The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 266: Three levels of getting married


Murong Liuyun snorted coldly, knowing that his son was pretending to be confused. wWw.QuanBen-XiaoShuo.CoM He simply made it clear: "Su Jing, Mo Zhiqi's grandson Mo Hangyu, and Zhang Dehai's youngest son Zhang Tao, this is another kind of struggle between the three parties? How can you ask me to fulfill it? I am so All these years of balance have been ruined by you!”

"Your Majesty, what you said is too exaggerated, isn't it? I am not that capable of destroying the balance you maintain. Even if Su Jing does not propose marriage, given Xiu'er's age, this matter will happen sooner or later. Maybe it will happen sooner or later. By that time, will Li Tang Kingdom and Meng Yuan Kingdom be added?" Xiao Yueye stood up, replaced the cold tea in Murong Liuyun's cup, and handed it to him respectfully.

No matter what, the man in front of me is the king of a country and his father. I was unhappy with his attitude just now, so I made a cold gesture. It's rare that a cheap father like him is willing to be so humble. As a son, he can't be too bastard, right

Seeing Xiao Yueye handing over a cup of tea, Murong Liuyun was obviously stunned, but then he felt warm in his heart. The last trace of dissatisfaction disappeared with the drinking of tea.

The big man couldn't help but give a thumbs up, "High!"

"What you said is not unreasonable, but you have to be mentally prepared for me. How should I deal with this sudden incident? It's the most important thing now. The two people in the harem are also exposed to the wind every day. Hey ”

This is what worries Murong Liuyun the most. The marriage of a princess has always been mixed with corresponding political elements. Prince Consort, which one is an ordinary master? The reason why Murong Liuyun agreed not to let Murong Xiu get married early was because he was not ready. Murong Xiu had vaguely mentioned her relationship with Xiao Yueye on her birthday, and Murong Liuyun was also happy to see it happen, and even slightly contributed to it.

But Xiao Yueye's actions this time messed up his entire plan, so he was so dissatisfied.

You must know that the three major forces in the imperial court are the civil and military factions Wu Zhiqi and Zhang Dehai, plus the neutral faction Song Chuan. Unexpectedly, he was a veteran of three dynasties, and his prestige among some ministers was higher than that of Murong Liuyun. After so many years of business, his network of people in the court has spread all over. Although Zhang Dehai lacked some qualifications, he was the one who was strongly recommended by the veteran general Xiao Qian. This was enough to convince the entire military. What's more, he has gradually conquered it over the years and has completely taken the military into his hands.

These two people had been fighting non-stop for a long time, and with the help of Song Chuan, a rising star supported by Murong Liuyun, for a time, they became a three-legged alliance.

That being said, Song Chuan is still far behind the other two in terms of true strength.

Although I am not worried about the loyalty of Mo Zhiqi and Zhang Dehai, I cannot guarantee that these two people will secretly engage in some tricks to put pressure on Murong Liuyun! So over the years, in addition to taking the military power back into his hands and cultivating Song Chuan's forces, what he did most was balance.

Using the fight between Mu Zhiqi and Zhang Dehai to contain each other and weaken each other's power, this is Murong Liuyun's way of being a king.

But on the three issues, this balance is difficult to control. The first is the position of prince, but the title of queen, and the third is the title of consort.

Ever since the second prince was dethroned as crown prince, the minds of these two parties have become more active. Fortunately, Murong Liuyun was in his prime, and no one dared to say anything since he did not establish a throne.

As for the position of the Queen, everyone knew that the Emperor had a deep love for the late Queen, and that the First Queen was the daughter of General Xiao. Coupled with the guilty conscience of some people who thought they were poisoners, this position was vacant and no one was talking nonsense.

The last one is the position of Prince Consort. Originally, the position of a mere consort was no big deal. But who said that the entire Murong Dynasty only had such a princess! The position of Prince Consort suddenly became a popular one, and even became a bellwether in the eyes of interested people.

Not many people expressed hope for Su Jing, and more people were speculating whether the emperor would prefer Mo or Zhang this time!

This was where Murong Liuyun had a headache. The rise of Song Chuan's power was later than he expected, so now, even if he wanted to choose Su Jing, it would not be that easy. If he is not careful, his balance for many years will be destroyed.

Xiao Yueye sighed secretly in her heart when she saw Murong Liuyun's frowning expression. My father, a man of great talent and sagacity, took over the ruined country from the hands of the late emperor and made his way step by step to where he is today. But after all, he has only been in office for less than 20 years. In many cases, he still has to worry about many forces.

"Your Majesty," Xiao Yueye looked at him with a smile: "Wei Chen said that what happened this time was just a matter of several people proposing marriage at the same time."

"You kid, you are still pretending to be confused at this time...Wait a minute, what do you mean?" Murong Liuyun heard the overtone of Xiao Yueye's words, and his eyes lit up involuntarily.

Xiao Yueye laughed again, her eyes sparkling: "For ordinary people's daughters, if several people propose marriage at the same time, they will ask some questions and requirements to test each other. When the royal family recruits a consort, although the status and meaning are different, to put it bluntly, Well, isn’t it just about marrying your daughter? If you want to marry Xiuer, you can do it according to your own ability and it has nothing to do with anything else.”

Murong Liuyun's frowning brow suddenly relaxed: "That's right, you kid, you are indeed amazing. But I thought too much and worried over and over again, but I forgot the simplest method. In this way, no matter it is It’s none of my business.”

The doubts in his heart were all resolved at once, and Murong Liuyun felt much better. He couldn't help laughing and patted Xiao Yueye's shoulder repeatedly.

Xiao Yueye smiled and let Murong Liuyun pat her, which made the latter feel even happier. Because Murong Liuyun felt that his son seemed to be slowly accepting him.

"Good boy, I think you must already have a plan, right? Stop being so secretive and tell me!"

Xiao Yueye touched her nose and showed a strange smile. Su Jing, who was teasing Song Hu's son in the Xiao Mansion, shivered for no reason.

"Your Majesty has remembered that before I entered the Dragon Guard, I had to pass three levels." Xiao Yueye said slowly, and glanced at the world and the people. The three old guys immediately avoided their eyes and looked at their noses and their hearts. .

Old fox, I will have plenty of opportunities to take revenge in the future, hehe.

Mr. Di just muttered in his heart: "This boy is really a master who doesn't suffer any disadvantages. I still remember things that happened so long ago. It seems that I will have to find an excuse later and avoid talking for a while."

Murong Liuyun smiled and nodded, but quickly raised his eyebrows and said: "If we talk about a literary and martial arts competition, I am afraid that neither Mo Zhiqi nor Zhang Dehai will agree. Su Jing is first in terms of literary talent. In terms of martial arts, Su Jing is still the best, although these two old guys may not know that Su Jing knows kung fu. "

Xiao Yueye snapped her fingers: "That's right. Su Jing is the world-famous Wen champion. If it were a Wen competition, he would definitely take the first place. As for Lun Wu Gong, on the surface, Zhang Tao is better. So it's unpredictable. He will definitely not agree with this method. Considering Zhang Tao's literary talent and confidence in winning, he will probably vote against it, so he can give up directly on both methods."

In fact, if Murong Liuyun announced a civil and military competition, Mo Zhiqi and Zhang Dehai would not dare to object no matter how reluctant they were. After all, it’s not their turn to speak! But Murong Liuyun wanted to make a statement, that is, he was impartial. Therefore, he had to leave Mo Zhiqi and Zhang Dehai speechless.

As for Xiao Yueye's thoughts, I'm afraid Su Jing was mostly concerned. . . . . . .

"So what do you think?"

"This time, the emperor is looking for a son-in-law for his beloved princess, only based on his infatuation with the princess. Therefore, the method of choosing a son-in-law can be a little different." A fox-like smile appeared on Xiao Yueye's face.

Then when he whispered his plan, the expressions of everyone present did not change. The local master chanted Amitabha Buddha crazily, and made up his mind to find an excuse to hide away later.

This guy is not helping to recruit a son-in-law. He is simply teasing people, and doing so in a life-threatening way.

. . . . . . .

The news that the emperor had already decided on the princess's marriage spread throughout the palace, and naturally also reached the ears of the princes and ministers. The emperor had not expressed his stance before, which made everyone anxious. Especially the person involved is like an ant on a hot pot every day.

However, after carefully inquiring about the emperor's decision, everyone was disappointed to find that they still had to wait until tomorrow's announcement at the Jinluan Palace.

The second day, Jinluan Hall.

Murong Liuyun sat majestically in the main hall. After waiting for a few ministers to submit the memorial, he knew that everyone was waiting to resolve the princess's marriage.

"Come, princess, please come into the palace." Murong Liuyun did not say directly, but instead sent someone to bring in Murong Xiu, who had been waiting outside.

Murong Xiu was wearing a noble princess robe, with tassels on both sides swaying as she walked, and the long veil held behind her made her look like a fairy.

"My son, I will meet my father."

"Well, please lie down and sit down."

After Murong Xiu sat down dignifiedly, Murong Liuyun looked at everyone. At this moment, Su Jing, Zhang Tao, and Mo Hangyu couldn't keep their eyes off the radiant Murong Xiu. Especially Su Jing, who never blinked. After returning to the capital, he finally understood what it means to not see someone for a day, as if it had been three autumns. And when he felt the blazing gazes of the other two, a violent energy rose in his heart, and he wanted to tear them apart.

"My dear friends, the princess's marriage cannot be delayed. Su Jing, Zhang Tao, and Mo Hangyu are all among the best, so it is really hard for me to make a decision. After thinking about it for so many days, I finally came up with a solution."

"The Emperor's Holy Might."

Murong Liuyun had a smile in his eyes, glanced at the dignified Murong Xiu, sighed and said: "I only have a daughter like the princess, and I have loved her since she was a child. Her marriage is also a big worry for me. Royal Married Daughter , In fact, it is not much different from ordinary people. The three beauties are so talented that it is difficult to judge. So I thought about it and decided that as long as I can pass the three levels, I will win. "

An old minister with a white beard stood up tremblingly: "Your Majesty, may I ask what the three levels are?"

"You will know this when the time comes."

"What if all three of them pass?"

A strange smile appeared on Murong Liuyun's face: "When the time comes, I will test it again. Three days later, at the Forbidden Army Training Square, I hope that all my dear friends will come together."

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