, you can be solved That’s the problem.”

"Uncle Master is right, but we can use some water that is too dirty for irrigation. Moreover, after rinsing the exterior of the brothel, we need to wash it with clean water again, so that everything is safe."

"Well, that's right, Yang Zhi, you made a good point. The two of you are just arguing. But, Yang Zhi, just adding a water diversion device and a water reservoir will cost thousands more taels. ah!"

"It's okay. Mr. Xiao is rich anyway, so he doesn't care about that."

Xiao Yueyue was speechless. The more he listened, the more frightened he became. What on earth are these people building? There is also a water diversion device, and what kind of reservoir is there? Which brothel would need these things? Not to mention connecting to the Feng Yue River and borrowing water power, my God, why do I feel more uneasy the more I listen to it

For the first time, Xiao Yueye felt suspicious that he had arranged for these lunatics to come and build his own brothel.

Maybe, maybe, it would be better to find an ordinary craftsman. . . . . .

Xiao Yueye coughed a few times, but he didn't know that these guys didn't hear him at all. Once a problem is solved, the discussion of the next problem immediately proceeds. Xiao Yueye accidentally took a breath, her face suddenly turned red, she ran out of the house as if she was running away, and then gasped hard.

"Holy shit, they can actually stay here, and the toilet smells better than here!"

A maid ran over: "Master, are you here? Madam is looking for you!" (Quanben Novel Network