The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 271: Under control


Murong Xiu's tears and cries added a solemn and sad atmosphere to the entire contest. wWw.QUAbEn-XIAoShUo.CoMHer cry brought Su Jing a moment of surprise and a smile.

Su Jing took a deep breath and fixed his eyes on the location of Chai. Then his right hand almost turned into a phantom and he quickly reached into the iron cage.

Then, with a sharp stroke of his left hand, he closed the small door, and the viper, who was about to rush out, slammed into it.

No one spoke.

Su Jing suddenly smiled, very happily. He held the hairpin in his right hand high and said loudly: "I got it."

No one cheered.

Because a trace of blood slowly left on Su Jing's hand, and the color of the blood was black.

There was no blood on the hairpin and the poisonous snake was not injured.

Then, there is only one possibility, that is, Su Jing was bitten.

The whole place was quiet, and the wind blew violently again, blowing the flags loudly. The howling wind stirred up the dust on the ground, made a strange sound, and then went nowhere.

"Xiu'er, I, I got it." Su Jing showed a huge smile, held up the hairpin in his hand, and walked towards the seat of honor one step at a time.

But as he moved forward step by step, the drops of blood behind him shone with a strange light.

Murong Xiu screamed, struggled violently, almost rolled down and climbed up, and hugged Su Jing tightly the moment he fell.

Black blood came out of Su Jing's eyes, nostrils, and ears. He coughed lightly, and a stream of blood spurted out, covering his whole body.

"No, no, Su Jing, please, no." Murong Xiu's face was filled with tears, as if she was a bit demented, and she hurriedly wiped the blood from Su Jing's face. But the bleeding couldn't be stopped, and the more I wiped it, the more it flowed.

Su Jing showed his white teeth, used his last strength, inserted the hairpin in his hand into Murong Xiu's head, coughed several times, and spit out blood uncontrollably.

"very beautiful."

Murong Xiu hugged him tightly: "Yes, very beautiful, very beautiful. Don't worry, I will be so beautiful every day from now on. Su Jing, don't worry, please, even if you go to a brothel again, I don't care." Please. Please, please.”

Su Jing could no longer open his eyes wide. His blood-covered hands wanted to touch the tears on Murong Xiu's face, but when he reached them in mid-air, they fell heavily.

(Reader: Is Su Jing dead? 5555555555 Bu Nu: Shit! He’s dead, is he still singing?)

"No! Su Jing, wake up, please, wake up! Doctor, doctor! Please, save him, save him!"

Imperial Physician Yao, who was standing aside, did not move. He just sighed heavily with a sad look on his face.

Murong Xiu burst into tears. At this moment, no one would blame her for not observing court etiquette. Everyone was moved by her affection and regretted Su Jing's departure. Some women even wiped away tears, intoxicated by this touching love.

"If you continue to strangle him like this, even if Su Jing doesn't die, you will still strangle him to death." Qingyue's voice sounded softly in Murong Xiu's ears, pulling her back from her almost crazy state of mind.

Just like seeing a person trapped in the desert suddenly find it raining, looking at Xiao Yueye's faint smile, Murong Xiu was suddenly overjoyed: "Brother Xiao, please save him, Brother Xiao, please save him."

Xiao Yueye nodded, looking at Murong Xiu crying and sad, she secretly wondered if she had done something like this

He motioned Murong Xiu to stand aside, then checked the wound, quickly tapped a few of Su Jing's acupuncture points, and at the same time took out a pill from his body and gave it to Su Jing to take. But at this moment, Su Jing was worse than Qi Ruoyousi, so how could he take medicine.

Xiao Yueye frowned and said to herself: "I can't take this medicine, what should I do?"

Upon hearing this, Murong Xiu hurriedly came over, took the pill from Xiao Yueye's hand, put it into her mouth, and then kissed Su Jing.

When all the officials saw this formation, they all started talking. Among the members of the royal family sitting on the table, Concubine Lotus Mo's face was filled with frost, the eldest prince looked indifferent, Mrs. Zhang had a gloating smile, and Murong Jingde frowned.

As for Murong Hui, who was sitting at the end and drinking wine, he paused his hands and said in a low voice: "This little girl, I do underestimate her."

Murong Xiu couldn't care less about etiquette at this moment. Saving Su Jing's life was the most important thing. After she took the pill to Su Jing by mouth, she asked hopefully: "Brother Xiao, will Su Jing be fine if he takes this pill?"

Xiao Yueye smiled bitterly: "It's not that simple. I can only save his life for an hour."

Murong Liuyun and Xiao Yueye had colluded with each other a long time ago. At this moment, he pretended to say: "Xiao Aiqing, do you have any panacea that can save Su Aiqing?"

Xiao Yueye shook her head: "Back to the emperor, even the Imperial Palace Hospital is helpless to deal with this kind of poison. How can I, the humble minister, do anything about it?"

"Then what did you give Su Aiqing?"

"It's a life-saving pill that can save Su Jing's life for an hour. Your Majesty, your wife has done some research on Qihuang's technique. I hope that I can bring Su Jing home and let Zhuo Jing give it a try." ”

Murong Liuyun pondered for a moment and asked doubtfully: "Can your wife be cured of this kind of poison?"

"It's just human affairs." Xiao Yueye shook her head decisively. This is not the time to be in the limelight. You have to be low-key. Even if it can be cured in one day, it will take ten days and a half. The entire capital must know that Mr. Su Jingsu's life is in danger and he may die at any time. Only in this way can Xiao Yueye's goal be achieved.

Murong Liuyun waved his hand to signal the Queen Mother not to speak, and said decisively: "Come here, prepare the carriage, Xiao Aiqing, Su Aiqing will be left to you. Hope, hope, hey!" Murong Liuyun sighed sadly, with a hint of hope that Su Jing could Being saved without any hope.

Xiao Yueye cupped her hands with a heavy look on her face. Song Hu also ran over and carried Su Jing on his back without saying a word. As for Murong Xiu, she glanced at Murong Liuyun on the stage, who sighed and waved for her to follow.

"Your Majesty!" Her daughter, who was already crying unbelievably for a man, now followed him. How could Mrs. Mo tolerate this

Murong Liuyun waved his hand and interrupted her: "Maybe this is the last time we meet. Let her go. Do you want to force Xiu'er to death?"

Mrs. Mo held the brocade handkerchief in her hand fiercely. Inadvertently, she happened to see Mrs. Zhang's proud smile, and the anger in her heart became even stronger. Deep down in her heart, she scolded Su Jing and Murong Xiu countless times, wishing that Su Jing would die on the road.

It's really surprising that a good marriage recruitment competition ended up in this situation. No matter what, the story of the young governor who bravely died for the princess soon spread throughout the capital. I don’t know who is spreading the news, but Su Jing’s heroic performance in the competition has become known to everyone. Those storytellers were all talking so hard that they were frothing at the mouth.

Ignoring these, the Xiao family is currently enveloped in a depressing atmosphere.

Rourou looked at Su Jing, whose face was full of black anger, and felt her pulse with a serious expression.

"How is it?" Xiao Yueye asked nervously from the side. Although he had made preparations in advance, this was a matter of human life and there was no guarantee that something unexpected would happen.

Rourou slowly lowered her pulse: "The poison is very strong and has already flowed to the eight extraordinary meridians. Fortunately, the heart is protected by the young master's true energy."

Murong Xiu was at the side, holding Su Jing's hand tightly as tears kept falling down. Murong Yufeng was holding her hand and comforting her in a low voice.

"It's strange. In the past three days, didn't I follow Brother Xiao's instructions and use all the anti-snake venom herbs to make a medicated diet for Su Jing to eat? How could he still be poisoned?" Yin Caiju was very confused at the side. According to her judgment, if she ate those medicinal foods and was bitten by a snake, nothing serious would happen. Her face soon turned a little worried, and she said in a low voice, "Could it be that Su Jing died because the chrysanthemum picking was not done well?"

Yansha touched her head and said comfortingly: "Don't worry Caiju, this is none of your business. Your medicinal diet can detoxify ordinary poisonous snakes, but this Green Star Black Viper is extremely poisonous."

"Will Su Jing die?" Yin Caiju said, blinking.

Yansha smiled calmly: "Don't worry, my husband is here, everything will be fine."

"I have given him life-sustaining pills and sealed several acupuncture points in his heart. How come the toxins are still circulating so fast?" Xiao Yueye said in confusion.

"I'm afraid it's because the car was bumpy on the road. I don't know the medicine for this kind of poison." Rourou sighed and said.

"Sister Rourou, I beg you, I beg you, you must save Su Jing." When Murong Xiu heard Rourou saying that there was no solution, her heart suddenly went cold and her body went limp. If it weren't for Murong Yufeng's support, If she didn't hold her, she might have fallen to the ground.

Rourou said hurriedly: "Xiu'er, don't worry. I mean, just because I don't know the medicine, it doesn't mean I can't save Su Jing."

Yan Sha also came over, held Xiu'er's hand, and at the same time, together with Murong Yufeng, helped her to the chair next to her. She glanced at Xiao Yueye angrily, and then said to Murong Xiu: "Xiu'er, don't worry, Su Jing will be fine. It's all my fault, he planned all of this."

"Ah?" Murong Xiu's face was full of tears and she looked at Yansha in confusion.

Murong Yufeng wiped away the tears on her face distressedly, glared at Xiao Yueye with dissatisfaction, and added: "Actually, these three levels were all designed by Xiao Lang. Do you think that if he designed it, something would happen to Su Jing?" A few days ago, Caiju made some medicine that could resist snake venom and gave it to Su Jing. It's impossible for Su Jing to go to Xiaolang and Sister Rourou."

"Huh?" Murong Xiu finally came to her senses. She couldn't blame Xiao Yueye. Su Jing's resurrection had already occupied her entire mind.

"Sister Rourou, it seems that we can only use three thousand transformation needles. Come and administer the needles. You are better than me at saving people."

There was a strange expression on Rourou's face, a little shy and a little happy. She said in a low voice: "I'm not feeling well, Master, please come!"

Xiao Yueye didn't notice Rourou's expression, asked a few caring questions, and decided to take the injection herself. (Quanben Novel Website