The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 267: Three levels of metamorphosis (1)


Ever since Murong Liuyun made the announcement in the main hall, the three parties' minds became more active. wWw!qUAnbEn-xIaosHuo!CoMThe Eight Immortals crossed the sea and showed their magical powers. Their eunuchs, princesses, and concubines in the palace all asked around, but in vain. Even if Murong Xiu asked in person, Murong Liuyun would shake his head mysteriously and say nothing.

Moreover, if there is to be a three-level test, you must at least prepare something. But Murong Liuyun did nothing, and the Forbidden Army's training square remained the same as before.

All of this makes everyone confused. But it also cut off any thoughts of luck in their hearts. Candidates from all three parties are gearing up and improvising.

Su Jing was also smart. When he got down from the palace, the first thing he did was rush to Xiao Yueye. But Xiao Yueye had been prepared for it a long time ago and ran to nowhere early in the morning. Even if Su Jing was itching with hatred, there was nothing he could do.

Three days later, the Forbidden Army drilled in the square.

One hundred thousand imperial troops were stationed inside, forming a square formation. A large area of land was vacant in the huge Forbidden City Square. The temporary seats were filled with civil and military officials. In the right position, the royal family sat one after another. Even the Queen Mother, who never came out, sat next to Murong Liuyun this time, with an indifferent expression, but she always looked at her unpredictable position.

The three candidates, Su Jing, Zhang Tao, and Mo Hangyu, all dressed in smart attire, stood in the middle of the venue with their backs straight, facing everyone's gaze. Judging from their expressions at this moment, Mo Hangyu was a little lacking and his expression was a little reserved. Come to think of it, Su Jing was the first scholar and was now a high-ranking official in the province, so he naturally looked down upon this kind of battle. As for Zhang Tao, he had lived in the army with Zhang Dehai since he was a child, and he also developed iron-blooded nerves. Only Mo Hangyu, although Mo Zhiqi also focused on training such a grandson, was not as good as the previous two.

The wind blew by with a low whistling sound, and the dust on the ground swirled. The flags on the field were buzzing, and there was a bit of a chilling atmosphere out of thin air.

No one spoke loudly, all the civil and military officials were whispering. At the royal table, Murong Xiu tightly clutched the brocade handkerchief in his hand. Although she had confidence in Su Jing, this time, her father seemed a bit mysterious, and even she didn't know how to test him.

Murong Jingde and Murong Gong were sitting on the left and right next to their mother and concubine. Murong Gong looked indifferent, occasionally looking at Mo Hangyu and smiling. Murong Jingde, on the other hand, was smiling, looking like he was watching a good show.

"Your Majesty, you've been sitting here for so long, why haven't you started yet?" The only one who dared to speak so rudely was the Queen Mother.

Others among them also had this idea. They have been sitting here for almost a quarter of an hour, why haven't they started yet. But the emperor didn't speak, so how could they dare to say anything.

Murong Liuyun nodded towards the Queen Mother respectfully: "Mother, please be patient and calm."

Most civil and military officials in the court knew about the quarrel between him and the Queen Mother. The Queen Mother was unpredictable sister, and she was not Murong Liuyun's biological mother, so she always favored her natal family. I am very dissatisfied with the emperor's behavior over the years. When Murong Liuyun first came to the throne, she was still able to point fingers and try to interfere in the government affairs. But as the saying goes, if you don’t have diamonds, you can’t do porcelain work. The Queen Mother did not have that kind of courage and ability. After a few months, she was forced by Murong Liuyun to give up and "maintain her old age" with peace of mind. At that time, Mrs. Xiao was still the queen and controlled the harem, which was equivalent to excluding the queen mother.

Murong Xiu is the daughter of Concubine Lian Mo, and is related by blood to the Queen Mother. Originally, according to their intention, they were planning to marry Murong Xiu to Mo Hangyu of the Mo family. But who knew that Murong Liuyun would ignore their wishes and insist on setting up such a test. This made the Queen Mother feel shameless, and she smashed countless antiques in Cining Palace to feel discouraged.

Seeing that Murong Liuyun didn't want to talk more, the Queen Mother smiled and turned her face away, elegantly holding up the tea cup to hide the gloom in her eyes.

Murong Liuyun's expression remained unchanged, but he snorted coldly in his heart: Do you think you can still stand up? Feel free to be your queen mother, otherwise don't blame me.

From Murong Liuyun's attitude, we can actually see his fear and dissatisfaction with the Mo family.

It's just that Murong Liuyun sat here without saying a word, actually he was secretly worried. why? Because Xiao Yueye hasn't arrived yet. In order to ensure that no one would know the contents of the three levels in advance this time, Xiao Yueye was secretly responsible for everything.

"Isn't this kid already asleep?" Murong Liuyun secretly guessed, glanced at the anxious crowd, and sighed calmly.

Soon, his worries disappeared. Because Xiao Yueye is here.

Xiao Yueye, as a junior COSCO envoy in the eyes of hundreds of officials, quietly stood in a remote location. People who didn't know better thought he was going to the latrine! Murong Liuyun had been looking for him. When he saw Xiao Yueye's gesture, he knew that everything was done and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Murong Liuyun coughed lightly and made a quiet gesture. Suddenly the whole place was silent, and even the sound of breathing was drowned in the wind.

"My dear friends, today is the day to recruit a son-in-law for my princess Murong Xiu. My dear friends may be wondering, there is nothing here, how to choose who will be my quick son-in-law?"

Murong Liuyun smiled faintly, took Murong Xiu's hand and walked slowly to the front, and said loudly: "Su Jing, Zhang Tao, Mo Hangyu."

"Wei Chen is here!" they said in unison.

"What do you think of my daughter?" Murong Liuyun said this unexpectedly, and then pushed the shy Murong Xiu forward.

The three of them didn't know what the emperor meant and were speechless for a while, fearing that they had said something wrong.

Murong Liuyun laughed: "You want to marry my daughter, don't you have any idea in your heart?"

Su Jing was the first to realize it, then he took a step forward and clasped his fists and said, "The princess is lively and kind-hearted, and she is smart and elegant."

Zhang Tao said: "The princess is a proud daughter of heaven, and her country is beautiful and fragrant."

Mo Hangyu said: "The princess is dignified, virtuous and elegant."

What the three said were actually empty words, but Su Jing's words were somewhat close to the truth. Murong Liuyun didn't respond much to their compliments or answers. Instead, he looked at the three of them and said, "Do you know why I held these three tests this time?"

"Wei Chen doesn't know!"

Murong Liuyun scanned the entire audience, especially taking a deep look at Mo Zhi and the other three, and then said loudly: "I am surrounded by people all over the world, but I only have one daughter. For me, recruiting a prince-in-law is not based on family background. , It’s not about knowledge or martial arts, it’s about whether you can give the princess happiness, so this time, regardless of martial arts, I have three levels, and the one who succeeds will be my son-in-law who rides the dragon.”

These words shocked the heart of those who were interested, and they instantly understood what Murong Liuyun meant. This time, he made it clear that he would not favor any party and completely let the three of them rely on their own abilities. However, they are all speculating in their hearts, what kind of test can achieve such an impartial effect

"Come here!" Murong Liuyun clapped, and immediately a dozen people dressed as Imperial Guards came up carrying a huge thing covered with black cloth. Everyone in the audience screamed strangely, and then covered their noses with their hands.

"What is this, so smelly?"

"I can't stand it, I want to vomit."

The royal family on the stage were even more disgusted, and several concubines vomited on the spot. The entire arena was filled with a foul stench, and many flies followed it.

What was different from the reactions of these people was that the dozen or so forbidden troops did not change their expressions. This made the Forbidden Army coach sitting on the side nod secretly, thinking that after the search is over, he must look up the names of these people and then promote them.

But when he went to check afterwards, he found that he couldn't find it at all, and he could only think that it was the emperor's person.

And these dozen people were naturally disguised as Dragon Guard subordinates.

They placed their items in the middle and fell to their knees.

Although Murong Liuyun was mentally prepared, he was still so overwhelmed by the stench that he couldn't find the southeast, northwest or northwest. The queen mother, concubines and others around him all covered their noses with sachets and brocade handkerchiefs. Even the two princes couldn't bear it and asked for sachets from their mothers and concubines.

After getting used to it, everyone took a look at a strange thing: it was about three feet long, more than one foot wide, and five feet high. It was covered with a black cloth, but the stench was really unbearable. Several pampered people have already fainted.

Following these people, several more people came forward carrying three large tanks. This time everyone could see clearly that there was clear water in the tanks.

Could it be that this is the first test

Murong Liuyun nodded and waved his hand. The dozen or so forbidden soldiers stood together and then unveiled the big black cloth with expressionless faces.

There was an uproar, plus the sound of many people vomiting.

The faces of those who persevered were blue, especially those who vaguely guessed what the test was.

In such a pool-like thing, it is filled with mixed **. On the surface of these bodies, you can see feces, leftovers, animal internal organs, mud, dead branches and leaves, and some strange things that have been soaked and lost their appearance. At the top, flies were flying, and many maggot-like objects were squirming.

There were countless sounds of vomiting and fainting on the ground. The Dragon Guard members who had been prepared took them away from the scene.

Murong Liuyun slowly mobilized the zhenqi in his body to resolve the discomfort caused by the stench. Although he had been mentally prepared for a long time, at this moment, he still had to curse: "Pervert!"

Yes, my son’s thoughts are really perverted!

The Queen Mother's face was filled with lust, and something was tumbling in her stomach from time to time. Her voice came from the sachet in her hand: "Your Majesty, this, this, this?"

Murong Liuyun said loudly and expressionlessly: "The first level is this!"

Su Jing and the other three people, who had already guessed, were all shaken, and then their faces were livid. Su Jing, on the other hand, fired directly at the entire audience, and when he saw Xiao Yueye with a faint smile on his face, his teeth started to itch with hatred.

At the same time, Song Hu's eyes also found Xiao Yueye, and then looked at Su Jing, whose face was ashen, and could only chant Ami Camel Buddha wildly in his heart: "Su Jing, Su Jing, how did you offend Xiao Ye? Is he playing with you like this?”

Others didn't know it, but Su Jing and Song Hu knew at a glance that it was Xiao Yueye's idea.

why? The story starts when they were young.

At that time, Su Jing and Song Hu were eleven years old, and Xiao Yueye was ten years old. They can also be regarded as the three little bullies in Hui County. However, Xiao Yueye also has her own bottom line, which is not to bully ordinary people. Once, the son of a wealthy businessman in Hui County offended them and cursed them. Originally, there was fighting among the children, so a beating would be enough. But Xiao Yueye hated him for being dirty and insulting Mrs. Xiao, so she came up with a way to punish her.

In rural areas, there are very few toilets. But there are usually quite a few near the fields. Because it was set up by farmers to collect excrement. Those with experience should understand that the feces in such toilets are filled with a large tank buried in the soil.

Xiao Yueye used this to make a fuss. He endured the stench, led Su Jing and the others to cover the surface of the large tank with soil and weeds, making it similar to the surrounding area.

Then they deliberately lured the rich young man to chase them. They stepped over the tank filled with feces, but the rich young man fell directly into it. Although the tank is not deep, it cannot drown anyone. But soaked in feces, the rich young master no longer dared to mess with Xiao Yueye and the others.

This past incident was originally a joke in the hearts of the three brothers, but when it echoed now, Su Jing was cold, Song Hu was sighing, and Xiao Yueye was naturally proud.

"No way?" After hearing Murong Liuyun's words, all the civil and military officials present who could still hold on looked at each other. This damn thing is going to vomit to death from such a distance, so these three people. . . . . .

Song Chuan, who was unpredictable, and Zhang Dehai, whose faces were ashen, looked at each other from afar. They finally understood why Murong Liuyun had the confidence to be impartial.

Murong Liuyun took out three pearls from his arms and tossed them casually. The three pearls fell into the pool without even bubbles popping up.

"The first level is to find the pearl within one stick of incense." Murong Liuyun spoke slowly, and at the same time motioned to the eunuch beside him to light the incense.

"After you find the pearls, you can clean them in the tank over there. Of course, if you can't stand it, you can give up." Murong Liuyun then added, and then listened to the sound of gongs and drums and started.

No one shouted cheers, and the scene was eerily quiet. Everyone stared closely at Su Jing and the three of them, and then looked at the cesspit that made them want to vomit just by looking at it.

To go inside and find that little pearl, wouldn’t it mean that everyone has to dive down there

Oh my God!

The three protagonists' eyes met for the first time. The three of them were pretty good, but their faces were livid and they didn't feel like vomiting yet.

Su Jing gritted his teeth, glanced at Murong Xiu who was watching him on the stage, and walked into the pool with his eyes closed, causing an uproar in the entire audience.

If you do it, then do it to the end. Su Jing stopped squirming and resisted the urge to feel sick. Then she thought about the location where Murong Liuyun dropped the pearl just now. Then she took a deep breath and dived her whole body to the bottom of the cesspit.

No matter who was present, although they were disgusted, they all cheered for Su Jing in their hearts. The same is true for Mo Zhiqi and Zhang Dehai.

Zhang Tao and Mo Hangyu looked at each other, and the former suddenly smiled: "Master Su, any scholar can do it. As a soldier, Zhang Tao, if I don't even dare to do this, wouldn't it be ridiculous?"

After he finished speaking, he strode into the pool, gritted his teeth, and dived into the bottom of the pool.

Among the three, only the last one, Mo Hangyu, was left. He was different from Su Jing and Zhang Tao. Su Jing grew up in the countryside and was somewhat prepared for these things. And Zhang Tao is a soldier. When he goes into battle to kill the enemy, he sometimes has to dig through some mud. But Mo Hangyu is a typical proud man, and he won't eat even if his bowl is dirty. It would be better to kill him than to put him in the pool.

His face was livid and uncertain, and he wanted to give up directly. Although Murong Xiu's country is beautiful and fragrant, there are so many beautiful women in the world? But when he looked at the unpredictable figure sitting on the seat, he decided to give it a try.

He knew that if he abstained, he would not only lose this opportunity, but also lose his qualifications as the heir to the Mo family.

His body was trembling as he walked towards the pool step by step, his facial muscles trembling. When he stood with his whole body in the pool, the stench-filled vagina had spread to his chest. In front of him were animal entrails and floating feces.

Mo Hangyu was shaking all over and couldn't bear it anymore. He rushed out like a madman and jumped into the large tank of clear water.

"Mo Hangyu abstains!" The old eunuch announced Mo Hangyu's defeat in a draconian voice.

Mozhiqi, who was sitting at the table, sighed and said nothing.

A head suddenly appeared in the pool, but no one could see who it was? Is that the head? It was all covered with feces, and there was also a rabbit's body. The face was dark and turbid, and I didn't know what was there. The man seemed to take a breath and dive into the water again. Someone with sharp eyes saw that when he inhaled, it seemed that something on his face was also sucked into his mouth. . . . . .

Judging from the time, this person should be Su Jing.

Murong Xiu had already forgotten the stench on the stage, because she knew that her stench was incomparable to Su Jing's.

Then another head popped up, and after taking a breath, it quickly sank again.

Bubbles kept bubbling in the pool, and no one spoke.

Xiao Yueye stood aside, the smile in the corner of her eyes had faded, and she said in a low voice: "Su Jing, Su Jing, don't blame me for doing this. Only in this way can all interested people shut up and you can marry safely. Come on, Xiu'er! Hold on, I believe in you!"

The incense beside the old eunuch was more than half burned, and both Su Jing and Zhang Tao took a breath several times during the process. As time passed, the people present gradually got used to the stench, and all their eyes were focused on the pool. Everyone had to admit that these two people were heroes.

Especially Su Jing!

In the eyes of everyone, he is a liberal arts champion with no power to restrain a chicken. But he dared to take the lead and rush into the pool first. This courage and courage are shameful and admirable.

"This kid is a talent!" Murong Hui, who was sitting next to him, nodded secretly.

Once again, a head popped up. Just when everyone thought he was going to continue sinking, they watched him step out step by step, then raised his hands.

Pearl, he found the pearl!

"Su Jing, it's Su Jing!" Song Hu screamed, immediately causing the audience to cheer.

Su Jing put the pearls on the old eunuch's plate, and then walked into the large tank of clear water. Mo Hangyu next to him looked at him with admiration and said nothing.

The incense is almost gone. Can Zhang Tao find it? (Quanben Novel Network